高二英语选修6module 6 unit 3 reading

高二英语选修6module 6 unit 3 reading


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UnitUnit 33 UnderstandingUnderstanding eacheach otherother Period 1 welcome to the unit Teaching objectives: 1. Enable students to get a general idea of different ways of greeting each other in different countries. 2. Ask students to think about the possible problems that may be caused by these differences. 3. Help students know more about different customs. 4. Help students form correct attitudes towards foreign cultures. Teaching procedures: Step 1 Lead-in Ask students to say what they know about the Chinese ways of greeting. In China, if we meet someone for the first time, we usually greet each other by shaking hands and saying ‘How do you do?’ or ‘Nice to meet you!’. However, between familiar people, we usually say ‘Have you had your meal?’ or ‘Where are you going?’. Step 2 Picture talking 1. Look at the six pictures carefully. Then match the different ways of greeting with the countries. Ways of greeting and countries or areas (1) putting their hands together and bowing slightly (Thailand) (2) kissing each other on one cheek and then the other (Holland) (3) greeting each other by touching noses (the Middle East) (4) hugging each other (South America) (5) shaking hands with each other (the USA) (6) bowing to each other(Japan) Ask some students to describe the greetings using the following sentence patterns. (1) In…, people greeting each other by doing sth / with sth. (2) In…, people do sth (to greet each other) when meeting each other. (3) In…, you can expected to be done when you meet someone. (4) In…, the normal greeting is a … 2. Are these ways of greeting the same as the ways Chinese people greet each other? What would you think if you saw Chinese people doing these in China? ( I would think that they were very strange.) What may happen when people with different greeting habits meet.? ( Maybe they will feel embarrassed or be involved in awkward situations.) If you met people from the Middle East for the first time without knowing anything about their ways of greeting, how would you react? Step 3 Discussion Ask students to read the three questions under the six pictures and make sure that everyone knows the meanings of the questions. Then divide the class into 3 groups to discuss the 3 questions. After finishing, ask one group to report their answers to the class. (1) In English-speaking countries, there are some formal greetings, such as ‘How are you?’ ‘How do you do?’ and ‘How have you been?’. There are also some informal ways of greeting. For instance, people often greet others that they know well with ‘Hi’ ‘Hello’’Hi there’ or ‘What’s up?’. (2) There are various reasons for this. Firstly, there are cultural differences. People in the West might feel at a loss when they hear Chinese people greet them by asking whether they have eaten or not. (3) One custom that is different in the West and in China is what to say when someone gives you a compliment. In China, most people would usually show some courtesies first and then give a compliment in return to the person, but in Western countries, it is polite to accept the compliment by saying ‘Thank you.’ Step 4 Ture or False Show students more information about cultural differences; make sure that students have a basic understanding on cultural difference. 1.Westerners tend to avoid using 13. (T) 2.Nodding your head up and down always means yes. (F) 3.Usually, one should never give a clock as a gift in China. (T) 4.Never point to anything with your foot in Vietnam (越南). (T) 5.You can pass something to an older person with one hand in Korea. (F) 6.In Canada, it’s OK to arrive early if you are invited to someone’s house? (F) Step 5 Homework PeriodPeriod 22 Reading (1)  Teaching Objectives: Enable students to get a general idea of different ways of greeting each other in different countries. Make sure the students can learn how to talk about cultural differences and customs; Get the students to master useful vocabulary and sentences. Teaching importance: The students are expected to put the skill into practice. Teaching aid: The media. Teaching procedures: Step 1. Lead-in How do Chinese people greet each other in formal situations? People around the world have their own ways of greeting each other. Some of the ways are familiar to us while others seem rather strange. If we don’t know about their