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2017 年初中毕业生学业考试英语科模拟试题 说明:1. 全卷共 8 页,满分 120 分,考试时间为 100 分钟; 2.答卷前,考生务必用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将自己的姓名、准考证号、试室号和座位号 填写在答题卡相应位置上; 3. 选择题用 2B 铅笔将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再 选涂其他答案。作答在试卷上的答案无效。 4.非选择题必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域内相 应位置上。如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案。不得使用铅笔或涂改液, 否则答案无效。 一、听力理解(本大题分 A、B、C、D 四部分,共 25 小题, 每小题 1 分, 共 25 分)。 A. 听单句(本题有 5 小题,每小题 1 分,共 5 分) 根据所听句子的内容和所提的问题,选择符合题意的图画回答问题,并将答题卡上对应的选项涂 黑。每小题听一遍。 1. Where are they? 2. How is Mrs. Li going to Hangzhou?n-j-y 3. What sign does the speaker see? 4. Which flag is mentioned? 5. When was Rose born? B. 听对话(本题有 10 小题,每小题 1 分,共 l0 分) 回答每段对话后面的问题,在各题所给的三个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并将答题卡上对应题目 所选的选项涂黑。每段对话听两遍。 听第一段对话,回答第 6 小题。 6. When did the girl’s father go to Beijing? A. This year. B. Last year. C. The year before last. 听第二段对话,回答第 7 小题。 7. Where is the math book? A.In the park. B.Under the tree. C. On the desk. 听第三段对话,回答第 8 小题。 8. How many times has Bruce been to Guangzhou? A. Once. B.Twice. C.Three times. 听第四段对话,回答第 9 小题。 9. What time will the train arrive? A. At about nine forty-five. B. At about a quarter past ten. C.In an hour. 听第五段对话,回答第 10 小题。 10. What didn’t Bob do according to the dialogue? A.Cleaned his room. B. Washed the dishes. C. Played computer games. 听第六段对话,回答第 11~12 小题。 11. What day is it today? A. It's Saturday. B. It’s Sunday. C. It's Bruce's birthday. 12. Why will Tina be a little late? A. She will see her parents off. B. She will look after her grandparents. C. She will cook dinner for her brother. 听第七段对话,回答第 13~15 小题。 13. Where did the accident happen? A. Outside the park. B. Near the supermarket. C.Next to the cinema. 14. What was the man doing when the accident happened? A. He was riding a bike. B. He was crossing the street. C. He was waiting for a taxi. 15.What do you think the woman's job probably is? A. A nurse. B. A policewoman. C. A salesgirl. C.听独白(本题有 5 小题,每小题 1 分,共 5 分) 请根据所听内容,在每小题所给的三个选项中, 选出一个能回答问题的最佳答案, 并将答题卡上 对应题目所选的选项涂黑。独白听两遍。 16. The speaker wants to tell us _______. A. something about London B. something about a pop concert C. something about the group Red River 17. The group Red River will stay in London _______. A. for about a week B. for half a month C. for about three days 18. The telephone number is ________. A. 2830665 B. 2386005 C. 2830065 19. The concert will be ________. A. in Drinaty Street B. in the South Bank Hall C. near the Children’s Hospital 20. Which of the following is true? A. Tickets are quite expensive. B. All of the money will go to a Children's Hospital. C. You can telephone to book tickets at 10:00 p.m. D.听填信息((本题有 5 小题,每小题 1 分,共 5 分) 请根据所听内容填写表格中所缺的信息,并将答案写在答题卡指定的位置。短文听两遍。 Shopping Information The hall the big sale in: (21) Things in half price: (22) and cabbages The number of lucky people: ___(23)____ Food for free: Fresh cakes and ___24____ Kids’ play area: (25) of the Clothing Hall, next to the LiNing Sports. 二、单项填空 (本大题有 20 小题,每小题 1 分,共 20 分) 在每小题的四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案,将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑。 26. --______ talented boy could write lyrics when he was at the age of ten . --And he was brave enough to sing in ___ public then. A. The, the B. A, the C. The, / D. A, / 27. --How did you get out of the forest at last?[来源:Z+xx+k.Com] -- By following the ____ I had left. A. marks B. instructions C. directions D. positions 28. –Hey! Tom, _____is Jerry. ______ is a teacher from Canada. -- Hello, Jerry. Nice to meet you. A. he, He B. he, This C. this, He D. this, This 29. –It’s reported that 52 percent of Americans are coffee drinkers. --Wow! That means over 140 _____ people in the USA drink coffee daily. A. million B. millions C. million of D. millions of 30. --It’s quite noisy in the classroom. --So it is. All the students ______ happily because of the coming party. A.talk and laugh B. are talking and laughing C. talked and laughed D.were talking and laughing 31. Set down your pens when you hear the bell rings, ____ you’ll be against the