江苏省南京市近五年高考三模英语试题精选汇编:完形填空专题 含答案

江苏省南京市近五年高考三模英语试题精选汇编:完形填空专题 含答案


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完形填空专题 江苏省南京市 2020 届高三英语第三次模拟考试试题 第二节 完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 20 分) 请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A.B、C.D 四个选项中,选出最佳并在答题纸上将该 项涂黑。 I come from a broken family that many would consider dysfunctional(失衡)at the very least: marriage, divorce,etc.After we grew up,my three siblings and I could go years___16___speaking. And that is where this story ___17___ My sister Jeanne and I were born only 14 months___18___.but by the time we were teenagers We had lost ___19___. By age 19,I had moved away from our home in Wisconsin to live on my father's horse farm in Virginia.We lived separate and our connection somehow ended. Fast-forward about five years,I was 24 and on ___20___ with my fiance(未婚天)to New York City,a place I had never been to. During a day of sightseeing,we were crossing a very ___21___ street loaded with people.I had laughed at something my fiance said,and I ___22___ heard my name yelled from somewhere around me:"Cheryl! "I ___23___ in my steps in the middle of the road.Tears___24___ in my eyes.I knew without a ______25______that it was my sister Jeanne.I yelled back before even turning to look."Jeanne? It was her. I later asked how she'd known it was me---she ______26______ saw me!She said it was my ______27______I wouldn't say my laugh is all that ______28______,but I guess to a family member it's infectious.It ______29______your heart and resonates(共鸣)in your mind. Since that time,my sister and I have never been______30______.We both moved back to Wisconsin. We______31______daily.Many years have passed,and we are now in our 50s.But our meeting ______32______wasn't just a sign.I see it as more of a ______33______ , a reminder not to lose touch with loved ones.It is too easy to remain ______34______.After our sister-to-sister ______35______,I don't plan to let that happen again. 16. A. by B. after C. without D. beyond 17. A. ends B. begins C. twists D. spreads 18. A. ago B. away C. ahead D. apart 19. A. heart B. home C. touch D. interest 20. A. team B. trip C. date D. picnic 21. A. busy B. dark C. empty D. quiet 22. A. readily B. finally C. suddenly D. naturally 23. A. fell B. froze C. struggled D. hesitated 24. A. came about B. welled up C. ran away D. streamed back 25. A. word B. break C. care D. doubt 26. A. never B. often C. seldom D. already 27. A. shape B. clothing C. look D. laugh 28. A. clear B. pleasant C. bright D. unusual 29. A. hits B. lifts C. breaks D. cures 30. A. separated B. bothered C. suspected D. united 31. A. work B. travel C. play D. talk 32. A. by mistake B. by chance C. on schedule D. on purpose 33. A. change B. result C. lesson D. coincidence 34. A. lost B. touched C. broken D. loved 35. A. circle B. theory C. miracle D. move 【答案】16. C 17. B 18. D 19. C 20. B 21. A 22. C 23. B 24. B 25. D 26. A 27. D 28. D 29. A 30. A 31. D 32. B 33. C 34. A 35. C 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了作者和姐姐因为家庭原因住在不同的地方,失去了联系。五 年后在繁忙的纽约街道,姐姐在人群中一眼就认出了作者,两姐妹欣喜重逢之后一直住在一起。 