专题08 阅读填空 2021年英语二轮复习讲 练 测 -练案(教师版)

专题08 阅读填空 2021年英语二轮复习讲 练 测 -练案(教师版)


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专题 08 阅读填空 阅读填空--讲•练•测---练案 时间:30 分钟 满分:30 1. [2021·河北省“五个一名校联盟”高考二模] A popular person is someone who is admired, appreciated, or loved by their peers. Others want to be associated with them, and they have plenty of friends. A popular person usually has a high social status in their peer group. 1. Care about your appearance. Taking pride in your appearance is one of the simplest ways to improve your social prospects and alter the way people think about you. You do not have to wear expensive or fashionable clothes to become popular. 2. Be confident. If you want people to like you for who you are, you have to also like yourself. 3. When people notice the confident way you hold yourself, they'll realize you are someone worth being around. Join in. 4. Don't walk the halls with your head lowered or skip lunch because you have no one to sit with; talk to people and get to know them. Show an interest in what's going on around you. Take part in classes like art and PE as these are often cooperative, team-building environments. Before long you'll start to pick up on what people are like and begin make friends that share common interests. 5. Spend time hanging out with a lot of different people. People who are truly popular are comfortable being friendly with everyone they meet with. Don't just be friends with one group or type of person, but make an effort to get to know everyone. You'll begin bridging gaps in separate groups and become known as a person that brings people together. A.Diversify your social circle. B.Be kind to people outside your group. C.These are some factors which can lead to a natural popularity. D.Involve yourself in other students and participate in the same activities. E. You might not notice it but eventually you will get to know the benefits of appearance. F. Instead, aim to look decent at all times, including your hairstyles and personal tidiness. G. Remind yourself of your positive features and try to let those be the ones you display to others. 【文章大意】本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了让自己成为受欢迎的人的一些方法。 1.C 根据前句“A popular person usually has a high social status in their peer group.(一个受欢迎的人通常在他们的同 龄人中有很高的社会地位)”及下文内容可知,这里为承上启下句,为读者介绍一些让自己受欢迎的因素。所以 选择项 C“These are some factors which can lead to a natural popularity.(这些都是一些能让你自然受欢迎的因素)” 符合上下文语境。故选 C。 2.F 根据小标题“Care about your appearance.(注意自己的外表)”和前句“You do not have to wear expensive or fashionable clothes to become popular. (你不必穿昂贵或时尚的衣服来变得受欢迎)”可知,不一定穿昂贵或时尚的 衣服,发型和个人整洁很重要。所以选择项 F“Instead, aim to look decent at all times, including your hairstyles and personal tidiness. (相反,你要时刻保持得体,包括发型和个人整洁)”符合上下文语境。故选 F。 3.G 根据前句“If you want people to like you for who you are, you have to also like yourself. (如果你想让人们喜欢 真实的你,你也必须喜欢你自己)”及后句“When people notice the confident way you hold yourself, they'll realize you are someone worth being around. (当人们注意到你自信的样子时,他们会意识到你是一个值得与之交往的人)” 可知,要自信,展示自己积极的一面。所以选择项 G“Remind yourself of your positive features and try to let those be the ones you display to others. (提醒自己积极的一面,并努力让它们成为你展示给别人的东西)”符合上下文语境。 故选 G。 4.D 根据小标题“Join in.(参加活动)”和后文内容可知,要多参加活动。所以选择项 D“Involve yourself in other students and participate in the same activities. (让你自己和其他同学一起参加同样的活动)”符合上下文语境。故选 D。 5.A 此处考查本段小标题。