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绝密★启用前 试卷类型:^ 威海市2016年 初中学业考试 兮5EL 0r日 注惫△项: 1.本试卷共8页 ,共 80分 .考试时问90分钟。考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回. 2.答题前,考生务必用0,5竞 米黑色签字笔将自己的姓名、准考证号、座号填写在答题卡和试卷规定 的位呈上. 3.选择题进出答案后,用 28铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂思;如 需改动,用 橡皮擦干净后, 再选涂共他答案标号,答案选在试卷上无效。 4.非 选择题必须用0.5七 米黑色签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡指定区域内相应的位丑,写 在试卷 上的答案无效;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案;不 能使用涂改液、胶带妖、修正带, 不按以上要求作答的答案无效. -、 选择填空(共 15小题,计 15分 ) 从每小题A、 B、 C选项中选出一个能填入句中空白处的最佳答案。请将答案编号涂卡。 1. Would you please tum or_TV’ -ˉ0K,just a mmute. A,a B.m C.the 2.-V`h.ogc bike is this? -1内 一 My grandpa bought i for me as a bidtday prcscnt. A.hs B,mme C.hers 3,-Is Tom~boy ul yolr dass? 一玩 s.Nobody is taller tha:l him. A.the tallest B.the stongest C.me c1。vcrcst 4.I’ d lketo hold olr next m(∞ 山lg_June 23rd.Isthat OK for you? A,m B.at C,on 5.⒍andma is rather dc砥 so you must speak clearly alld_to her, A.quletly B,loudly C,noisll≥ ` 6,-MiustI Wot lerc a△ mommg?1 havc a lot ofwork to do. — N·o,you_,bu lllay be back i:!山 .c anem。 。n. A,mustn’t B.Can’ t C.don’ t havc to 7,-Miss Li,。ould you please help mc_thls ma.l problem9-0K.LOt mc” , A.1ook up B.work out C.set up 8,-I callcd you ycstcrday evenhg.But uobody answcmd. -oh,sony MaybeI_m thC badr° om atth碰 】mc. A.tako a showcr B.took a shower C.wast汰 hg a shower 9.—△1。Ⅱ aren’ t钽ly librmies m otr to、 ″n,盯e there9 —No,butitis sald one_next year. A,will bc built B.is built C,will buid 10. -Is that a new ooat? N° 9I— 1t for a long t1ine. A.bought B.have bought C.have had l1· —— Will you st彤 in England?-More than a month. A.Ⅵ△1cn B.H.ow soon C.H|ow long 12 Awoman`vi曲 a young boy gcttm.g into Uncle’ s car A.is B.al c C.has 13.TItelr football tcalil、vas in that lmportant gamc A.ˉwon B.bcaten C.fallcd 14,I1ookcd through my tcst papcr again and agaln~I wouldn,tinakc any nlistakes, A,so B.becausc C.so that 15. -`Vhcn、 vlll you ay t。 L。 ndon’ -Pardon? -I askcd_a.y tO LOndon. A.whcthcr you would B,whcn you would C.hosv you will 二、阅读理解(共 四篇短文,共 20小 题,计 25分 ) 阅读下面A、 B、 C-△篇短文,根据短文内容,从 短文后面每小题所给的A、 B、 C选 项中选择最佳答案。请将答案编号涂卡。 (每 小题1分 ) A Tie Building Tiat MOves Evcvonc knows that buildings don’ 1 movc,Thcy oan’ t ohange△ le way tllcy look.HOwcvcr, archtect(建 筑师 )D狎 id Fishcr wan“ to change曲 at. Fishcr has an al〗 1azing idea.Hc wmts to makc昼止st0丑 buildIngs that Changc shapc.Eac.h noor will m。 ve around slow0 ThC no。 rs will move at dim。 rcnt spCCds.BcOausc of this,the shape of thc buildmg is always ohanging.