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七年级(下)Units 5-8 译林版七年级英语下册期末复习课件(2) fact reply happen wonder search weak pick dry hurry pass watch alone low notice sweet enter reach climb raise brave save smoke rush wet news newspaper rubbish camera term article show need wide trouble touch repeat talk centuries mice noisy stranger suddenly quickly usually unusual later latest ability abilities badly worse worst useful useless locked surprised surprising excited exciting agreement disagree careful carefully careless carelessly carelessness decision failure taught teacher paid payment built building fell fallen left riding rode ridden fought hit hitting became become burnt/burned burnt/burned hurt lost held fed hid hidden take part in stop doing sth. sit down turn around say to oneself pick up run away hear of hurry up stand up get away go through put up believe it or not look out pay for put out save…from do/try one's best lose one's way hear from look after/take care of grow up be afraid of do well in on one's/the way at the same time as…as from then on in hospital by the way at the age of as usual the day before yesterday not…any more/no more the other day all over the world too…to… no problem a little all the time at least On their way ran away at the same time all over the world at least as as put up too to pay for put out in hospital By the way do/try her best does well in at the age of lost his way hearing from live in It's dangerous to not any more What outdoor activity would you like to try? Can we go swimming too? What nice music! We're having a picnic today. D B D wonder A D D B A B B surprised surprise surprised surprised C C A decision A D forget getting protection protected B A D attend C B heard hear heard C B C disagreed camping vegetables traffic oise C C A believe sent/launched build caught A A D A through A D D D B ability before same decide article better carefully quickly rode watches saved alone shouting smoke hurt himself blanket At brave careful 考点精练四 七年级(下) Units 5-8 B A C A B C A D A C C A A C B A B A C B T F T F T C B C A A ability weight brave anybody nodded receiving lowest bravely brought  herself but replied decision little notebooks worried When told for together

资料: 8611