rules. A. and B. but C. so D. or 32. --What are the differences _____the red iPhone 7 and other models? -- They are just different _____ colour. A. between, in B. among, from C. among, in D. between, from 33. –Do you like eating fish, Rose? --Of course. Nothing is ________, I think. A. delicious B. much delicious C. more delicious D. the most delicious 34. We ____take the books out of the reading-room. We ____ only read the books here. A. mustn’t, should B. should, mustn’t C. can’t, can D. should, can 35. --_______ the speech was yesterday! --It’s a pity that I was absent from it. A. What a boring B. How boring C. What a wonderful D. How wonderful 36. –There will be some special courses in our school. Why not ____ English drama? --Great! It’s a good way ____ spoken English and performing skills. A. choose, practicing B. to choose, to practice C. choose, to practice D. to choose, practicing 37.--Where are we going to______ this experiment? --In the new lab on the second floor. A. put out B. carry out C. break out D. send out 38.--Jack is helping Mum make a seafood soup in the kitchen. --It’s surprising! He ______ helps with housework. A. usually B. always C. sometimes D. seldom 39. --Shantou has MOBIKE now. _____ you ever _____ a Mobike? --No, but I hope to have a try this weekend. A. Do, ride B. Did, ride C. Have, ridden D. Will, ride 40. –Excuse me, how can I get to the People’s Square, please? --Go on until you ______ the sign on your left. A. see B. saw C. will see D. are seeing 41. The skirt is made of silk. It ______ comfortable. A. smells B. feels C. sounds D. tastes 42. --All food _____ to students for free in our dining hall on the School Celebration Day. -- Great!I can’t wait. A. offer B. will offer C. are offered D. will be offered 43. –What do you think of the program Sing My Song on CCTV? -- It’s a good chance to those musicians ____write their own songs. A. who B. whom C. which D. / 44 . –I wonder _______ . --An English Speech Contest. A. what will Jenny take part in next month B. when will Jenny take part in it C. what Jenny will take part in next month D. when Jenny will take part in it 45. — I was invited to the dinner with the Blacks. But I’m afraid of making mistakes at table. —_______. I’ll tell you some table manners. A. I’m afraid not B. Never mind C. Of course D. You’d better not 三、完型填空(本大题有 10 小题,每小题 1 分,共 10 分) 通读下面短文,掌握其大意, 然后在各小题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案, 将答题卡上对 应题目所选的选项涂黑。 A woman in her sixties lived alone in her little house with a pear tree at her door. She spent all her time 46 the tree. But the children nearby drove her crazy by making fun of her. They would climb her tree and then 47 with pears, shouting "Aunty Misery" at her. One evening, a passer-by asked to 48 for the night. Seeing that he was a trusted man, she let him in and gave him a nice treat. The next morning the stranger, a sorcerer (巫师), thanked her by making her wish come true. That is anyone who climbed up her 49 should not be able to come back down unless she agreed to let him go. When the children came back to steal her fruit , she had them stuck(卡) on the tree. They had to beg her 50 she gave the tree agreement to let them go. Aunty Misery was free from the 51 at last. One day 52 man stopped at her door. This one didn’t seem 53 , so she asked who he was. "I am Death, I've come to take you with me." said he. Thinking fast Aunty Misery said, "Fine, but I'd like to pick some pears from my dear tree to remember the 54 it brought to me in this life. But I am too old to climb high to get the best fruit. Would you please do it for me?" Mr. Death climbed up the tree and was 55 stuck to it. No matter how much he warned or begged, Aunty Misery would not allow the tree to let him go. 46. A. worrying about B. cutting down C. dealing with D. taking care of 47. A. throw away B. run away C. take away D. put away 48. A. stay B. live C. hide D. relax 49. A. house B. door C. tree D. wall 50. A. before B. while C. since D. after 51. A. fun B. question C. trouble D. Danger 52. A. another B. other C. the other D. any other 53. A. handsome B. safe C. honest D. poor 54. A. pleasure B. pride C. excitement D. hope 55. A. certainly B. probably C. immediately D. sadly 四、阅读理解 (本大题有 15 小题,每小题 2 分,共 30 分) 阅读 A、B 两篇短文,从每小题所给的四个选项中,选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最 佳答案,将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑。 