‘ Thesc build】 ngs will ncvcr look thc sain.e,” says Fishcr. His idca is an lmterestmg one.Howcvcr,Fishcr docsn’ t stop there.Ho also wants thc buildmg to bc‘ ℃roen” .1】e building will make its own cncrgy In most buildings,on~the top n。。r has ar。 of(屋 顶 ).In Fishcr’ s buildi吧 ,caoh a。 。r will havc its own roof.The roofs caoh hwc solar pancls(太 阳能 板 ).Thls means a lot morc solar cne名 y.Also,maohmes betwccn oach noor。 fthe buildmg will oatoh thc wmd,Thcy will tunt tltc wind lnto cncqgy, Fishcr’ s idc缁 sound血possible.Howw吒 山延!Ⅱ迹业卫到 业卫丛”垫丛座巫业 型望坐山囵丛亟 hto s鲤 l⒍ T·ho passagc is mamly td.king about~. A.buildmgs for mc nature B.thclfc ofm.arohitoot C.how green buldmgs wolk 17.The undcrlined word‘ B0ˉstory” 1△ eans山c buildIng has 80~, A.shapcs B.noors c.diBhrent sp∞ ds 18.Fisher’ s buildlng can tlakc its o、 vn cnongy bCOausc the buildln.g~. A.ista11 and dways movmg B.is tall and has mmy solar pancls C.is dw纷 `s moving and has many solar panels 19.Thc Fishcr’ s buildIng will NOT gct energy tom_. A,the slm B,thc watcr C.山e wmd 20.Why docs山 c wntcrsγ ‘。业丛-皿望】△塑 n.1旦 ¨型.迪里⊥山 旦鱼 =鱼 丛里旦 旦taˇ clod】蚋 塑垄” A.To show why Fishcrs building w111 novcr work, B.To show why Fishcr’ s buildhg is△ kc a spaceshp. C.To show伍乱unusud ideas Oan sometlmes work. 英语试题 第 2页 (共 8页 ) HH△ J巳 ^ 中 删 扑 岿 柙 楚 蚬 鞍 英语试题 第 1页 (共 8页 ) 忌口0 B MOvc as卜 .Iilli()ns,sli1· vivc as()nc Grcah、 hitc sharks in thc Pacinc Occa】 1、vildcbcest in Africa Arcttc tcnls in thc Atla!1“ c,At first. theso aninnals scOnl oo111plctely di11· orcll( ()nc s、 vinls,ono、valks.and(ho otllcr nics. But thcv all ha、 。o11c thing ill cOnln1on,· 「hc) alI Inllgratc,^1. ·· Some inigrating groups movo to a placc with a bcucr · ˉ . .· ·.tCntperature som.c go to nlld f。 。d or、vatcr The ˉ··-· ˉ' .· i 、 ' . ~ ˉ groups travcl as onc~t1ying to survlvo(fri亻 r) Dunng thc trip.thcy· faoo m.an、 di£ rcrent challcnges. ono ohallcngc is dista11cc somc migrating animals takc vc0· long tnps.Thc>· go far away· nrom thcr hon1e areas. For cx.anlplc, one grcat 、vhite shark swan frotn A~ustralia to south Afica and baok,In nine months,itswa】 n about 20,000 kilolnctcrs. 儿lother ohallonge is fmding cnough food and watcr dunng thc joumcy.For cxamplc,caoh Mali clcphant nccds ovcr 200 1itcrs of、 vater oach dav.Tio gct this.thev need to go nronl。 n。 watcrholc to anothcr. In addiion,migraong arumals have to avoid o山 cr animals that want to cat thcm.For cxamplc,thc zebra has to stay away打 om.lions.Travoling as a group hclps koop them.safc.All thc zcbras in thc group can watoh ror dangcr Ⅵ`hcn one zobra is in“ouble,the other mem.bers 1△ ake a cir。 le arollnd it, By wo虫 ilg as a group,1migralng aninals call suwivc somc of山 c world、 most cxtraordina^ JOurneys. 