greeting ways ,maybe we would feel embarrassed (might be involved in awkward situations).It may cause misunderstanding. Have a test . Check if the students know something about different ways of greetings. Discussion : Why do you think people in different countries greet each other in different ways? There are cultural differences. We need to understand cultural differences to avoid mistakes in communication. Today we are going to read a dialogue related to cultural differences. Ma li goes online to chat to others about this topic and find information. Step 2 Fast reading Read dialogue fast and answer some questions 1. Which country is Waled from? Brunei 2. Where does Peter come from? UK 3. Does everyone in Brunei wear yellow? No , they don’t . Only the Sultan and his family do Step 3 Further reading ⅠPlease spot the topics that are mentioned in this dialogue 1. Thanksgiving T 2. eye contact 3. wedding in Brunei T 4. Wedding in Italy is different from one in the UK. T 5. body language 6. Common people can’t wear yellow. T 7. People open the present as soon as he is given it. T 8. Chinese people greet each other by shaking hands. 9. Take off shoes before going inside a house. T 10. Use thumb to point T II Put the subjects of the dialogue in the correct order. (exercise on page 36) IIIAnswer the following questions 1. What does thanksgiving celebrate? It’s to do with celebrating the first harvest after the settlers from Europe went to live in the USA. 2. What is eaten at thanksgiving? The huge turkey. 3. In the West, when is the polite time to open a present? Why? In the west , it is polite to open a present when someone gives you one. Because people want to see the person’s reaction. 4. Why do guest expect a present at a wedding in Italy? Guest expect presents as a souvenir to remember the big day. 5What can you not drink at a wedding in Brunei? Alcohol. 6. What should you do instead of pointing with your first finger in Brunei? Pointing with our thumb. 7. What customs do Chinese cities and Brunei have in common? Taking shoes off before you go inside someone’s house. Step 3 Listening After that, try to find the missing information in the table. peoplepeople fromfrom differentdifferent countriescountries DifferentDifferent situationssituations DifferentDifferent reactionsreactions TheThe British/British/ thethe ItalianItalian AboutAbout thethe weddingwedding TheThe guestsguests givegive presentspresents toto thethe newly-wedsnewly-weds inin thethe UKUK whilewhile itit isis oppositeopposite inin ItalyItaly PeoplePeople fromfrom Brunei/someBrunei/some otherother countriescountries AboutAbout thethe weddingwedding MenMen andand womenwomen sitsit inin differentdifferent areaarea inin BruneiBrunei andand withwith nono alcoholalcohol inin thethe weddingwedding PeoplePeople fromfrom Brunei/theBrunei/the BritishBritish PeoplePeople PointingPointing toto othersothers PeoplePeople inin BruneiBrunei pointpoint withwith theirtheir thumbthumb whilewhile othersothers withwith theirtheir firstfirst fingerfinger StepStep 4.4. WritingWriting ReadRead thethe passagepassage onon pagepage 123.123. ThenThen getget thethe studentsstudents toto writewrite aa passagepassage aboutabout thethe DragonDragon BoatBoat Festival.Festival. 1.1. 龙舟节在每年农历的五月初五龙舟节在每年农历的五月初五 2.2. 为纪念屈原,一个爱国者和伟大的诗人。为纪念屈原,一个爱国者和伟大的诗人。 3.3. 屈原:生于楚国;国王不信任,不采纳他的建议;被流放到南部的荒芜之地;愤屈原:生于楚国;国王不信任,不采纳他的建议;被流放到南部的荒芜之地;愤 而投汨罗江;而投汨罗江; 许多人许多人乘船去寻找他。往江中撒米,他就不会挨饿。乘船去寻找他。往江中撒米,他就不会挨饿。 人们想到用竹叶包上大米做成棕子扔进江中人们想到用竹叶包上大米做成棕子扔进江中 4.4. 举行龙舟赛和包棕子成为一种传统。棕子成了人们腹中之物而没扔进江中举行龙舟赛和包棕子成为一种传统。棕子成了人们腹中之物而没扔进江中 TheThe DragonDragon BoatBoat FestivalFestival isis onon thethe FifthFifth dayday ofof thethe fifthfifth monthmonth ofof thethe ChineseChinese lunarlunar calendar.calendar. PeoplePeople celebratecelebrate thisthis festivalfestival inin memorymemory ofof QuQu Yuan,Yuan, aa patriotpatriot andand aa greatgreat poempoem .. QuYuanQuYuan waswas bornborn inin thethe KingdomKingdom ofof Chu.Chu. TheThe kingking didndidn’’tt trusttrust himhim andand taketake hishis advice.advice. HeHe waswas sentsent toto workwork inin thethe wildernesswilderness inin thethe southsouth .Feeling.Feeling disappointeddisappointed andand angryangry ,, hehe drowneddrowned himselfhimself inin thethe MiluoMiluo RiverRiver .. ManyMany peoplepeople gotgot onon theirtheir boatsboats andand setset outout toto searchsearch forfor him.him. TheyThey threwthrew ricerice intointo thethe