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福建省福州市 2016 年中考英语试卷 一、听对话选图(共 5 小题,每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)听下面五段对话,从题中所给 的 A.B.C 三幅图中选出与对话意思相符的图.每段对话读两遍. 1..what’s Rose’s favorite fruit? 【考点】听录音选图. . 【分析】略 【解答】B 【点评】略 2..How does Mark usually come to school? 【考点】听录音选图. . 【分析】略 【解答】A 【点评】略 3..What’s Bill going to do this afternoon? 【考点】听录音选图. . 【分析】略 【解答】C 【点评】略 4..Which sign are they talking about? 【考点】听录音选图. . 【分析】略 【解答】C 【点评】略 5..What can they see at ten o’clock? 【考点】听录音选图. . 【分析】略 【解答】B 【点评】略 二、对话理解(共 7 小题,每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)听下面七段对话,从题中所给的 A.B.C 三个选项中选出最佳选项.每段对话读两遍. 6..听第一段对话,完成第 6 小题. 6.What’s wrong with Nick? A.He has a headache B.He has a toothache C.He has a stomachache. 【考点】短对话理解. . 【分析】略 【解答】B 【点评】略 7..听第二段对话,完成第 7 小题. 7.What kind of music does Nancy like now? A.Jazz B.Pop music C.Rock music. 【考点】短对话理解. . 【分析】略 【解答】A 【点评】略 8..听第三段对话,完成第 8 小题. 8.What is Helen doing? A.Running B.Playing basketball C.Playing ping﹣pong. 【考点】短对话理解. . 【分析】略 【解答】C 【点评】略 9..听第四段对话,完成第 9 小题. 9.Where does the conversation probably take place? A.In a bank B.In a library C.In a clothing shop. 【考点】短对话理解. . 【分析】略 【解答】B 【点评】略 10..听第五段对话,完成第 10、11 小题. 10.What are the two speakers doing? A.Making a call B.Having a speech C.Watching a movie 11.Where will Linda and Mary meet? A.In the park B.At Mary’s home C.At the school gate. 【考点】短对话理解. . 【分析】略 【解答】AC 【点评】略 12..听第六段对话,完成第 12、13 小题. 12.What’s the relationship between the two speakers? A.Mother and son B.Husband and wife C.Brother and sister 13.When will they go for a walk? A.At 6:50 B.At 7:00 C.At 7:10. 【考点】短对话理解. . 【分析】略 【解答】AC 【点评】略 14..听第七段对话,完成第 14、15 小题. 14.Who does the man buy the shirt for? A.His father B.His uncle C.His grandfather 15.What color shirt does the man buy? A.A white one B.A green one C.A brown one. 【考点】短对话理解. . 【分析】略 【解答】AB 【点评】略 三、短文理解(共 1 小题,每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)根据你所听到的短文内容,从题 中所给的 A.B.C 三个选项中选出正确答案.短文读两遍. 16.(7.5 分).16.What’s the speaker mainly talking about? A.Outdoor sports B.Indoor activities C.Sports camp plans 17.Which of the following isn’t mentioned in the passage? A.Gloves B.Shorts C.Sports suits 18.How many pairs of sports shoes does each child need? A.One B.Two C.Three 19.How long is the lunchtime? A.One hour B.One and a half hours C.Two hours 20.Where do they buy snacks? A.In a sports center B.In a supermarket C.In a shopping center. 【考点】短文理解. . 【分析】略 【解答】CABBC 【点评】略 第二部分语言知识运用(共三节满分 15 分)第一节单项选择(共 15 小题,每小题 1 分, 满分 15 分)从下列各题所给的 A.B.C 三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案 21..﹣What do you usually have for breakfast? ﹣Some bread,________ egg and a glass of milk.( ) A.a B.an C.the 【考点】不定冠词(a,an). . 【分析】﹣﹣你早餐通常吃什么? ﹣﹣一些面包,一个鸡蛋跟一杯牛奶. 【解答】答案:B 结合汉语意思,根据 Some bread,________ egg and a glass of milk 可知, 此处表示一个鸡蛋,泛指一个,应用不定冠词 a/an,用法为 a 用于辅音音素前;an 用于元 音音素前.又知 egg 是以元音/e/开头的,所以此处应用 an,故选 B. 【点评】此题考查不定冠词的用法.做题时,要根据汉语意思判断是特指还是泛指,再筛 选出答案. 22..﹣I can’t find my eraser.May I use _______? ﹣Of course.( ) A.you B.your C.yours 【考点】物主代词. . 【分析】﹣﹣我找不到我的橡皮了,我可以用你的吗?﹣﹣当然. 【解答】答案:C you 你,你们,人称代词主格作主语,人称代词宾格作宾语;your 你的, 你们的,形容词性物主代词,后接名词;yours 你的,你们的,名词性物主代词,充当名 词的作用.根据句子“May I use…?”use 的宾语为“your eraser”,可用对应的名词性物主代 词 yours 来替代,作动词 use 的宾语,故选:C. 【点评】考查物主代词,根据句子意思和指代对象来确定形容词性物主代词还是名词性物 主代词,注意它们之间的区别与联系. 23..﹣________ is the nearest hospital from here? ﹣Er,it’s about ten minutes’walk.( ) A.How long B.How far C.How often 【考点】距离(how far). . 【分析】﹣最近的医院离这儿有多远? ﹣Er,大约步行十分钟. 【解答】答案:B;How often 多久一次(对频率进行提问); How long 多长时间(对时 间多久进行提问);How far 多远(对距离进行提问);根据答语 it’s about ten minutes’walk 推知上句问的是距离;故选 B. 【点评】根据语境,细读选项,认真分析三个选项之间的异同,选择正确的答案. 24..﹣Pass the raincoat to me,please.It _______ hard now. ﹣Here you are.( ) A.is raining B.rained C.will rain 【考点】现在进行时. . 【分析】﹣﹣﹣请把雨衣递给我.现在下得很大. ﹣﹣﹣给你. 【解答】答案:A 联系汉语意思,根据 now 可知,这是现在进行时的标志词,其结构为 am/is/are+doing.又知 it 是第三人称单数,所以此处应用 is raining.故选 A. 【点评】此题考查现在进行时的用法.做题时,先弄清汉语意思,在抓住标志词,判断所 需时态,最终筛选出符合题意和用法的选项. 25..﹣Look at the young lady in red.Is it Mrs.King? ﹣No,It ________ be her.She is wearing a white dress today.( ) A.can B.may C.must D.can’t 【考点】情态动词. . 【分析】﹣﹣看这个穿红衣服的女士,是金夫人吗? ﹣﹣不,不可能是她.她今天穿了一件白色的连衣裙. 【解答】答案:D.can 能够,可以;may 可以,可能;must 必须,一定;can’t 不能.根 据 She is wearing a white dress today,可知她今天穿了一件白色的连衣裙,所以穿红衣服的 女士不可能是金夫人.can’t 不能,故选 D. 【点评】本题考查了情态动词的用法.解答时注意了解句意以及所给选项的意思并作出正 确选择. 26..﹣Mum,what are you cooking in the kitchen?It _____ so good! ﹣Fried noodles.( ) A.smells B.tastes C.sounds 【考点】系动词. . 【分析】﹣﹣妈妈,你在厨房里正做什么?它闻起来太好闻了. ﹣﹣炒面. 【解答】答案:A. 根据 what are you cooking in the kitchen,可以推断应该是妈妈正在厨房里饭,还没有做完, 因此是闻起来而不是尝起来.smell 为闻起来,taste 为尝起来,sound 为听起来,因此符合 题意的是 smell.故选:A. 【点评】系动词的用法需要根据题意来确定单词,同时要掌握动词词义的辨析. 27..﹣Sally is my best friend.She is always there whenever I’m _______. ﹣Yeah.A friend in need is a friend indeed.( ) A.in order B.in trouble C.in public 【考点】介词短语. . 