2I Thc main idca ofthe srst paragraph is that animals migratc A.not all kmds of B.onu similar C.dimercnt kmds of 22.The meaning ofthc undcrlincd word“ migrate” mcans“_” in Chincse. A.奔 跑 B.迁 徙 C.追 逐 23.ThO passagc talks about_big challenges for thc anirnals. A,two B.three C.n。 ur 24.W·hich ofthe following statcmcnts is NOT tnlc? A.It’ s about 20,000k1omctcrs from south A.shoa to Austalia. B.A Mali elcphant noeds m.orc tllan 200△ tcrs ofwatcr a day. C.zcbras hclp cach othcr whcn they are Fl toublc. 25.From thc passage,wo oan mfer(推 断)that~, A.lions may eat犯 bras B.lions廿 aVCl m groups C.lions tiy to aVold zcbras C The Menmaid Balloon “Mum!” li“lc Dcsiroc s瓦d.“Ifs my daddy’ s bidhd”.How wi11 I scnd him a bithday Oard9” Hcr m.othor lookcd at her and slghcd.shc did.n’ t know whatto say.Dcsircc· s fathcr had dicd mnc mon山 s earlier Desiree didn’ t mderstand.shc was onˇ four ycars old. “I have an idc⒋ ·· hcr illot|hcr said. ‘‘L.ot’s、Vnto your daddy a lc△ .cr `Vic Cam臼 c the le“ er to a balloon and scnd it up to hcavcn(人 堂).`~llatshould wc wntc” ^ Dcsircc told hcr mothcr to wntc,“ Happy Birthday,Daddy. I love you and tniss you.Please、 vnte Ine on n1y birt11da>` in January,’ ’ Desircc’ s mother wroto thc mcssagc and thcir addrcss on a snlall piOco of papcr Thcn thcy wcnt to a storO to buy a balloon. DcsircO lookod quiokly at tlte balloons and sald, “That on。 !The ono w“h tho mermaid(美 人鱼)!” Thcy bought△ le inennaid balloon and ticd thc lcttcr to it, ThOn Dcsircc lctthc balloon go. D|osiree rclcascd tho balloon in Califon1ia Thc、 vind cau gltt thc balloon and oarnod it cast FOur days latci it oalnc do、 vn 3,000!】1ilcs a、 vay.ncar· a lake in oas1cm Canada.T′ he naInO of t11c lakc was Mcrmaid Lakc. `Viade MaoKinnon, a Clanadian ntan, 、vas hunting ducks at Mcnnald Lakc 、vhcn he found Dosu· co· s balloon and lcttcr I∶ 】c took thoItl ho:11c to his 、vifc. shc dccidod to scnd I∶ )csireo a birtllday prescnt.she also、 ˇtotc her a let1cr·rhc lcttcr said∶ pggr.pF男 ~。Fc .⋯ 力臼旧P/.助功幽/所唧.昭昭~珈-矽..r乡够fo/口〃.“口刀滋r.帕0~绍 .印乡·~夕绝〃.妇y.′,″罗蜘弼' .购|出、.“乡rr.幽“ヵ凹rt`乡 ‘-口 `7〃 夕“巴舀了彬′’Cr`,e.而“o-P~亻 刀¢】″日 `〃 勿助级 助。 `/?〃 ~照Fr″鲈 幽女么~ncrF.口rg.″ f幻移f″力印阼e.抑.刀够 口口钞 -卿F-扫〃~9?叨∈印乡.” ~力Ⅱ右.鲈鲳夕~留 力r~勿 `″ 工助 `'`″ ~``纟 `,`c焰 辽〃吻 鲤四重~咝 .〃 咋″口加〃″~-日孩〃灿g″田吐三幼口〃/‘9凹~幽-矽 勿照 f~/口 〃..照〃 ″″‘′’.口】¢〃r〃 口忉吖 oJ丝〃 tO?gr/夕 ″ ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯———⋯⋯“'⋯ ⋯⋯⋯ˉ⋯⋯——⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ˉ⋯厶口竹.of加 照' 7乃纟 'J亻 。c^(· `7`,0`9‘ Dcsircc’ s mothcr、、lrote thc Mackinnons to thank(hcm,Durmg thc ncxt fcw wooks,shc and tho MaoⅪnnons tclcphomcd cach other oRen.Thcn Desircc and hcr mothcr ncw t。 