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三年级英语上册学情调查试题(三) 班级 姓名 成绩 听力部分 一. 听录音选出你所听到的选项。(5 分) ( )1. A. wg B. uk C. vj ( )2. A. O B. Q C. P ( )3. A. m B. n C. I ( )4. A. R B. I C. L ( )5. A. rs B. cd C. Ba 二.听录音选择你所听到的内容。(10 分) ( ) 1. A. milk B. meet C. water ( ) 2. A.dog B. bag C.bear ( ) 3. A.elephant B. eraser C. Crayon ( ) 4. A.eye B.bike C.eight ( ) 5. A.they B.these C.those ( ) 6. A.pear B.hair C.are ( ) 7. A.rabbit B.red C.ruler ( ) 8. A.car B.cat C.key ( ) 9 .A.ball B.four C.five ( )10. A.is B.this C.that 三. 听问句,选答句。(5 分) ( )1.A.Me , too . B.Thank you. ( )2.A.I am kitty. B.It is a tiger. ( )3.A.yes ,I do. B.Yes, it is . ( )4.A.It is red . B.They are red. ( )5.A.Nine B.Nice 笔试部分 四、我会填:写出下列字母的左邻右舍。(5 分) C__E__ __M__ h__ __k w__ __z __ P__R 五、 我会填:补全下列单词。(10 分) era e ju e b k g r yel o tig pp e r l r pl e l o n 六、快乐连线我会做。(10 分)新()|课 |标|第 |一| 网 ( ) 1. What color are these? A. I have cars. ( ) 2. Goodbye! B. Me, too. ( ) 3. How are you? C. They are ships. ( ) 4. Good night! D. Yes, they are. ( ) 5. What are these? E. They are blue. ( ) 6. What is it? F. I’m fine. ( ) 7. Are those apples? G. It’s a rabbit. ( ) 8. What do you have? H. It’s green. ( ) 9. What color is it? I. Good night! ( ) 10. Nice to meet you. J. Bye-bye! 七、做选择,我最棒。(20 分) ( )1.I have a and some__. A. pencil crayons B. pencils crayons C. pencils crayons ( )2.Do you have a pen ? --No, I . A. do B. have C. don't ( ) 3. I have__ eraser and __ ruler. A. a, an B. an, a C. a, a ( ) 4. Show me ____ bag. A.I B. you C. your ( ) 5.How many ___ do you have? ---I have two planes. A. toy B. toys C. pens ( ) 6.___ this? A. It’s B. What’s C. I’m ( ) 7.This __ Colin. A. Are B. is C. am ( ) 8 are white and black. A. They B. The C.This ( ) 9. B is ___ “boy”. A. in B. On C. at ( ) 10.I am fine, _____ you. A. Thank B. thanks C. thank 八、根据情境选择最合适的表达法。(15 分) ( )1.你想问他有蓝色蜡笔吗,你会说: A. Do you have a blue crayon? B. Do you have a green crayon? ( )2.你想问李珊的兔子是什么颜色的,你会说; A. How many rabbits? B. What color is your rabbit? ( )3.你想问远处那个东西是什么时,应说: A. What’s this? B. What’s that? ( )4.客人和妈妈道别时,他们会对妈妈说: A. Hi! B. Goodbye! ( )5.爸爸下班回到家,你会对他说: A. Good night,Dad! B. Good evening,Dad! ( )6.你喜欢红色的苹果,该怎样表达? A. I like apples. B. I like red apples. ( )7.刚认识了新同学,你会说: A. Nice to meet you. B. How are you? ( )8.你想知道大力的书包里有什么,可以怎么问他呢? A. What’s in your bag? B. Is this your bag? ( )9.你怎样赞美好朋友的书包漂亮呢? A. How many? B. How nice! ( )10.你想给好朋友展示自己的漂亮铅笔,可以怎么说呢? A. Here is my nice pen. B. Here is my nice pencil. ( )11.早晨,当你向别人打招呼时,应该说: A .Good morning! B.Good afternoon! ( )12.当你向别人问好时,应该说:http :// A .How are you? B. How old are you? ( )13.你想知道这是什么,应该说: A .What’s this ? B .What’s that ? ( )14.你想知道别人的姓名,应该说: A . What class are you in ? B . What’s your name ? ( )15.你想让朋友看你的玩具,应该说: A .Thank you. B .Look at my toy. 九、给词宝宝排队。注意标点符号及大小写(10 分) 1. is your what name 2. I books some have 3. at toys look my 4. monkeys are these 5. pear is a this 十、给下面的对话排序(10 分) ( )1,Me,too. ( )2, Good afternoon! ( )3, Good afternoon! What’s your name? ( )4, Nice to meet you. ( )5, My name is Li Shan.

资料: 4.5万


