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“四位一体”高考阅读专项突破(词汇+短语+句式+话题精读) 话题一、良好的人际关系与社会交往(B) 一、 话题必 背词汇 : 职业,行业 人员 academic 大专 院校的 教师;专业 学者 accountant 会计,会计 师 actor 男演 员 actress 女演 员 agent 代理 人,经纪 人 architect 建筑 师,设计 师 artist 艺术 家 astronaut 宇航 员 astronomer 天文 学家 athlete 运动 员 author 作者,作家 barber 理发 师 burglar 入室 盗窃 businessman 商人 ,男企 业家 businesswoman 女企 业家 butcher 屠夫 ,肉贩 carpenter 木匠,木工 carrier 搬运 工 chef 厨师 长,主厨 chemist 药剂 师;化学 家 cleaner 清洁 工 clerk 书记 员 ,办事 员 conductor 管理 员,指导 员 cook 炊事 员,厨师 cowboy 牧童 ,牧人 crew 全体 船员 cyclist 骑自 行车的 人 dentist 牙科 医生 detective 侦探 doctor 医生,大夫 driver 司机,驾驶 员 editor 编辑 educator 教育 家 engineer 工程 师,技师 explorer 探险 者 farmer 农民 firefighter 消防 人员 fisherman 渔民 ,钓鱼 者 greengrocer 蔬菜 水果商 grocer 零售 商 guard 防护 人员,警卫 guide 向导,导游 hunter 猎人 interpreter 翻译 员,口译 员 inventor 发明 者,创造 者 job 工作 journalist 记者 ,新闻 工作者 keeper 饲养 员,看守 人 lawyer 律师 librarian 图书 管理员 merchant 商人 ,生意 人 model 模范 ,模特 儿 musician 音乐 家,乐师 novelist 小说 家 nurse 护士 ,保育 员 occupation 职业 ,工作 operator 操作 员,接线 员 painter 绘画 者,画家 peasant 农民 ,佃农 performer 表演 者,执行 者 photographer 摄影 师 physician 内科 医生 physicist 物理 学家 pianist 钢琴 家 pilot 飞行 员 poet 诗人 police 警察,警务 人员 policeman 警察 policewoman 女警 察 politician 政治 家 porter 搬运 工 postman 邮递 员 profession 职业 receptionist 接待 员 register 注册 员 reporter 记者,新闻 通信员 reviewer 评论 员,书评 人 sailor 水手,海员 salesgirl 女售 货员 salesman 男售 货员 saleswoman 女售 货员 scientist 科学 家 seaman 海员 ,水手 shop assistant 售货 员 singer 歌唱 家,歌手 statesman 政治 家 stateswoman 女政 治家 steward 男乘 务员 stewardess 女乘 务员,空姐 surgeon 外科 医生 tailor 裁缝 teacher 教师 thief 窃贼,小偷 trainer 培训 员 translator 翻译 员,译者 traveler 旅行 者 tutor 家庭 教师,私人 教师 typist 打字 员 violinist 小提 琴演奏 者 waiter 男服 务员 waitress 女服 务员 weatherman 气象 员 二、 话题必 背短语 : (4)call 短语: call at (sp) 访问(某地),拜访(某地) [比较:call on (sb) 拜访(某人),访问(某人)] call back 回电话 call for 提倡,号召,要求,需要,去接某人,接走某人 call / shout for help 呼救 call in 请来,召集,来访,打电话 call off 取消 call on / upon 号召 call out 大声呼喊,叫喊 call sb…for short 简称某人…… call sb names 谩骂某人 call up 给……打电话,使人想起,号召 例如: We called at Mike’s house yesterday. All ships sailing on the oceans call for help by radio in English. I’ll call for my uncle at Beijing Railway Station. Let’s call in a doctor for the little girl. Many of these songs called on / upon the workers to take up the struggle. I shall call on him tomorrow. I heard somebody calling out to me from downstairs. Call me up tomorrow; my number is 536291. Your letter calls up the days when we worked together fifteen years ago. Due to the bad weather, the sports meeting has been called off. (5)come 短语: come about 发生,产生 come across 偶然相遇 come along 来,随同,进展,加油 come at … 向……袭击 come back 回来,想起来,复活 come down 下来,下落,传下 come down to… 到达,从一处来到另一处 come for… 来拿,来取 come from… 来自,出生于 come in 进来,进入 come into being 形成,产生 come into use 使用起来 come off 脱落,从……离开 come on 过来,跟我来,加油,来吧,赶快 come on / upon sb / sth 偶然遇见,偶然碰上,偶然发现 come out 露出,出来,出现,出版,发(芽),(花)开 come over to… 过来,顺便来访,从一个地方来到另一个地方 come round / around (非正式)来访,串门 come to … 来到,出现,提及,达到,共计,结果是,苏醒 come to an end 结束,终止 come to know 逐渐地知道 come to life (变得)活泼,苏醒过来 come to light 显露,为人所知 come to oneself 苏醒过来,恢复知觉 come to / into power 当权,上台 come / go to ruin = fall into ruin 变成废墟 come to terms with… 甘心忍受 come true 变为现实,成为事实 come up 被提出,上来,走来,上升,抬头,长出来 come up to sb 朝某人走来 come up with … 提出,想出(主意),找出(答案),赶上 例如: A number of educational reforms have come about as a result of the report. I came across an old friend of mine in the street the other day. Your English is coming along really well. Come along / on! Don’t give up