canada to moct thcˇIaoKinnons Tho MaoKinnons took thcin to lⅥ∷cnnaid Lakc and shobled thc,nˇ vhorc thc balloon tanded. NOw,whenever Dcsiroe wants to talk about hcr fat.hcL shc oalls thc MaoKinnons.After shc talks to thcm,shc fecls bc“ ct, PcOplc oRen sav.△ 吼at a ooincidcnce(巧 合)-thc mcrmald balloon landcd at Mcrmald Lakc!^’ Desircc’ s mothcr is not surc it was just a ooincidcnoo.shc says,“ I think that somehow my busband picked△ le MacKinnons lt was his way to scnd his lovc to Dcsirco.Dcsircc undcrstands now that hor fathcris wth hcr alwa)s,” 根据短文内容,将 26-28小 题与所给的A、 B、 C选 项进行句子匹配。请将答案编号涂卡。 26,Desircc wrotc hcr fatbor a r勿 忉p, 27,Desiree chose a犭 ‘,∶J‘,o● |at th.es】 ore 28,Thc ba11oon Oa1】 1o dom near aJ‘ l△e. A.It was in castcm Canada.and its nanle was Memlaid Lakc B,It said,“ Happy Birthday,I lovc you and naiss you,” C.It had a picturc of a mormald on it. · ii′ 1,JIt.△ ∵Ⅱ i· n! l1.811. ·i1.IIIIˉ 1· | |i( Ⅱ.18.l ∷ 恣” 、芯J FF容 0 蝉 憩 根据海文内各,龙舞正中留来,动府营案幻号涂+。 2⒐ r凶世至J虫臼l吐虫些.I些迪q座.鱼.Cl世垫匹±IL H臼E°eL0ed·’mαmn· ·_″ . △o胛耐h曰 γ咖d.l∞k曲 tlo刚∞o ⒊op∞d△留1‘M aod h山n.ban∞ !:.。 C.mdkdtbe“ Ⅱ∞o1o Ca“ 如立 30.马h“ w幽 Ⅱe∞ oc d⒁ 〈巧合)n tb。 曲江y9 人I涵“∞徊d1σ 伍山曰·1t1● 侦●口泗o“讪d“oJ“ou狎 12, B.ll1o mmadb“ b田 田贝o曲woo M口血Ⅱ0L扯o. C.1△oMoK血】Φ‘浏四lnt3血”yo红祯d dtoB1贺 阅读D筒锺文,简 殚回各囿尼.(每小愚2分 ) 订府0案以目到吞屠卡特定位I. D Find1og a N● w.nl●。ε M嘛 ”烛w· 1o ω巾n.Ⅱif如11yⅡm mov胡 h“ am、 `四 mtm四lt M弼.”°0d△k· to o oel每 om.o r∞b.M备 :吐耐t蜘 1odo记 〈房东)w“ ”b mB1IBo b●∞t罗”k of血 灬m络 e. △b Commmo C臼 虹”】σ9∞Iuo of夕w四 。Im.,呱|y“ ∞uu iind的m。 】m山 t№鸟’ 8龃 山l汹hm.%山 。cmmu” C面 σf:r△呗岫t?`饭 破改·No.nt αo~af柳 bl∞b gmy.It、 “”】日臼n·血血o∞ 0四Ⅱ iiom hgsr独 91ultb lmd° m.·sivo mo B m ill以 1· Ⅱ on△“dol9△ 11● di△x,tio口‘.' 讪咏汕u,H。 响对Ⅱ.k、″°udmk匆 赃伍涮B“ 山伍m哑 山C●o么, Ilto血dIoid罗vo l租“no1‘孙In“‘nd】●oWo‘曲o!=伍●△oto. Wolkoutthef0mtdoorof由e builJimg. Co west om moin sttct ull you getto t.he p‘ |rk· . 而em,⒃ lk"o曲 omuor和rome bl∝ k The Comm"mity Cemter is om the"gh△ "e日 r dhe△owm lHoII, Max’s smilc disappeared.He would ncvcr bc able to nnd△ 1c c。mmuni~CentCr bccausc hc didn’t know how to follow dircctions that uscd words llke nonll and west. Max n∞ ds to get a map of his ncighbomo。 d.This map oould help him ind drcctions.He took thc drccions and thc map△om his landlord.Hc was sure he could nnd 11c c。 mmunity Centcr 31,W7hcrc can Max inoct young pcople ofhis age9 32 汕 at、vas the landlord’ s note about? 33.`~′ hatis morc hclpful for Max t° 丘nd the dr。 o位on,the note orthc map’ 34.r Max wants to go to tllc park,wh1oh drcotlon should he go’ 35.HOw can Max gctto曲 .c Watcr Towcr if he starts nronl his building? 三、单词拼写(共 6小题,计 6分 ) 根据句意和音标提示以适当形式填写单词。谙将答案填写在答题卡指定位丑。 