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Unit 4 (初二下) 学习卷 姓名 ____________ 分数____________ 一、单项选择(10*2) 1.The visit ________ Hollywood was exciting. A. of B. to C. by D. from 2. She didn’t know ________. A. where would they have the meeting B. Why they will have the meeting. C. what to have the meeting D. when to have the meeting 3. Sally ________ living in China because she has been here for three years. A. gets used to B. used to C. used for D. is used for 4. Everybody is here, and they are ready ________. A, going B. going C. to go D. to going 5. Her son is ________ 7 years , so he can go to school. A. age B. aged C. ages D. aging 6. ________ we were tired after the trip, ________ we felt very happy. A. Though , but B. Though , / C. Because , / D. Because , so 7. His mother doesn’t ________ him to play computer games. A. make B. let C. have D. allow 8. He said he would help me ; he didn’t keep his word , ________. A. though B. although C. but D. otherwise 9. She was deeply ________ the words of the president. A. affected B. affecting by C. affected to D. affected by 10. ----Oh, I can’t believe it. Don’t kidding me. ----________. You can ask the teacher. A. That’s OK B. You are right C. I’m serious D. I’m sorry 二、根据句子的意思,首字母填空(5*5) 1.Different areas have different cultures and c_____________ . 2.You are not a_____________ to play in the street . 3.I hope I can go a___________ for further study . England is my first choice. 4. Xi’an has many places of i________. I’m looking forward to going there. 5. People t_________ the world came to Beijing in the Olympic Games. 三、完成句子(18*3) 1.我不知道从哪开始。 I don't know ________ ________ ________. 2.他一点也不着急。 He was not __________ ____________ worried . 3. 我听得清楚,你不用大声嚷嚷。 I can hear you all right ,there’s no need to __________ ___________. 4.我很高兴能参加这次中法之间的教育交流活动。 I am very happy to ___________ _____________ ___________ the China –France ___________ ____________. 5.我们可以通过 E-mail 彼此保持联系。 We can _________ ___________ ___________ __________ ________ ________ by E-mails .

资料: 4.5万


