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精校版 绝密★启用前 河北衡水中学 2021 届全国高三第二次联合考试(Ⅰ) 英语(含答案解析) 本试卷 8 页。总分 150 分。考试时间 120 分钟。 注意事项: 1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。 2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡 皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。 3. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡 上。 第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分) 听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标 在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话 仅读一遍。 例:How much is the shirt? A. £19.15. B. £9.18. C. £9.15. 答案是 C。 1. Where does the conversation probably take place? A. In a cafe. B. In a plane. C. In a restaurant. 2. What is Lisa doing? A. She’s having a phone call. B. She’s washing some dishes. C. She’s writing her report. 3. What does the woman do? A. She’s a reporter. B. She’s a waitress. C. She’s a student. 4. When will the conference start? A. At 15:00. B. At 15:25. C. At 15:30. 5. What are the speakers mainly talking about? A. The trip. B. The weather. C. The traffic. 第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分) 听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最 佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完 后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。 6. How did the woman spend her weekend? A. She went camping. B. She stayed at home. C. She visited some friends. 7. Where did the woman and her friends have tea? A. In the open air. B. In a hotel. C. In the farmhouse. 听第 7 段材料,回答第 8、9 题。 8. Why does Lily speak to Ted? A. She wants to rent a room. B. She wants to help her cousin. C. She wants to invite him to a party. 9. Who’d like to rent a room? 精校版 A. Ted. B. James. C. Dave. 听第 8 段材料,回答第 10 至 12 题。 10. What happened to the man? A. He had a car accident. B. He felt a pain in the heart. C. A passenger fell ill in his car. 11. Where is the man now? A. On Lincoln Highway. B. In a McDonald’s. C. At a police station. 12. What will the man do next? A. Go to hospital at once. B. Park his car immediately. C. Stay and wait for help to come. 听第 9 段材料,回答第 13 至 16 题。 13. What is the probable relationship between the speakers? A. Waitress and customer. B. Interviewer and interviewee. C. Manager and staff member. 14. When is the woman available? A. Wednesday. B. Thursday. C. Saturday. 15. Why can the woman work only part-time? A. She’s taking some medicine. B. She’s studying at college. C. She’s working for several restaurants. 16. How does the woman feel at last? A. Disappointed. B. Satisfied. C. Worried. 听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。 17. What should a swimmer do at the front desk? A. Buy a ticket. B. Leave the ID. C. Read some information. 18. Who is forbidden to enter the pool? A. The sick swimmer. B. The swimmer after a shower. C. The swimmer in suitable clothes. 19. What can we learn about the young children from the speaker? A. They often have swimming accidents. B. They will write reports before swimming. C. They should be with adults while swimming. 20. How is the schedule of the swimming pool changed? A. The pool opens an hour later. B. The pool closes an hour earlier. C. The opening time is half an hour longer. 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 40 分) 第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A Four Interesting Science Museums Polytechnic Museum, Russia For many guests of the capital, some of the most vivid childhood memories are associated with this museum. A variety of technical fields are presented in 65 halls—Mining, Space. Energy, and Transportation, etc. And the exposition (博览会) is the only museum project in Russia about the history of the bike. The interactive division “Technoplay” is open, where you not only can but also need touch most of the exhibits with your hands. In addition to self-experimentation, for personal requests the museum’s experts will show many