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1 2021 届高考英语作文素材:经典提分句子归纳总结(三) 1、虎头蛇尾,有始无终。 Tiger head and snake tail, beginning and end. 2、冬至油菜,年大麦。 Winter solstice rape, barley. 3、时雨时晴,几天几夜不停。 Rain and sunshine, days and nights. 4、太阳是个宝,常晒身体好。 The sun is a treasure. It\'s good to keep in the sun. 5、种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。 You get what you grow, you get what you grow. 6、吃药不忌嘴,跑断太医腿。 Take medicine without fear of mouth, run off too much medical legs. 7、雨中闻蝉叫,预告晴天到。 Smell the cicada in the rain and predict the sunny day. 8、只与人家赛种田,莫与人家比过年。 Only compete with others in farming, not with others in New Year\'s Day. 2 2021 届高考英语作文素材:经典提分句子归纳总结(三) 9、人要实心,火要空心。 People should be solid and fire should be hollow. 10、生于忧患,死于安乐。 Born in distress, died in peace. 11、打不干的井水,使不完的力气。 Drill a well that you can\'t do, and make an endless effort. 12、立夏东风到,麦子水里涝。 In early summer, when the east wind blows, the wheat is waterlogged. 13、朋友千个少,冤家一个多。 A thousand friends and one enemy. 14、早晨浮云走,午后晒死狗。 Floating clouds in the morning and dogs in the afternoon. 15、日落云里走,雨在半夜后。 Sunset clouds, rain in the middle of the night. 16、粮再多,野菜也要备几锅。 No matter how much grain there is, we should prepare pots of wild vegetables. 3 2021 届高考英语作文素材:经典提分句子归纳总结(三) 17、瓦块云,晒煞人。 Clouds of tiles shake people. 18、沟泥、河泥、水杂草,都是省钱好料。 Gully mud, river mud and water weeds are all good materials for saving money. 19、知识不存在的地方,愚昧就自命为科学。 Where knowledge does not exist, ignorance pretends to be science. 20、星星稀,好天气。 The stars are sparse and the weather is fine. 21、智者千虑,必有一失。 A wise man must lose when he cares. 22、一张牛皮有厚薄,一家子女有好坏。 A cowhide is thick and thin, and a family\'s children are good or bad. 23、与其庸人当家,不如能人守门。 It\'s better to guard the door than to run the house by mediocre people. 24、虎死不变形,狼死不变性。 Tigers die unchanged, wolves die unchanged. 4 2021 届高考英语作文素材:经典提分句子归纳总结(三) 25、饭来张口,衣来伸手。 Open your mouth for meals and stretch your hand for clothes. 26、西北来云无好货,不是风灾就下雹。 In the northwest, there is no good goods. It\'s not the wind that makes hail. 27、过了芒种,不可强种。 After awn seed, do not strong seed. 28、天不严寒地不冻,人不悲哀泪不流。 It\'s not cold or frozen. People don\'t cry. 29、绳锯木断,水滴石穿。 The rope is sawn and the dripping stones pierce. 30、脑怕不用,身怕不动。 Brain is afraid not to use, body is afraid not to move. 31、金杯银杯,不如百姓的口碑。 Gold cups and silver cups are not as popular as the people. 32、故乡若有敌人,日夜不得安宁。 If there are enemies in my hometown, it will not be peaceful day and night. 5 2021 届高考英语作文素材:经典提分句子归纳总结(三) 33、常在河边走,哪会不湿鞋。 Often walk by the river, which can not wet shoes. 34、画蛇添足,多此一举。 Draw a snake and add to it. 35、云行北,好晒谷;云行南,大水漂起船。 Clouds go north and dry valleys; clouds go south and water drifts boats. 36、春天刮风多,秋天下雨多。 It\'s windy in spring and rainy in autumn. 37、花儿凋谢不再开,光阴一去不再来。 Flowers wither and no longer open. Time is gone and no longer comes. 38、雨打五更,日晒水坑。 It rains five minutes and sunbathes in puddles. 39、勤洗澡;勤换衣。 Take a bath frequently; change clothes frequently. 40、十个钱要花,一个钱要省。 Ten money to spend, one money to save. 41、选种忙几天,增产一年甜。 