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外研版七年级上册英语期末复习课件(2) elephant panda tiger animal people learn often check train travel search information send sometimes cinema clothes holiday present always secret concert magazine exercise expensive money film weekend afraid postcard wait walk enjoy moment study sweep floor happen festival hurry celebrate sweater coat danger less least tradition happily happiness beautifully finally leaves African sell European musical musician lucky luckily scarves countries mice funny monkeys speaker speech lay lain lying meaning meaningful meaningless useful planned catches caught caught cutting cut choice celebration thought cook cooker singer song listen to music go to the cinema wait for get off look at sweep away take photos get ready for put away hurry up turn on/off search for save the document go on the Internet send emails go back over there at work at the moment on sale at weekends because of lucky money a little such as a few be good at as well as many kinds of come from as well as for from listen to music standing talking At this moment cleaning sweeping away Shall we Is learning isn't How write Would like I'd love What for are doing are visiting What's doing putting away Are having A C For example such as C B A C B C D D B C B C C B D B C D A A A B D A A B A B A B A C B D B important healthy traditional B B C pollution forty B C C dance D C C C B always sun Most place strong onnect rip irthday ard etween dumplings lying leaves drawing lucky D A E C B 考点精练二  七年级(上)Modules 6-10 C A A B D A B C C B B B C A D D B C A D B A B D C C D E A B Buy party secret birthday lie Chinese drives Don't make their lucky more fell quickly spreading decision Since one from me won

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