entertaining experiments. Eureka, England The Eureka educational center is a huge complex where modern science and technology are becoming clear, 精校版 even to kids. The main exhibition is devoted to the human body, the laws of physics and natural things. Visitors can obtain energy or create paper with their own hands. On the area of the Eureka educational park there is a botanical garden and a collection of minerals from the rock types of Finland is presented there. Deutsches Museum, Germany In this museum you can see more than 100 thousand different items from windmills ( 风 车 ) to medical equipment. All aspects of industrial production appear before the eyes. Several museum rooms are arranged especially for children-there are exhibits that entertain kids starting from three. NEMO, the Netherlands The largest Dutch research centre stands ready to share its secrets with everyone. This immersion in the world of science and technology will not be dull. All significant information is presented in the form of exciting games. All exhibits are interactive: visitors are allowed to touch, pull and press on anything. The museum is for children from 6 to 16, as well as for their parents-it will be interesting to all. 21. What can visitors do at Polytechnic Museum? A. Learn how the bike developed. B. Touch all of the exhibits. C. Watch entertaining movies. D. Show entertaining experiments. 22. Where should visitors go if they are interested in plants? A. Polytechnic Museum. B. Eureka. C. Deutsches Museum. D. NEMO. 23. What makes NEMO unique? A. It is specially designed for children. B. It is the largest museum in the world. C. It shows information of exhibits in games. D. Some exhibits can be touched or pressed. B After university in 2011, Samuel went to a rural primary school for native children, where, on his first day, another teacher told him, “Samuel, you don’t have to do much, they’re just Orang Asli—native children.” This was what Samuel would spend years fighting against. The Orang Asli community has struggled with poverty, melting into society, and losing their own identity and culture due to others’ disregard of it. Samuel saw that the main barrier in teaching these children was the attitude on the part of many teachers that the native children were not worth their efforts. It was thought that whatever was taught would make no difference, so nobody bothered to try. The children themselves ended up believing these stigmas (污名), often doubting what they can achieve. Teachers skipped or slept in classes and little effort was made to create an appropriate learning environment. Consequently, the school was one of the worst-performing in the district. Samuel bonded with his native students and accepted their culture, leading him to see their potential. However, he also came to see that they did not have equal opportunities compared to urban schools, due to the lack of facilities. So he set up crowdfunding project to create a fully equipped 21st-century English classroom with tablets and computers. The Orang Asli children now learn technology, experience English and communicate in English with volunteers all over Malaysia and overseas. Consequently, the students have improved in national standardized examinations, from a pass rate of 30% in English (2008—2012) to an average of 80% (2013—2017). These efforts have resulted in a shift of what local children are considered capable of academically. 24. What did the teacher’s words suggest about the native children? A. They were intelligent. B. They were hopeless. C. They were unfriendly. D. They were independent. 25. What major problem did Samuel need to solve? A. The poverty of local people. B. The lack of facilities in his school. 精校版 C. The prejudice against the native kids. D. The unsuitable teaching methods. 