6 2021 届高考英语作文素材:经典提分句子归纳总结(三) Selection is busy for a few days, increasing yield for a year. 42、自己不中用,反怨父母亲。 I don\'t use it. I resent my parents. 43、长五月,短十月,不长不短二八月。 Long May, short October, not short February and August. 44、有病早治,无病早防。 Early treatment of disease, early prevention of disease-free. 45、理不说不明,火不点不燃。 If you don\'t know, the fire won\'t ignite. 46、早晨云挡坝,三天有雨下。 Cloud dam in the morning, rain in three days. 47、肥料与农业肥料建设。 Fertilizer and agricultural fertilizer construction. 48、撑死胆大的人,饿死胆小的鬼。 Supports the bold person, starves the cowardly ghost. 49、燕子低飞要落雨。 Swallows fly low and rain falls. 7 2021 届高考英语作文素材:经典提分句子归纳总结(三) 50、炸雷雨小,闷雷雨大。 Small thunderstorms, heavy thunderstorms. 51、南闪四边打,北闪有雨来。 Southern flashes are beating on all sides, while northern flashes are raining. 52、王小二过年,一年不如一年。 One year is worse than another for Wang Xiaoer\'s New Year celebration. 53、人合心,马合套。 People fit in, horses fit in. 54、用人不疑,疑人不用。 No doubt about the employer, no doubt about the suspect. 55、河泥打底,猪粪润根。 River mud bottom, pig manure moisten roots. 56、补漏趁天晴,读书趁年轻。 Make up leaks while it is sunny, and read while it is young. 57、生冷不入口,防病保长寿。 Cold does not enter, disease prevention and longevity. 8 2021 届高考英语作文素材:经典提分句子归纳总结(三) 58、女人哭是赌气,男人哭是伤心。 Women cry is gambling, men cry is sad. 59、背后不商量,当面无主张。 There is no discussion behind the scenes and no opinions face to face. 60、家里没有糌粑吃,窗外却要糊糌粑。 There is no bamboo cake to eat at home, but it is pasted outside the window. 61、愤怒、骄傲和嫉妒,是人遭殃之祸根。 Anger, pride and jealousy are the causes of human suffering. 62、人要有志气,树要有硬皮。 People should have ambition and trees should have hard skin. 63、零帐怕整算。宽打窄用,有备无患。 Zero accounts are afraid of consolidation. Wide and narrow, ready and safe. 64、水库是个宝,抗旱又防涝。 The reservoir is a treasure, drought-resistant and waterlogging-proof. 65、天有城堡云,地上雷雨临。 There are castle clouds and thunderstorms on the ground. 9 2021 届高考英语作文素材:经典提分句子归纳总结(三) 66、广交不如择友,投师不如访友。 It\'s better to choose friends than to make friends. 67、水荒头,旱荒尾。 Water shortage head, drought and barren tail. 68、吃山羊肉时笑嘻嘻,牧羊肉钱时哭丧脸。 He laughs when he eats goat meat and weeps when he pays for sheep meat. 69、药对方,一口汤;不对方,一水缸。 The other side, a soup; the other side, a water tank. 70、赌钱众人骂,读书众人夸。 People swear at gambling and praise reading. 71、早晨下雨当日晴,晚上下雨到天明。 It rains in the morning and sunny in the day. It rains till dawn in the evening. 72、千个朋友嫌少,一个敌人嫌多。 Thousands of friends are too few and one enemy too many. 73、东北风,雨祖宗。 Northeast wind, rain ancestor. 10 2021 届高考英语作文素材:经典提分句子归纳总结(三) 74、阴雨亮一亮,还要下一丈。 It\'s rainy and bright, and it\'s going to be next. 75、不怕人不敬,就怕己不正。 If you are not afraid of being disrespectful, you are afraid of being wrong. 76、乌云接日头,半夜雨不愁。 Dark clouds catch the sun, and it rains in the middle of the night. 77、贪心如果太甚,很快就会掉入深渊。 If greed is too great, it will soon fall into the abyss. 78、麦怕胎里风,谷怕老来雨。 Mai is afraid of the wind in the womb and Gu is afraid of the rain. 79、天不言已高,地不言已厚。 The sky is high and the earth is thick. 80、大意失荆州,骄傲失街亭。 If you lose Jingzhou carelessly, you lose the Street Pavilion proudly.

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