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九年级新目标英语第5 单元测试题 一、词汇 A)完成单词 1.s ______longcomplexmusicalcomposition, usu.In threeorfour parts(movements)foralargeorchestra 2.a______thingsproducedbysb.tryingtodoormakesth. 3.a______arrangementtomeetorvisitsb.ataparticulartime 4.c______veryimportant,decisive 5.a______feelinganxiety,worried,uneasy B)在B 中选择最佳答案填入A 中括号。 A B 1.teenager A.belongingtoaparticularplaceordistrict 2.hallway B.wastematerial 3.director C.corridor 4. mystery D. person who manages, esp. as a member of board;personwhoinchargeofafilm 5. local E. mass of salt water that covers most of the earth’ssurface 6.ocean F.personinhisorherteens 7.garbage G. make oneself appear to be (doing) sth. in order todeceiveothersorintheplay 8. alien H. things of which the cause or origin is hidden orimpossibletoexplain 9.creature I.foreign 10.pretend J. living being, especially animals C)选择正确 单词填空。 during, appointment, anxious, attempt, might, too many, symphony, crucial 1.Theprisoners______toescape,butfailed. 2.Ihaveadatal______at3p.m. 3.Thereareextratrainstotheseaside______thesummer. 4.I’mvery______aboutmyson’shealth. 5.Therewouldbe______peopleinthe______hall. 6.Gettingthiscontractis______tothefutureofourcompany. 7.Ifyouhaveanyideawhereit______be,pleasecallme. 二、用所给动词的适当形式填空。 1.Listen!Someofthegirls______(talk)aboutHarryPotter. 2.—WhereisMr.Greennow?Ihaven’tseenhimforafewdays. —He______(go)toHongKong. 3. You’d better ______ (not eat) too much meat. You are already overweight. 4.“Titanic”isaverynicefilm.I______(see)ittwice. 5.There______(be)anEnglishEveningnextMonday. 6.Ispenthalfanhour______(finish)doingmyhomework. 7.TheteachertoldXiaoMing______(notbe)lateforschoolagain. 8.Pleasewritetomeassoonasyou______(reach)Shanghai. 9.Mr.Leisout.Buthe______(be)backintenminutes. 10.When the headmastercameinto the hall, all the students ______ (stand)up. stood 三、选择正确答案。 1. Whatdoyouthinkofthefootballmatch? A. How do you think of B. How do you like C. What do youthink D.Whatdoyoulike 2. This question is ______ easy, all the students can answer the question. A. too much B. too many C. much too D.manytoo 3. This book ______ Tom’s father’s, because his name I son the book. A. maybe B. may be C. must be D.must 4. WhodoesthisT-shirtbelong______? A. in B. on C. to D.of 5. Wehadalotofdeliciousfood______thepicnic. A. on B. in C. at D.of 6.He______beahistoryteacher. A. used to B. be used to C. use to be D.beuseto 7. Pleasetry______EnglishifyouwanttolearnEnglishwell. A. practise B. to practise C. practicing D.practices 8. WeshouldtalkinEnglishas______aspossible. A. much B. many C. more D.alot 9. Whatdoyouthink“anxious”______? A. mean B. means C. meaning D.meant 10. I’dliketogowithyou,______,myhandsarefull. A. but B. otherwise C. however D.or 11. Hedoesn’t______tobeascientist. A. pretends B. pretend C. pretendly D.pretended 12. Themonkeysescaped______thezooyesterdayevening. A. on B. of C. from D.out 13. Itis______ofaproblemtobepoorthantobedishonest. A. more B. little C. much D.less 14. He ______ would do great thins should not attempt them all alone. A. whom B. who C. whose D.which 15. Tonnyisafraid______,becausehewasbitbyadog. A. fly B. to flying C. flying D.offlying 四、根据要求完成句型转换。 1.PeopletellmehowIcangettothestation. Peopletellmehow__________________thestation. 2.Mikedidn’tseeanybodyenterthebuildingbeforeten. Nobody________________________thebuildingbeforeten. 3.Thebenchwassolongthatallofuswereabletositonit. The bench was long enough ______ ______ ______ ______ ______. 