根据下文“Spend time hanging out with a lot of different people. People who are truly popular are comfortable being friendly with everyone they meet with. Don't just be friends with one group or type of person, but make an effort to get to know everyone. You'll begin bridging gaps in separate groups and become known as a person that brings people together. (花时间和很多不同的人在一起。真正受欢迎的人会乐于与他们遇到的每个 人都保持友好。不要只和一群人或一种人做朋友,而要努力去了解每一个人。你将开始在不同的小组中弥合分 歧,成为一个能把大家团结在一起的人)”可知,作者建议要与不同的人交朋友,丰富自己的社交圈。所以选择 项 A“Diversify your social circle. (丰富你的社交圈)”符合本段小标题。故选 A。 2. [2021·浙江省稽阳联谊学校高三期中联考] Today, people who are deaf and blind can receive a standard education. Schools and organizations help them make the necessary adaptations. 1. At one time, educators had few ideas about how to teach children who were both deaf and blind. Laura Dewey Bridgman may have been the first deaf and blind person to learn how to read and write. She was born in New Hampshire on December 21, 1829. Scarlet fever destroyed both her hearing and her sight at age two. 2. Only her sense of touch was not affected. A local handyman, Asa Tenny taught her to communicate using a system of signs. A professor heard about this and wrote a newspaper article about Laura. 3 . He was head of the Perkins School for the Blind in Boston. Most educational experts believed it was impossible to teach a deaf and blind student reading, writing, or arithmetic. Dr. Howe wanted to meet a new challenge-teaching Laura. At age 8, Laura began living at the Perkins School. Dr. Howe needed to develop new methods of teaching because of Laura's deafness. He had Laura feel an item, such as a spoon, and then ran her fingers over a label that had the word spoon spelled in raised letters. Initially Laura struggled to understand the relationship between the item and the word. 4. Laura learned to read words, and then she worked backward to learn the alphabet and numbers. 5. Previously, people had little knowledge of what went on in the mind of a deaf and blind person. Laura showed that she was as intelligent and capable as anyone. She helped show the world how intelligent and successful a deaf and blind person could be. A.However, this was not always the case. B.The article attracted the attention of Dr. Samuel Howe. C.The illness also damaged her senses of smell and taste. D.Finally, after several weeks, her face lighted up with human expression. E. She had few ways of expressing her thoughts or interacting with other people. F. Eventually she was able to keep a journal of her thoughts and experiences. G. After three years, she returned to Perkins, where she lived for the rest of her life. 【文章大意】本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了 Laura Dewey Bridgman,一位被疾病剥夺了听力和视力的孩子, 在 Howe 博士的帮助下逐渐获得了读写能力的故事。 1.A 根据上文“Today, people who are deaf and blind can receive a standard education. Schools and organizations help them make the necessary adaptations. (今天,聋人和盲人都可以接受标准教育。学校和组织帮助他们做出必要的 调整)”以及后文“At one time, educators had few ideas about how to teach children who were both deaf and blind.(曾 经有一段时间,教育工作者对如何教育聋哑失明的孩子几乎没有什么想法)”可推知,本句与上文构成转折,说 明学校和组织并非一直都知道如何帮助聋人和盲人。故 A 选项“然而,情况并非总是如此”符合语境,故选 A。 2.C 根据上文“Scarlet fever destroyed both her hearing and her sight at age two.(两岁时猩红热就损害了她的听力和 视力)”以及后文“Only her sense of touch was not affected.(只有她的触觉没有受到影响)”可知,本句应当承接上文 继续说明疾病对 Laura Dewey Bridgman 的感官所造成的影响。故 C 选项“疾病还损害了她的嗅觉和味觉”符合语 境,故选 C。 3.B 根据上文“A professor heard about this and wrote a newspaper article about Laura.(一位教授听说了这件事,并 在报纸上写了一篇关于劳拉的文章)”以及后文“He was head of the Perkins School for the Blind in Boston. Most educational experts believed it was impossible to teach a deaf and blind student reading, writing, or arithmetic. Dr. Howe wanted to meet a new challenge-teaching Laura.