26. What is paragraph 3 mainly about? A. The change of native students. B. The importance of learning English. C. The improvement of native education. D. Samuel’s work for the native kids. 27. What can we learn from Samuel’s story? A. Respect makes a big difference. B. The academic performance comes first. C. Everyone deserves access to education. D. One method can’t apply to each situation. C A shocking 53.6 million tons of electronic waste were discarded (丢弃) last year, a new UN-backed report has revealed. The report shows that e-waste is up 21% from five years ago. This isn’t surprising, considering how many more people are adopting new technology and updating devices regularly to have the latest versions, but the report also shows that national collection and recycling strategies are nowhere close to matching consumption rates. E-waste contains materials including copper (铜), iron, gold and silver, which the report gives conservative value of $57 billion. But most are thrown away or burned rather than being collected for recycling. Precious metals in waste are estimated to be worth $14 billion, but only $4 billion-worth is recovered at the moment. While the number of countries with national e-waste policies has grown from 61 to 78 since 2014, there is little encouragement to obey and a mere 17% of collected items are recycled. If recycling does occur, it’s often under dangerous conditions, such as burning circuit boards to recover copper, which “releases highly poisonous metals” and harms the health of workers. The report found that Asia has the highest amounts of waste overall, producing 24.9 million metric tons (MMT), followed by Europe at 12 MMT, Africa at 2.9 MMT, and Oceania at 0.7 MMT. But whose responsibility is it? Are government in charge of setting up collection and recycling points, or should companies be responsible for recycling the goods they produce? It goes both ways. Companies do need to be held accountable by government regulations and have incentives to design products that are easily repaired. At the same time, governments need to make it easy for citizens to access collection points and deal with their broken electronics in a convenient way. Otherwise, they may turn to the easiest option—the landfill. 28. What can we learn from the first paragraph? A. What e-waste refers to. B. Where e-waste is collected. C. Why e-waste is increasing rapidly. D. How many kinds e-waste includes. 29. What do the statistics in paragraph 2 show? A. The functions of policies. B. The great damage to environment. C. The change of consumption rates. D. The urgency of recovering e-waste. 30. What is the problem with recycling e-waste at present? A. It does harm to the workers’ health. B. It lacks national policy support. C. It hardly makes profits. D. It takes too much time. 31. How should the problem be solved according to the passage? A. New technology should be used to update old devices. B. Governments and companies should take responsibilities. C. Non-poisonous metals had better be used in e-device. D. Citizens must play a key role in recycling e-waste. D Some termite(白蚁) species have figured out how to enjoy the shelter of the huge complex nests that the insects build without contributing to their construction They avoid the full anger of their builder hosts by being 精校版 extremely easy-going. Animals that live in the nests of another species without affecting them are known as inquilines. Inquiline termites are unique among termites in being unable to make their own nests. Instead, they live in the hallways built by another termite, Constrictotermes cyphergaster. Until now, it has been unclear how the two parties kept peaceful in such tight quarters because termites are typically very aggressive towards outsiders. Helder Hugo at the University of Konstanz in Germany and his colleagues collected Constrictotermes cyphergaster’s nests in the Brazilian Cerrado and brought them into the laboratory. They then placed host and tenant (房客) termites in either