yet! Come along / on! We’re all waiting for you! Suddenly, he came at me with a knife. Now, let’s come back to what I was saying a moment ago. It is impossible for a dead animal to come back. Snow was coming down so thickly that I could hardly see through the window. The airplane came down in that field. Where does the film star come from, do you know? Mr Smith came in in a hurry, book in hand (= with a book in his hand). The law first came into being in 1912. By the time he came to / into power in 1951, he was already seventy. How long is it since the electronic computer came into use? The button came off, but he didn’t notice it. There is no doubt that the truth will come out one day. The trees turn green and flowers come out. This magazine comes out once a month. Why don’t you come around / round for lunch? Some day you’ll come to know the mistakes you have made. If they don’t come to a decision by midnight, the talks will be abandoned. I’ve forgotten her name, but maybe it’ll come to me later. The bill came to £480 in total. His dream of becoming a film star came true at last. A child came up to me and showed me the way. The same problems came up at the meeting yesterday. They came up with the same problems at the meeting yesterday. Searching through the drawer, I came upon the letter I’d been looking for. 三、 话题必 背句式 : 4. It was + 时间段 + since sb had done sth. 5. It was +点时间+ when….. 6. It was +时间状语+ that …..(强调句) 4). It was three years since he had left home. 5). It was 3 o’clock when they received the telephone. 6) It was at 3 o’clock that they received the telephone. 一、 话题精 读专练 : Ⅰ.阅读理解 A [2020·兰 州实 战 模 拟 ] In October, I told the eightyearolds in the class I teach in Pompton Lakes, New Jersey, about my plan. “I'd like all of you to do extra jobs around the house to earn some money,” I said. “Then we'll buy food for a dinner for someone who might not have a nice dinner otherwise.” I hoped they could experience a sense of their own power to effect change. Early in the week, they arrived in class with their hardearned money. And now they couldn't wait to go shopping. At last we headed toward the checkout, pushing a cart filled with food and all the decorations. Then someone spotted a “necessity” that sent them racing: a pot of chrysanthemums(菊花). It was more reasonable to use any extra money to buy food. After all, I pronounced, “You can't eat flowers.” But the children insisted and placed the purple plant into the cart. An agency had given us the name and address of a needy grandmother who had lived alone for years. Soon we were arriving at her house. Between the laughing and those purple flowers, I wasn't sure that any lesson about giving and receiving was getting through. We finally pulled up in front of a small house in the woods. A woman with a tired face came to the door to welcome us. As my little group carried the boxes of food in, she oohed and aahed — much to her visitors' pleasure. When Amy put the plant on the counter , the woman seemed surprised. She was wishing it was a bag of flour, I thought. The woman told the children about the animals that lived close by. “I share my food with the birds,” she said. We returned to the car. As we fastened our seat belts, we could see the kitchen window. The woman inside waved goodbye, then turned and walked across the room, past the food, straight to the chrysanthemums. She put her face in the plant. When she raised her head, there was a smile on her lips. The children were quiet. In that one brief moment, they had seen for themselves the power they possessed to make another's life better. 