【分析】﹣﹣萨莉是我最好的朋友,每当我遇到麻烦的时候,她总是在那里.﹣﹣是的, 患难朋友才是真朋友. 【解答】答案:B in order 秩序井然的,in trouble 在困境中,in public 在公共场所,根据句意“萨莉是我最好 的朋友,每当我遇到麻烦的时候,她总是在那里.﹣﹣”以及词组“in need 在需要的时候”, 故选:B. 【点评】考查介词短语,理解句子的意思和介词短语的意思,结合语境,选择合适的短语. 28..﹣Where were you born,Michael? ﹣I was born in a small village with only three _______ people.( ) A.hundred B.hundreds C.hundreds of 【考点】量词. . 【分析】﹣﹣你在哪里出生的,Michael? ﹣﹣我出生在一个只有 3 百口人的小村庄里. 【解答】答案:A. 根据选项可知考查 hundred 的用法:基数词+hundred+名词复数形式表示“几百…”表确数; hundreds of+名词复数表示“数百的…”,表约数,根据题干中有基数词 three 可知填 hundred, 表确数“三百”,故选 A. 【点评】本题考查量词 hundred 的用法,熟记:基数词+hundred 和 hundreds of 是做题的关 键.与之用法相同的还有 thousand、million、billion.掌握这几个词的用法规律:在 thousand、 hundred、billion,million 前有具体数字时,它们不加 s,也不带 of,表确数,这些词的复 数形式后面常跟 of 短语,表示约数. 29..﹣Who is the person you admire the most? ﹣Qian Xuesen,the Father of China’s Missiles.He is the ______ of China.( ) A.leader B.pride C.voice 【考点】名词的词义辨析. . 【分析】﹣你最崇拜的人是谁? ﹣中国导弹之父钱学森,他是中国的骄傲. 【解答】答案:B;leader 领导者;pride 骄傲;voice 嗓音;根据句中信息﹣Qian Xuesen, the Father of China’s Missiles 推知后面额句意:他是中国的骄傲;故选 B. 【点评】比较和分析三个选项的不用含义及其用法是解答该题的关键;还要根据句中信息 正确推测该句句意,进而作出解答. 30..﹣Why are you late for school today? ﹣I’m sorry.I didn’t catch the early bus and I had to _____ the next one.( ) A.wait for B.ask for C.care for 【考点】动词短语. . 【分析】﹣﹣今天你为什么上学迟到了? ﹣﹣抱歉.我没有赶上早班车,我不得不等下一辆班车. 【解答】答案:A. wait for 等,等候;ask for 请求…,要求;care for 照顾.根据 I didn’t catch the early bus,可 知我没有赶上早班车,所以不得不等下一辆班车.wait for 等,等候.故选 A. 【点评】本题考查了动词短语的用法.解答本题的关键是熟知句意以及所给选项的意思. 31..﹣The boy misses his parents very much. ﹣So he does.They _____ the hometown for nearly two years.( ) A.have left B.will leave C.have been away from 【考点】现在完成时. . 【分析】﹣﹣这个小男孩非常想念他的父母. ﹣﹣确实是这样.他们离开家快 2 年了. 【解答】答案:C. 根据 for nearly two years 可知,这是一个表示一段时间的时间状语,而 leave 是瞬间性动词, 不能持续一段时间,所以要用 be away from,它后面可以跟表示一段时间的状语,结合语 境可知用现在完成时,现在完成时态的结构为 have/has+动词的过去分词,主语是 They, 所以助动词用 have,故选 C. 【点评】本题主要考查现在完成时,用法:表示过去发生或完成的动作对现在造成的影响 或结果,还表示过去发生动作一直持续到现在.其结构是 have/has+及物动词的过去分词.此 题注意短暂性动词和延续性动词区别. 32..﹣________ angry Kangkang looks!What happened? ﹣He found his mother reading his diary when he returned home yesterday.( ) A.How B.What C.What an 【考点】疑问副词. . 【分析】﹣康康看起来是多么生气啊!怎么了? ﹣昨天当他回家时发现妈妈正在看他的日记. 【解答】答案:A 感叹句中,what 修饰名词,how 修饰形容词,副词或动词;句式有:What+名词词组+主 语+谓语!How+形容词或副词+主语+谓语!此处修饰形容词 angry,故选 A. 【点评】本题考查感叹句中 what 和 how 的区别,先弄清其用法区别,再根据所修饰的词 选择正确答案. 33..﹣When is the 31stOlympic Games? ﹣It ________ in Rio do Janciro of Brazil in August,2016.( ) A.held B.is held C.will be held 【考点】一般将来时的被动语态. . 【分析】﹣31 届奥运会什么时候举行? ﹣将于 2016 年 8 月在巴西的里约热内卢举行. 【解答】答案:C 根据句中时间状语 In August,2016,可知举行该届奥运会是一个将来的事情,所以句子所 使用的时态是一般将来时态;再根据主语 it 代指 The 31th Olympic Games 是谓语动词 hold 的承受者,二者是被动关系,可知句子所使用的语态应该是被动语态;所以句中谓语动词 使用的是一般将来时的被动语态.其构成为:will+be+及物动词的过去分词,故选 C 【点评】在做这类题型时,应根据时间短语判断所使用的时态是什么时态,然后再根据主 语与谓语动词的关系判断使用主动语态还是被动语态.解答本题的关键是掌握一般将来时 的被动语态的构成为:will+be+及物动词的过去分词 34..﹣I hear Susan will go to Beijing by herself. ﹣That’s true._______ her father _________ her mother will go with her.( ) A.Both;and B.Either;or C.Neither;nor 【考点】并列连词. . 【分析】﹣﹣我听说苏珊要自己去北京. ﹣﹣是真的,她的爸爸和妈妈都不会和她一起去. 【解答】答案:C; 根据语境以及上下文,本题考查的是连词的用法.根据前面一句话的句意“我听说苏珊要 自己去北京.”可以推断后面一句话表达的意思是“她的爸爸和妈妈都不会和她一起去.”, 表示“既不…也不…”用短语 neither; nor,both…and 表示“两者都”,either…or 则表示“或者… 或者…”不符合句意.故选 C. 【点评】比较和分析选项中连词的不同含义及其用法是解答该题的关键;还要根据句中信 息正确推测该句句意,进而作出解答. 35..﹣Mr.Black,could you tell me ______? ﹣At 10:00 tomorrow morning( ) A.where we’ll go hiking B.when we’ll have a meeting C.whether you’ll come to my birthday party 【考点】宾语从句. . 【分析】﹣﹣Black 先生,你能告诉我我们什么时候开会吗? ﹣﹣明天上午 10 点钟. 【解答】答案:B. 根据 could you tell me 可知,本题考查宾语从句,宾语从句中一般为陈述语序,At 10:00 tomorrow morning,可知这里表示的是将来的时间,提问的话应该用 when,所以宾语从句 的引导词应该是 when,时态应该用一般将来时.故选 D. 【点评】本题考查宾语从句,做题时注意三要素时态、语序和引导词.本题先考虑语序问 题,再根据句子的上下文的意思,做出选择. 第二节补全对话(共 1 小题,每小题 10 分,满分 10 分)阅读下面对话,从方框中选择适 当的句子补全对话(其中有两项是多余的) 36.(10 分). A.Can you tell me something about it? B.Have you sent books to them? C.I helped them with their lessons. D.She raised some money for them. E.Is it your first time to join in such activities? F.It was a wonderful experience! G.What about you? A:Hello,Li Ming.What’s your plan for this summer holiday? B:I have no idea.(36) G A:I’ll take part in a social activity with my sister. B:It sounds exciting.(37) E A:No.I have been a volunteer in a poor village.The children there don’t have money to buy books. B:(38) B A:Yes.I bought them 30 books with my pocket money. B:What else did you do there? A:(39) C And now we are good friends. B:Wow!(40) F I’d like to join you. A:Great!I’m sure we’ll have a meaningful holiday. 【考点】补全对话;假日. . 【分析】A:你好,李明,你这个暑假的计划是什么? B:我不知道.你呢? A:我将与我妹妹参加一个社会活动. B:听起来很令人兴奋.这是你第一次参加这样的活动吗? A:不,我已是一个贫穷小山村的志愿者.那里的孩子们没有钱买书. B:你给他们寄书了吗? A:是的,我用我的零花钱给他们买了 30 本书. B:你在那里还做了什么? A:我帮助他们学习.现在我们成了好朋友了. B:哇!这真的是非常棒的经历.我想加入到你们中间. A:好极了!我相信我们会度过一个有意义的假期. 【解答】36.G. 根据 I have no idea 和 I’ll take part in a social activity with my sister.