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Unit 14 Have you pocked yet? Hello, boys and girls. Nice to meet you again. Today we’re going to study Unit 14—Have you pocked yet?(你整理好行装了吗?) In this unit we’ll review the grammar—the present perfect tense(现在完成时) .In the same time we’re going to learn how to prepare for traveling. Now let’s begin our class. 学习目标: 1.复习动词的现在完成时态。 2.能用比较流利通顺的语言讲述身边发生的事 。 词汇: water (v.), travel, guide book, suitcase, bathing suit, refrigerator, member, wood, farm, ocean, appear, turn, anyway, hit clean out 清除;打扫干净 be off 离开;走开 beach towel 沙滩巾 in a minute 过一会儿 turn off 关闭 on the music scene 在音乐舞台上 be sure to do sth. 确定做某事 in the last twelve months 在过去的十二个月里 具体内容讲解 I. Sections: 1.Have you packed the beach towels yet? 你把沙滩巾打包进去了吗? 大家知道此句用的是现在完成时。副词 yet 常用于现在完成时的疑问句和否定句中,而 在肯定句中则用 already,如: I have already packed the beach towels. 我已经把沙滩巾打包进去了。 除此之外 just, ever, never 等词也常常用在现在完成时态的句子中。 2.He has worked here since 1998. 他从 1998 年一直在这里工作。 此句说明工作这一动作从 1998 年持续至今。 请注意和一般过去时的区别,如: He started to work here in1998. 他 1998 年开始在这里工作。 虽然现在完成时的动作和一般过去时一样都发生在过去,但它强调的是动作对现在的影 响。而一般过去时强调的是动作发生在过去的某一具体时间。 现在我们再注意一下 since 和 for 的用法: for 的后面接一段时间: I have lived in Beijing for about 12 years. 我在北京已经生活了大约 12 年了。 since 后面接点时间: I have lived in Beijing since 1994. 我从 1994 年就一直住在北京 。 同学们从以上两个句子中可以看出其实它们是不同的方式表达了同一个意思。值得注意 的是这两个句子动词必须是持续性动词。如: He has already borrowed that book. 他已经买了那本书。 He has had it for two weeks.他买那本书已经有两周的时间了。 3.must 和 have to 的区别: have to 是“不得不”,表示客观上的意义;而 must 是“必须”,表示主观愿望,如: It’s time for the meeting. I have to go now. 开会的时间到了,我得走了。 否定句,助动词 do + not +have You don’t have to go.你现在不必走。 You must be there on time.你务必按时到达那里。 否定句, 直接+not You mustn’t go there now. 现在你千万别上那儿去。 must 的否定回答 needn’t Must I go now? 我现在就得走吗? Yes, you must. 是的,你必须走。 No, you needn’t. 不,不必。 4.We have had a few songs in the ten, but we really hope to a number one hit some day. 我们已经有几首歌上排行榜了,希望有一天能有一首列入榜首。(参考译文。) II. Reading: 1. Have you ever been to the place where your ancestors lived, worked, studied and played? 你曾返回到你的祖先生活、工作、学习和玩耍的地方吗? 这是一个含有定语从句的一般疑问句。place 既是主句中的表语又是其定语从句所修饰的 先行词,而关系副词 where 既引导定语从句又在从句作地点状语,该从句中含有四个并 列宾语。 2. Robert is just one young overseas Chinese who has come to visit his ancestors’ homeland, as part of the In Search of Roots summer camp program. Robert 恰好是一位已经到来把访问他的祖先的祖国作为《寻根》夏令营活动的一部分 的华侨。 这又是一个含有定语从句的句子。overseas Chinese 是主句的表语,也是其定语从句 做修饰的先行词;关系代词 who 既引导从句又在从句中作主语。从句中 as 介词短语 作方式状语。as 的意思是“作为”。 As a girl, Mary likes wearing beautiful clothes. 作为一个女孩,Mary 喜欢穿漂亮的衣服。 3. Thanks to In Search of Roots, I’m beginning to understand my Chinese roots, and who I am. 多亏了《寻根》,我才开始懂得我的中国根以及我是谁。 【模拟练习】 I. 用所给词的适当形式填空: 1. I ______( feed ) my cat, so it is full now. 2. He used his car ______(most) for sightseeing. 3. He hasn’t _______(finish)_______(read) Harry Potter. 4. We needn’t go in such a hurry. We still have thirty minutes ______(leave). 5. I need to _______(clean) my cupboard. I never use the things in it anymore. II. 把下列汉语完成句子: 1.你给花浇水了吗? 2.富贵家住乡下。他每天都得到井里去打水。 3.谁是你最喜欢的影星? 4.我渴了,感觉要喝水。 5.瓶子里还有饮料吗? III. 