1.The author gave the students the task in order to ________. A.help them focus on their family happiness B.let them experience their ability to help others C.teach them the necessity of doing housework D.get them to know how to be financially independent 2.What's the author's attitude to buying some flowers at first? A.Positive. B.Negative. C.Cautious. D.Enthusiastic. 3.What did the children realize at the end of the visit? A.They could help improve others' life. B.They could make a living by working. C.It was necessary to do voluntary work. D.Plants and birds could help lonely people. 4.What is the best title for the text? A.My Teaching Career B.How to Help Poor People C.The Importance of Giving D.A Happy Shopping Experience B [2020·湖南省岳阳市质量监测二 ] When I was a very little child, I remember watching TV and seeing other children suffer in other parts of the world. I would talk to myself, “When I grow up and become rich, I'll save kids all over the world.” At the age of 17, I began my career here in America, and by 18, I started my first charity organization. I went on to team up with other organizations in the following years, and met, helped, and even lost some of the most beautiful souls, from sixyearold Jasmina Anema who passed away in 2010 from leukemia(白血病) — her story inspired thousands to volunteer as donors, to 2012 when my grandmother lost her battle with cancer, which is the very reason and the driving force behind the Clara Lionel Foundation (CLF). We're all humans. And we all just want a chance: a chance at life, a chance in education, a chance at a future, really. And at CLF, our mission is to impact as many lives as possible, but it starts with just one. People make it seem too hard to do charity work. The truth is, you don't have to be rich to help others. You don't need to be famous. You don't even have to be collegeeducated. But it starts with your neighbor, the person right next to you, the person sitting next to you in class, the kid down the block in your neighborhood. You just do whatever you can to help in any way that you can. And today, I want to challenge each of you to make a commitment to help one person, one organization, one situation that touches your heart. My grandmother always used to say, “If you've gotten a dollar, there's plenty to share.” 5.What did the author want to do at a young age? A.Watch TV. B.Grow up quickly. C.Become wealthy. D.Help other children. 6.Which of the following directly caused the author to create and develop the CLF? A.A sixyearold kid's request. B.Her grandmother's death of cancer. C.Many volunteers' inspiration for it. D.Other organizations' encouragement. 7.What does the underlined word “one” in Paragraph 2 refer to? A.A chance. B.A life. C.A task. D.An organization. 8.What does the author suggest people do in the last paragraph? A.Do little things to help those around them. B.Work very hard to get a college education. C.Challenge their friends to offer help. D.Do charity work when you are rich. Ⅱ.