可知 这里 B 说不知道做什么,然后 A 说他将与他妹妹参加一个社会活动,所以这里应该是 B 反问 A 假期里做什么,这里用 What about you?来询问.故选:G. 37.E. 根据 No.I have been a volunteer in a poor village.可知这里用 No 回答,上面的 句子应该是一个一般疑问句,而且这里说的是在小山村做志愿者的活动,所以上面的问句 问的应该是的是这是你第一次参加这样的活动吗?英语说法是 Is it your first time to join in such activities.故选:E. 38.B. 根据 Yes.I bought them 30 books with my pocket money.可知这里用 Yes 来回答, 所以上面的句子应该是一个一般疑问句,而且这里和书有关系,所以应该选 Have you sent books to them.故选:B. 39.C. 根据 What else did you do there?可知下面的回答应该是他在那里可以做的事情, 在这里 I helped them with their lessons 比较符合语境,在这里的意思是我帮助他们学习.故 选:C. 40.F. 根据 I’d like to join you.可知我想加入到你们中间,从这里可以看出他做志愿者 的经历非常棒,所以这里用 It was a wonderful experience.故选:F. 【点评】补全对话题主要是考查学生的口语能力和对英语的应对习惯.掌握各交际项目的 习惯用法,答题时要面向整体内容,切忌片面理解.抓好关键词,进行推断,同时注意对 话的表达要符合英美人的风俗习惯. 第三节完形填空(共 1 小题,每小题 10 分,满分 10 分)阅读下面短文,从下列各题所给 的三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案. 41.(10 分).The Goal of the Mind It was an unforgettable night.The noisy Mexico City gradually(41) B .The main Olympic stadium was in darkness. (42) C he finished making the scenes that the marathon (马拉松赛跑)winners celebrated the victory,Greenspan,a world famous documentary producer,found the stadium (43) A .He was leaving for the hotel when he suddenly saw a man running into the stadium.The man ran out of breath.(44) B he didn’t stop.After he got to the goal,he fell down on the ground. Greenspan (45) A this was a marathon athlete,so he went over to ask why the athlete ran to the goal with such a difficulty.The young man replied,”That my (46) C sent me here is not to let me start of a race in the competition,but to make me (47) C the game I have fallen behind all other runners,but I have a goal(48) B them.I will run to the goal because my motherland is watching me from behind.” Moved by what he said,Greenspan (49) A the most touching scene in the history of the Olympic Games to every Corner of the world. Life should have a (50) B of reaching the peak (顶峰),yet the most important is not whether we can reach the peak but whether we have made the greatest efforts﹣to reach the goal in the mind is a success. 41.A.slowed down B.calmed down C.put down 42.A.Since B.Before C.After 43.A.empty B.large C.bright 44.A.so B.but C.and 45.A.guessed B.hoped C.introduced 46.A.coach B.friend C.country 47.A.play B.watch C.complete 48.A.for B.like C.against 49.A.spread B.made C.recorded 50.A.decision B.dream C.suggestion. 【考点】记叙文. . 【分析】心之所向 这是一个令人难忘的夜晚.喧闹的墨西哥逐渐平静下来.主奥林匹克运动场沉浸在夜幕中. 当格林斯潘(一个世界著名的记录片制片人)完成庆祝马拉松赛跑冠军胜利的拍摄活动后, 他发现体育场空空荡荡的.当他突然发现一个人跑进体育场的时候,他正准备动身去酒 店.这个人跑得上气不接下气,但他没有停下来.当他到达终点后,他倒在了地上. 格林斯潘猜测他是一个马拉松运动员,因此他走过去问这个运动员为什么如此困难还要跑 到终点.这个年轻人回答说:“我的国家送我到这里不是让我在竞争中摆摆姿势,而是让 我在比赛中竞争.我已经落后于所有的选手,但是我有一个像他们一样的终点.我将跑到 终点是因为我的祖国在后面注视着我.”格林斯潘被他的话感动了,他向世界上的每一个 角落传播了这个在奥运会历史上最感人的一幕. 生活中应该有到达顶峰的梦想,然而最 重要的不是我们能否到达顶峰,而是我们是否做了最大的努力﹣﹣达到我们心里的终点是 一种成功. 【解答】41:B 考查动词短语 slowed down 减速;calmed down 平静下来;put down 放 下 由“喧闹的墨西哥逐渐﹣”联系后句 The main Olympic stadium was in darkness 可知, 此处应选 calmed down 平静下来.故选 B. 42:C 考察连词 since 自…以来;before 在…以前;after 在…以后 由“He was leaving for the hotel”可知,他已经完成了拍摄,所以应是指在完成拍摄之后,用连词 after.故选 C 43:A 考查形容词 empty 空的;large 大的;bright 明亮的 根据比赛过后赛场应 该是空荡荡的,故选 A 44:B 考察连词 so 因此;but 但是;and 和 根据虽然他上气不接下气,…他依然没 有停止.可知此处表转折,故选 B 45:A 考查动词 guessed 猜测;hoped 希望; introduced 介绍 由“Greenspan_this was a marathon athlete 格林斯潘_他是一个运动员“再结合上文他坚持跑到马拉松终点,可 知此处是“猜测”的意思,故选 A 46:C 考查名词 coach 教练;friend 朋友;country 国家 由下文“motherland”可知 此处应选 country 47:C 考察动词 play 玩耍; watch 观看;complete 竞争 根据“not to let me start of a race in the competition,but to make me_ the game 不是让我在比赛中摆摆样子,而是让我在 比赛中﹣”结合语境,此处应选 complete 竞争最为合适,故选 C 48:B 考查介词 for 对于; like 像; against 违反 由“I have a goal _ them”推测, 此处应为“和…一样”的意思,这里指像他们一样的终点.故选 B 49:A 考察动词 spread 传播;made 让;recorded 记录 根据“Greenspan_the most touching scene”格林斯潘向全世界__这感人的一幕 联系他的职业为纪录片著名制作人可 知,此处应选“传播”.故选 A 50:B 考查名词 decision 决定;dream 梦想;suggestion 建议 根据关键词 have a …of reaching the peak 可知,这里是指生活中应该有到达顶峰的梦想.故选 B dream 【点评】在做本题时应先通读短文,知晓大意.然后仔细阅读,并根据词意、语境选择正 确选项.做完后要仔细检查,避免疏忽大意. 第三部分阅读理解(共两节满分 40 分)第一节阅读理解(共 4 小题,每小题 10 分,满分 40 分)阅读下面四篇材料,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项. 51.(10 分). What would it be like to be over 100 meters in the air?Besides taking a plane, there is a more interesting and relaxing way to experience it:having a ride on a Ferris wheel(摩 天轮). London Eye,England With a height of about 135 meters,the London Eye is the tallest Ferris wheel in Europe.There are 32 cars(轿厢) and each can carry 25 people at most.On the ride,people can get a view of London Tower.Buckingham Palace and Big Ben.One turn takes 30 minutes. High Roller US It is the world’s tallest Ferris wheel.It is 168 meters tall.High Roller first opened in Las Vegas on March 31st,2014.A ride takes 30 minutes.You can also enjoy videos and music during the ride. Tianjin Eye,China Tianjin Eye is a 120﹣meter﹣tall Ferris wheel.It lies on a bridge over the Haihe River in Tianjin,China.It is the only Ferris wheel in the world to stand on a bridge.The wheel has 48 cars.Each can take eight passengers.People can get good views of the city during the 30﹣ minute trip. Roue decision Paris France Roue decision Paris looks like all other Ferris wheels.It is about 60 meters tall and has 42 cars.But people can move it.Because of this,the big wheel has been to many other places like Manchester in the UK and Bangkok in Thailand. 