A The Best Way to See Lakeland Tour A Lake District Spectacular The Lake District is famous for being “the most beautiful corner of England” and the tour introduces you just that. Fantastic sights of mountains, valleys(山谷) and lakes from the south to the north. The tour includes a lake cruise(乘船游览), a visit to the 4,000-year-old Castlerigg Stone Circle on the hills. You travel through beautiful valleys, see waterfalls and traditional Lakeland villages. You have plenty of stops for enjoying the sights and taking photographs. This is a tour not to miss. When & Where Every day from Winderme re Prices Adults--£36.00, Child--£26.00(up to 16 years of age) Prices Include Lake Cruise Times Leave Windermete 9:45hrs, return approx. 17:00hrs Tour B Beatrix Potter’s Favorite Country The tour is the best way to explore the favorite places associated with(与......相关) Beatrix Potter. Our journey is through the beautiful Yewdale Valley, passing Yew Tree Tran and Skelwith Bridge making our way to Coniston Water for our lake cruise. We visit the Beatrix Potter’s Hill Top farm where she wrote many of her famous children’s stories in this little old stone house. You have the chance to go in the shop and explore her garden. When & Where Every day from Windermere Prices Adults--£26.00, Child--£21.00(up to 16 years of age) Prices Include Lake Cruise on Coniston & Hill Top Gardens Times Leave Windermete 12:00hrs, return approx. 16:30hrs 56. What can you see if you choose Tour A? A. Yewdale Valley. B. Coniston Water. C. Castlerigg Stone Circle. D. Beatrix Potter’s Hill Top farm. 57. How much will Simon, a boy of 12, and his father pay if they want to choose Tour A and Tour B? A.£84.00. B.£109.00. C.£104.00. D.£144.00. 58. When does the coach leave Windermere if you choose Tour B? A.09:45 hrs. B.17:00 hrs. C.12:00 hrs. D.16:30 hrs. 59. Who was Beatrix Potter? A. She was a travel guide. B. She was a writer. C. She was a visitor. D. She was an explorer. 60. What can’t the visitors do during the tours? A. Take photos. B. See some waterfalls. C. Explore the garden. D. Talk with Beatrix Potter. B If your pen broke at school today, what would you do? You would go to a shop and buy a new one. What if you could simply print out a real, working pen with your 3-D printer without leaving your room? Ten years ago people could only see 3-D printing in science fiction movies. But now 3-D printing is here and it's bringing big changes. Unlike normal printing that can only copy a 2-D picture with ink. 3-D printing can build almost anything made from material. The printer layers(分层) the material in different shapes to create the object you want to be copied. The 3-D printer has been used to make many different things. People have made cups, cars and even an airplane with it. Doctors have been using 3-D printers for several years. People's nervous systems(系统) have been printed out in 3-D form in medical research. Some body parts have been printed and used in hospital. Several months ago, doctors used a 3-D printer to rebuild the face of a person who had a bad accident. In the future, it is expected that the printer will make human organs(器官)to save more lives. However there are drawbacks to the printer. At the moment, printing can be quite slow and it's still rather expensive. The average(平均的) price of a household printer is around $1,700, not including the cost of the materials. But as the technology develops, it shouldn't be long before disadvantages are improved. Only time will tell where this new technology will take us. 61. Where could people see 3-D printing ten years ago? A. In large high school. B. In science fiction movies. C. In digital camera shop. D. In hospital. 62. What can’t People make with a 3-D printer so far? A. An airplane. B. A cup. C. The face of a person. D. Human organs. 63. What does the underlined word "drawbacks" mean? A. 不足 B. 趋势 C. 优点 D. 