open or narrow areas and used video to track and record the ways in which the two species reacted to each other. Right from the start, the inquiline termites moved around less than their hosts and interacted little with them, even in the much narrower area. “Many times,” says Hugo, “when two unrelated groups are put together in a limited space—such as an experimental area—the outcome is conflict with losses from both sides.” But that didn’t happen here. Despite attacks from host termites, the tenant termites were obedient. Hosts would bite or attack the inquilines with strong chemicals, but their targets never responded in the same way, choosing to flee. Some ignored the hosts completely. “We did not expect that they would never fight back,” says Hugo, noting that the inquilines are capable of protecting their own place with mouths. “By preventing conflict going worse, inquiline termites may considerably improve their chances of living together with their host termites peacefully.” “Passiveness does not necessarily lead to defeat, but can be a very useful strategy, saving energy and resources,” she adds. “Nature may not always be red in tooth and claw, and aggression is not any more successful a strategy than ‘cowardice’ (懦弱).” 32. What is the feature of the inquiline termites? A. They live in another termite species’ nests. B. They are aggressive towards outsiders. C. They like to build their own nests. D. They are communicative tenants. 33. What do you learn about the experiment in paragraph 3? A. The differences between the two species. B. The findings of the observation. C. The living habits of termites. D. The process of the research. 34. What does Hugo think of the inquiline termites’ living strategy? A. Aggressive. B. Unacceptable. C. Effective. D. Dangerous. 35. What’s the best title for the text? A. The Characteristics of Termites B. Passiveness Doesn’t Necessarily Lead to Defeat C. The Relationship Between Host and Tenant Termites D. Termites Use Cowardice to Avoid Their Hosts’Anger 第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 Camping is great way to spend family time. It provides great opportunities for kids to explore new places and try new activities Even a campsite near home can open up a new world of excitement. 36 If you are looking forward to your camping trip this summer, but are worried about keeping your parents entertained, here are a few easy suggestions. 37 If you are camping in a mountainous area, try mountain biking. Encourage your parents to bring their bikes along on your camping trip. Flying along together through the bike trails near your campsite will be an exciting experience for you and your parents alike. Remember to bring along your helmet so your parents don’t have to worry about your safety and make sure they bring theirs as well. Go canoeing (独木舟) or fishing with your parents. Encourage your parents to rent a canoe. You can paddle 精校版 (划) downstream if you are camping on a river, or you can move across the lake from one shore to another. If your parents like to fish and your camping trip is during the fishing season, bring along your fishing equipment. You can go out in the canoe in the early morning to experience the best fish. 38 Bring along craft supplies. When you go camping with your family, bring along some basic craft supplies, like paper, glue and scissors. 39 With these treasures you can create craft projects to remember your camping trip. If you are near the ocean you could collect shells with your parents and make a seashell mobile. Practice your nature identification. If you and your parents share an interest in nature, find a good insect, bird, plant, animal or tree identification book. 40 Collect different species of leaves and try to identify them with your family. A. Take good security measures. B. Try a new outdoor sport together. C. Then later in the day you can cook your fish over the campfire. D. Autumn camping is becoming more popular with family campers. E. While exploring nature, pick up anything interesting you might find. F. Try to recognize the different species that you come across with your family. G. At times it is hard for you to share these new worlds with your family, though. 