51.There are C cars in London Eye. A.25 B.30 C.32 D.135 52.The tallest Ferris wheel in the world is in C . A.Paris B.Tianjin C.Las Vegas D.London 53.High Roller is B meters taller than Tianjin Eye. A.33 B.48 C.60 D.108 54. C is the only one to lie on a bridge. A.London Eye B.High Roller C.Tianjin Eye D.Roue de Paris 55.Which of the following is TRUE? B A.Tianjin Eye can bring you musical enjoyment B.Roue de Paris can be moved to many other places. C.London Eye can carry 384 passengers at most on one turn. D.Having a ride on the four Ferris wheels needs the same time. 【考点】史地常识类阅读;文中细节. . 【分析】在空中超过一百米将会怎么样?除了乘飞机,还有一种轻松有趣的方式可以体验 这种感觉;乘坐摩天轮. 伦敦眼,英国 伦敦眼高 135 米,是欧洲最高的摩天轮.它有 32 个轿厢,一个最多可以承载 25 人.乘坐 时,人们可以看到伦敦塔、白金汉宫、大本钟的风景.转一圈要 30 分钟. 豪客摩天轮,美国 它是世界上最高的摩天轮,高 168 米.2014 年 3 月 31 日,豪客摩天轮在拉斯维加斯第一 次开放.它转一圈要 30 分钟.你也可以在转动的过程中欣赏音频. 天津之眼,中国 天津之眼高 120 米,它建在中国天津海河大桥上.它是世界上唯一一座建在桥上的摩天 轮.它有 48 个轿厢,每一个可以乘坐 8 位乘客.人们可以在 30 分钟的转动中欣赏城市美 景. 巴黎摩天轮,法国 巴黎摩天轮看起来跟其他摩天轮一样.它有 60 米高,有 42 个轿厢.但人们可以移动它, 因为这个,摩天轮成为了像英国曼彻斯特和泰国曼谷一样的地方. 【解答】51;C 细节理解题 根据“There are 32 cars”可知伦敦眼有 32 个轿厢,故选 C 52:C 细节理解题 根据“It is the world’s tallest Ferris wheel”和“High Roller first opened in Las Vegas on March 31st,2014.”可知,世界上最高的摩天轮在 Las Vegas,故选 C 53:B 推理题 根据“It is 168 meters tall”和“Tianjin Eye is a 120﹣meter﹣tall Ferris wheel.”可知 High Roller 比 Tianjin Eye 高 48 米,故选 B 54:C 细节理解题 根据“It is the only Ferris wheel in the world to stand on a bridge.”可知 Tianjin Eye 是世界上唯一一座建在桥上的摩天轮,故选 C 55:B 细节理解题 根据“But people can move it”可知,巴黎摩天轮可以移动,故 B 正确.A 错在“High Roller can bring you musical enjoyment”;C 错在 London Eye 可以乘坐 32×25=800 人;D 错在文中并没有提到 Roue decision Paris 转一圈需要多长时间. 【点评】本文介绍了世界上著名的四座摩天轮.题目涉及到很多细节理解题,对于这类题 目,应当仔细阅读短文,找到对应的答案.对于此短文的推理题,只要找到关键句子,再 加以计算即可.做完后,再仔细检查一遍. 56.(10 分).Once upon a time,a hippo (河马)lived in a river next to a big tree. One day,a bird came and nested (筑巢)in the tree.The songs of the bird filled the hippo with so much envy (羡慕)that he couldn’t think of anything else.Every day he would think why he wasn’t born to be a bird even though the bird told him many times he was so lucky to be so big and such a good swimmer. Finally,the hippo made up his mind that he would come out of the river,climb the tree and start singing.However,when he tried to climb the tree,it was very clear that the hippo didn’t have wings,nor claws to climb with. Realizing that he would never climb up the tree,he angrily hit the tree until it came crashing to the ground.Then he stepped onto the leaves of the fallen tree,and began singing. Unfortunately,hippos can’t sing,either.All that came from his mouth were terrible noises, and when the other animals heard this,they all came around to make fun of the hippo. He was so ashamed by this.He also felt bad about having knocked the tree over.He used all his strength to raise the tree back up again,and look after it until it completely recovered.(康复). 56.The hippo envied the bird because C . A.he could fly high B.he could build a nest C.he could sing well D.he could live in the tree 57.After reading this passage,we know D . A.the writer is telling us a true story B.the story happened on an autumn day C.the bird thought he was luckier than the hippo D.the hippo tried to do something against his nature. 58.The hippo in this story D . A.was happy all the time B.did not respect his friends C.liked to talk a lot but did nothing D.corrected his mistake when he realized it 59.From the passage,we can infer(推断)that the hippo would C after such an experience. A.be a good singer B.be good at climbing trees C.stop envying the bird D.not make friends with other animals 60.The best title of this passage may be“ A ”. A.The hippo that wished to sing B.The tree that was knocked over C.The bird that wished to swim D.The animals that were in high spirits. 【考点】逸闻趣事类阅读;内容归纳;文中细节. . 【分析】从前,有一头河马.他住在一棵大树旁的河边. 有一天,一只鸟飞来了,并在树上筑了一个巢.鸟的歌声让河马充满了如此多的嫉妒以至 于他都不去想其它的事情了.他就是很不高兴自己是头河马.他每天都会想为什么他不是 一只鸟,尽管鸟告诉他很多次,他拥有这么庞大的身躯真幸运.而且他是个出色的游泳健 将. 最后,河马做了一个决定.他要从河里走出来并要爬上树,站在树枝上,开始唱歌.他试 图拼命的往树上爬,但他失败了,因为他没有翅膀和爪子来攀附树干. 他意识到自己永远不会爬上树,他生气地撞击着这棵树上,直到它撞倒在地上.然后他走 上倒下的树的叶子,开始唱歌. 不幸的是,河马还是不会唱歌.从他的嘴里发出来的只是可怕的噪音.当其他动物听到这 个消息,他们都来取笑河马. 他为这一点感到羞愧.也后悔把树推倒.他用尽全力把树拉起来,重新栽种和照料它,直 到树完全复活. 【解答】56.C.推理判断题.根据 The songs of the bird filled the hippo with so much envy(羡 慕),可知鸟的歌声让河马充满了如此多的嫉妒,言外之意是鸟儿唱歌很好听,让河马很 嫉妒.故选 C. 57.D.推理判断题.根据 However,when he tried to climb the tree,it was very clear that the hippo didn’t have wings,nor claws to climb with.