4.Ithinkthatitisimportanttomasteraforeignlanguage. Ithink________________________aforeignlanguage. 5.MaryspentthreethousandyuanonthecolorTVset. ThecolorTVset____________threethousandyuan. 6. Ofallthesongs,thisisthemostpopular. Thissongismorepopular________________________. 7. Mother didn’t do the work forher little son, but taught him how todoit. Instead of ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______,shetaughthimhowtodoit. 8. Idon’tknoweitherRussianorFrench. Iknow________________________. 9. Ifyoutakeabus,youwillgetthereinabouttwohours. ______ ______ ______ about two hours ______ ______ ______. 10. I’dratherwatchTVathomethangotothecinema. I prefer ______ ______ at home ______ ______ ______ the cinema. 五、完成对话。 P:Canyou1______adiscriptionofthemanyouaretryingtofind? M:Yes,heisaboutthesameage2______Iam.Heisverytall. P: I have some pictures. Look, does any one of these look like him? What 3______ this man? He is a man 4______ is as old as you andwhoisverytall. M: No, it wasn’t 5______. The man I’m looking for 6______ black hair. P:Was7______long? M:No,hehashairthatisvery8______,andhasverysmallnose. P:Canyourememberanything9______abouthim? M:Yes,hehaseyesthatareverybigandafacethatisround. P:Howabouthismouth? M:Oh,hismouthisverysmall. P:Isthis10______manyouarelookingfor? M:Yes,that’shim!That’stheman. 六、完成句子。 1. 他到过许多地方。 He______________________________. 2. 你走得太匆忙了,连灯都忘了关。 You ______ in such a hurry that you ______ ______ ______ __________________. 3. 从那以后我就没有收到他的信。 I________________________himeversince. 4. 在故事的结尾,怀特一家找到了儿子。 __________________ofthestory,theWhitesfoundtheirson. 5. 最后,他还是留了下来。 __________________,hestayed. 6. 今天天气真好!既不冷也不热。 Whataniceday!It’s______cold______hot. 7. 当李先生听到这个好消息时,兴奋得说不出话来。 Mr. Li was ______ excited ______ say anything when he heard thispieceofnews. 8. 王楠是世界上最优秀的运动员之一。 WangNanis____________thebest______intheworld. 9. 尽管困难重重,登山运动员们还是成功地到达了山顶。 ______ ______ ______ all the difficulties, the climbers reached thetopofthemountainssuccessfully. 10. 自从我们上次见面以后,已经有十个多月了。 ______ismorethantenmonths______wemetlast. 七、阅读理解 On 26th January, the biggest earthquake(地震)in India took the lives of 25000 people. In the morning, when everybody was enjoying holiday, earthquake began. It was about 7.5 on the Ritcher scale.“There isnothing leftbetween thesky and theearth any more. Everything has been pulled down,” said one of the villagers alive. “Thereisnowater,nofoodandnoonehascometohelp.” Nobody died in Pakistan, a country next to India. The City of Lahore was lucky. In Lahore American school, where I was studying, all of the students were safe. They were on the field, so most children didn’t feel anything. The earthquake was felt by the teachers that wereon the second floor. However, though MrsYoung was also on the second floor, she didn’t feel anything. She didn’t know what happened until a teacher told her about it. Those teachers who were on the other floors had different feelings. Mr Emond, the maths teacher from Australia, said that when the earthquake started he thought there was something wrong with him, but then another teacher said that it was an earthquake. After those wordsMrEmondfeltbetter.MrsDavisand MrFrostdidn’tfeelanythingeither. My mother didn’t feel anything. She didn’t even know that it was an earthquake till she saw a shaking (moving from side to side) light. My dad saw the computer shaking and then he looked out of thewindowandsawmanypeoplegoingout. 