上海市2016-2020年五年高考二模英语试题精选汇编:选词填空专题 含答案

上海市2016-2020年五年高考二模英语试题精选汇编:选词填空专题 含答案


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A. wandered B. wondering C. benefits D. breakthrough E. potentially F. playing G. checked H. unfamiliar I. negative J. typically K. possibilities 选词填空专题 上海市宝山区 2020 届高考英语二模试题 Section B Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in each blank with a proper word given in the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one more word than you need. While I was jumping rope, my phone took a fall to the hardwood floor which created multiple cracks on my screen. However, the music kept 31 , so all as well - or so I thought. Thirty minutes later, I could see only one-tenth of my screen while the rest was pitch-black. The next morning, I decided not to go to the phone store for 24 hours, I felt a(n) 32 sense of calm that day, which led to my not going for one week. One week ended up becoming 60 days without my smart-phone. Here are three 33 I noticed and why you may want to consider a smart-phone detox( 戒 除期)yourself:  You’ll become bored While in line at a Starbucks, I noticed how every individual had their head down, eyes fixed on their smart-phone. With nothing to distract myself with during the waiting period, I became bored, and my mind 34 through all sorts of topics. Boredom is 35 something we avoid at all costs. However, boredom is the perfect way to make a(n) 36 on a business idea or project. When you enter a state of boredom, ou allow your mind to relax and escape from the realities of today to the infinite 37 of tomorrow.  You’ll be able to dramatically reduce your “work”hours A study found that adults ages 18 to 33 38 their smart-phones 85 times a day, or once every 10 minutes. As I learned during my experiment, placing some distance between myself and my device helped me fall into deep work more easily. By not having my smart-phone, my distraction time went down and thus my hours of work were spent more efficiently and effectively. On numerous occasions, I found myself 39 what to do with the afternoon since I had already completed my high-impact tasks for the day.  Your mental well-being will receive a boost(提高) Obviously, without a cellphone, I experienced a lack of 40 news and comments. While that helped cause a dramatic boost in my mental well-being, the biggest reason for it was truly connecting to people. 31. F 32. H 33. C 34. A 35. J 36. D 37. K 38. G 39. B 40. I 上海市宝山区 2019 届高三英语二模试题 Section B Directions:After reading the passage below, fill in each blank with a proper word given in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need. When was the last time that you dialed a phone number from memory? It probably depends on how long you’ve been using ____11____ like a cellphone. While some generations can recall the days of memorizing phone numbers, it’s possible that members of Generation Z have never had to remember a single ____12____. Why is this? Because smartphones offer quick and convenient ways for storing and ____13____ information. There is no need to memorize anything. But this isn’t without consequence. As digital devices develop, more and more users’ heavy reliance on them may be having disabling effects.“Digital dementia(失智)”is the term being used by medical professionals to identify some of these effects. Some professionals like Jim Kwik, an expert in memory improvement and optimal brain performance, are taking a closer look at this effect. Kwik describes digital dementia like this:“we’re ____14____ our brains to our smart devices. We’re so reliant on our smartphones that our smartphones are making us stupid. As medical studies chart the decline in memory and cognitive skills among smartphone users, a connection is made between symptoms ____15____ with dementia.” The seriousness of overuse becomes ____16____ when you consider just how young smartphone users are becoming. Author and speaker Simon Sinek points out that young minds“Are not ready for it! Their minds cannot cope with the dopamine(多巴胺).”Consequently, the overstimulation of screens and sounds lead to ____17____ more often than not. So now parents, teachers and managers are asking how to handle the influx(汇集)of young people with this kind of addiction. First, monitor your cellphone use. Keep downloading applications like Forest or Checky. Then cut back on any ____18____ usage. Set a specific goal of how much you think you should use your phone. Determine ____19____ areas for cellphone use. For example, while you’re at home, only allow yourself to check your phone somewhere like a home office. This way, the time in between tasks isn’t ____20____ filled with staring at your screen. 