可知他试图拼命的往树上爬,但他失败了, 因为他没有翅膀和爪子来攀附树干.从这里可以看出河马尝试想做一些违背自然规律的 事.故选 D. 58.D.推理判断题.根据 He was so ashamed by this.He also felt bad about having knocked the tree over.He used all his strength to raise the tree back up again,and look after it until it completely recovered.可知他为这一点感到羞愧.也后悔把树推倒.他用尽全力把树拉起 来,重新栽种和照料它,直到树完全复活,从这里可以看出河马是一个知错就改的动物.故 选 D. 59.C.推理判断题.根据 He was so ashamed by this.可知他为学唱歌而感到羞愧,所以 他不再嫉妒鸟儿的歌声.故选 C. 60.A.主旨大意题.通过阅读文章可知,这篇短文主要介绍的就是河马学习唱歌的事情.所 以这篇短文的题目是 The hippo that wished to sing 唱歌的河马.故选 A. 【点评】本篇是一篇逸闻趣事类阅读短文.解答时,首先理解所给问题,然后带着问题快 速阅读短文,找出与问题有关的句子,并理解大意,对于捕获到的信息,要做认真分析, 仔细推敲,理解透彻,只有这样,针对题目要求,才能做到稳、准,最后仔细斟酌,找出 答案,并核对. 61.(10 分). In Britain.Boxing Day is usually celebrated on December 26th,which is the following day after Christmas Day.However,strictly speaking.Boxing Day is the first weekday after Christmas.Like Christmas Day.Boxing Day sing a public holiday.This means it’s a non ﹣working day in the whole of Britain.When Boxing Day falls on a Saturday or Sunday,the following Monday is the public holiday. The exact origin(起源)of the holiday is unclear.One of the thoughts is that during the Middle Ages,when great sailing ships were setting off to discover new land,a Christmas Box was placed by a priest (神父)on each ship.Those sailors who wanted to ensure a safe return would drop money into the box.It wassealed upand kept on board until the ship came home safely.Then the box was handed over to the priest in the exchange for the saying of a Mass of thanks for the success of the sailing.The priest wouldn’t open it to share the contents with the poor until Christmas. One more thought is about the“Alms Box”placed in every church on Christmas Day.Worshippers(做礼拜的人)put gifts for the poor into it.These boxes were always opened the day after Christmas,that is why that day became know as Boxing Day. Today,many businesses,organizations and families try to keep the traditional spirit of Boxing Day alive by donating(捐赠)their time,services and money to aid Food Banks,providing gifts for the poor,or helping families in need.Besides,spending time with family and shopping are popular Boxing Day activities now. 61.If Christmas Day is on a Saturday,Boxing Day will be celebrated on C . A.December 25thB.December 26thC.December 27thD.December 28th 62.Sailors dropped money into the Christmas Box in order to D A.save the poor B.pay for the priest C.discover new land D.pray for sailing safely 63.What does the underlined phrase“sealed up“mean? A A.密封 B.悬挂 C.归还 D.传递 64.The following activities can show the traditional spirit of Boxing Day EXCEPT C . A.offering gifts to the poor B.supporting families in need C.spending time with family D.giving money to aid Food Banks 65.The purpose of the passage is B . A.to praise the kindness of priests B.to introduce the origins of Boxing Day C.to call on people to help the poor D.to compare Boxing Day with Christmas Day. 【考点】社会文化类阅读;判断推理;内容归纳. . 【分析】在英国,节礼日通常为圣诞节后的第二天,12 月 26 日.然而,严格来说,节礼 日为圣诞节后的第一个工作日.像圣诞节一样,节礼日会放一天假.这意味着,在这一天 整个英国没有一个人工作.当节礼日赶到星期六或者星期天的时候,下个星期一则为假期. 假期的准确起源不清楚了.一种说法是,在中世纪,当大船准备出发去一个新的地方,神 父会在每艘船上放一个圣诞箱.那些想平安归来的船员就会往里面放钱.箱子会被封起来 放在船上直到船平安归来.然后这箱子被交给神父作为感谢平安归来的谢礼.神父直到圣 诞节才会打开它与穷人分享. 另一种说法是关于圣诞节放在每个教堂的“捐款箱”.做礼拜的人会往里面给穷人捐款.那 些箱子总是在圣诞节后打开,这是为什么那天被叫做“节礼日”. 现在,很多商家,组织,家庭试着通过捐赠他们的时间、服务和金钱去援助食物银行,送 礼物给穷人,或者帮助需要帮助的家庭来传承节礼日的传统精神.此外,与家人共度和购 物也是现在很流行的节礼日活动. 【解答】61:C 推理判断题 根据“Boxing Day is the first weekday after Christmas.”节礼 日是圣诞节后的第一个工作日,如果圣诞节在星期六,那么节礼日就在两天后的星期一, 故为 12 月 27 日,故选 C 62:D 细节理解题 根据“Those sailors who wanted to ensure a safe return would drop money into the box.”可知 船员往里放钱是为了祈祷平安归来,故选 D 63:A 细节理解题 根据下文“The priest wouldn’t open it to share the contents with the poor until Christmas.神父直到圣诞节才会打开箱子与穷人分享.”可知箱子被封住了,故答案 选 A 64:C 细节理解题 根据“keep the traditional spirit of Boxing Day alive by donating(捐赠) their time,services and money to aid Food Banks,providing gifts for the poor,or helping families in need.”可知,C spending time with family 不在此列,故选 C 65:B 推理判断题 根据全文大意可知,这篇短文主要讲述了节礼日的奇缘和节礼日的 活动.故这篇短文的目的是 B 介绍节礼日的起源 【点评】这篇短文主要是关于节礼日的起源以及节礼日的活动,题目涉及了细节理解题和 推理判断题.做这篇短文时要仔细阅读短文,找出关键句子,并结合选项进行分析,找出 正确的答案. 66.