单项选择: 1. Please go to the station to _______when the train to Kunming starts to leave. A. find for B. look for C. find out D. find 2. Mr. Green is very rich. He ______ his dog _______ meat. A. feed; on B. feeds; on C. give; to D. feeds; for 3. _______ have you been in China? A. How long B. How often C. How soon D. How far 4. He does business in Shanghai. He ______ Shanghai the day after tomorrow. A. leaves for B. is leaving for C. left to D. is leaving to 5. He _______carefully but he could not _______ his teacher clearly. A. heard; listen B. listen; hear C. listened; hear D. heard; listened 6. He kissed his wife and then ______ goodbye _______ her when he left home. A. say; to B. said; to C. spoke; to D. said; with 7. We need friends to_______, or we will feel _______. A. chat; alone B. chat with; lonely C. spoke lonely D. talk with; alone 8. Mike is ______ honest man. I ______ him. A. an; believe on B. a; believe in C. an; believe in D. the; believe 9. This story ______ tells us how Bill Gates becomes successful. A. mostly B. mainly C. most D. A and B 10. Many students have never been to China before and ______ any Chinese. A. could hardly say B. can hardly talk C. can hard speak D. can hardly speak IV. 完型填空: Have you ever planted a few trees on Tree Planting day? Each year, millions of people, both___1___, plant a lot of trees. But this may not be the best way to make your home a ___2___ place. Last week we visited a park in Hebei. We were ___3___ to find most of the trees had been burned. The workers told us that the trees ___4___ soon after they were planted because they weren’t watered well enough. ___5___ workers burned them and cleaned the place for ___6___ trees to be planted this year. ___7___ a card found in one of the dead trees, a student wrote,“I hope this tree will grow up with me to ___8___ the backbone of our country.” The workers said that the survival of the trees was really more important than ____9__were planted. Some people in Beijing now have a new idea that they can donate some money and let professional plant and ___10___ the trees. 1. A. students and teachers B. old and young C. boys and girls D. mother and father 2. A. smaller B. colder C. warmer D. larger 3. A. pleased B. happy C. interesting D. surprised 4. A. died B. grew C. bought D. planted 5. A. Though B. When C. Because D. So 6. A. few B. old C. new D. dead 7. A. Over B. From C. On D. About 8. A. need B. hold C. plant D. be 9. A. how many B. when C. how soon D. why 10. A. take out B. take down C. take up D. take care of 【试题答案】 I. fed; mostly; finished; reading; left; clean II. 1.Have you watered the flowers? 2. Fugui lives in the countryside. He has to carry water from the well every day. 3.Who is your favorite movie star? 4. I’m thirsty. And I feel like to drink water. 5. Is there any juice in the bottle? III. CBABC BBCDD IV. BCDAD CCDAD 【励志故事】 居安思危 洪水未到先筑堤,豺狼未来先磨刀。 一只野狼卧在草上勤奋地磨牙,狐狸看到了,就对它说:“天气这么好,大家在休息娱乐, 你也加入我们队伍中吧!”野狼没有说话,继续磨牙,把它的牙齿磨得又尖又利。狐狸奇怪地 问道:“森林这么静,猎人和猎狗已经回家了,老虎也不在近处徘徊,又没有任何危险,你何 必那么用劲磨牙呢?”野狼停下来回答说:“我磨牙并不是为了娱乐,你想想,如果有一天我 被猎人或老虎追逐,到那时,我想磨牙也来不及了。而平时我就把牙磨好,到那时就可以保 护自己了。” 温馨提示:做事应该未雨绸缪,居安思危,这样在危险突然降临时,才不至于手忙脚乱。 “书到用时方恨少”,平常若不充实学问,临时抱佛脚是来不及的。也有人抱怨没有机会,然 而当升迁机会来临时,再叹自己平时没有积蓄足够的学识与能力,以致不能胜任,也只好后 悔莫及。

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