【答案】11. D 12. F 13. A 14. K 15. I 16. C 17. H 18. B 19. E 20. J 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。现代人过度地依赖手机,这种做法会产生一些坏的影响,例如:失智。文 章对这种影响的背后原因进行了分析,并且提出了一些建议,帮助人们克服手机上瘾这种现 象。 【11 题详解】 句意:这可能取决于你使用了多长时间的科技,比如手机。后面的 like a cellphone 是对该空 的一个举例,根据常识知道,a cellphone 属于科技,故 D 选项正确。 【12 题详解】 句意:虽然有几代人可以回忆起记电话号码的日子,但 z 代的成员可能从来没有特别去记一 个电话号码。根据句意,该空应填 particularly,意为“尤其地,特别地”,故选 F。 【13 题详解】 句意:因为智能手机提供了快速方便的存储和评估信息的方法。该空和 storing 并列,结合 句意,应填 assessing,assess 意为“评估”。故 A 选项正确。 【14 题详解】 句意:我们正在为我们的智能设备贡献我们的大脑。结合句意,该空应填 contributing, contribute 意为“贡献”,故选 K。 【15 题详解】 句意:当医学研究显示智能手机使用者的记忆力和认知能力下降时,与痴呆症相关的症状之 间就产生了某种联系。be associated with 意为“与……相关”,该空作 symptoms 的定语,故 填 associated,I 选项正确。 【16 题详解】 句意:当你考虑到智能手机用户是多么年轻的时候,过度使用的严重性就变得显而易见了。 根据句意,该空应填 apparent,意为“明显的”,故 C 选项正确。 【17 题详解】 句意:因此,屏幕和声音的过度刺激往往导致成瘾。根据句意,该空应填 addiction,意为“上 瘾,成瘾”,H 选项正确。 【18 题详解】 句意:削减没有必要的使用。根据该段标题“monitor your cellphone use”可知,该处应该指减 少手机的使用,故应填 nonessential,意为“没有必要的”,B 选项正确。 【19 题详解】 句意:确定指定区域使用手机。根据后面的 for example…somewhere like a home office 可知, 作者建议要在特定区域使用手机。故填 assigned,意为“分配的,指定的”。E 选项正确。 【20 题详解】 句意:用这种方式,盯着屏幕这种做法就不会自动地填满两项任务之间的时间。即:你不会 在两项任务之间自动地去看手机。故该空应填 automatically,意为“自动地,无意识地”。J 选项正确。 上海市宝山区 2018 届高三下学期教学质量检测(二模)英语试题 Section B Directions:After reading the passage below, fill in each blank with a proper word given in the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one more word than you need. A. adapted B. harder C. alternatives D. features E. cooperation F. questions G. accuracy H. captured I. regardless J. opposite K. analyzing Computer reads brain activity to find out the music each person is listening to In the experiment, six volunteers heard 40 pieces of classical music, rock, pop, jazz, and others. The Neural ( 神 经 的 ) fingerprint of each song on participants’ brain was ___31___ by the Magnetic Resonance(MR)machine while a computer was learning to identify the brain patterns drawn out by each musical piece. Musical ___32___ such as tone, volume, rhythm and beat were taken in account by the computer. After that, researchers expected that the computer would be able to do the ___33___ way: identify which song participants were listening to, based on their brain activity –a technique known as brain decoding. When faced two options, the computer showed up to 85% ___34___ in identifying the correct song, which is a great performance, comparing to previous studies. Researchers then pushed the test even ___35___ by providing not two but 10 options(e.g. one correct and nine wrong)to the computer. In this situation, the computer correctly identified the song in 74% of the decisions. In the future, studies on brain decoding and machine learning will create possibilities of communication ___36___ any kind of written or spoken language. “ Machines will be able to translate our musical thoughts into songs,”says Sebastian Hoefle, researcher from D’Or Institute and PhD student from Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The study is a result of a ___37___ between Brazilian researchers and colleagues from Germany, Finland and India. According to Hoefle, brain decoding researches provide ___38___ to understand neural functioning and interact with it using artificial intelligence. In the future, he experts to find answers for ___39___ like“what musical characteristics make some people love a song while others don’t? Is our brain ___40___ to prefer a specific kind of music?” [来源:学,科,网] 31. H 32. D 33. J 34. G 35. B 36. I 37. E 38. C 39. F 40. A 上海市宝山区 2017 届高三 4 月期中教学质量监控(二模)英语试题 Section B Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need. A. acknowledging B. bottled C. consequences D. demanding E. financial F. Further G. inappropriately H. handle I. negative J. neglect K. unresolved Emotional Debt Many people today live under the weight of debt from loans or credit cards . As harmful as ___31_______ debt is , there is another form of debt that is even more damaging ------emotional debt. Dr . James Richards states that emotional debt occurs ‘when we experience emotional pain that remain ______32___.” If the pain is not dealt with , it will affect us our entire lives. Throughout the years , we have chances for happiness , love and success . But unresolved pain can emerge , causing us to respond in ways that aren’t reasonable , resulting in destroyed relationships and lost opportunities . Another ___33____result of emotional debt is that our friends and loved ones are affected by it and pay a high price. When we have a tendency to respond _____34____, we often hurt those around us . Unfortunately our unsettled problems sometimes become too much for them to _____35____ causing them to abandon the relationship . People with destructive patterns should check their lives for signs of unresolved pain , for your emotional debt can come from various forms of past unfair , cruel or violent treatment or ____36_____. You may be holding onto painful memories of controlling parents or very _____37_____teachers , also you may not have dealt with the pain of a broken relationship or the death of a loved one. Any negative emotion that you have controlled over the year can come back to cause harm when you least expect it. Recognize your feelings , but don’t focus on them all the time , because ___38______and challenging your pain is difficult , but recognizing it is the first step toward dealing with it . Admit you are angry about the past , and discuss it with someone you trust , or write it down because this will ease some of the danger and hatred you’ve kept _____39____ up for years . Refuse to be a victim and accept responsibility for dealing with your painful past because this puts you in charge and limits the power your emotions have over you . Take specific steps to resolve your emotional debt now rather than deal with the ___40_____later . 31-35 EKIGH 36-40 JDABC 上海市(长宁、宝山、嘉定、青浦)四区 2016 届高三 4 月质量调研测试(二模)英语试题 Section B Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need. A. alternative B. appeal C. benefit D. differ E. energizing F. fascinated G. marine H. naturalist I. preserve J. specializing K. unspoiled Ecotours are unique adventures that join nature and sightseeing into one exciting package. Learning about the environment and the world around us is the 41 of an ecotour because you get to experience the natural world firsthand. A great way for students studying biology and environmental sciences to experience 42 life and nature is to take your own ecotour! Orlando airboat rides can give you an experience to remember and can be a fun and 43 way to learn more about the Florida environment. Ecotours involve travelling to a natural environment where you are guided by a(n) 44 helping you learn about the surrounding environment and extend your environmental education. This can include learning how the plants and animals on your Orlando airboat rides 45 from each other, or you can be simply becoming more aware of preservation efforts towards the Everglades, the largest wetland in North America. Orlando airboat rides can help you learn about Florida history, observe alligators (短吻鳄) and other wildlife, and experience the 46 nature of the muddy wilderness. Taking an ecotour can help you become more aware of your environment and further instruct you on the impact we have on the environment. Our goal is to help you understand the Everglades and how important it is to 47 the wetland. Wild Florida provides the perfect opportunity for a school trip that satisfies those 48 with learning more about environmental sciences, or to those just curious about the Everglades. Hands-on and active learning on an airboat ride is often a more exciting and adventurous 49 to sitting in a classroom, so why not plan your ecotrip with Wild Florida? Wild Florida is reputable for 50 in creating an exciting and unique ecotour that’s fun for everyone in your family! You will be flying through the muddy Everglades in our airboat rides while observing and learning about alligators, bald birds, the history of the Everglades, and so much more. Book your Orlando airboat rides today by calling us at 407-901-2563 to experience a one-of-a-kind ecotour that you won’t soon forget. 41-45 BGEHC 46-50 KIFAJ

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