(10 分). Pollution inside homes and other buildings kills more than 4 million people each year.Many people die as a result of breathing smoke or from cooking over wood﹣ powered of coal﹣powered stoves. One way to reduce the number of deaths is through cooking equipment powered by the sun.Crosby Menzies,a solar power expert in a South African company,described his latest solar cooker called the“Sol.4”,”It is four square meters of mirrors,six to eight meters in length.It is quite a large cooler.” The“Sol.4”works by reflecting (反射)light from the sun off large mirrors.The mirrors direct (把…对准)the light at a cooking pan.Then the light heats the pan with solar energy.Within two minutes,the pan is hot enough to cook sausages and onions.In just four minutes,water can be boiled.That is as fast as cooking with natural gas or electricity. The cooker is also much“friendlier”than other models because people do not have to stand in the sun to use it.And people can prepare meals without having to collect firewood or spend money on coal.Suchindividualswould be less likely to have breathing illnesses from harmful smoke. At present,the cooker only works when the sun is shining.But engineers are working on a way to make it work without sunlight. Each cooker costs about $2000,which is a large amount of money for most Africans.To solve that problem,Crosby Menzies has crated a non﹣governmental organization called solar Cookers for Africa.It plans to raise money through donations to provide poor people with solar cooking equipment. 66.This passage is mainly about A . A.solar cookers B.smoke pollution C.solar power experts D.breathing illnesses 67.The“Sol﹣4”is mainly used to D . A.shorten the time of cooking B.reduce the cost of making cookers C.raise money through donations to help African people D.reduce the number of deaths caused by harmful smoke. 68.The underlined word“individuals“most probably means“ C ” A.cookers B.mirrors C.people D.experts 69.Which of the following about the“Sol﹣4”is TRUE? D A.It is six to eight square meters of mirrors. B.It can work in any weather condition now C.It can also heat the pan by lighting firewood D.It is more environment﹣friendly than other cookers. 70.From the passage,we can infer that B . A.the“Sol﹣4”will be designed in a smaller size B.more African can use the solar cookers in the future C.the“Sol﹣4”is the first product of the south African company D.the African government will provide poor people with solar cookers. 【考点】健康环保类阅读;判断推理;文中细节. . 【分析】房屋和其他建筑物的污染每年造成超过 400 万人死亡,许多人因吸入烟或用煤作 动力的炉子做饭而死亡. 减少死亡人数的一个方法是通过太阳能烹饪设备,一个南非公司的太阳能专家 Crosby Menzies 描述了他最新的太阳能炊具,称为“Sol.4”,“它是四平方米的镜子,长度六到八米, 相当于一个大的灶具.” “Sol.4”由大镜子反射的太阳光运作的.镜子直接把光对准炒菜的锅,然后光用太阳能加热 锅.两分钟后,锅热得能够烤香肠和洋葱.在短短的四分钟,水可以煮沸,和用天然气或 电做饭一样快. 锅也比其他灶具更“友好”,因为人们不必站在太阳下使用它,人们可以不必收集柴火或花 钱买煤做饭.这样的人们不太可能有来自于有害烟雾引起的呼吸病. 目前,炊具只是在阳光灿烂的时候工作,但工程师们正在努力工作,使它在没有阳光的情 况下也能工作. 每个锅的成本约为 2000 美元,这是大多数非洲人一大笔钱.为了解决这个问题,Crosby Menzies 已建立一个叫做非洲太阳能炊具的非政府组织.它计划筹集捐赠的资金去提供太 阳能烹饪设备给穷人. 【解答】66.答案:A.主旨大意题.根据 One way to reduce the number of deaths is through cooking equipment powered by the sun.Crosby Menzies,a solar power expert in a South African company,described his latest solar cooker called the“Sol.4”,”联系全文内容可知本文 是介绍一种新型的太阳能灶具,能够减少污染对身体的伤害,故答案是 A. 67.答案:D.细节理解题.根据 Many people die as a result of breathing smoke or from cooking over wood﹣powered of coal﹣powered stoves. One way to reduce the number of deaths is through cooking equipment powered by the sun.Crosby Menzies,a solar power expert in a South African company,described his latest solar cooker called the“Sol.4”可知 Sol﹣4 主要是 用于减少因有害气体引起的死亡,故答案是 D. 68.答案:C.词义猜测题.根据.And people can prepare meals without having to collect firewood or spend money on coal.人们可以不必收集柴火或花钱买煤做饭和后面的 would be less likely to have breathing illnesses from harmful smoke.不太可能有来自于有害烟雾引起的 呼吸病.individuals 作为主语,表示人不可能得病,故选 C. 69.答案:D.细节理解题.根据 The cooker is also much“friendlier”than other models because people do not have to stand in the sun to use it.And people can prepare meals without having to collect firewood or spend money on coal.Suchindividualswould be less likely to have breathing illnesses from harmful smoke 可知这种新灶具比其他灶具更环保,故选 D. 70.答案:B.推理判断题.根据 To solve that problem,Crosby Menzies has crated a non﹣ governmental organization called solar Cookers for Africa.It plans to raise money through donations to provide poor people with solar cooking equipment.可以推断将来越来越多的非 洲人会用上太阳能灶,故答案是 B. 【点评】就英语说明文的阅读而言,首先要抓住文章说明的要点,也就是要抓住被说明对 象的实质性特征;弄清作者从哪个角度、哪个层面开始说明;并明白文章最后的说明结 论.高考说明文阅读材料通常介绍最新科技、重大成就、生活时尚、流行现象等.了解说 明文的写作手法、说明方法,理清短文结构及段落中心思想是答题关键. 第二节阅读理解(共 1 小题,每小题 5 分,满分 5 分)阅读下面短文,把 A-D 四个句子 填入文中空缺处,使短文内容完整、正确,然后完成第 75 题. 71.(5 分). What can you make with pieces of paper?Look at Chen Yiyan’s works!The 14 ﹣year﹣old has Origami(折纸) talent at Hangzhou Entel Foreign Language School.Zhejiang.(71) C But he wasn’t born with this talent. When Chen was a fourth﹣grader,he found his brother’s paper﹣folding book.(72) D Following the 50steps shown in the book,he made his first work,a paper peacock,within two hours.Since then,he has read many books about Origami and practices in his spare time.So far, his“fantasy world“has man members,such as monsters and robots.And he made his favorite work last year.(73) A Chen used to fold (折叠)paper himself until he met Chen Changnan,an eighth﹣grader at his school,who also loves Origami.They set up a paper﹣folding club last year.With support from school,they host a paper﹣folding class every Wednesday afternoon.The club soon attracted people.Now it has more tan 20 members.