七选五 [2020·兰州高三诊断考试] Have you ever wondered what the real meaning of the saying “A friend in need is a friend indeed” is? __1__. True friendship is the one, in which the individuals do not have to maintain good manners with each other. Sharing true friendship is the situation, when the person you are talking about is regarded as one among your family members, when the relation you share with him or her reaches a stage that even if you don't correspond for some time, your friendship remains unchanged. The trust between best friends is such that if one friend falls in trouble, the other will not think twice to help. If the bond between two friends is strong, true friends can tolerate even long distances. __2__. It would not affect their friendship. __3__. They would face it together and support each other, even if it is against the interests of the other person. Best friends don't analyze each other and they don't have to do so. They accept each other with their positive and negative qualities. __4__. They know each other's strengths as well as weaknesses. One would not overpower the other. They would respect each other's individuality. In fact, they would understand the similarities and respect the differences. True friendship is marked by selflessness. Best friends support each other, even if the whole world opposes them. __5__. If you have even one true friend, consider yourself lucky. A.True friendship never fades away B.Nothing is hidden between true friends C.It is not easy getting true friends for the lifetime D.For them, geographical separation is just a part of life E.True friends don't desert each other when one is facing trouble F.Remember, all the best friends are friends, but not all friends can be the best friends G.People talk about the true value of friendship actually without knowing what it stands for Ⅲ.语法填空 [2020· 洛 阳 市 第 二 次 统 考 ]My mom was a nurse and often took me along to visit the 1.________ (family) she was caring for, including one who had a series of strokes (中风) and was bedridden. One afternoon Mom told me that we needed to visit the woman 2.________ (give) her medications, and that we would stop at a store 3.________ the way. I thought we would stop at a drugstore, but we pulled up to a shopping mall. My mom 4.________ (head) to the perfume (香水) counter and bought the most expensive bottle they offered. She also bought a beautiful nightdress. When I asked her who they were for, she said they were for her patient. She 5.________ (far) explained although this woman was old and bedridden, she was still a lady, and 6.________ old deserved to be treated with respect and grace. When 7.________ (care) for someone, we should look past the disability or the illness and look into the soul of the human, so we can connect them with sympathy. I soon realized that my mom's greatest 8.________ (strong) was taking care of those who cannot advocate for 9.________ (they) and need trustworthy care providers. That's 10.________ I wanted to become a doctor. 参考答案 Ⅰ.阅读理解 A 体裁:记叙文 题材:社会生活 主题:帮助别人的能力 【文章大意】 本文是一篇记叙文。“我”让班上的孩子们在家里做额外的工作挣钱来买一些食物一起送 给需要帮助的人。孩子们买了很多食物,还买了一盆菊花。随后我们将购买的东西送到一位 需要帮助的老人那里。离别时我们看见,她因为那盆菊花笑了。 【熟词生义】 head 常用义:n. 头部,头 例句:She nodded her head in agreement.她点头表示同意。 本句义:v. 朝(某方向)行进 例句:Where are we heading?我们要往哪儿去? 1.答案与解析:B 考查细节理解。根据第一段尾句“I hoped they could experience a sense of their own power to effect change”可知,“我”希望他们能体验到自己能带来改变的能力;并 结合该段内容可知,作者组织这项活动的目的是让孩子们体验到他们帮助别人的能力,故 B 项正确。 2.答案与解析:B 考查推理判断。根据第三段第一、二句“It was more reasonable to use any extra money to buy food.After all,I pronounced,‘You can't eat flowers.’”可知,“我”认为 买食物是更加明智的,买花是不妥的,因为花不能吃。据此可推知,作者一开始对买花持否 定态度。故 B 项正确。 3.答案与解析:A 考查细节理解。根据本文尾句“In that one brief moment, they had seen for themselves the power they possessed to make another's life better”可知,在那短暂的一瞬间, 他们亲眼看到了自己拥有的让别人生活得更美好的力量。