(他是波士顿帕金斯盲人学校的校长。大多数教育专家认为, 要教一个又聋又盲的学生阅读、写作或算术是不可能的。博士想迎接一个新的挑战——教劳拉)”可知,本句提 到上文描写的文章引起了盲人学校的校长的注意,这个人也就是后文提到的 Howe 博士。后文 he 指代 B 选项中 Dr. Samuel Howe。故 B 选项“这篇文章引起了 Samuel Howe 博士的注意”符合语境,故选 B。 4.D 根据上文“At age 8, Laura began living at the Perkins School. Dr. Howe needed to develop new methods of teaching because of Laura's deafness. He had Laura feel an item, such as a spoon, and then ran her fingers over a label that had the word spoon spelled in raised letters. Initially Laura struggled to understand the relationship between the item and the word.( 8 岁时,劳拉开始住在帕金斯学校。由于劳拉耳聋,豪博士需要开发新的教学方法。他让劳 拉摸一件东西,比如勺子,然后让她的手指在一个标签上滑过,上面用凸起的字母写着‘spoon’。一开始劳拉很 难理解这个物品和这个词之间的关系)”可知,上文主要记叙了劳拉在学校接受教育的经过,本句为本段最后一 句,应当承接上文继续说明劳拉的学习情况,D 选项中 her 指代上文的 Laura。故 D 选项“几周后,她的脸上终 于露出了人类的表情”符合语境,故选 D。 5.F 根据上文“Laura learned to read words, and then she worked backward to learn the alphabet and numbers.(劳拉学 着读单词,然后她继续学习字母表和数字)”可知,劳拉在学习上逐渐取得了进步,本句也应当是在说明劳拉的 进步情况。故 F 选项“最终,她能够把自己的想法和经历记录下来”符合语境,故选 F。 3.[2021·广东省梅州市高三总复习质检试卷(一模)] Learning Is Everywhere and Anytime Employees nowadays are faced with major changes in their working life. Besides their daily tasks and responsibilities, they are also learners. Specifically, they are learners faced with an information overload and above all, a limited amount of time. In order to catch all the opportunities learning has to offer, learning should be able to occur anywhere, at any time. 1. . This first challenge for all the learners involved in the e-learning area is that your contents should be available on smartphones and mobile Internet devices, or you won't have any chance to be competitive in the e-learning field. 2. . Did you know that the rate of information has tripled (增长三倍)in the last 3 years alone? People are overloaded with tools and need guidance to learn how to learn in the digital age. 3.. Micro-learning makes learning easier with smaller learning units and short-term-focused activities. As experts say, repetitive learning through putting the learning process into daily routines is highly effective. And you can improve the learner experience by offering so-called learning nugget in an ATAWADAC style: Any Time, Any Where, Any Device, Any Content. To boost the learner experience, you need to select only content that is relevant to you. Create your own personalized on-demand learning library, by piling up interesting learning content that you can easily get. 4. , you can create your daily learning journey by consuming bite-sized learning content on. 5. . • Increase the completion rate. • Give visibility to onboarding programmes: newcomers can have access to entry-level programmes everywhere and at any time. • Give feedback before or after training lessons. A.How to increase micro-learning? B.Here are some benefits of micro-learning. C. It's important to know repetitive learning too. D.Micro-learning forms an answer for learner's challenges. E. Besides, people are faced with an information overload. F. It should also take into consideration of the limitations of the individual G. By means of one mobile device (tablet, phone, application) 【文章大意】本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了一种学习活动——微学习,这种学习可以帮助人们解决学习 的局限性。 1.F 上文“Specifically, they are learners faced with an information overload and above all, a limited amount of time.(具 体来说,他们是学习者,面对的是信息过载,最重要的是,有限的时间。)”说明每个人的学习都有局限性。F 选项 It should also take into consideration of the limitations of the individual.