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新外研版五年级上册 M1—M4 阶段性测试 阎楼联校三教寺完小 出题人 Ms Wu 一 选出你所听到的单词 10 1. ( ) A .run B. ran C. line D.can 2. ( ) A .stop B. shop C. drop D.hop 3. ( ) A. place B. plant C. past D.pair 4. ( ) A. shout B. shorts C. sports D.short 5. ( ) A. wear B. wall C. well D. wore 6. 二 听句子,选出你所听到的句子,并将答案序号写在题前括号 内 10 ( ) 1. A . She liked the bus ride best B. She liked the bus best. C . He liked the bus ride best ( ) 1. A. We came back last Sunday. B. We came back last Saturday . C. They came back last Sunday. ( ) 2. A, It took us one hour and twenty minutes. B. It took me one hour and forty minutes. C. It took them one hour and twelve minutes. ( ) 3. A. They arrived there at ten o’clock. B. we arrived there at three o’clock. C. They arrived here at ten o’clock. ( ) 4. A. Where did you go at the weekend ? B. What did you do at the weekend ? C. Where did you go last weekend ? ( ) 5. A. He lose the cap. B.He lost the cap. C. He lost the hat. 三 听句子,选出所对应的图片。10’ 题号 1 2 3 4 5 选项 A B C D E 五听问句,选答语 10 ( ) 1 A. I went to the British Museum. B. I went there by bus. C. I took photo of his father. ( )2 A. Yes, she did. B. Yes, he did. C. Yes, I did. ( )3. A. Last Sunday . B. I visited the Lodon Eye. C. I arrived there at 10 o’clock . ( ) 4. A. Two bottles. B. Six. C. Two kilos. ( )5. A. She is better now. B. She lost her bag. C. She feels happy 笔试部分 60 分 一 选出不同类的一项 5’ ( )1 A. T-shirt B. shorts C. trousers D. matter ( )2 A. cheese B. milk C. juice D. apples. ( )3 A. met B. ate C. bought D. run ( ) 4. A. when B. what C. back D. where ( ) 5. A. our B. your C. my D. she 二、选择,将正确答案写在题前括号内。(10 分) ( )1、We ______back last Sunday. A、come B came C comes ( )2、Wait ___ me. A、of B、at C、for ( )3、Did she ___ you an email? A、sent B、send C、sending ( )4、How many apples did you ___ ? A、buy B、bought C、buying ( )5、---How_____ chocolate did you buy ? ---Half a kilo. A、many B、much. C、lots of. ( )6 . They took photos __ mountains ___ green plants. A. of, of B. of, with C. about, of ( )7 . ----______ did they go there ? -----I went by train. A. Where B. What C. How D. How many ( )8 . Where did he___ ? He ____ to the British Museum. A. go, went B. go , goes C. goes , went ( )9.---___took this picture?---Tom did. A. What B. Who C. Where ( ) 10. What’s the ____with you? A. matter B.weather C. wrong 三 连词成句 10 1. is what matter the Daming with ? 2 bananas many buy you did how ? 3 of a took Daming photo father his . 4 did, you , what , do , weekend , at, the ,(?) 5 When came last back did you Sunday ? 四把下列句子译成汉语。5 We came back last Sunday.___________________________ I dropped my ice cream.______________________________ How much cheese did you buy?_____________________________ Mum bought a new T-shirt for me.___________________________ Where did you go?_________________________________________ 五 仿写 5 How much milk did you buy? 2 分 What’s the matter with Daming? He lost his bag. 1 分 2 分 六补全对话,把标号写到横线上。 A .You’re welcome. B. Where did you find it? C. What’s the matter with you ?D.Yes, it is. E. It’s yellow. A:__________________________ B: I lost my cap. A: What colour is it ? B: _____________________ A: Look, is it your cap? B:___________________________ ____________________________ A:I found it on the school bus. Here you are. B : Thank you . A: _________________________________ 七 阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F) . Our school is a very big one. It has a big library(图书馆). There are many books in the library. We like it very much. Many Chinese books are on shelf(书架 )A and shelf B. you can find many fairy tale (童话) books on shelf B. Many English books are on shelf C and D. we always borrow books from the library. And we have to return( 归 还 ) the books in one week. Yesterday, I borrowed the Ma Liang book. ( )1. Our school is very small. ( )2. There is a big library in my school. ( )3.Many Chinese books are on shelf A and D. ( )4.We can’t borrow books from the library, ( )5. We have to return the books in two weeks.

资料: 4.5万


