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2014 年秋季学期四年级上册第一单元测试题 一、 给下列单词选择正确的译文。 ( ) 1. classroom A. 教师 B. 教室 C. 学生 ( ) 2. light A. 电灯 B. 地板 C. 风扇 ( ) 3. near the window A. 在窗户旁边 B. 在窗户上 C. 在椅子旁 ( ) 4. my picture A. 我的书桌 B. 我的书桌 C. 我的图画 ( ) 5. let me help you. A. 我来擦窗户 B. 我来帮你 C. 谢谢 ( ) 6. 你想让别人和你一起打扫教室,你说: A. Let me clean the classroom. B. Let’s clean the classroom. C. Let’s clean the window. ( ) 7. 你想自己擦窗户,你说: A. Let’s clean the desk. B. Let me clean the chair. C. Let me clean the window. ( ) 8. 你想帮助别人,你对他/她说: A. Let me help you. B. Let you help me. C. Let’s help each other. ( ) 9. 你想知道教室里有什么,你问: A. Where’s the classroom? B. What’s in the classroom? C. What in the classroom? ( ) 10. 教师办公室在一楼,你说: A. The teacher’s office is on the first floor. B. The teacher’s office is one. 二、 选出与所给单词同类的一项。 ( ) 1. pen A. pencil B. picture ( ) 2. chair A. cat B. desk ( ) 3. window A. fan B. big ( ) 4. two A. one B. too ( ) 5. wall A. water B. floor ( ) 6. where A. can B. what 三、 用阿拉伯数字给下列句子排序。 ( ) Where is it? ( ) It’s a bag. ( ) It’s in the desk. ( ) Hi, John. I see a “b”. 四、 把下列句子重新排列,组成一段对话。 ( ) Good afternoon, Amy. Let’s clean the classroom. ( ) OK. Let me clean the blackboard. ( ) Good afternoon, Sarah. ( ) Then let me clean the desks and chairs. 五、 选择题。 ( ) 1. This is a ____ desk. A. teacher B. teacher’s C. teachers ( ) 2. The door ____ white. A. is B. are C. am ( ) 3. Look! This is a computer. It’s _____. A. a red B. red C. a big ( ) 4. Let’s go ____ see. A. and B. or C. / ( ) 5. We ____ a new classroom. A. has B. have C. are ( ) 6. -- ____ my picture? -- It’s on the blackboard. A. What’s B. Where’s C. Where ( ) 7. It’s ____ beautiful. A. so B. how C. a ( ) 8. Let ____ clean the blackboard. A. I B. me C. we ( ) 9. The door is ____ brown. The windows _____ blue. A. is, are B. are, is C. is, is ( ) 10. _____ the window. A. Turn on B. Put up C. Close 六、 根据图片选择合适的单词。 A. window B. face C. cake D. door E. make F. light 1. Touch your ________ 2. Have some _____. 3. Open the ______ 4. I can _____ the kite. 5. Close the ______ 6. Turn on the ______ 七、找答语。 ( ) 1. Where is the picture? A. Great. ( ) 2. What’s this? B. Wow, it’s so nice. ( ) 3. Look! My picture. C. It’s an orange. ( ) 4. How many books do you see? D. It’s on the wall. ( ) 5. Let’s go to the zoo. E. Three. 八、 阅读。判断正 T, 误 F. This is my classroom. It is very big. The wall is white. You can see a teacher’s desk, a computer, four pictures, five windows and six lights. The computer is black. It’s on the teacher’s desk. The pictures are on the wall. The windows are yellow. The lights are green. You can see many desks and chairs. They are blue. ( ) 1. The classroom is small. ( ) 2. The computer is on the teacher’s desk. ( ) 3. Six pictures are on the wall. ( ) 4. The windows are yellow. ( ) 5. The desks and chairs are blue.

资料: 4.5万


