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2008—2009 学年上期小三英语期末检测题 听力部分(48 分) 一、Listen and choose.听听 Daming 的介绍,你能选出正确的图画吗?(6 分) 1、( )A. B. 2、( )A、 B、 二、你认识图中的这些东西吗?请把你听到的那幅图画选出来。(12 分) 1、( ) A、 B、 2、( ) A、 B、 3、( ) A、 B、 三、听录音,根据年龄,把他们从大到小排队。(12 分) Mingming Fangfang Sandy Mary ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 四、听录音,我来选出所听到的句子。(8 分) ( )1.A:Point to the window. B:Point to the door. ( ) 2.A:Good morning,boys and girls. B:Good afternoon,boys and girls. ( ) 3.A:It is an orange pen. B:It is a red pen. ( ) 4.A:How are you? B:How old are you? 五、听录音,涂上相应的颜色。 (10 分) 笔试部分(52 分) 六、看看哪两个动物在打招呼呢?用线连一连。(16 分) 1.Good morning. A. My name is Panpan. 2.What’s your name? B. Bye-bye. 3.How old are you? C. I’m nine. 4、Goodbye! D. Good morning. 七、Listen and circle.看图片,并圈出正确的回答。(16 分) 1.Is it a drangon? A: Yes,it is. B: No,it isn’t. 2. Is it a panda? A: Yes,it is. B:No,it isn’t. 3. Is it a cat? A: Yes,it is. B: No,it isn’t. 4. Is it a bird? A: Yes,it is. B: No, it isn’t 八、将身体的各部位与名称用线连起来。(20 分) head leg arm foot eye 听力材料 一、1.This is my bag. 2. This is my English teacher, Miss Gao. 二、1.A: What’s this? B: It’s a door. 2. A: What’s that? B: It’s a cat. 3. A: Is it a chair? B: No, it isn’t. It’s desk. 三、Hello, my name is Mingming. I’m 6. My name’s Fangfang. I’m 8. I’m Sandy. I’m 12. I’m Mary. I’m 2. 四、1.Point to the window. 2. Good afternoon,boys and girls. 3. It is a red pen. 4. How old are you? 五、It’s a red kite. It’s a green chair. It’s a blue desk. It’s a black cat. It’s a yellow dog.

资料: 4.5万