riverriver soso thatthat hehe wouldwould notnot suffersuffer fromfrom hunger.hunger. ThenThen ,, theythey thoughtthought ofof aa goodgood idea:idea: theythey wrappedwrapped thethe ricerice inin booboo leavesleaves toto makemake dumplingsdumplings andand threwthrew themthem intointo thethe river.river. AsAs timetime wentwent by,by, itit becamebecame thethe traditiontradition toto holdhold boatboat racesraces andand makemake zongzizongzi TodayToday ,, zongzizongzi endend upup inin peoplepeople’’ss stomachesstomaches insteadinstead ofof beingbeing thrownthrown intointo thethe river!river! HomeworkHomework FinishFinish thethe exercisesexercises onon pagepage 34-page34-page 35.35. PeriodPeriod 33 ReadingReading (2)(2) LanguageLanguage pointspoints Teaching aims: After learning this part, the students will be able to: 1. Retell the cultural differences mentioned in the passage;. 2. Try to remember useful vocabulary and sentences; 3. Master them by doing some practice. Teaching importance: The students will be able to master all the language points and use them freely. Teaching procedures: StepStep 11 RevisionRevision CheckCheck thethe homework.homework. StepStep 22 LanguageLanguage pointspoints WordsWords andand phrases:phrases: accumulateaccumulate ;; experience,experience, whenwhen itit comescomes toto sthsth ;; inin celebrationcelebration ofof ,, participateparticipate inin ,, adjustadjust toto ,, wearwear yellow;yellow; loglog offoff 1. accumulate /collect /gather Accumulate a lot of experience /books /enough evidence 积累 Collect stamps /collect waste paper/coins By investing wisely she accumulated a fortune Collect mushrooms in the fields 在野地采蘑茹 She is gathering all the clothes on the line. When autumn comes , the farmers are busy gathering crops 2.Here at my school in Brunei , we experience cultural differences all the time 1)经历,体验(vt)I have never experienced such a wonderful feeling. Many teenagers experience stress during exams. 2)经历(n)(可数)This camping is really an unforgettable experience. 3)经验(不可数)He is the right person for the job. He has both skills and experience. 2. He gets quite excited whenever it comes to this topic. When it comes to +sth/doing 当谈到… Joe is not good at sports, but when it comes to math, he is the best in the class. Chinese parents are generous when it comes to educating children. In terms of teachers , the school is good . However, when it comes to buildings , the school is poor. (an idea ) come to sb : occur to sb 某人突然想起。。。 The idea came to him in his bath It suddenly came to him that he forgot to close the window. 3. The British teachers didn’t know what Thanksgiving was held in celebration of . celebrate vt . + sth .(one’s birthday, a festival, a victory…) congratulate sb . on sth The family are celebrating the son’s birthday now. ( are in celebration of ) CCTV holds a celebration in celebration of the Spring Festival every year. Congratulate you on your good exam results (your new job) 拓展:in celebration of 为庆祝 in memory of . 为纪念… in honor of 为纪念 in favor of 支持 in need of 需要 in face of 面对 4. Going to a wedding in Italy is different from going to one in the UK. one: a wedding : marriage ceremony We have been invited to their daughter’s wedding . wedding-ring 结婚戒指 5. Getting things wrong can be quite embarrassing! Sometimes we may make embarrassing mistakes It is really embarrassing to have something green on the teeth. Napoleon was never embarrassed about/at his height . Much to her embarrassment, she found everyone in the room looking at her 6. The guests are expected to give presents to the newly-weds. be expected to do : be supposed to do /be required to do You will be expected to work on Saturdays Students are expected to be punctual every day. 7. It is quite funny watching the new foreign teachers trying to adjust to doing that Adjust oneself to sth /doing sth :adapt oneself to sth /doing sth You will soon adjust yourself to the new environment (adapt yourself to ) It was a few minutes before his eye s adjusted to the darkness. It took her a while to adjust herself to living alone.(使……适应) You can adjust your reading speed according to the reading material (调整) The height of the chair is adjustable (可调整的) 8. So , to clarify , if I got married in the UK,I would expect a present, but if I got married in Italy, I would have to give a present. to clarify : to make it clear (插入语) 阐明,澄清 An example will help to clarify what I mean. 9. participate in .take part in , join in 参与活动 attend /a meeting /a ceremony / one’s wedding / a speech /a lecture Our head teacher always encourages us to participate in /take part in /join in after-school activities to improve ourselves. 