1.Peopleuse“Ritcherscale”totell______. A. where the earthquake takes place B. when the earthquaketakesplace C. how serious the earthquake is D. how long the earthquakelasts 2. We learn that ______ from the sentence “There is nothing left betweentheskyandtheearthanymore.” A. India is a large country B. the Indian people hadnothingaftertheearthquake C. there is no tall building in India D. the earthquake in Indiawasserious 3.ThecityofLahoreis______. A. in India B. in America C. in Pakistan D.inAustralia 4.Whichoneistrue? A. Iwaswithmyparentswhentheearthquakehappened. B. TheearthquakesinthecityofLahorewasn’tserious. C. Peoplein the City ofLahorewerefrightened when they knew ifwasanearthquake. D. The teachers in Lahore American school were afraid of the earthquake. 八、综合填空 Reading newspapers has becoming an important p______1 of our everyday life. Many people read newspapers a______2 the first thing to do in the morning, others read newspapers as soon as they are free during the day so that they can learn what is h______3 in theworld. Sometimes, however, we donothavee______4time toread all the news carefully, so we just take a quick look at the front page, at othertimes, we maybein such a h______5 that we onlyhave a few minutestolookatthenamesofthepassages. Newspapers can be found everywhere in the world. We can get many different kinds of newspapers in the big cities, of course, but insomeofthemountainv______6wecanseefewnewspapers. Some newspapers are published o______7 a week, but most of the newspapers are published once a day with many pages, some even published twice a day! As you know different people e______8 reading different newspapers, some like sports news, some like economic news and others prefer short stories. They just choosewhattheyarei______9in. Today newspapers in English have the l______ 10 number of readersintheworld. 九、书面表达 根据提示,写一篇60-80词的短文。 你原来身体状况不好,经常感冒,经过一段时间的锻炼,你感 到身体好了,学习效率也明显提高了。此时校报英语角正在征 集“SportsandHealth”的文章,你想就此机会写一写你参加体育 活动后的感受。 提示词语:thePhysicalTrainningCentre体育健身中心 joinin, energetic精力充沛 _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ ___________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ ___________________________________ 附基础知识巩固练习答案 一、A)1.symphony2.attempt3.appointment4.crucial5.anxious B)1—5FCDHA6—10EBIJG C)1. attempted 2. appointment 3. during 4. anxious 5. too many; symphony6.crucial7.might 二、1. are talking 2. has gone 3. not eat 4. have seen 5. will be 6. finishing 7. not to be 8. reach 9. will be 10.三、1—5 BCCCC 6—10ABAAC 11—15BCDBD 四、1. to get to 2. was seen to enter 3.for us to sit on 4. it important to master 5. cost Mary 6. than any other song 7. doing the working for her little son 8. neither Russian nor French 9. It takes you,togetthere10.watchingTV,togoingto 五、1.give2.as3.about4.who5.him6.has7.it8.short9.else10. the 六、1.hasbeentomanyplaces2.left;forgottoturnoffthelight(s)3. have not heard from 4.At the end 5. In the end 6. neither; nor 7. too;to8.oneof;players9.Inspiteof10.It;since 七、1—4CBCB 八、1.part2.as3.happening4.enough5.hurry6.villages7.once8. enjoy9.interested10.largest 九、 SportsandHealth MynameisLinTao.I'mfromClass1,GradeThree. Ithinksportsareverygoodforourhealthandstudy.Ihavekept doingexerciseforalongtime.Severalmonthsago,Iwasweakin health.Ioftenhadacold.SoIwenttothePhysicalTrainingCentre everyweek.ThereIjoinedinswimming,playingbasketballand someothersports.NowI'mfeelingmuchbetterthanbefore.I'm veryenergetic.Goodhealthmakesmestudybetternow.Ihope otherstudentsshouldkeeptakingexerciseeveryday.Startright now!

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