第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分 45 分) 第一节(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 On Nov. 29, 2011, my little sister Lily was born. The whole family welcomed her arrival with 41 and open arms. We were thrilled to have a new addition to our family. As she grew, her 42 became apparent. We 43 she would appear distant at times and was unable to 44 with others. The smallest things would keep her entertained for long periods, and she would 45 the same routine happily throughout the day. At the age of three, Lily was taken to the hospital by my parents. We were told that she was a child with autism ( 自 闭 症 ), and she would have 46 in communicating and forming relationships with others. My family were 47 to learn that our loved one would probably be unable to live a 48 life. Unaware of what exactly this would bring, we made a decision to consider autism a 49 . And what blessing it turned out to be! The diagnosis (诊断) brought our family 50 , and we realized a deeper 51 for one another. Raising a child with developmental disability is a(n) 52 process. Mistakes are 53 . However, through it all, our family is always there watching over her, 54 that she is in a comfortable and safe environment at all times. And Lily knows that she has a loving and supportive family who can be 55 and her biggest cheerleader when 56 is achieved. For those normal people perhaps my experience might make you more 57 what is really important in life. As for me, autism has 58 been a blessing of strength, courage and hope. It should not be 59 as a burden, but rather as a blessing to the families fortunate enough to 60 a different lifestyle. 41. A. excitement B. caution C. surprise D. patience 42. A. messiness B. carelessness C. kindness D. uniqueness 43. A. reported B. predicted C. noticed D. proved 44. A. fight B. communicate C. bargain D. debate 45. A. repeat B. treat C. share D. provide 46. A. skills B. belief C. pressure D. difficulty 精校版 47. A. disappointed B. calm C. heartbroken D. anxious 48. A. different B. normal C. simple D. relaxing 49. A. sign B. test C. punishment D. blessing 50. A. closer B. tougher C. richer D. healthier 51. A. respect B. mercy C. appreciation D. regret 52. A. encouraging B. learning C. touching D. thinking 53. A. careless B. serious C. deliberate D. unavoidable 54. A. realizing B. ensuring C. reminding D. demanding 55. A. kept off B. relied on C. looked after D. helped out 56. A. status B. standard C. progress D. task 57. A. careful with B. curious about C. aware of D. interested in 58. A. actually B. finally C. suddenly D. merely 59. A. designed B. chosen C. known D. viewed 60. A. experience B. imagine C. change D. explain 第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分) 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 Of all the events in the universe, solar eclipses (日食) may lead to the 61 (great) change in animal behavior. 62 (puzzle) animals that are active during the day head back to their night places while night animals think they’ve overslept. When the sun, moon and the earth are 63 a straight line, there will be an eclipse, so that the moon completely 64 (block) the sun. Around the world, when a solar eclipse occurs, unusual phenomena in animals are often reported. Some spiders (蜘蛛) start breaking 65 (they) nets during the eclipse, just as they usually do at the end of the day. Once the solar eclipse has passed they will start to rebuild them. 66 (similar), fish and birds, 67 are active during the day, go to their night resting places while bats come out. They seem to be tricked by 68 sudden darkness. Once it 69 (observe) that hippos (河马) in Zimbabwe left their rivers during an eclipse, and headed towards their night 70 (feed) places on dry land. In the middle of their journey, the solar eclipse passed, daylight returned, and the hippos gave up their efforts. 