影响 64 Which of the following is TRUE? A. The normal printer can build 3-D objects you want. B. No nervous systems are printed out in 3-D form. C. The 3-D printing can be cheaper and faster in the future. D. There will be no drawbacks to the 3-D printing in the future. 65. What's the best title of the passage? A. The advantages of 3-D printing B. The Disadvantages of 3-D Printing C. The Changes Brought by 3-D Printing D. The Rapid Development of Science C 配对阅读。左栏是五个人的信息介绍,右栏是七项工作的简介, 请把个人信息的介绍和最适合他们 的工作匹配起来,并将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑。 66. Lin Tao is an English teacher from Guangzhou. His major is computer. And he once learned basic design skills. He has more than two years’ experience in designing. 67. Li Xiang, a Chinese good at English. In university, he learned electric engineering. He has five years’ experience in designing and training staff. 68. Maggie has good looks, and she is always kind to everyone. She has three years’ working experience in hotel, so she knows well how to deal with customers. 69. Mike is a native English speaker from the UK. He is a qualified( 有 资 格 的 ) teacher, so he wants to find a job in a school which can provide extra money for A. Part-time Waitress Busy hotel needs kind and good-looking waitress for weekends. Must enjoy working with a team and dealing with customers. B. Porter(搬运工)wanted We need young and healthy man able to carry heavy boxes of books. Must have a driving license and be hard-working. No other qualifications are needed. C. Babysitting wanted Honest, patient babysitting wanted to look after three friendly children. Must have at least one year’s childcare experien ce. D. English teacher Our school needs a native English part-time teacher for weekends. Better from the USA, Canada or the UK. 120 Yuan an hour. E. Service engineer An advertising company is looking for a designer with one year’s experience. Must have received design education. Good computer skills and can speak both Chinese and English. more classes. 70. Hank is 25 years old. He does not receive much education, but he is strong and works hard. He has ever been a part-time truck driver and has a driver’s license. Now he would like to do a full-time job. F. Electric engineer Good knowledge of electric products. Graduated from university and majored in electric engineering. Have more than 3 years’ experience in designing. G. Chinese teacher A native Chinese speaker is needed in an English middle school. Must be able to speak good English. 五、短文填空(本大题有 10 小题,每小题 1.5 分,共 15 分) 阅读下面短文,并借助上下文补充所缺信息。每个空格只能填写一个形式正确、与短文内容意思相 符的英语单词。把答案写在答题卡指定的位置上。 When I was small, my mum used to give the family something special for meals. She once put some burnt bread in front of my dad. __71__ my surprise, my dad just took his bread, smiled at my mum and then turned to ask me __72__ my day at school was. I've forgotten what I told him that night, but I do remember watching him put some butter on that bread. He 73 it up as usual. After dinner, my mum said sorry to my dad for burning the bread. And I will never forget what he said, "I __74__ burnt bread, dear. It doesn't matter at all. " That night, I asked dad if he really liked his bread burnt. He took me in the arms and said, “Your mum worked very 75 all day. She's really tired. And you see -- a bit of burnt food never 76 anyone!” Now I know life is not perfect. Nobody is perfect, either. As for me, I often forget birthdays or some other special 77 . But I've learned something important over these years. What we really need is the understanding of each other, whether between a 78 and wife, a parent and child or just between two friends. This is 79 key to a happy life. So don't get angry if the bread gets burnt. Remember, burnt bread never hurt anyone. Be 80 to those around you and a happier life will surely come closer to you. 六、读写综合(本大题分为 A、B 两部分,共 20 分) A)信息归纳(本题共 5 小题,每小题 1 分,共 5 分) 请阅读下面这篇文章,根据所提供的信息完成信息卡,把答案写在答题卡指定的位置上。 