(74) B On February 14th.The club also held a speech for the kids in wenzhou Children’s Library. “It’s really exciting to develop my hobby and share it with others at the same time.”said Chen, “I hope more and more people get to know Origami and love this art.” A.It’s a paper dragon that involved (包含)almost 2000 steps. B.They show their works and teach students how to fold. C.He has folded a“kingdom“with his hands. D.It got him interested in Origami 75.The passage mainly tells us C . A.a paper﹣folding club B.how to fold paper C.a student with Origami talent D.how to develop hobbies. 【考点】任务型阅读;人物故事类阅读;内容归纳. . 【分析】本文讲了一个喜欢折纸的小男孩的故事.一个温州男孩陈一楠从小就喜欢折纸.这 个兴趣从他四年级的时候开始发掘.当时他看到了他哥哥的折纸书,于是自己跟着书上的 解说步骤开始折纸.他的第一个作品是一只孔雀.后来他自己读了很多关于折纸的书,不 断地发展折纸的兴趣,现在他的折纸作品各种各样,有机器人,还有怪兽等.去年他完成 了他最喜欢的作品﹣﹣一条需要 2000 个步骤才能完成的中国龙.他还跟学校八年级的同 样喜好折纸的陈长楠合作创立了折纸俱乐部.这个俱乐部在温州儿童图书馆还举办了演 讲. 陈一楠为能发展兴趣并且能和他人分享而感到快乐,并且希望越来越多的人会喜欢折纸艺 术. 【解答】71.C 根据后面的转折词 but 可知前面是讲一个很了不起的事情,但后面转折说 并非天生如此,可知 C 项为一件很了不起的事件的描述,故答案为 C. 72.D 文段讲述陈喜欢折纸的起因,he found his brother’s paper﹣folding book,可以推测 这本书激发了他的兴趣,所以答案为 D. 73.A 前面 he made his favorite work last year 可知是讲到他去年制作了他最喜欢的作品, 后面讲的是补充说明这是什么样的作品,因此答案为 A. 74.B 句子所在的文段主要是讲陈成立了折纸俱乐部后分享折纸的乐趣,因此 B 项和此 有关,故选 B. 75.C 根据全文可知,本文主要讲了一个喜欢折纸的温州男孩的故事,包括兴趣的起因, 发展,成果及影响,因此答案为 C. 【点评】考生需先通读全文,把握文章主旨大意,理清文章的写作结构,根据上下文语意, 选择正确的选项. 第四部分读写综合(共四节,满分 5 分)第一节词汇(共 1 小题,每小题 5 分,满分 5 分) 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空. 76.(5 分). you choose sun photo explain 76.She took lots of beautiful photos during her stay in Europe. 77.Tom,believing in yourself is the first step on the road to success. 78.Tomorrow will be sunny .How about going to Mount Gu for a picnic? 79.The teacher kept explaining the use of the idiom to me until I understood it. 80.He was facing a difficult choice between staying with his family or working in Tibet. 【考点】选词完成句子. . 【分析】76.在她在欧洲期间,她拍了很多美照. 77.汤姆,相信自己是迈向成功的第一步. 78.明天将是晴天.去鼓山野餐怎么样? 79.老师不停地解释这个成语的使用,直到我明白为止. 80.在跟家人呆在一起还是去西藏工作方面,他面临一个艰难的选择. 【解答】76.photos 考查可数名词的单复数形式.根据句意,可知是在欧洲期间,拍了很 多照片,结合短语 take photos,以及量词 lots of,可知 photo 需用复数形式,故答案为 photos. 77.yourself 考查反身代词.联系句意可知,迈向成功的第一步是相信自己,此处用到短 语 believe in oneself,故答案为 you 的反身代词 yourself. 78.sunny 考查形容词辨析.根据后面的句子 going to Mount Gu for a picnic,可知明天天 气不错,此处用形容天气的形容词,在框里可找到一个单词 sunny. 79.explaining 考查动词短语.本句考查 keep doing sth,表示一直做某事,根据句意,是 老师一直在解释,直到我明白.因此答案为 explaining. 80.choice 考查名词辨析.后面是两个选项 staying with his family or working in Tibet,可 知是面临一个艰难的选择,face a difficult______.答案为 choice,名词形式. 【点评】考生需理解句意,联系平时学到的语法知识,正确填写词语的形态. 第二节完成句子(共 5 小题,每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)根据中文意思完成英语句子,每 个空格填一个单词. 81.(2 分).瞧!有一些女孩在树下跳舞. Look!There are some girls dancing under the tree. 【考点】汉译英. . 【分析】are dancing. 【解答】答案:are,dancing.表示有人在某地正在做某事用 There be+sb.+doing sth+地 点状语,再者 there be 中的 be 动词的单复数遵循就近原则,some girls 是复数,故 are,跳 舞 dance 的动名词 dancing,故答案是 are,dancing. 【点评】there be 的固定句型 There be+名词或代词+to do (+介词) 有某事要做 There be+some/no+trouble/difficulty ( in) doing sth/with sth.做某事(没)有困难 There be+some/no+doubt about/as to sth/that„对某事(没)有疑问 There is no sense/use/good/point(in)doing sth 做某事没有道理/用处/好处/意义 There is no need (for sb.) to do sth/that„(某人)做某事没有必要 There is no chance/possibility to do sth/of doing sth./that„没有做某事的机会/可能性 There was no arguing with her.没法和她争辩. There is a time when…有做某事的一段 时间 There be+sb.+doing sth.+地点/时间状语“有某人在做某事”例如:There are several children swimming in the river.河里有几个孩子在游泳 82.(2 分).别吃太多垃圾食品,这对我们的健康有害. Don’t eat too much junk food.It is bad for our health. 【考点】汉译英. . 【分析】eat,bad. 【解答】答案:eat,bad.第一个空是要译出吃,这里是 don't 开头的祈使句,后加动词原 形 eat 吃,表示对…有害,结合 for 用 be bad for,故答案是 eat,bad. 【点评】do harm to …/be harmful to …伤害某人,对…有害=be bad for … do good to …/be good for/…对…有好处/益 83.(2 分).除非我拿到驾照,否则我不能开我父亲的车. I can’t drive my father's car unless I get my driving licence. 【考点】汉译英. . 【分析】father's; unless 【解答】答案:father's; unless.第一个空需要译出我父亲的,用名词所有格 father's.结 合句意第二个空需要表达除非用 unless,引导的条件状语从句,故答案是 father's; unless 【点评】unless 也可引导条件状语从句,意思是“如果不;除非”,相当于 if…not…We’ll go for a picnic if it doesn’t rain this Sunday=We’ll go for a picnic unless it rains this Sunday. 84.(2 分).这个男孩很聪明,他能很快解出这道数学题. The boy is clever enough to work out the math problem quickly . 【考点】汉译英. . 【分析】clever quickly. 【解答】答案:clever quickly.根据中英文空格一需要表达聪明的,和前面的 is 构成系表 结构用形容词 clever 聪明的,空格二是用来修饰动词短语 work out 用副词 quicky 快速地, 故答案是 clever quickly. 【点评】形容词修饰名词,说明事物或人的性质或特征.通常,可将形容词分成性质形容 词和叙述形容词两类,其位置不一定都放在名词前面. 1)直接说明事物的性质或特征的形容词是性质形容词,它有级的变化,可以用程度副词 修饰,在句中可作定语、表语和补语.例如:hot 热的. 2)叙述形容词只能作表语,所以又称为表语形容词.这类形容词没有级的变化,也不可 用程度副词修饰.大多数以 a 开头的形容词都属于这一类.例如:afraid 害怕的. 85.(2 分).屠呦呦成为第一位获得诺贝尔奖的中国女性. Tu Youyou became the first Chinese woman that won the Nobel Prize. 【考点】汉译英. . 【分析】Chinese won. 【解答】答案:Chinese won.第一个空格需要译出中国的,修饰名词 woman,用形容 词 Chinese 中国的,第二个空需要译出获得…,表示获得奖项用 win,结合主句的动词 become 为过去式,所以这里是说过去的事情用一般过去时,win 的过去式是 won,故答案是 Chinese won. 