8A Unit3填空专项练习题

8A Unit3填空专项练习题


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8A Unit 3 根据所给中文写英文 1. Can you answer the ________(简单的) question of all. 2. Her hair is two ________(英尺) long. 3. He is well-known because of his rich _________(知识). 4. We learn many ________(科目) ________(包括) Chinese, English and so on. 5. An _________(教育的) CD-ROM has just come out. 6. These ________(频道) are very interesting. 7. Don’t cry. The boy has just fallen _________(入睡). 8. Please give us an _________(介绍) of your class. 9. Jim often searches for information ________(网上). 10. Computers can be used for _________(接受) and sending e-mails. 11. How beautiful the building is! I like the _________(设计) of it. 12. My father has a good ________(知识) of English. 13. –How could he get rich? --He ________(赚) a lot of money by selling fruits. 14. To learn English well, first of all, you must have large_________(词汇). 15. This novel has the most ________(人物) of all. 16. We are looking forward to seeing those ________(设计者) new designs, 17. Xu Xiake was a famous _________(旅行家) in the Chinese history. 18. You have to get at least 80 ________(分数) to pass the test. 19. He answered the question quickly but ________(正确地). 20. Liu Xiaoqin has played many different ________(角色) in a number of plays and films. 21. This _______(课程) is good for English learners of different _________(等级). 22. Don’t touch the ________(屏幕) with your hand. 23. The man ________(做标记) the boat with his knife. 24. I hope I can ________(通过) all my exams easily. 25. Teachers are people who work for __________(教育). 26.The flash disk is a good disk for ________(储存) information. 27. His speech ________(涉及) many subjects. 28. The traffic accident killed five people, _______(包括) a 5-year-old child. 29. He likes ________(订购) things online. 30. Please send my best ________(问候) to your family. 31. Make sure your keyboard is ________(连接) to the computer ________(恰当地). 32. Something strange _________(出现) in the sky last night. 33. This kind of ________(机器) are all _________(控制) by computers. 34. You should pay attention to your study of English ________(语法). 35. Millie’s father gave her an ________(电子词典) as a birthday present. 36. I don’t think this problem is ________(总数) enough for me to do. 37. Please make an ________(介绍) to Project Hope. 38. Can you make computer _________(程序)? 39. I have two _______(鼠标) connected on my computer. 49. They ________(生产) nothing because of the flood last summer.

资料: 4.5万


