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2007—2008 学年度第二学期六年级英语中段考查 听力资料和部分答案 一、听录音选单词,从 A、B、C 中选择你所听到的单词,词组或句子:(10 分) 1、Lily is 3cm taller than Mike. 2、We went swimming last Sunday. 3、Where did you go yesterday? 4、All of the boys are very angry. 5、A sperm whale is bigger than a killer whale in its weight. 6、Hooray! Class 1 won the game. 7、Her hand is smaller than mine. 8、My grandma is ill. She has a fever. 9、Did LiuYun see the full moon? Yes, she saw the full moon. 10、Amy’s throat is sore. Her nose hurts, too. 二、听录音判断对错,图片与录音内容相符的打“√”,不符的打“×”(10 分) 1. How does Mary feel today? She is sad. ( × ) 2. How did you go to Lanzhou? I went by subway. ( × ) 3. What did Mike do last summer holiday? He went swimming in the sea. ( √ ) 4. Look! Lintao is thinner. ( × ) 5. What can you do at home? I can clean the room. ( × ) 6. Last Sunday Mike played basketball with friends. ( × ) 7. Where did you go on your holiday? I went to Beijing. I visited the West Lake.( × ) 8. Lily is so bored. She hurts her leg. ( × ) 9. Did Mike go fishing yesterday? No, he went hiking. ( √ ) 10. Why is the boy angry? Because he failed the football match. (√ ) 三、听录音,选择最合适的答句:(10 分) 1. Lily is 30kg heavy. John is 25kg. Who is stronger ? 2. There is a rabbit and a tiger at the pet shop. Whose ears are longer? 3. A: What’s the matter with you, Chen Jie? B: I feel sick. I have a headache. A: What’s the matter with you ,XiaoFang? B: I have a toothache. Question: What’s wrong with ChenJie? 4. Where did you go yesterday? 5. How did Tom go to Beijing last year? 四、听录音,填单词:(10 分) 1.I’m 45 kg .But my sister is 47kg. She’s 2kg heavier than me. 2.Amy can’t fly kites in the park yesterday. She was sick. 3. Where did you go on your holiday? I went skiing. 4.Did your father climb a mountain last Monday? No, he watched TV at home. 5.Last summer holiday I was very excited in Zhejiang. I bought presents for my mother. 五、听录音,判断句子的对错:(10 分) Yesterday was Saturday. I went to Dongguan with my cousins. At first, I went to the bookstore to buy a story-book in the morning. I went by the No. 3 bus. In the bookstore , I saw my classmate, LiuYun. She bought some post cards there. LiuYun and I are good friends in our class. We read comic books together in the end. 六、补全对话,选出适当的句子,将编号写在空格里(每格一句):(10 分) (4) (1) (7) (2) (6) 七、阅读理解,根据短文内容选择合适的答案,将编号填在括号里:(10 分) B A A B A 八、根据上下文意思,在下面所给的单词中,选词填空:(10 分) Dear, fun, ate, sang, danced, rowed, played, learned, listened, took

资料: 4.5万


