班级 姓名
一: 翻译下列词组:
8: 一玻璃杯橘子汁
9: 一听鸡肉
10: 几公斤
11: 所有的学生
12: 我的钱包
13: 他的妹妹
14: 我们的朋友
15: 他们的职业
16: 谁的夹克衫
17: 大眼睛的男孩
18: 穿白色短裙的女孩
19: 又饥又渴
20: 又大又明亮
21: 6:30(英式表达)
22: 在 7:05(美式表达)
23: 在 9:45(英式表达)
24: 在周四上午
25: 在五月三日
26: 从周一到周五
27: 在周末
28: 在操场上
29: 在花园里
30: 在床下
31: 在冰箱附近
32: 在教室里
33: 在课桌上面
34: 在那儿
35: 在一堂体育课上
36: 步行
37: 乘出租车去超市
38: 值日
39: 放学
40: 当然,可以
41: 刚才(两种表达)
42: 非常兴奋
43: 实在忙
44: 什么形状
45: 寻找吉姆
46: 在黑板上写
47: 打开你们的书
48: 喜欢风筝
49: 喜欢游泳
50: 品尝苹果
51: 听音乐
52: 听我说
53: 扫地
54: 洗衣服
55: 擦窗
56: 下象棋
57: 看报纸
58: 说法语
59: 集邮
60: 拍照
61: 画画
62: 浇花
63: 挤牛奶
64: 问答
65: 踢球
66: 上午
67: 画一个圆圈
68: 感觉冷
69: 发高烧
70: 咳嗽得厉害
71: 去购物
72: 参加
73: 向左转
74: 上下跳十次
75: 沿这条街走
76: 写一封信
77: 跑得快
78: 跳得高
79: 来自澳大利亚
80: 看话剧
81: 从……中学到许多
82: 将……拔起
83: 度过一段美好的时光
84: 擅长语文
85: 把邮票给我看看
86: 帮助我学数学
87: 把一本书放在你的头上
88: 需要一个花瓶
89: 骑自行车
90: 住在一座旧房子里
91: 观看一场跑步比赛
92: 作为一件生日礼物
93: 儿童节
94: 国庆节
95: 元旦
96: 春节
97: 和……一样高
98: 比我的重
99: 比她小两岁
100: 睡觉比她晚
二: 翻译下列词语或句子
1: a pair of chopsticks
2: a table tennis room
3: a map of the world
4: a large sitting room
5: a camping site
6: a beautiful butterfly
7: a primary school
8: a middle school
9: English club
10: public signs
11: a roll of film
12: a popular holiday
13: History Museum
14: his skateboard
15: singing contest
16: sports meeting
17: e-mail address
18: fax number
19: Beijing Opera
20: train station
21: lots of soft drinks
22: a telephone number
23: the first day of new term
24: on the second floor
25: no eating or drinking
26: from different countries
27: at the concert
28: about a kilometer away
29: on the farm
30: Something to drink?
31: Anything else?
32: be late for school
33: every five minutes
34: at once
35: Dragon Boat Festival
36: May Day
37: Mid-Autumn Festival
38: eleven minus ten
39: one plus seven
40: do the puzzle
41: do well in Computer studies
42: do housework
43: Don’t forget!
44: do my homework
45: do some exercise
46: have breakfast
47: have a telescope
48: have a lot of rest
49: have a chat
50: have the same hobby
51: need help
52: play the violin
53: play volleyball
54: play cards
55: play table tennis
56: play with yo-yo
57: go and join them
58: go climbing
59: go skating
60: go for a walk
61: look happy
62: look after the flowers
63: make model ships
64: make a pumpkin lantern
65: make pretty dresses for the
66: make noise
67: take some medicine
68: take off the costume
69: drink some water
70: eat delicious food
71: read a magazine
72: read better than all of us
73: eleven minus ten
74: two plus seven
75: get a stomachache
76: get warmer
77: stay in bed
78: stay away from the building
79: ask some questions
80: ask the way
81: climb trees
82: buy things for a Halloween
83: buy a card for my teacher
84: draw three triangles
85: Welcome back to school.
86: collect eggs
87: grow beautiful flowers
88: play games
89: surf the Internet
90: live in a small town
91: speak loudly
92: dance beautifully
93: sit quietly
94: give orders
95: do this ten times
96: lift up your right leg
97: touch your toes with your
98: stand in a line
99: brush one’s teeth
100: talk about