10. If you had joined the chat room ten minutes ago, you would have known what we were talking about. 在这种情况下,条件句中谓语动词一般用 had done 结构, 而主句中谓语 动词用 would/could/should/might have done 结构,表示与过去相反的虚拟 Should you come to Brunei , you would have to take off your shoes before going into someone’s house !=If you should come to Brunei (表示与将来相反的虚拟) 11.11. loglog offoff /out/out 下线下线 loglog inin /on/on 上线上线 HomeworkHomework :: dodo thethe exerciseexercisess onon pagepage 3o3o 《世纪金榜》《世纪金榜》 Period four Word power Teaching aims: 1. Enlarge students’ vocabulary 2. Let students know some English words borrowed from other languages and some idioms. 3. Learn about some different cultures. Teaching important points: Remember these words and idioms and try to use them freely. Teaching procedures Step1. Lead in Introduce some background knowledge about English language. Step 2. Presentation of borrowed language 1. Learn some borrowed English words from other languages, Such as French, German, Italian, Arabic, etc. 2. Show more words borrowed from other languages, such as Chinese, Japanese, etc. Step 3. Practice Finish Part C on page 39. Step 4. Presentation of idioms 1. Learn the English idioms via pictures and example sentences. 2. learn more idioms. Step 5. Assignment Make sentences with the given idioms. PeriodPeriod fivefive Grammar Teaching aims: 1. to help students understand what unreal conditions are. 2. to help students understand and use if cause in unreal conditions. Teaching steps: Step1. Explanation of unreal conditions There are real conditions and unreal conditions, so help the students to understand what unreal conditions are. Step2. Explanation of if clause Give the students some examples and help them understand if clause. Help them to understand if clause in different conditions. Step3: practice Ask students to do the exercise at page 40 and understand the unreal conditions well. Step4: explanations of other things that need to be noted about unreal conditions. Give some examples about special things on unreal conditions Step5: practice Ask students to do more practice and check if they have understand unreal conditions. PeriodPeriod sixsix Teaching plan Task Teaching aims: 1. to improve the students’ listening and writing skills. 2. to help the students to write a letter of apology. 3. to help the students understand the cultural differences . Teaching steps: Step1: listening and completing a text First, give students some advice on how to listen to a text and complete it. Second, ask students to do the listening and check the answers. Step2: reading Ask the students to read the passage and circle the taboos. Help the students to understand the cultural differences. Ask the students to do the listening in c at page 43 and pay attention to the cultural differences. Step 3: asking questions First, give the students some advice on how to ask questions. Ask them to choose the correct Words: What, why, how, why, when, who. Second, ask students to do the exercise at page 44 according to the passage read just now. Third, ask students to do pair work. Step4: writing a letter of apology First, give advice on how to write a letter of apology. Second, ask students to do pair work and finish the exercise together. Steop5: homework Ask the students to finish the letter on the exercise book. PeriodPeriod seven project Teaching point: Make a reference book Teaching aim: Help students use their English through the completion of a project. Teaching objectives: (1) Learn to collect information about a topic. (2) Learn to analyze the passage on different cultures and customs. (3) Learn to make a reference book on a special topic. Teaching steps: Step one: warming up Use some pictures to show students different ways of life. Step two: survey Design some questions for students to do a survey about the topic. Step three: reading Go through the text. Step four: analysis Read for details and try to categorize four ethnic peoples. Step five: processes to make reference books Encourage students to cooperate with each other and learn English by doing. Step six: homework Assign two relevant tasks for students.

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