36.Pcter、vas /praud/ofhintsclf for winning山~c racc 37,I ncver fccl `bo:d/bccause l haˇ e a lot ofhobbics /prllpeod/for your intcn`ien`? /tpronust/hc would inish thc work ton1ght 40.IIcr inatll tcaoher /InlkArId5Iz/herto ask qucstions 41.(∶ )ur linc is bc。 。111ing casicr bccausc ofthe high /tekino1od5i/ 四、动词填空(共 6小题,计 6分 ) 用括号里所给动词的适当形式填空。请将答案填写在答题卡指定位呈。 VVhcn I was a child,m.y parOnts oncn t。 。k meto a nm-down housc m a dlick forest.No othcr childFcn cvcr staycd tltcrc,I didn· t cvcn haVc t.h.c ohoioo ofplayung.” itll a brothcr or sistcr I could ncver__至 2 ~(understand)what the attacion of the house was,even for my p盯 o.nts, who cnJOycd nothlng bctcr than to sitin silcn。 。with a good book.Thc won11m,in the house,m.y hther`distant cousin,was atc△ Iblc oook. ono day,whcn I was hanging around thc gardcn bchlnd thc housc,I nooocd a w· ooden house.It was clcarly abandonod(废 弃的)and~43~mdc)oomplCt。 炒bchhd talltrces and huge grass. As I walked towards△ ,1 heard a noise,like an anulld movmg hu“ cd灯 away.I was aboutto mm awγ whcn IsaW a11 old man~ 4生_(stand)atthC door l was much scarcd, “Plcasc don’ ttcllthcm you sa、 v ino,’ ’hc sald,‘ Thcy ncvcr usc this pla。 c,and I havc nowhere else to livcr’ “D。n,t wolty,” I sald.“ I_45_(not te11)alyonc.But are you all nght out herc9 I illcan - do you havc cnough to cat’ ’’ Thc old m.an 46 (shak。)his hCad and sald曲 at hc hadn’ t had a big mcalfor agcs.I decided to put曲is nght as soon as I could.The same evenmg,I took a small plastic bag mto thc dmmg rooin and,、 vhilc no onc、vas looking,I cn1pticd sollle of th.c food into 1t. LatcL I got out of the baok door sccrcuy and gavc the food to thc old inan,、 vhosc namc I had discovcrcd was· rafF. I had ncver seen anything clse as lovely as tlle smilc On TafF’ s face whcn hc~47~(cat)thC food.Froin 11cn on,my vis“ s to thc old housc had a purpose,and l c剑 oycd evcry mlnute of曲 e rcst ofmy stay. 38.Havc you 39.IIe Thc landlord told Max that】 lc nront d。 。r。f his bu△ding faocs、v·Cst. VVb.en he came out ofhis buildlng,ho、 valkcd west on dle Malm strcet untll hc camc to the park. Taylor street was nght ncxt to thc park.He looked at his direotion n.ote. It said, ‘rrhcn, 、valk north oil T奶 `【 or for one bbck.” Max lookcd at the map.Hc could tcll that r hc was " " I Park MaX.s Bu栅 ng fac1n.g wcst,no“ 11 would be on his ngho Hc mmed to曲 c nght on Taylor stcct.He walkcd onc block.Hc oould scc a big building with a slgn.It said“ Communib`Centcr” ,He folmd it! 英语试题第5页 (共 8页 ) 咖删 英语试题 第 6页 (共 8页 ) 巾 剧 眇 瑁 絷 楚 「而面η 凵坠竺」 houlc. 53 五、完成句子 (共 5小题,计 10分 ) 根据所给汉语句子完成英语句子,词数不限。请将答案填写在答题卡指定位E。 48,请 把盐递给我好吗? 49.你 要有空,咱 们去喝杯咖啡吧。 50.妈妈允许我每周看一次电视。 51.我还没学会怎样使用这部手机。 52.