故事反映了家人之间的血脉亲情是不可磨灭的。 【16 题详解】 考查介词词义辨析。句意:在我们长大之后,我跟我的三个兄弟姐妹失去了联系好几年。A. by 在……旁边;B. after 在……之后;C. without 没有;D. beyond 超出。根据前文的“I come from a broken family that many would consider dysfunctional(失衡)at the very least: marriage, divorce, etc.” 可知,作者的家庭支离破碎,父母离异导致兄弟姐妹分离,所以好几年都没有联系,也就是没 有交流。故选 C 项。 【17 题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:那就是故事开始的地方。A. ends 结束;B. begins 开始;C. twists 扭, 搓;D. spreads 传播,扩散。根据下文内容可知,作者要讲述的是与姐姐阔别重逢的故事,这个 故事开始于她们分离之后。故选 B 项。 【18 题详解】 考查副词词义辨析。句意:我的姐姐 Jeanne 和我出生时间只相差 14 个月。A. ago 之前;B. away 远离;C. ahead 领先;D. apart 相隔,相距。根据“born”及“14 months”可知作者要表示的是两姐 妹年龄相差 14 个月, 所以 apart 符合句意。故选 D 项。 【19 题详解】 考查名词词义辨析。句意:但是到我们变成少年的时候,我们失去了联系,A. heart 心脏;B. home 家; C. touch 联系;D. interest 兴趣。根据后文的“By age 19,I had moved away from our home in Wisconsin to live on my father's horse farm in Virginia. We lived separate and our connection somehow ended.”可知,作者在 19 岁的时候搬去了 Wisconsin 跟父亲一起生活,和姐姐分开了, 联系也中断了。故选 C 项。 【20 题详解】 考查名词词义辨析。句意:很快大约五年过去了,我 24 岁了,和我的未婚夫去了我从没去过的 纽约旅行。A. team 团队;B. trip 旅行;C. date 约会;D. picnic 野餐。根据后文的“During a day of sightseeing”可知,作者和未婚夫是去纽约观光,也就是去旅行了。故选 B 项。 【21 题详解】 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在某天的观光中,我们正穿过一条非常繁忙的挤满了人的街道。A. busy 繁忙的;B. dark 黑暗的; C. empty 空的;D. quiet 安静的。根据句中的“loaded with people” 可知,街道上人来人往,可推断是一条繁忙的街道。故选 A 项。 【22 题详解】 考查副词词义辨析。句意:我在笑话我未婚夫说的一些事情,突然我听到我的名字从我周围的 某个地方被大声喊出来。A. readily 欣然地;B. finally 最终;C. suddenly 突然;D. naturally 自然 地。根据前文的“I had laughed at something my fiancé said”可知,作者当时因为未婚夫说的一些话 而发笑,所以听到自己名字被喊是一件很突然的事。故选 C 项。 【23 题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我在路中间顿住了我的步伐。A. fell 掉落;B. froze 冻住;C. struggled 挣扎;D. hesitated 犹豫。根据后文的“Tears___9___ in my eyes. I knew without a ___10___that it was my sister Jeanne. I yelled back before even turning to look. ‘Jeanne? It was her.’”可知,当时作者眼眶 湿润,甚至都没有回头就喊出了 Jeanne 的名字,可见作者的激动和开心,所以听到名字的瞬间 就顿住了脚步;此处的 froze 原意为冻住,此处延伸为“顿住,停止不动”的意思。故选 B 项。 【24 题详解】 考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:眼泪从我的眼眶里面涌出。A. came about 产生;B. welled up 涌 出,流出;C. ran away 逃跑;D. streamed back 回流。根据后文的“I yelled back before even turning to look.”可知,作者在听到自己名字的瞬间就确定是自己的姐姐并且迫不及待喊出了姐姐的名 字,可推断作者当时的激动之情,所以眼泪涌出来能形象地体现作者的激动之情。故选 B 项。 【25 题详解】 考查名词词义辨析。句意:我毫无疑问,那是我的姐姐 Jeanne。A. word 单词,一句话;B. break 破裂;C. care 关心;D. doubt 疑问。 根据后文“I yelled back before even turning to look.”可知, 作者很确定喊自己名字的是自己的姐姐,所以没有回头确认就喊出了姐姐的名字。故选 D 项。 【26 题详解】 考查副词词义辨析。句意:我后来问她是怎么知道那个人是我的---她都没见过我!A. never 从不; B. often 经常;C. seldom 很少;D. already 已经。根据前文的“We lived separate and our connection somehow ended.”可知,作者和姐姐分离之后,联系也断了,可推断在这期间,姐妹两人并从未 见过彼此。故选 A 项。 【27 题详解】 考查名词词义辨析。句意:她说是因为我的笑声。A. shape 形状,身形;B. clothing 着装;C. look 外貌;D. laugh 笑声。根据后文的“I wouldn't say my laugh is all…”可知,作者姐姐是根据作者的 笑声认出作者的。故选 D 项。 【28 题详解】 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我不觉得我笑声与众不同。A. clear 清楚的;B. pleasant 令人愉悦 的;C. bright 明亮的;D. unusual 与众不同的。 根据前文“She said it was my ___12___”可知,姐 姐认出作者是因为作者的笑声,所以在姐姐的眼中作者的笑声是与众不同的。故选 D 项。 29 题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:这会击中你的心,在你的心里引发共鸣。A. hits 击中;B. lifts 抬高; C. breaks 打破;D. cures 治愈。根据前文的“I guess to a family member it's infectious”可知,作者 认为家人之间是有心灵感应的,这种感应直击心底,引起共鸣。