pep四年级下册unit 3练习题

pep四年级下册unit 3练习题


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一、写问句或写答句。 班别: 姓名: 1.________________________________? Yes, you can wear your jacket today. 2._______________________________? Not much. 3._____________________________ ? Yes, it is cold today. 4.________________________________? No, it isn’t cool today. 5.What’s the weather like today? 晴朗的 _________________________________. 6.What is the weather like in Beijing? (下雪的) ___________________________________. 7.Can I wear my skirt today? 温度是 34℃ ___________________________________. 8.Can I wear my coat today? 温度是 33℃ ____________________________________. 9.What’s the weather like today? 今天 __________________________________. 10.Is it cloudy? (多云的) ___________________________________. 11.Is it snowy? (下雨的) ___________________________________. 12.Can you wear your shorts today?35℃ __________________________________ . 13.Can you wear your jacket ? (温度 3℃) ______________________________________. 14.It’s warm today. __________________________________ . 15.It’s snowy today. _____________________________________. 16.It’s windy today. ____________________________________ . 17.__________________________________? Yes.I want a pair of boots. 18.____________________________________? Yes, please. A pair of sneakers for my son. 19.____________________________________? The dress is 45 yuan. 20.___________________________________ ? The slippers are 21 yuan. 21.___________________________________? Size 7. 22.__________________________________? Yes, they are all right. 23.___________________________________? Yes, I like this shirt. 24.Can I help you? (我想要一双网球鞋。) _____________________________________. 25.How much is it? (六十元) _____________________________________ . 26.How much are they? (八十元) ______________________________________. 27.What size? (五码) ______________________________________. 28.Are they nice? (很好看) ______________________________________. 29.Is the sweater cheap? (1200 元) _______________________________________ . 30.Are the sneakers expensive? (45 元) _____________________________________ . 31.Is the dress pretty? (漂亮的) ______________________________________ . 32.___________________________________? They are sheep. 33.___________________________________? These are goats. 34.____________________________________? Those are cows. 35.___________________________________? I see five cats in the picture. 36.___________________________________? I can see two rabbits. 37.___________________________________? There are thirteen horses. 38.___________________________________? I have 100 lambs. 39.____________________________________? There is a hen. 40.What are these? (西红柿)

资料: 4.5万