你知道火车是什么时候发明的吗? 六、短文填空 (共 8小题,计 8分 ) 根据短文内容,选择适当的中词或短语填空,使 短文意思完整。每个选项至多使用— 次,有两项剩余。请将答案编号填写在答题卡指定位丑。 A,followcd hc工 B,ran towards hcr houso、 F,anothcr iilan, G,gct into your car, D.On thc wa>· homc, I,looking for, C so、 H.but, E,suddcnly, J.evcr1· tnuo A Killerin tLe Backseat At 2∶ ()0a.ll1.,a young ntrsc lcft 1hc hospital whcrc shc lvorkcd.got into her car,and headcd for 七、书面表达(共 1小 题,计 10分 ) 61卜 面六幅图丿|描 述的是今天III侵 发生的·件4忾 假设你足图中的小男孩,请用英语写一 篇||记 ,记 述刂j件 发′L的 经过. 要求:l、 讦i句 规范、通顺,怙 ”合川、亢帖。 2、 记述过和lll要 适·】1使 川对话,亻史倘述虹加忄动、形象. 3、 ii刂 数:80100训 /r右 `,口 记的开头己给出,不 计入订ll数 . 4、 妇||不 待|||现 大实姓+′ 和学校等信息, 请将答案填写在答题卡指定位置. 1 、vashing I ll achino / a oat 顶 `, 0r灬q 喂父冫 e a diny T-shⅡ1 sho stoppcd at an al△ night store for milk As shc was payulg for th。 milk.thc oashicr(收 银贝)rcmmdcd hcrto bc carcnll⒈ “You know about伍 c murder(谋 杀案),dont you?” he askcd hor of ooursc shc kncw about thc murdcr.A fcw wOcks bcforc.a looal womal driving alone latc at night had bcon inurdcrcd.Thc polio。 、、·cro still 54 the killor Thc wolnan got into hcr oar.looked dlc car doors.and pulled out of th.e parking lot.A1△ an in a pickup truck pullod out nght bOhlnd hcr and__△ 1__,st灬 ing just inchcs nr。ln hcr c盯 .Eve, fcw scconds,hc turncd on his brlght lights, Her heart bcat quickly as thc woman drovc bomc.Whcn shc go“ o hcrdnvcwa)(私 人车道),the man in tllc piokup truok followod nght bchind hcr Tho wOnian throw opcn tho oar door and 5廴~.Hdha)y to thc nront d。。r,shc falntcd(晕 倒). Whcn thc wolllan oame to(苏 醒),shc saw a man boside her Ho wasthc man in thc piokup tmokl “Irs OKr· thc man sald and pomtcd to._至 △__lying on tho ground ncarby.The man’ s hands and fcct wcrc ticd, “Γm tllc Onc who followcd you,” tbc s△ allgor s缸 d.“ I had just got to the parkmg lot of dlc al1ˉ n1ght storc whcn l saw a man~s8~a11d lic donn in thc baokscat Thcn you Oainc Out of th.e storc and gotinto the car Thcrc was nothing I oould do but follow you.Itumcd on my bnght lights_-s9~thc guy“ od lo got up△ om mc backscat,I tr1ed to lct him knOw I was bchind you.`Vhen you got out of your car,hc tlied to run awav.I hit hiin、 vith iny tlre iron,Hc had a knifc, 6() hc didn· t gct a Chancc to usc it.Thc polioc arc On thc】 ·、vav hcre. I’:n.son、 `I soarcd you.’ ’ ‘叮hat· s all ight” thc woman sald.‘ That’ s a11 oght” 英语试题第7页 (共 8页 ) l)(详 ,试 题·1)8 il |共 8o(J | | | 威海市2016年 初中学业考试 英语试题参考答案及评分标准 -、 选择填空(共 15小陋.计 15分 。每小题1分 ) 1-5 CBACB 6——10 CBCAC ll-15 CABCB 二、阅读理解 (共 四书短文,20小 迈,计 25分 ) (16-30小 题,每 小题 】分 ) 1⒍-20 ABCBC 21-25 CBBAA. 2⒍—30 BCABB (31-35小 题,每 小题 2分 )(大小写错误不扣分,32小 题抄写 note的 内容不得分。) 31.(At)(The)Commmi0 CCn的 r. 32.