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2015~2016 学年度第一学期秋季质量检测 六年级英语试题(人教版) (时间:60 分钟) 等级: Part I Listening 第一部分 听力 共四大题 I. Listen, tick or cross.(听一听, 判断下图与你听到的内容是否相符,打 “√”或“×”。) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) II. Listen and tick.(听一听,在你所听到的句子前打“√”。) 1. ( ) Where is the hospital? ( ) Where is the zoo? 2. ( ) Usually, I come on foot. ( ) Sometimes, I come on foot. 3. ( ) Turn left at the crossing. ( ) Turn right at the crossing. 4. ( ) I must pay attention to the traffic rules. ( ) I must pay attention to the traffic lights. 5. ( ) Slow down and stop at a yellow light. ( ) Stop and wait at a red light. III. Listen and number.(听一听,写出你所听到的顺序。) 学 校 班 级 姓 名 考 号 密 封 线 同学们,你们好!本次英语试题共分为两部分:听力部分 和读写部分。听录音前要认真阅读题目要求,仔细观察图片。 快来检测一下你有哪些收获吧! IV. Listen and choose.(听一听,选单词或短语补全对话。) Mike: What are you going to do __________, Sarah? Sarah: I’m going to __________. Mike: What are you __________ in your lesson? Sarah: We’re going to __________ in Renmin Park. Mike: Sounds great! I’m going to __________ tomorrow. Sarah: Have a good time! Mike: You too. I have to do my homework now. Bye. Sarah: OK. Bye. Part II Reading & Writing 第二部分 读写 共六大题 V. Read and match. (图文连线。) by train by bus by plane by taxi by subway by bike VI. Read, look and number. (读句子,看图片,标序号。) 1. Go at a green light. 2. Don’t turn left. 3. In the USA people on bikes must wear a helmet. 4. You must look right before you cross the road. 5. You must drive slowly. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) A. have an art lesson B. tomorrow C. see a film D. draw some pictures E. going to do VII. Read and match.(读地图,连方位。) Where is the school? It’s in front of the park. Where is the pet hospital? It’s behind the park. Where is the zoo? It’s near the school. Where is the post office? It’s next to the pet hospital. VIII. Read and choose. (读一读,选一选。) ( ) 1. You can go at the ______. A. yellow light B. green light C. red light ( ) 2. —How do I go to your home? —You can go there ______. It's not far. A. by car B. on foot C. by plane ( ) 3. I’m going to see a film. So I’m going to the ______. A. bus stop B. cinema C. hospital ( ) 4. I’m hungry. I’m going to a ______. A. bookstore B. museum C. restaurant ( ) 5. I’m going to buy a post card. So I’m going to the ______. A. post office B. supermarket C. cinema ( ) 6. —______are you going? —We’re going tonight. A. When B. Where C. What ( ) 7. My home is far from school. So I ______ go to school by bus. A. ususally B. sometimes C. never (从不) ( ) 8. — ______are your family going to do on Mid-Autumn Festival? — We’re going to get together and eat mooncakes. A. Who B. How C. What IX.Read and write.(选择合适的单词补全对话。) X.Read and answer the questions.(读对话, 回答问题。) Sarah: What are you going to do next week, Jack? Jack: I’m going to visit my cousin, John. Sarah: That’s nice. Where are you going? Jack: We’re going to the cinema. We’re going to see a film about space travel. Sarah: Sounds great! I have lots of comic books about space. Jack: Cool! What are you going to do next week? Sarah: I’m going to take a trip with my grandparents. We’re going to Hainan by plane. Bye. Jack: Bye. Have a good time! W W w . 1. What is Jack going to do next week? He ___________________________________________________________ 2. Where is Jack going with his cousin, John? He __________________________________________________________ 3. What is Sarah going to do next week? She __________________________________________________________ 4. Who is Sarah going to take a trip with? She ___________________________________________________________ 5. Is Sarah going to Hainan by plane? ____________________________________________________________ where get right go bookstore

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