Animals in danger Many animals are in danger around the world. Here are some examples. ********************************************************** The blue whale lives in oceans around the world. It is the largest animal in the world, but it feeds on the smallest animals. Some people kill the whales. And the sea water is polluted. There may be only about 3, 000 blue whales left. ************************************************************************************ South China Tigers live in the South China forests and mountains. The area of their home is becoming smaller for many different reasons, so they have less and less land to live on. South China Tigers don’t have many babies, and their babies often die. The situation is becoming very serious. Our government is working hard to save South China Tigers. They have built 3 nature reserves(自然保护区) to protect South China Tigers. ************************************************************************************ Pandas live in the forests and mountains of Southwest China. There are only about 1600 pandas in the wild today. Zoos and research centers are looking after about 340 pandas. Pandas do not have many babies, and baby pandas often die. The situation is getting very difficult. Scientists are doing a lot of research to help pandas produce more babies and help baby pandas live. Each panda needs to eat a lot of bamboo every day. The bamboo forests are getting smaller, so pandas are losing their home. In order to protect pandas in the wild, the government is setting up nature parks and developing other plans. The nature parks will be big and there will be more bamboo to feed the pandas. Pandas born in zoos may go back to live in the nature parks. Information Card The number of the blue whales left now 81 The thing our government has done for South China Tigers 82 The situation of the bamboo forests today 83 The same problem of pandas’ and South China Tigers’ babies 84 The best place for pandas to live in 85 B) 书面表达(本题 15 分) 根据要求完成短文写作,请将作文写在答题卡指定的位置上。 10 月 4 日是世界动物日(World Animals Day),请你用英语写一则倡议书,来呼吁大家一起行 动保护野生动物。内容包括: 1. 简介野生动物的现状,分析其数量减少的两个原因。 2. 谈谈保护野生动物的重要性,并提出保护的方法(至少两种)。 3. 呼吁大家一起行动保护野生动物,保护我们美丽的家园。 作文要求: 1.不能照抄原文;不得在作文中出现学校真实的名称和学生的真实姓名。 2.语句连贯,词数 80 个左右。文章开头已经给出,不计入总词数。 Save the wild animals Animals are people's friends. But many wild animals are facing the danger of dying out.______________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 2017 年澄海区中考模拟考试英语科参考答案 一、听力理解(共 25 分,第 1 至 20 小题每小题 1 分,第 21 至 25 小题每小题 1 分) A. 听句子: 1-5CAAAC B. 听对话: 6-10 BCBAC 11-15 CCBCB C. 听短文: 16-20 BACBA D. 听填信息: 21. (The) Vegetable Hall 22. Tomatoes 23. Ten/10 24. bread 25. On the corner (形式错误每词扣 0.5 分,大小写错误不扣分) 二、单项填空 (每小题 1 分, 共 20 分) 26-30 CACAB 31-35 DACCD 36-40 CBDCA 41-45 BDACB 三、完形填空 (每小题 1 分,共 10 分) 46-50 DBACA 51-55 CACAC 四、阅读理解 (每小题 2 分,共 30 分) 56-60 CBCBD 61-65 BDACC 66-70 EFADB 五、短文填空。(每小题 1.5 分,共 15 分) 71. To 72. how 73. ate 74. love/like 75. hard 76. hurt 77. days 78. husband 79. the 80. kind/friendly/thankful (形式错误、大小写错误每词扣 0.5 分) 六、读写综合。(共 20 分) A)信息归纳。(每小题 1 分,共 5 分) 81. About 3,000 82. To build 3 nature reserves 83. Getting smaller 84. They often die. 85.The nature parks B)书面表达。(本题 15 分) Save the wild animals Animals are our friends. But many wild animals are facing the danger of dying out.The number of some wild animals is smaller and smaller. That is because their living room has become less and less. Besides, too much hunting and pollution also cause the disappearance of wild animals.There is no doubt that every animal helps keep the balance in the nature. So we must save the wild animals. We should stop polluting the environment and hunting. At the same time, it’s important to build more natural reserves for them If everyone tries his best to protect animals, our home will become better and better. Let's take actions now. 1. 评分原则与方法: 从内容与语言两方面予以分档评分。内容方面要求考生能完整地按写作要点进行表述,要点详 略得当、表述合理,词数符合写作要求。语言方面要求学生表达准确连贯、符合逻辑。允许学生合 理运用原文句式结构,但不可以照抄原文。如考生把文章所给的开头部分抄写在答题卡上,不扣分 (即使抄写有错误!) 内容分和语言分的分配 内容分:7 分 1) 简介野生动物的现状(1 分),分析其数量减少的两个原因(2 分)。 2) 谈谈保护野生动物的重要性(1 分),并提出保护的方法(至少两种)(2 分)。 3) 呼吁大家一起行动保护野生动物,保护我们美丽的家园。----------1 分 语言分:8 分 第一档:8 分 要求:内容涵盖所有的要点,表达准确,意思连贯,符合逻辑, 只有个别语言错 误。 第二档:6-7 分 要求:内容涵盖绝大多数要点,表达清楚,意思连贯,符合逻辑,但有少数语言 错误。 第三档: 4-5 分 要求:内容涵盖大部分要点,表达较为清楚、连贯,基本符合逻辑,但有一些语 言错误。 第四档: 1-3 分 要求:内容涵盖部分要点,能写出少数正确句子,但整体表达不连贯,且语言 错误较多。 第五档:0 分 空百卷或完全没有相关内容。 确定语言分档次时要考虑内容的涵盖,每少一个要点语言分降一个档次评分。

资料: 4.5万