第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 35 分) 第一节 短文改错(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分) 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有 10 处语言 错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉。 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意: 1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2. 只允许修改 10 处,多者(从第 11 处起)不计分。 Last Saturday, I took part in an English speech competition hold by our school. I was really excited about it. When it was my turn, I walked onto the stage. I felt nervously and frightened with such large a crowd looking at me! I was about to give up as I saw my family members seated there. I regained belief in me at once. I was 精校版 announced as one of the second prize winner and all my family take great pride in me for my success. I am glad to have participated in contest. I learnt a lot of from this experience. I improved my English speaking skills. I also learnt what to face people bravely and confidently. 第二节 书面表达(满分 25 分) 你校英文报 Sports and Health 专栏正在征稿,邀请你推荐一项适合中学生的健身项目,要点包括: 1. 项目名称; 2. 推荐理由。 注意: 1. 词数 100 左右; 2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 河北衡水中学 2021 届全国高三第二次联合考试(Ⅰ) 英语 答案解析 第一部分 听力 1-5. BCACA 6-10. ACBBC 11-15. ACBAB 16-20. ABACA 第二部分 阅读理解 第一节 A 【语篇导读】文章介绍了四家有趣的科学博物。 21. A 【解析】 理解具体信息。根据 Polytechnic Museum. Russia 部分的 And the exposition is the only museum project in Russia about the history of the bike.可知,在 Polytechnic Museum 这家博物馆,游客可以了 解自行车的发展历史。 22. B【解析】理解具体信息。根据 Eureka, England 部分的 On the area of the Eureka educational park there is a botanical garden 可知,Eureka 这家博物馆既给游客提供科学教育又有一个植物园供游客观赏。 23. C 【解析】理解具体信息。根据 NEMO, the Netherlands 部分的 All significant information in presented in the form of exciting games.可知,NEMO 这京博物馆给孩子提供教于乐的参观方式。 B 【语篇导读】这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了 Samuel 尊重学生,提升了学生对自身文化的认同然、归属感, 用自身的努力提升了学生的学习内驱力, 创造了学业奇奇迹。 24. B【解析】做出判断推理。由第一段中的 you don't have to do much, they're just Orang Asli-native children 和下句的 fighting against 以及第二段内容可知,本地学生被认为是没有希望的。 25. C【解析】理解具体信息。从第一段中的老师的话语,和第二段中 not worth their efforts 及 stigmas(污 精校版 名)等关键词可知,对这些土著孩子的偏见是 Samuel 要解决的主要问题。 26. D【解析】理解段落大意。由本段关键信息 bonded with students, set up a crowdfunding project 等可知。 本段重点介绍 Samuel 为改善学生学习状态与学习环境所做的工作。 27. A【解析】做出判断推理。由第一段老师看不起学生。到第二段中关键词 disregard(漠视.不尊重),再 到 stigmas(污名)可知。这些孩子受到歧视,没有得到尊重,这也正是 Samuel 努力的方向。再加上第三 段开头句以及最后的成绩可知。尊重能带来巨大的变化。 C 【语篇导读】这是一篇说明文章。文章介绍了电子垃圾的回收问题。 28. C【解析】做出判断推理,由第一段最后一句可知。越来越多的人使用电子产品。且电子产品的回收策 略与消费速率不匹配。这就导致了电子垃圾的数量飞速增长。 29. D【解析】做出判断推理。根据第二段的数字对比可知。目前电子垃圾中有用材料的回收利用率还很低, 浪费严重。 30. A【解析】理解具体信息。根据第三段最后一句可知,在电子产品的回收过程中会产生有害物质危害工 人的健康。 31. B【解析】理解具体信息。根据最后一段 It goes both ways 可知,政府和公司应该联动起来,解决电子 垃圾的回收利用问题。 D 【语篇导读】这是一篇说明文。文章讲述了一些白蚁自己不筑巢。而是寄居在别的昆虫的巢中。这些白蚁 用示弱来躲避宿主的愤怒。 32. A【解析】理解具体信息。根据第二段 Inquiline termites are unique among termites in being unable to make their own nests. Instead, they live in the hallways built by another termite 可知答案。 33. D【解析】理解主旨要义。通读第三段可知,该段主要讲述了科学家的研究过程。 34. C 【解析】做出判断推理。根据最后一段 Helder Hugo 所说的话可以推知,Hugo 认为白蚁的生存策略 是有效的。 35. D【解析】归纳文章标题。通读全文可知,文章讲述了一些白蚁白己不筑巢,而是寄居在别的昆虫的巢 中。这些白蚁用示弱来躲避宿主的愤怒。 评分标准:21—35 小题, 每小题 2 分,满分 30 分,与答案不符者不得分。 第二节 【语第导读】这是一篇说明文,文章介绍了与家人露营时可以一起娱乐的几种做法。 36. G【解析】 此空前一句提到 a new world of excitement, 而 G 项中的 share these new worlds 与其相呼应, 符合语境。 37. B【解析】此空应填主题句。本段主要讲了在野外露营的时候可以尝试新的户外运动,根据本段的内 容可知 B 项符合济境。 38. C【解析】此空前一句讲到可以在清晨乘独木舟出去钓鱼,所以 C 项“然后在一天的晚些时候,你可以 在篝火上烤鱼。”符合语境. 39. E 【解析】由本段的主题句 Bring along craft supplies, 可知,该段建议要带着手工用品, 所以 E 项承上 启下,符合语境。 40. F【解析】由本段的主题句 Practice your nature identification 可知,本段主要讲述了要练习在自然界中辨 别动植物的本领,因此 F 项符合语境。 评分标准:36--40 小题,每小题 2 分,满分 10 分,与答案不符者不得分。 