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贵阳市 2011年初中毕业生学业考试参考答案 1-6 CCBBCB 7-12ABCAAB 13-18 CACCBC 19-23 CBBCAB 24-30 BABCCA 31-35 ABBAC 36-40ABAAB 41-45CBACC 46-50 EBFCA 51-55 AGBDF 56-62 AAABCAC 63-70 BCAACABC 71-75 ABCCA 76-80 ABBCA 81-85 DCEFB 86.yourself 87. successful 88.enough 89.not to go 90.surprise 91.kids 92.easily 93. interested 94.is 95. others 96.relationship 97 A survey 98.watching TV 99. --- 100 --- 101. ask for information politely 102. change the way you speak 103. make language more politely 104. Learning about language etiquette 105. Would you mind not smoke here?/Could you please not smoke here? 106. Let's play soccer this weekend. 107. There are three keys on the drawer./ There are some keys on the drawer. 108. I paid 500 dollars for the camera. 109. She taught us English last year. 110. Gina is having a walk with her dog now./Gina always has a walk with her dog on weekend. 书面表达 B(略) 贵阳市 2011年初中毕业生学业考试参考答案 1-6 CCBBCB 7-12ABCAAB 13-18 CACCBC 19-23 CBBCAB 24-30 BABCCA 31-35 ABBAC 36-40ABAAB 41-45CBACC 46-50 EBFCA 51-55 AGBDF 56-62 AAABCAC 63-70 BCAACABC 71-75 ABCCA 76-80 ABBCA 81-85 DCEFB 87.yourself 87. successful 88.enough 89.not to go 90.surprise 91.kids 92.easily 93. interested 95.is 95. others 97.relationship 97 A survey 98.watching TV 99. --- 100 --- 104. ask for information politely 105. change the way you speak 106. make language more politely 111. Learning about language etiquette 112. Would you mind not smoke here?/Could you please not smoke here? 113. Let's play soccer this weekend. 114. There are three keys on the drawer./ There are some keys on the drawer. 115. I paid 500 dollars for the camera. 116. She taught us English last year. 117. Gina is having a walk with her dog now./Gina always has a walk with her dog on weekend. 书面表达 B(略)

资料: 4.5万