故选 A 项。 【30 题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:从那次之后,我姐姐和我从来没有分开过。A. separated 分开;B. bothered 干 扰 ; C. suspected 怀 疑 ; D. united 团 结 。 根 据 后 文 的 “We both moved back to Wisconsin. We___16___daily.Many years have passed, and we are now in our 50s.”可知,作者和姐姐都回到了 Wisconsin,生活在一起,没有再分开过。故选 A 项。 【31 题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们每天都交流谈心。A. work 工作;B. travel 旅行;C. play 玩耍; D. talk 交谈。根据前文的内容可知,作者和姐姐久别重逢后生活在一起,姐妹两感情很深,“交 流”能体现这种感情。故选 D 项。 【32 题详解】 考查介词短语词义辨析。句意:但是我们的偶遇并不只是一种记号。A. by mistake 错误地;B. by chance 偶然;C. on schedule 按预定时间;D. on purpose 故意地。根据前文的“I had laughed at something my fiance said,and I ___7___ heard my name yelled from somewhere around me: ‘Cheryl!’”可知,作者和姐姐的重逢是一个偶然。故选 B 项。 【33 题详解】 考查名词词义辨析。句意:我更多地把这次重逢看作一种教训,一种不要和爱的人失去联系的 警醒。A. change 改变;B. result 结果;C. lesson 教训;D. coincidence 巧合。根据后文的“a reminder not to lose touch with loved ones”可知,作者把重逢看作一种警醒,说明作者把和姐姐失去联系看 作一种经验教训,提醒自己不要丢了家人。故选 C 项。 【34 题详解】 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:失去联系是如此容易的一件事。A. lost 丢失的;B. touched 感动的; C. broken 破碎的;D. loved 受珍爱的。根据前文作者和姐姐分离可推断,人与人之间很容易失 去联系。故选 A 项。 【35 题详解】 考查名词词义辨析。句意:在经历了我们姐妹之间的奇迹之后,我不打算让这种事再次发生。A. circle 圆圈;B. theory 理论;C. miracle 奇迹;D. move 移动。在作者心目中,与姐姐的重逢是一 种分离很久之后的奇迹,作者珍视这种奇迹,不想再次失去和家人的联系。故选 C 项。 江苏省南京市 2019 届高三英语三模考试试题 第二节、完形填空 What's all this tree- - planting for? " I was asked when I began writing about ___16___ a piece of land I had bought in Somerset. The truth is, I just love trees. And I am not ___17___ AsI get older, all I really ___18___ is to plant trees , Prince Charles says in a BBC documentary in which he is ___19___ in the wood he planted on the day Prince George was born. There are ___20___ and wonderful trees in our cities and villages. They were planted, or self- sown, years, even centuries ago. We take them for granted, ___21___ the creatures living among them, remain in ignorance of the ___22___ trees are doing us(cleaning the air, for instance) and cut them down for new ___23___. Yet we keep a feeling of ___24___ for them. This may account for the ___25___ the government faced in 2010 when it sought to sell off publicly owned woods, and for the wide support that the Woodland Trust (a tree-protecting charity) ___26___. Trees need ___27___, which is why I, a city-resident, bought my Somerset woodland in 1999. At that time, climate change was already well proved, ___28___ my hopes of planting long-lived oaks and pines gradually developed into anxiety about their ___29___. Tree diseases new to the UK, wind, drought and flood were all ___30___ against them. But I did not ___31___ things to move so fast. The woodland is still good, the new trees are growing like mad, but the creatures are ___32___. The rabbits have disappeared and the owl has moved. The bees and butterflies are ___33___ there but in smaller numbers. How can this happen on land ___34___ pesticides (杀虫剂)?Surely, it indicates we need to give nature the chance to restore its own ___35___. Meanwhile, I love my wood, and so do many of its visitors. And tree-planting has done wonders for restoring my balance town and country. 