(它还应该考虑到个人的局限性。)说 明学习还要考虑个人的局限性,符合文意。故选 F。 2.E 下文“Did you know that the rate of information has tripled in the last 3 years alone? People are overloaded with tools and need guidance to learn how to learn in the digital age.(你知道仅在过去的三年里,信息的传播速度就增长 了两倍吗?在数字时代,人们的工具太多了,需要有人来指导他们如何学习。)”说明数字时代的人们面对的信息 量很大。E 选项 Besides, people are faced with an information overload.(此外,人们面临着信息过载。)符合下文 文意。故选 E。 3.D 上文“Specifically, they are learners faced with an information overload and above all, a limited amount of time. (具体来说,他们是学习者,面对的是信息过载,最重要的是,有限的时间。)”说明每个人的学习都面临着一 定的局限性的挑战。下文“Micro - learning makes learning easier with smaller learning units and short - term - focused activities.(微学习使学习更容易与更小的学习单元和短期关注的活动。)”说明微学习可以解决信息过载时间有 限等问题。D 选项 Micro-learning forms an answer for learner's challenges.(微学习为学习者的挑战提供了答案。) 符合上下文意。故选 D。 4.G 上文“This first challenge for all the learners involved in the e-learning area is that your contents should be available on smartphones and mobile Internet devices, or you won't have any chance to be competitive in the e-learning field.(对于所有参与电子学习领域的学习者来说,第一个挑战是,你的内容必须在智能手机和移动互联网设备 上可用,否则你将没有任何机会在电子学习领域具有竞争力。)”说明移动设备的必要性。下文“you can create your daily learning journey by consuming bite - sized learning content on(您可以通过在网上消费小规模的学习内容来创 建您的日常学习之旅)”说明需要创建日常学习之旅需要移动设备。G 选项 By means of one mobile device (tablet, phone, application)(通过一个移动设备(平板、电话、应用程序))符合上下文意。故选 G。 5.B 下文“Increase the completion rate.(提高完成率。)”“Give visibility to onboarding programmes : newcomers can have access to entry - level programmes everywhere and at any time.(提供入职培训:新员工可以随时随地参加入门 级培训。)”“Give feedback before or after training lessons.(在培训课程之前或之后给予反馈。)”说明这些都是微 学习的优点。B 选项 Here are some benefits of micro - learning.(以下是微观学习的一些好处。)符合文意。故选 B。 4. [2021·山东省潍坊市高三 3 月高考模拟] Reading books can exercise your brain. Kids who started reading at an earlier age go on to perform better on certain intelligence tests, such as analyses of their vocabulary size. As one gets older, it might help slow down or even cease cognitive decline. 1. Many Americans don't read frequently. It's time to reverse this trend to give your brain gray matter a good workout. 2.When you have some down time—you're waiting for a friend, sleeping lightly on the way from or to work, or doing a task that doesn't require your full attention—you can open your text instead of pulling up your favorite smartphone game.3. While paper is still the clear winner in the court of public opinion, science hasn't proven that physical books are better than digital ones. Academic research has mostly focused on the ability to remember. A study took place in a laboratory setting: Students all read the same text, but some looked at the words on paper and others viewed an on-screen PDF. It turned out that no meaningful difference between the two media existed. As for audiobooks, they affected the brain gray matter somewhat differently. 4. Ultimately, if you hope to get a reading habit going, you shouldn't dismiss paper digital, or audio—5. Don't be afraid to change things up depending on the occasion. A.Audiobooks still affect your thoughts and feelings. B.Go with what makes the most sense for your needs. C.Words on a page can improve the emotional intelligence. D.This brings about a great debate: pages vs screens vs audio. E. Keep a book, e-reader, or audiobook app on you as you go about the day. F. Despite this, the overall book-reading time for Americans is on the decline. G. However, they stimulated the brain just as deeply as black-and-white pages. 