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六年级英语期末考试试卷 听力部分(共 40 分) 一、听音练习,把你所听到的单词选入括号内。(30 分) ( )1. A. younger B. older C. taller ( )2. A. thinner B. shorter C. heavier ( )3. A. bigger B. stronger C. Lower ( )4. A. cleaned B. washed C. Had ( )5. A. slept B. stayed C. read ( )6. A. watched B. washed C. before ( )7. A. went B. saw C. rode ( )8. A. fish B. camp C. hurt ( )9. A. dining hall B. go cycling C. ago ( )10. A. grass B. gym C. easy 二、听对话,把你所听到的答语填入括号内。(10 分) ( )1. How tall are you? A. I’m 1.6 metres tall. B. I’m 1.56 metres tall. C. I’m 1.52 metres tall. ( )2. What size are your shoes? A. Size 35. B. Size 37. C. Size 36. ( )3. What did chen jie do last weekend? A. She went shopping. B. She went fishing. C. She went camping. ( )4. How was your weekend? A. I’ts ok. B. I’ts bad. C. Just so so. ( )5. Why did you go there? A. Because I like playing badminton. B. Because I like going fishing. C. Because I like going cycling. 三,听句子判断对错。(对的写“T”,错的写“F”) ( )1. That’s the tallest dinosaur in this hall. ( )2. Bill isn’t taller than before. ( )3. She is good at running. ( )4. Now I love ice-skate. So I like winter. ( )5. We are all different now! 笔试部分(60 分) 四、按要求完成作业。(15 分) A. 写出下列形容词的比较级。 tall——( ) heavy——( ) fast——( ) long——( ) small——( ) strong——( ) slow——( ) young——( ) B. 写出下列动词的过去式。 is——( ) go——( ) see——( ) are——( ) read——( ) do——( ) wash——( ) 五、单项选择题。(20 分) ( )1. —Did you clean the living room? 学 校 : 年 级 : 姓 名 : 考 号 : 装 订 线 —Yes. I__________ A. did. B. do. C. does. ( )2. —What did Lisa do yesterday? —She __________ to music. A. listens B. listen C. listened ( )3. —What did you do last night? —I __________ TV. A. saw B. Look at C. watched ( )4. She __________ yesterday. A. Went fish B. Went fishing C. goes fishing ( )5. What __________ you do last Monday. A. do B. did C. does ( )6. Before. I __________ quiet. Now I’m very active in class. A. is B. was C. am ( )7. — __________did you go there? —I went there by bike. A. How B. What C. Where ( )8. —Did Tom like playing ping-pang? —No he __________ A. does. B. did. C. didn’t ( )9. I __________ a horse yesterday. A. rode B. ride C. rides ( )10. John __________ camping last weekend. A. go B. goes C. went 六、连词成句。(10 分) 1. heavy、are、how、you __________________________________________________? 2. you、do、what、did __________________________________________________? 3. size、what、your、are、shoes __________________________________________________? 4. did、go、you、where __________________________________________________? 5. happned、what __________________________________________________? 七、从 B 栏选择 A 栏的正确答语。(5 分) A ( )1. What did he do the day before yesterday? ( )2. Did she wash the clothes last night? ( )3. What did you do last weekend? ( )4. Did you go to the museum? ( )5. What was the weather yesterday? B A. Yes she did. B. I went fishing. C. No. I didn’t. D. He read a book. E. It was raing.

资料: 4.5万