16. A. replacing B. restoring C. recycling D. returning 17. A. rich B. weak C. alone D. social 18. A. apply for B. wait for C. make for D. long for 19. A. filmed B. tracked C. reflected D. discovered 20. A. holy B. young C. mature D. mysterious 21. A. raise B. watch C. ignore D. abuse 22. A. honor B. good C. credit D. justice 23. A. use B. spirit C. life D. hope 24. A. trust B. sadness C. betrayal D. affection 25. A. approval B. opposition C. option D. dilemma 26. A. wins B. rejects C. requires D. withdraws 27. A. space B. time C. company D. nutrition 28. A. since B. for C. yet D. so 29. A. benefits B. chances C. location D. appearance 30. A. piling up B. speeding up C. keeping up D. mixing up 31. A. wish B. intend C. allow D. expect 32. A. in place B. in order C. in decline D. in question 33. A. even B. still C. ever D. once 34. A. short of B. sick of C. free of D. full of 35. A. glory B. function C. impact D. balance 【答案】16. B 17. C 18. D 19. A 20. C 21. C 22. B 23. A 24. D 25. B 26. A 27. A 28. D 29. B 30. A 31. D 32. C 33. B 34. C 35. D 【解析】 这是一篇议论文。作者写树木给人带来的好处,和自己买下一块萨默塞特林地种树,种树的目 的就是维持人与自然的平衡。 【16 题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:当我写我在恢复萨默塞特购买的那片土地时,我被问道:种这些树 是为了什么?A. replacing 替代;B. restoring 恢复;C. recycling 回收利用;D. returning 归还。根 据最后一句 And tree-planting has done wonders for restoring my balance town and country,得知作 者种树是为了恢复土地,故选 B。 【17 题详解】 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:不是只有我一个人有这种想法。A. rich 富有的;B. weak 虚弱的; C. alone 独自的;D. social 社会的。空格后引用了 Prince Charles 的话—“我开始变老,我所想的就 是种树”,可见他与作者有相同的观点,因而作者说自己 not alone。故选 C。 【18 题详解】 考查动词短语辨析。句意:随着年龄增长,我唯一渴望的就是种树。A. apply for 申请;B. wait for 等待;C. make for 有助于;D. long for 渴望。作者唯一渴望的就是种树,故选 D。 【19 题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:Prince Charles 在他参演的 BBC 纪录片里面说到“我开始变老。我所 想的就是种树”。A. filmed 拍摄;B. tracked 追踪;C. reflected 反射;D. discovered 发现。根据 documentary(纪录片)可知选 filmed。故选 A。 【20 题详解】 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这有成熟美丽的大树。A. holy 神圣的;B. young 年轻的;C. mature 成熟的;D. mysterious 神秘的。空格后面一句写到这些树被种或者自己成长在几年以前或者是几 个世纪前,因而推测出我们村庄的这些树是成熟的(mature),故选 C。 【21 题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们认为这些树是理所当然的,忽视了生活在其中的其他生物,忽 视了树给我们带来的净化空气等等的好处砍下树木另作他用。A. raise 上升;B. watch 看;C. ignore 忽略;D. abuse 滥用。空格后有 Ignorance,所以这里选择 Ignore。故选 C。 【22 题详解】 考查名词词义辨析。句意:忽视了树给我们带来的净化空气等等的好处砍下树木另作他用。A. honor 荣誉;B. good 好处;C. credit 信用;D. justice 正义。空格后有 clean the air(净化空气)等好 处,所以选择 good 赞扬树木。故选 B。 【23 题详解】 考查名词词义辨析。句意:忽视了生活在其中的其他生物,忽视了树给我们带来的净化空气等 等的好处砍下树木另作他用。A. use 用途;B. spirit 精神;C. life 生活;D. hope 希望。人们忽视 树木的好处,为了新的用途而砍树,故选 A。 【24 题详解】 考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们对树木有喜爱之情。A. trust 信任;B. sadness 悲伤;C. betrayal 背叛;D. affection 喜爱。根据上文 yet 表示转折,上文写我们忽视了树木给我们带来的好处,砍 伐他们,然而我们内心对树木还是有喜爱之情的。故选 D。 【25 题详解】 考查名词词义辨析。句意:这可以解释政府在 2010 年试图卖掉公有树木时遭遇了反对,因为获 得了广泛的支持,。A. approval 支持;B. opposition 反对;C. option 选择;D. dilemma 困境。 Woodland Trust(树木保护组织)获胜了。上文是公众喜爱树木,所以应该是反对政府卖树的。故选 B。 【26 题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:树木保护组织赢了。A. wins 赢;B. rejects 拒绝;C. requires 要求;D. withdraws 撤退。