据此可知,在拜访老奶奶的行程最 后,孩子们意识到他们能帮助别人生活得更美好,故 A 项正确。 4.答案与解析:C 考查标题判断。根据全文内容可知,本文主要讲述了作者领导班 上的孩子们帮助一位孤寡老人,让他们体会到自己能让他人生活得更加美好;故 C 项最适 合作本文的标题。 B 体裁:记叙文 题材:个人经历 主题:力所能及地去帮助别人 【文章大意】 作者年少时立志长大后要帮助所有遭受痛苦的孩子们,长大后他兑现承诺从事慈善事 业,并号召人们力所能及地去帮助别人。 5.答案与解析:D 细节理解题。根据第一段中的“I would talk to myself, ‘When I grow up and become rich, I'll save kids all over the world.’”可知,作者在很小的时候看到世界上其他 地方遭受痛苦的孩子们时,他就对自己说:等自己长大后变得有钱时会拯救全世界的孩子们, 故选 D 项。 6.答案与解析:B 细节理解题。根据第二段中的...2012 when my grandmother lost her battle with cancer, which is the very reason and the driving force behind the Clara Lionel Foundation(CLF)可知,奶奶因癌症去世是作者创建克拉拉·莱昂内尔基金会的直接动力,故 选 B 项。 7.答案与解析:B 词义猜测题。根据第二段最后一句“And at CLF, our mission is to impact as many lives as possible, but it starts with just one.”可知,克拉拉·莱昂内尔基金会的使 命是去影响尽可能多的生命,但是它要从一个生命开始,由此可知,one 指代 many lives 当 中的一个,故选 B 项。 8.答案与解析:A 细节理解题。根据最后一段内容可知,帮助别人不需要你富有, 不需要你有名气,甚至不需要你受过高等教育;而是从帮助邻居开始,从你身边的人开始, 从附近街区的孩子开始;你只需要以任何可能的方式,尽己所能地去帮助别人,即“Do little things to help those around them”,故选 A 项。 【长难句分析】 I went on to team up with other organizations in the following years, and met, helped, and even lost some of the most beautiful souls, from sixyearold Jasmina Anema who passed away in 2010 from leukemia—her story inspired thousands to volunteer as donors, to 2012 when my grandmother lost her battle with cancer, which is the very reason and the driving force behind the Clara Lionel Foundation (CLF). 句式分析:本句为主从复合句。句子主干为“I went on to team up with other organizations in the following years, and met, helped, and even lost some of the most beautiful souls, who passed away in 2010 from leukemia”是定语从句,who 为关系代词修饰限定先行词“sixyearold Jasmina Anema” ; “which is the very reason and the driving force behind the Clara Lionel Foundation”也是定语从句,关系代词 which 代指前面“奶奶因癌症去世”这件事。 句意:在接下来的这些年里,我继续与其他组织合作,并认识了、帮助了,甚至失去了 一些最美好的灵魂,从六岁大的、于 2010 年死于白血病的亚斯米娜·阿尼玛——她的故事鼓 舞数以千计的人志愿成为捐赠者,到 2012 年我的奶奶死于癌症,她的离世正是我创建克拉 拉·莱昂内尔基金会的原因和驱动力。 Ⅱ.七选五 体裁:说明文 题材:人际关系 主题:什么是真正的友谊 【文章大意】 本文是一篇说明文。在生活中,真正的友谊不会拘泥于各种礼仪,朋友彼此间都以诚相 待,会毫不犹豫地帮助对方。 1.答案与解析:G 空前一句是说,你曾经想知道“患难见真情”的真正的含义吗;后 一句解释了什么是真正的友谊;由此可推知,空处应是说很多人并不了解真正的友谊的含义。 故选 G。 2.答案与解析:D 根据前一句中的“long distances”可知,此处叙述的是地理分离对双 方的影响,这与 D 项中的“geographical separation”相呼应。故选 D。 3.答案与解析:E 根据后一句中的“face it together and support each other”可知,此处 讲述的是真正的朋友会共同面对困难并互相支持,这与 E 项中的“don't desert each other”相联 系。故选 E。 4 . 答 案 与 解 析 : B 根 据 后 一 句 中 的 “They know each other's strengths as well as weaknesses”可知,真正的朋友知道对方的优点和缺点,双方坦诚相见,故 B 项符合语境。 5.答案与解析:C 根据空后的“If you have even one true friend, consider yourself lucky” 可知,即使你只有一位真正的朋友,那你也应该感到幸运;由此可推知,C 项“获得一生的 真正的朋友并不容易”符合语境。 Ⅲ.语法填空 体裁:记叙文 题材:个人经历 主题:体贴的护士妈妈 【文章大意】 本文是一篇记叙文。妈妈经常带“我”去看望她的病人。她不仅关心病人的身体,还关心 病人的心理健康。在妈妈的影响下,“我”想成为一名医生。 1.答案与解析:families 考查名词的单复数。根据下文中的“including one”并结合语 境可知,病人不止一个,涉及不同的家庭,故填 families。 2.答案与解析:to give 考查非谓语动词。根据句意可知,此处表示目的,应用动词 不定式,故填 to give。 3.答案与解析:on 考查介词。on the way 意为“在路上”,为固定用法,故填 on。 4.答案与解析:headed 考查动词的时态。根据该句中的“bought”可知,此处描述的是 发生在过去的事情,应用一般过去时,故填 headed。 5.答案与解析:further 考查副词的比较级。根据语境可知,“我”不明白妈妈为什么 这么做,所以妈妈进一步解释给我听。故填 further。 6.答案与解析:the 考查冠词。“the+某些形容词”表示一类人,the old 表示“老年人”。 故填 the。 7.答案与解析:caring 考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,此处为分词短语作时间 状语,care 和其逻辑主语 we 是主谓关系,应用现在分词,故填 caring。 8.答案与解析:strength 考查词形转换。根据前面的形容词最高级“greatest”和空后的 “was”可知,空处应用名词,故填 strength。 9.答案与解析:themselves 考查代词。此处作 for 的宾语,表示“为他们自己”,故填 themselves。 10.答案与解析:why 考查名词性从句。句意:那就是我想要成为一名医生的原因。 That's why...表示“那就是……的原因”。故填 why。

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