(Ab° “)the direo△ on(s). (About)how to getto(tlC)Communlty Ccmσ , (About)where(山c)Communi~Center is, 33.1】】e】llap, 34.VViest. 35.Max/He∞ uld walk dong/on the Mon⒏ met,md mm len(at山 e血““mmg/ crossi吧 )· Max/Hc oould Walk wcst(on山 c Mam st“ 海t),and tum len(atthC EⅡttummg/ crossing). Max/IIe o(,uld、 〃·alk south.、 vest. Max/Hc∞uld M业 sou曲 md men mm iglWw∞ △ 三、单词拼写 (共 6小题,计 6分 。每小姐 1分 ) 36.proud 37,borcd 38.preparcd. 39.prolllised. 40.encourages 41.tec.h.n.ology 四、动词玟空 (共 6小陋,计 6分 。每小题 1分 ) 42.mdcrstmd 43.(w灬 )hiddm 44.standmg 45.won’“cl1 46,shook 47,was eat1ng/ate/had eaten 五、完成句子 (共 5小屈,计 10分 。每小通 2分 ) 考生要能准确运用适当的句式、恰当的时态、语态以及正确的单词利短语来完成句子。 时态、词序、句子结构错误分别扣 1分 ,其他语法错误每处扣 0.5分 ,个 别单词拼写错误 不扣分。 48.Could/Will/WOuld you(plCaso)pass mc thc/some salt? Could/WilyWould you(plCasc)pass thC/somc sdtto mc’ Pass mc thc/gome sdt,plcasc. Pags mc ule/s。 m.。 salt,Will you? 49.Lct’s go to haVc a oup ofoomcc ryou aⅡ Erec/aVmIBble. Lct’s go to havc a cup ofoomeei.fyou havc timc, shall we go to hb`e a cup ofoomee ryou are n。 e/avallable? shall、~`e go to have a cup ofcoaieeifyou have t】 △1e’ 50.Mum allows meto watch TV oncc a wcck, l alll alloWcd to WatoI TV once a weck. 51.Ihwen’ tleamed how to usc this mobilc phone Oet), I havcn’ tlcamcd how I(can)use this mobilc phonc Oct). 52.Do you kno、v、vhCn tlc traln、 vas invented’ 六、短文坎空(共 8小题,计 8分 。每小题1分 ) 考生答编号、选项、编号+选项都可得分。 53,D,On山 e way home 54,I.lookmg R,r 55.A,followcd hcr 56.B,ran toWards her house 57.R another man 58.G.gct into your oar 59.J.evcry tIme 60.II,but 七、书面表达(共 1小题,计 10分 ) 61.参 考例文 Monday,Junc 13 This moming mum didn· t go to work and she wanted to do some washing at home, Fllrst,she put sOI11e dilty· clothcs into th.c lvashing inachino,and then she、 vcnt baok to thc bedroom to look for o山 σd“y clothes with its door open.At山 at momcnt,my pct oat ran out of thc bcdr° °m happily and rushed mto曲 c washing maohmc,Ⅵ %cn mum remmcd,shc didn’ t no0cc山 c oat,and shc c1osed the door of】】e washmg machinc.Just出 cn,I found a dir~Tˉ shi“ , “Muto,oould you pleasc hclp illo olean 1△ y shut?’’‘‘()f oourse,∶ 〖ny dear.’ ’Mmll opcncd thc door suddcnly,my pet cat mshcd out ofthc washing machmc,Muin and I wcrc both shockcd,My 8od!What brould happcn f I did.n’ t givc m.um the shid’ 评分标准 1.考 生能采用适当的时态、语态,运用适当的句式和词语进行表述,采用顺叙或倒叙 的方式把故事叙述完整,不 必拘泥于图片的顺序,也 不必每幅图片都有文字表述。阅卷教 师根据具体情况判分,不 受参考答案影响。 2.对 于时态和语言结构运用丰富,表述充分,语 言生动、流畅,能 充分显示出考生 灵活运用语言能力的文章,可 以给满分。 分四档评分: 第一档:内 容完整,表 述充分,层 次结构清晰,语 言丰富、流畅、规范、准确。9-10分 第二档:内 容完整,表述比较充分,层 次结构比较清晰,语言比较流畅、规范,有 少量语 言错误。6-8分 第三档:内 容不够完整,表述不够充分,层 次结构不够合理,有较多语言错误。3-5分 第四档:内 容不完整,语言表述错误很多或仅几个单词可读,不能完整表达意思。0-2分 英语答案 第 1页 (共 2页 ) 英语答案 第 2页 (共 2页 )

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