因为获得了 wide support 所以 Woodland Trust(树木保护组织)赢了。故选 A。 【27 题详解】 考查名词词义辨析。句意:树木生长需要空间。A. space 空间;B. time 时间;C. company 公 司;D. nutrition 营养。,我在 1999 年买下萨默塞特林地的原因是树木需要空间。故选 A。 【28 题详解】 考查连接词辨析。句意:当时,气候变化已经得到了很好的证明,所以我种植长寿橡树和松树 的希望逐渐变成了焦虑。。A. since 自从;B. for 因为;C. yet 但是;D. so 因此。前后是因果关系。 故选 D。 【29 题详解】 考查名词词义辨析。句意:当时,气候变化已经得到了很好的证明,所以我种植长寿橡树和松 树的希望逐渐变成了焦虑。。A. benefits 益处;B. chances 机会;C. location 位置;D. appearance 外表。气候变化已被证实,所以我对树木是否有生长机会的忧虑。故选 B。 【30 题详解】 考查动词短语辨析。句意:狂风、干旱、洪水共同抵抗他们。。A. piling up 堆积;B. speeding up 加速;C. keeping up 保持;D. mixing up 混合。这里讲到影响树木生长的阻碍。故选 A。 【31 题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:但是我没预料到事态发展的如此之快。A. wish 祈求;B. intend 打算; C. allow 允许;D. expect 期待;预料。因为林地目前很好,但新树苗在疯长。故选 D。 【32 题详解】 考查介词短语辨析。句意:生物的数量在减少。A. in place 适当的;B. in order 整齐;C. in decline 下降;D. in question 考虑中的。上文提到树木在疯长,用 but 转折可知 creatures 的数量应该在 减少(in decline)。故选 C。 【33 题详解】 考查副词辨析。句意:蚂蚁和蝴蝶仍然有,但是数量减少了。A. even 甚至;B. still 仍然;C. ever 曾经;D. once 一旦。,根据减少得知前面是虽然 still 存在。故选 B。 【34 题详解】 考查形容词短语辨析。句意:我们如何让这片土地上的生物摆脱杀虫剂呢?。A. short of 缺乏; B. sick of 厌恶;C. free of 摆脱;D. full of 充满。杀虫剂阻碍生物生长,要摆脱它们。故选 C。 【35 题详解】 考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们要给自然机会去维持自身的均衡。A. glory 荣誉;B. function 功 能;C. impact 影响;D. balance 平衡。我们要给自然机会去维持自身的均衡,和最后一句 restore my balance 呼应。故选 D。 江苏省南京市 2018 届高三第三次(5 月)模拟考试英语试题 第二节 完形填空 (共 20 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 20 分) 请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答 题卡上将该项涂黑。 What brought McCoy thatBaltimore alley was nothing to be proud of. McCoy was looking for a safe placeto do ___36____.He had been there for only a minute when something caught his eyes: a brownleather Rioni handbag.Picking it up, he found it had been____ 37_____of everything but an electricity bill. McCoy could ___38____all too well. One of his____39___ possessions, the sleeping bag, had recently been stolen.Remembering how angered he’d been by his own 40 ,he decided to return the purse. He began right away, startingwith the ____41____on the bill. It was on the other side of the city.On the way, several people asked to buy the purse, but he __42___,“I’m returning this to its owner.” After traveling much of theday and __43___approaching the address, he was stopped by a woman called Smith. She asked tobuy the purse. ____44___, McCoy refused, saying he was searching for itsowner. “But I am the owner,” thewoman said. At Smith’s___45___ .McCoy told her his story. He’d been in charge of a landscaping business until2012, when he was in acar accident that___ 46 him addicted to narcotics. Smith, 47 , this stranger had gone to such great strengths toreturn her bag, asked to do something tohelp. “I’m a heroin addict,” McCoy 48 .