【点评】1.win 和 beat 都可用作及物动词,作“赢“、“战胜“讲时,其区别主要在于宾语的 不同.2.充当 win 的宾语的是比赛、战争、奖品、金钱等名词,即 race,match,game, competition,war,prize 之类的词.例如:They won the match this time.这次比赛他们赢 了. He won first prize in the surfing competition.他在冲浪比赛中获得第一.3.充当 beat 的宾语的则是比赛、竞争的对手,即指人或球队的名词或代词.例如:We played very well, and we beaten them.我们发挥很好,打败了他们. 第三节短文填词(共 1 小题,每小题 10 分,满分 10 分)阅读下面短文,根据中文首字母、 音标或语境的提示,在每个空格内填入一个适当的单词,要求所填的单词意义准确,拼写 正确. 86.(10 分).In New York City public school,176 different languages are spoken(86)a among more than one million students.For 160000 children,English is not their first language.New York’s Department of Education makes learning (87)b better for these students by providing dual﹣language (双语)programs.Students are taught in two languages,English and (88)a another one,such as French,German or Japanese,Math,social studies,science and all other regular courses are taught in both languages.And they learn about the (89) culture /'kʌltʃə(r)/of the other country. Milady Baez,a headmaster,says these dual﹣language programs will help children succeed in the future.”The jobs of the future (90) require /n'kwatɔ(r)/that our students know more than one language.They’re going to travel (91) abroad (在国外)and communicate with people from all over the world.This will open doors for them.” Shuya Zhang (92) teaches (教)a dual﹣language class.She says,”America started economic relationships with China.Lots of factories were (93)b uilt .companies moved to China.They need people with both language skills.” Anna,a Russian girl came to America (94) when she was two years old.She says the Russian.English program keeps her connected to her heritage and her parents happy. Nowadays,more and more (95) foreigners (外国人)come to China.Perhaps in the future your school will also provide them with the dual=language program. 【考点】语法填空;政治经济类阅读. . 【分析】本文主要讲了双语教学.在美国纽约的公立学校,一百万个学生中一共讲 176 种 语言.对 16 万个学生来说,英语是他们的第一语言.纽约教育部门让这些学生能够接受 双语教学﹣﹣英语及另外一种语言,例如法语,德语,或者日语等,像数学,科学,社会 学及其他常规课程都是双语教学.并且学生能学习到另一个国家的文化.双语教学带来了 好处﹣﹣对学生将来的工作有利,能够和全世界的人交流.随着越来越多的外国人进入中 国,中国也可能将会采用双语教学. 【解答】86.among 考查范围介词.本句句意为在一百万学生中一共讲 176 种语言,需表 达“在…之间”,表示的范围对象是三者或三者以上,故需用 among. 87.better 考查比较级.这里指改善了学习.根据首字母提示,可知是 make sth better,因 此为 better. 88.another 考查指示形容词.前面讲到 dual﹣language programs(双语教学项目),句子 想要表达的是选取英语及另外一种语言进行学习,可以是法语、德语、日语等,因此指除 了英语以外的“另外的”的语言,答案为 another. 89.culture 考查语音辨析.根据语音可知,有两个音节,拼读为 culture,联系句意,确 定答案,此处指学习别的国家的文化. 90.require 考查语音辨析.根据语音可知,有两个音节,拼读为 require,联系句意,确 定答案,此处指将来的工作要求学生懂得一种语言以上. 91.abroad 考查副词辨析.在国外,可以用副词 abroad,前面 travel 为动词,用副词修 饰. 92.teaches 考查动词的时态和人称变化.根据后面的动词 says 可知,本段是对现在的情 况的一般描述,用一般现在时,并且,人称为第三人称单数,因而动词 teach 改为 teaches.注 意,ch 结尾,第三人称单数的动词需加 es. 93.built 考查动词的语态.此处指在中国很多工厂被建立.需用被动语态,因此需用 build 的过去分词 built. 94.when 考查从属连词,此处缺少时间状语,需用 when 来引导时间状语,意为当她 两岁的时候. 95.foreigners 考查可数名词的复数形式.此处外国人是可数名词,故需在 foreigner 后加 s. 【点评】语法填空题需先通读全文,把握全文主旨大意,再根据括号中的提示,结合平时 学习到的语法知识,正确填写. 第四节书面表达(满分 15 分) 96.(15 分).你的学校正在开展“诚信”教育,英语俱乐部为配合这次活动将举行一次演讲 比赛.请根据如表所提示的要点,写一篇演讲稿. 朋友李雷 爱踢足球、玩游戏、考试舞弊 学习退步,不被信任 你的观点 诚信考试,独立完成作业 说实话,做诚实孩子 (请补充一点) 要求:1)短文应包括表格中的所有内容,可适当发挥; 2)词数 90 左右,不包含已给出句子的词数; 3)演讲稿中不得出现你的真实姓名和校名. 参考词汇:cheat in the exam; fall behind (落后) Hello,everyone!It’s a great honor to give a speech here.. That’s all.Thank you for listening! 【考点】图表作文. . 【分析】这是一篇图表作文.内容是写一篇有关诚信的演讲稿,介绍朋友李雷,以及谈谈 自己的观点.时态主要为一般现在时.人称主要为第一、三人称. 写作思路:考生需要首先审清主题,围绕主题展开作文. 其次考生可从以下几个方面展开作文,即本文的写作要点: 1.朋友李雷;爱踢足球、玩游戏、考试舞弊.学习退步,不被信任 2.你的观点;诚信考试,独立完成作业,说实话,做诚实孩子 常用到的重点短语: would like to do sth 想要做某事 as a result 结果 what's worse 更糟糕的是 tell the truth 说真话 had better do sth 最好做某事 try one's best to do sth 尽力做某事 【高分句型】 1.To get good grades,he often cheats in the exams. 动词不定式做目的状语. 2.And it’s important to do homework by ourselves. it is+adj+to do sth 做某事是怎么样的,it 是形式主语,动词不定式做真正主语. 3.①If we ②promise to do something,③we’d better ④try our best to⑤keep the promise. ①if 引导的条件状语从句. ②promise to do sth 许诺做某事 ③had better do sth 最好做某事 ④try one's best to do sth 尽力做某事 ⑤keep the promise 信守承诺 【解答】Hello,everyone!It's a great honor to give a speech here.I’d like to tell you something about my friend Li Lei.He likes playing football and he also likes computer games.To get good grades,he often cheats in the exams.【高分句型】As a result,he gradually falls behind other students.What’s worse,he isn’t trusted by others.(朋友李雷;爱踢足球、玩游戏、考试舞 弊.学习退步,不被信任) So I think we should be honest in the exams.And it’s important to do homework by ourselves.【高分句型】We ought to tell the truth and be honest students.If we promise to do something,we’d better try our best to keep the promise【高分句型】.(你的观点;诚信考试, 独立完成作业,说实话,做诚实孩子) That's all.Thank you for listening! 【点评】图表类作文写作之前考生首先要认真审题,确定文章的中心.表格内容要全部包 括在作文中,词数要符合要求.句式表达要正确,注意句子的主谓宾、主系表等结构.文 章结构要清晰.考生在平时的英语学习中需牢记一些固定句式及短语,写作时就可以适当 引用,使文章的表达更有逻辑性,更富有条理,也可为文章增色不少. 附听力材料

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