Unit 4 Lesson 25 No stopping课堂练习(冀教版八上)

Unit 4 Lesson 25 No stopping课堂练习(冀教版八上)


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Lesson 25 No stopping [课前预习·快乐体验] Let every man praise the bridge he goes over.过河当谢修桥人。 一、你能写出下列人称代词的主格的汉语意思吗? 1.I______ 2.he_______ 3.you_______ 4.we_____ 5.she______ 6.it________ 7.they___ 二、试着将下列短语译成英语。 1.向左拐______________ 2.穿过街道____________ 3.在某人去……的路上_______ 4.上学迟到_________________ 5.走/路过__________________ 6.一个大的商店橱窗_________ 7.我特别喜欢的商店_________ 8.那么多好东西_____________ 9.坐学校公共汽车___________ 10.快点,加油_____________ 三、根据课本 P32 的课文内容完成下列各题。 1.What are Jenny and Brian doing? A. They are doing some shopping. B. They are buying some food. C. They are on their way home. D. They are on their way home. 2.What do they see in the bakery? A. Bread and cakes. B. Bread and donuts. C. Cakes and hamburgers D. Bread, cakes and donuts. 3.Do you think they’re late for school at last? A. No, I don’t think so. B. Yes, I do. C. I don’t know. D. Of course. [课堂练习·高效提升] It’s an ill wind that blows nobody good.天下很少有对人人有害的事。 四、考考你的记忆力,根据句意及首字母补全在本课中出现的单词。 1.They met the old man on their w______ to school. 2.Li Mei is sitting in the c______ of the room. 3.I go p______ the post office everyday. 4.Don’t c_______ the road when the light is red. 5.There are many books in the b_____. 6.Please show me your n______. 7.It is s______ Today. Let’s go out for a walk. 8.Let’s s_____ to have a rest. 五、慧眼识珠,单项填空。 1.I dropped my pen on ______ yesterday. A. my way to home B. me way to home C. I way home D. my way home 2.My brother Li Lei often ________ a bus to school. A. take B. takes B. by C. carries 3._________ cross the road here. A. Not B. Mustn’t C. Don’t D. Can’t 4.-______ do you get to school? -by bus. A. Where B. How C. What D. Which 5.She _____ a letter to her friend tomorrow. A. will write B. writes C. is writing D. wrote 6.Li Mei stops _____ a new book when she goes to school. A. buying B. to buy C. bought D. buys 六、看看你的应变能力,用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1.He often _____ (buy) cakes from the bakery. 2.______ (not be) late for school! 3.I have so many things ____ (do). 4.Look,the dog ______ (cross) the street. 5.Do you want ______ (tell) me anything about your school? 6.Look,the children are on ______ (they) way home. 7.That’s______ (Li Lei) favourite store. 8.The girl ______ (pass) the shop every day. 七、这些句式你掌握了吗?按要求改写下列句子。 1.My sister is reading in her room. (就画线部分提问) _______ is ______ sister ______ in her room? 2.You can use my bike.(改为否定句) You _______ _______ my bike. 3.This is my favourite shop.(改为同义句) I _______ this shop ______. 4.He is passing the big store. (用 often 改写句子) He ______ ______ the big store. 5.Mary is borrowing books in the library.(就画线部分提问) _____ is Mary _____ books? [课后巩固·知能升级] The king has the long arms. 天网恢恢,疏而不漏. 八、从Ⅱ栏中找出与Ⅰ栏各句相对应的答语。 Ⅰ ( )1.How does your father go to work? ( ) 2.Where do you buy the book? ( ) 3.How do you like your neighbourhood? ( ) 4.Why do you like summer? ( ) 5.Let’s go to school. Ⅱ A. In the bookstore. B. Because I like swimming. C. On foot. D. OK. E. Very much. 九、小医生,下列各句均有一处错误,请找出并改正。 1.Let’s to fly a kite in the park. ________________________________ 2.John don’t like walking to school. ________________________________ 3.He wants go to a movie today. ________________________________ 4.The children are on their way school. ________________________________ 5.They always go pass a big shop. ________________________________ 十、你想了解英国人的家庭状况吗?请仔细阅读下列短文,然后做题。 Most of the people in England live in a small village. About a quarter of houses in England had only one man in them. Some of these are old people, but some are people in their twenties and thirties who wanted to live alone(独自).Thirty-five percent(百分之)of houses have two people in them, and another seventeen percent have three people. Fifteen percent have four people in them, and the other homes have five or more. English families are small.Most families have one child. When children are about eighteen or nineteen,they leave their parents’home,and they often go to another place.Sometimes they only visit their parents two or three times a year. 1.How many houses in England had more than one man in them? A.About a quarter. B.About two quarters. C.About three quarters. D.About four quarters. 2.Young people wanted to live alone,because ___. A.their parents don’t like them B.they don’t love their fimily C.when they grow up,they often go to another place and leave their parents D.their parents are old 3.Most of the English families are small,they usually have _____parents. A.one B.two C.three D.four 4.Most families have _____ child(ren). A.one B.two C.three D.four or more 5.Sometimes yong people visit their parents ___. A.once a week B.once ayear C.two or three times in a week D.two or three times in a year Keys:一、1.我 2.他 3.你/你们 4.我们 5.她 6.它 7.他/他们 二、1.turn left 2.cross the street 3.on one’s way to.... 4.be late for school 5.go/walk past/by 6.a big store window 7.my favourite store 8.so many good things 9.take the school bus 10.come on 三、1.C 2.D 3.A 四、 1.way 2.corner 3.past 4.cross 5.bookstore 6.neighbourood 7.sunny 8.stop 五、1.D 2.B 3.C 4.B 5.A 6.B 六、1.buys 2.Don’t be 3.to do 4.is crossing 5.to tell 6.their 7.Li Let’s 8.passes 七、1.what,your,doing 2.can’t use 3.like,best/most 4.often passes 5.where,borrowing 八、1.C 2.A 3.E 4.B 5.D 九、1.去掉 to 考查 let sb.do sth.结构。2.don’t 改为 does’t 主语为第三人称单数,助动词要用 does,否定式为 doesn’t. 3.go 前加 to “想做某事“用 want to do sth.结构。4.way 后加 to school 为名词性地点,其前不省略 to。5.pass 改为 past go 为动词,其后应跟介词 past 表示 “经过, 路过”。 十、1.C 根据文章第 2 句话 “有 1/4 的房子只有一个人居住”可以推出约有 3/4 的房子应该 是多于一人居住。2.C 由第一段的第 3 个句子可知他们想独自居住,并且在最后一段的第 3 个句子也可得知。3.C 由文章第二段第 2 个句子看出大部分家庭只有 1 个孩子,因此一般 共有 3 口人。4.A 同上。5.D 由文章最后一句话可知了。

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