“I’m probably going to let you down.” Undaunted, Smith gave him herphone number, saying, “If you want to go to rehab, call me.” She 49 his lost sleeping bag with her own, then drove himback and left, thinking that would be the 50 of it. Two days later, she got a call. Smith realized that McCoy was 51 aboutgetting better; he even gave her the name of a 28-day rehab facility inFlorida. So she 52 her saving account and bought McCoy a plane ticket.While there, he would call her. “I heard his 53 over thephone. Every day he would call me, and it went from this scared, 54 voice to ahealthy, energetic voice.” After 28 days there, McCoy isdrug-free. His life is back 55 .One crime victim would empathize with another’s loss. 36.A. drugs B. sports C.business D. study 37.A. rid B. removed C. emptied D. cheated 38.A. recall B. relate C. remember D. reflect 39.A. few B. many C. illegal D. original 40.A. loss B. deed C. desire D. response 41.A.name B. date C.number D. address 42.A. added B. declined C. promised D. hesitated 43.A. slowly B. secretly C. finally D. cautiously 44. A. Then B. Actually C. Constantly D. Again 45. A. urging B. insulting C. approving D. threatening 46. A. kept B. left C. found D. saw 47.A. amused B. confused C. amazed D. concerned 48.A. insisted B. repeated C.declared D. warned 49.A.shared B. replaced C. exchanged D. compared 50.A. end t B. star C. result D. cause 51.A. careful B. casual C. serious D. doubtful 52.A. went into B. dug into C. looked into D. checked into 53.A. satisfaction B. expectation C. transformation D. determination 54.A.calm B. anxious C. pleasant D. desperate 55.A. at will B. at risk C.on duty D. on track 36-40 ACBAA 41-45 DBCDA 46-50BCDBA 51-55CBCDD 江苏省南京市 2017 届高三英语第三次模拟考试试题 第二节完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 20 分) 请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 Research shows that when we are absorbed in an activity,even minor distractions(分心)can have a huge effect. According to a study,regaining our 36 drive following an interruption can take about 20 minutes. Multitasking(多任务),as many studies have shown, is a myth(谬论).A more accurate 37 of what happens when we tell ourselves we are multitasking is that we’re rapidly 38 between activities, sucking our mental energy. And the 39 can be surprisingly serious. An experiment found that we lose as many as 10 IQ points when we allow our work to be 40 by distractions like emails and text messages. The 41 is that multitasking is enjoyable. It's fun to satisfy your curiosity. Who knows what that next email or text message holds 42 ?Finding out provides immediate satisfaction, 43 ,resisting distractions and staying on task requires 44 and mental effort. So, what are we to do? Our strategy is to change the 45 to move temptation further away: shut down your email program or 46 your phone. It's a lot easier to stay on task when you’re not 47 fighting off mental desires. The alternative,which most of us consider common,is 48 to dieting in a bakery. We all need the willpower to resist the temptations,but doing so comes with 49 costs to our limited supply of willpower. Another worthwhile 50 is to collect similar activities together,keeping transition(转换)time to a 51 point. Instead of spreading phone calls,meetings and emails throughout your day, try 52 related tasks so that there are fewer transitions. In some jobs,multitasking is 53 . Some of us truly do need to stay 54 to our clients,colleagues and managers. So it’s worth noting that limiting disruptions is the only solution. Remember,the more you do to minimize