第三部分 语言知识运用 第一节 精校版 【语篇导读】这是一篇记叙文。你者讲述了家人抚养患有自闭症的妹妹的故事以及从中感悟出的道理。 A【解析】句意:全家人张开双臂兴奋地欢迎她的到来。根据下文 We were thrilled to…中 thrilled 的提示可 知答案。 42. D 【解析】句意:随着她长大,她的独特性变得很明显,根据下文的描述可知自闭症患儿和正常的孩子 不一样。 43. C【解析】句意:我们注意到有时候她看起来很疏远,不能和共他人沟通。这是在 Lily 成长的过程中一 点点观察到的。 44. D【解析】解析同上 根据下文内容可知答案。 45. A【解析】句意:最微小的事情也能让她开心很长时间,他会一整天开心地重复同样的事情。 46. D【解析】三岁的时候,Lily 被诊断得了自闭症,与人交流和建立关系方面有困难。 47. C【解析】由上文可知,这对于我们家人来说是令人心碎的事情。 48. B【解析】由句意可知,家人了解到这个孩子可能不会过上正常人的生活。 49. D【解析】句意:我们做出决定打算把自闭症看作是一种祝福。根据下文 And what a blessing it turned out to be! 和 a blessing of strength. courage and hope 的提示可知答案。 50. A【解析】句意:诊断使我们家人的关系更为亲密, 照料自闭症的患者需要付出更多的精力,而这个 过程也让家人之间的关系更亲密。 51. C【解析】句意:我们意识到了彼此之间更深的感激之情,在照顾家人的过程中,彼此都付出很多, 所以此处指感激彼此。 52. B【解析】句意:抚养一个有发展缺陷的孩子是一个学习的过程, 自闭症患者与正常人不一样,会面 临很多问题,这需要家人共同学习。 53. D【解析】句意:错误是不可避免的。家人以前没有照顾过自闭症患者,在这个过程中肯定会有很多 失误。 54. B【依析】此处指 Lily 的家人永远在那里照顾她,确保她一直生活在舒服安全的环境中。 55. B【解析】句意:Lily 知道她有爱她和支持她的家人,家人是可以依靠的,也是她取得进步后的欢呼 者,此处是指 Lily 明白她可以依靠家人。 56. C【解析】句意:家人是他取得进步后的欢呼者。对自闭症患者的每一点进步,家人都非常高兴,都 会 欢呼庆祝。 57. C【解析】句意:对于那些正常的人来讲,也许我的经历可能会使你意识到人生中到底什么东西才是 真正重要的。 58, A【解析】句:对于我来说,自闭症实际上是一种力量、勇气和希望的祝福。作者没有把自闭症视作 负担,所以此处用 actually。 59. D【解析】句意:自闭症不应该被视作一种负担,而应是一种祝福。be viewed as… 被视作… 60. A【解析】句意:这些家庭足够幸运能体验一种不同的生活方式,照顾自闭症患者, 整个家庭生活会 和普通的正常家庭完全不一样,所以是体验一种不一样的生活方式。 评分标准:41—60 小题, 每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分;与答案不符者不得分。 第二节 【语篇导读】这是一篇说明文,文章介绍了日食时对动物行为的影响。 61. greatest【解析】考查形容词最高级。句子中提供了比较的范围 Of all the events in the universe. 因此这 里应该用形容词的最高级形式。 62. Puzzled【解析】考查过去分词;空处作定语修饰 animals,表示“困感的”应用 puzzled. 63. in【解析】考查介词;in a straight line 在一条直线上。 61. blocks 【解析】考查动词时态和主谓一致, 这里是指一般规律,用一般现在时,且主语为第三人称单数 形式,因此用 blocks. 65. their【解析】考查代词。空处作名词 nets 的定语, 用形容词性物主代词 their. 66. Similarly【解析】考查副词。空处位于句首,作状语,表示前后类似事物的对比,意为“类似地,同 精校版 样地”。 67. which【解析】考查定语从句。这里是关系代词引导的非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词 fish and birds, 68. the【解析】考查冠词。此处特指日食造成的突然黑暗。 69. was observed【解析】考查动词的时态和语态。由时间状语 Once 及后文的时态可知, 空格处应用一般 过去时,且 it 作形式主语,与 observe 之间为动宾关系,故用一般过去时的被动语态。 70. feeding【解析】考查动词-ing 形式。这里是动词-ing gae 式作定语, 修饰 places, 说明其功能或用途。 评分标准:61—70 小题, 每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分;与所给答案不符,且所填单词符合语境,文义通顺, 语法形式和拼写正确可得分。 第四部分 写作 第一节 短文改错 Last Saturday, I took part in an English speech competition hold by our school. I was really excited about it. held When it was my turn, I walked onto the stage. I felt nervously and frightened with such large a crowd looking at nervous so me! I was about to give up as I saw my family members seated there. I regained belief in me at once. I was announced when myself as one of the second prize winner and all my family take great pride in me for my success. winners took I am glad to have participated in ∧contest. I learnt a lot of from this experience. I improved my English the 删掉 of speaking skills. I also learnt what to face people bravely and confidently. how 评分标准:共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 10 分。 第二节 书面表达 Walking is the easiest and simplest form of exercise to stay heathy and lose weight. Besides, walking is of great convenience. You can take a walk during the class breaks or after dinner. You can walk at a fast speed or just walk slowly around the campus, and it is up to you to decide where you will walk and whom you will walk with. Importantly, you can avoid some unnecessary injuries which often occur in other and all you need may be only a pair of sneakers. Choose walking and begin your journey to good health and healthy life with each step. 听力录音文稿: (说明:听力试音及答题示例材料为通用材料,未出现在听力材料中!) Text 1 W: Excuse me. Is there still time for a cup of coffee? M: Yes. Miss. Bui I'm afraid you have to drink it fast because we’ll be landing 10 minutes. Text 2 M: The phone is ringing. Lisa! Lisa! Please answer the phone. I’m washing the dishes. W: But Dad. I in in the middle of my history report. 