task-switching over the course of the day,the more ability you'll have for activities that actually 55 . Even small changescan make a big difference. ( )36. A. initial B.personal C. inner D. ambitious ( )37. A. plan B.account C. prediction D.insight ( )38. A. switching B.swinging C. swapping D.shuttling ( )39. A. benefits B.reasons C.consequences D.challenges ( )40. A. guided B.changed C.adapted D.interrupted ( )41. A.advantage B.emphasis C.trouble D.practice ( )42. A. in stock B.in store C.in check D.in possession ( )43. A. As a rule B.As a resuit C. In short D.Incontrast ( )44. A. patience B.discipline C.courage D.attention ( )45. A. expectationB.task C. environment D.vision ( )46. A.replace B.silence C.answer D.pick ( )47. A. continuously B.finally C.passionately D.directly ( )48. A. similar B.relevant C. superior D.opposite ( )49. A. affordable B.basic C. considerable D.modest ( )50. A.research B.aspect C. reaction D.approach ( )51. A. minimum B.maximum C.turning D.fixed ( )52. A. analyzing B.grouping C. assigning D.undertaking ( )53. A. disturbing B.annoying C. unavoidable D.unnecessary ( )54. A. sympathetic B.loyal C. accustomed D.connected ( )55. A mater B.function C. work D.interfere 江苏省南京市 2015 届高三第三次模拟考试英语试题 第 二 节 完 形 填 空 ( 共 20 小 题 ; 每 小 题 1 分 , 满 分 20 分 ) 40 the busy, bustling ways of modern life. Can you 41 William Shakespeare or Charles Dickens skipping through a 42 door? There are double doors, sliding doors, stage doors and glass doors. The 43 and mystery of a door lies in its quality of being hidden. A glass door is not a door at all, but a window. The meaning of a door is to 44 what lies inside; to keep the heart in suspense. Also, there are many ways of opening doors. There is the cheery 45 of elbow with which the waiter opens the kitchen door. There is the sympathetic and awful 46 of the dentist’s maid who opens the door into the operating room and, without speaking, 47 that the doctor is ready for you. The opening of doors has in it some flavor of the 48 , some sense of moving into a new moment. Even in 49 , the opening of a door may bring relief. But the closing of doors could be 50 , A door closed brings 51 to an end. And there are degrees of sadness in the closing of doors. A door slammed is a confession of weakness. A door 52 shut may often be the most tragic gesture in life. The opening and closing of doors is a part of the serious fluency of life. Life will not stay 53 and let us alone. We are 54 opening doors with hope, closing them with despair. Life 55 not much longer than a pipe of tobacco, and destiny knocks us out like the ashes. 36. A. mystery B. relief C. scenery D. pleasure 37. A. So B. Still C. Even D. Also 38. A. wishes B. puzzles C. surprises D. changes 39. A. checked B. fixed C. wrapped D. removed 40. A. essential to B. different from C. consistent with D. typical of 41. A. imagine B. suggest C. catch D. notice 42. A. stage B. sliding C. glass D. revolving 43. A. symbol B. miracle C. sign D. mark 44. A. busy B. hide C. discover D. exhibit 36-40 ACCBD 41-45 ADABC 46-50 ACDCB 51-55 DCABD

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