精校版 Text 3 W: Good morning. Professor Jones. My name is Jessica. I'm with the local newspaper. Would you mind if 1 ask you a few questions? M: Not at all. Go ahead. Text 4 M: Have you got the time? It must be over 3:00 p.m. W: It’s 3:25 p.m. M: Oh, that means the conference will begin in five minutes. Text 5 W: How was your trip to Paris? M: It was fantastic! I visited lots of parks and museums. And the weather was fine. Terrible traffic, though. Text 6 M: Sue, did you enjoy your holiday in the country? W: Yes, we had a great time. And some friends went with us. M: Where did you stay? At a hotel? W: No. we camped in the mountains near Snow Town. We cocked all our meals over an open fire. W: Sounds wonderful. Was the weather good? W: The sun shone nearly every day and it didn't rain at all. M: Do you like the people there? W: Yes. Many farmers invited us to have tea in their house. What about you? Did you have n good weekend? M: Yrs. but I didn't do much. I just stayed at home. Text 7 W: Ted. I heard you have a spare bedroom for rent. M: Yes. Lily. Are you looking for a room now? W: No. It’s my elder cousin James. His room male Dave often invites friends over for parties. so he to move out. He just wants a quiet place to study. M: Great! I like being quiet. Let me tell you about this comfortable room. It has got a double bed, a sofa and a desk. And it also has got a bathroom. W: OK. I'll tell my cousin about the room. M: Thanks, Lily. Text 8 W: Hello. This is 911. M: Help! Please help me! W: Yes. sir. Please calm down and explain what is happening. M: My car is parked on the highway. I have a lady passenger. She suddenly feels a great pain in her heart. W: Now. relax, sir. Explain exactly where you are. M: I'm...I'm in the south line of Lincoln Highway, about fifteen miles from Washington Tunnel. Um. I see a McDonald’s. W: OK. What’s your name, sir? And your passenger’s? M: I'm Bob. and I've no idea about the woman. She can't tell me now. W: OK. Is there anyone else with you? 精校版 M: No. but I’ve tried to some-one else to stop. W: Well, I’ve just sent someone to help you. They should be there soon. M: Is there anything I can do while waiting? W: Just stay with her and don't try to move her. M: OK. Text 9 M: Miss Ann Black, so you're interested in a job as a waitress? W: That’s right. I saw your sign on the window asking for a part-time waitress. M: Hmm, have you worked as a waitress before? W: Yes. I’ve worked as a waitress for two years at several different restaurants. And now I’m working at the Palace Restaurant on Prince Street. M: That’s a very nice restaurant. Why do you want to leave. W: Because I can’t work full-time at the moment. I’m taking some medicine courses at university. M: I see. What days are you available? W: I’m free all day Tuesday. Wednesday and Sunday. M: I'm afraid that’s not what we want. We’re looking for someone who can help us late in the week. That's Thursday afternoon. Friday afternoon,and evening as well as all day Saturday. The restaurant is closed on Sunday. W: Oh. what a pity! Text 10 Attention, swimmers! Please listen carefully to the following information about our community pool. All guests must sign in and leave a photo ID at the front desk. State law requires that all swimmers should take a shower before entering the pool. Besides, wear proper swimwear. If your clothes are too short or too dirty, our self won't allow you into the water. If you're sick or have any signs of illness, don’t use the pool until you have completely recovered. Please ask your children if they want to go to the toilet before entering the pool. If they have any “accidents”, please report them to the gym staff immediately. Children at the age of ten and younger must be with an adult at all time. Ask children not to throw rubbish anywhere. Finally here has been a schedule change. In the past, our opening time was from 6:00 a. m, to 6:00 p.m. After January 1st. we’ll be open from 7:00 a. m. to 6:30 p.m.

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