【文章大意】本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了阅读的好处,如何利用空闲时间读书以及一些与阅读有关的 研究。 1.F 根据上文“Reading books can exercise your brain. Kids who started reading at an earlier age go on to perform better on certain intelligence tests, such as analyses of their vocabulary size. As one gets older, it might help slow down or even cease cognitive decline.(读书可以锻炼你的大脑。更早开始阅读的孩子在某些智力测试中表现得更好,比 如对词汇量的分析。随着年龄的增长,它可能有助于减缓甚至停止认知能力的下降)”以及后文“Many Americans don't read frequently.(许多美国人不经常读书)”可知,上文提到了阅读的好处,后文则说美国人不经常读书,可 知本句是在说明美国人的阅读时间正在下降,F 选项中 Americans 对应后文中 Americans。故 F 选项“尽管如此, 美国人总的阅读时间正在下降”符合语境,故选 F。 2.E 根据后文“When you have some down time—you're waiting for a friend, sleeping lightly on the way from or to work, or doing a task that doesn't require your full attention—you can open your text instead of pulling up your favorite smartphone game.(当你有空的时候——比如在等朋友的时候,在上下班的路上睡觉的时候,或者在做一件不需 要你全神贯注的事情的时候——你可以打开你的文本而不是打开你最喜欢的智能手机游戏)”可知,后文提到了 利用空闲时候来阅读,可见本句是在建议随身带上阅读的书籍,故 E 选项“随身携带一本书、电子阅读器或有声 读物应用”符合语境,故选 E。 3.D 根据后文“While paper is still the clear winner in the court of public opinion, science hasn't proven that physical books are better than digital ones.(虽然纸质书仍然是公众舆论的赢家,但科学还没有证明纸质书比数字书更好)” 可知,后文提到了纸质书是舆论的赢家,可见本句是在说明这一舆论的内容,后文则说明舆论的结果,D 选项 中 debate 对应后文中 public opinion。故 D 选项“这带来了一个巨大的争论:纸质书 vs 屏幕 vs 音频”符合语境, 故选 D。 4.G 根据上文“Academic research has mostly focused on the ability to remember. A study took place in a laboratory setting: Students all read the same text, but some looked at the words on paper and others viewed an on-screen PDF. It turned out that no meaningful difference between the two media existed. As for audiobooks, they affected the brain gray matter somewhat differently.(学术研究主要集中在记忆能力上。在实验室环境下进行了一项研究:所有学生都 阅读同样的文本,但一些人看的是纸上的文字,另一些人看的是屏幕上的 PDF 文件。事实证明,这两种媒体之 间并不存在任何有意义的区别。至于有声读物,它们对大脑灰质的影响有所不同)”可知,上文提到阅读纸上的 文字和屏幕上的文字之间并不存在任何有意义的区别,且提到了有声读物对大脑的影响,本句为本段最后一句, 应继续说明有声读物对大脑的影响结果是什么。G 选项中 they 指代上文 audiobooks。故 G 选项“然而,它们对 大脑的刺激不亚于黑白纸张”符合语境,故选 G。 5.B 根据上文“Ultimately, if you hope to get a reading habit going, you shouldn't dismiss paper digital, or audio(最后, 如果你希望养成阅读习惯,你就不应该放弃纸质、数字或音频)”以及后文“Don't be afraid to change things up depending on the occasion.(不要害怕根据不同的场合做出改变)”可知,上文提到不应该放弃纸质、数字或音频, 后文说根据不同场合做出改变,可知本句是在说明应该根据需要来做出选择。故 B 选项“选择最符合你需要的” 符合语境,故选 B。 5. [2021·辽宁省沈阳市高三教学质量监测(一)] How to Avoid Identity Theft Every year, a large quantity of personal information is leaked into the wrong hands. Millions of people suffer the identity theft. Maybe there’s spyware on their computer, or a service they use has a security problem, leaving customers at risk of exposure. But there is no need to fear. It’s a lot easier than you might think to set up proper defenses.1. Here’s how. Clean your computer and smart-phone 2.before you put new security measures into place. This means fixing a good anti-virus program and taking the time to clear out any spyware that may have already infected your system. Ensure your Wi-Fi safety Now that your computer is clean, you should plug any holes in your home network. It’s fairly easy for potential criminals to gain access to your information if they’re able to share your connection. 3.. Different routers (路由器) will have different setup pages, so the actual step-by-step will vary, but the end result will be the same. Here’s what to do: Enable basic password protection. You also need to change the password that allows you to access your router’s settings to begin with. Then change the original name of your wireless network. Don’t use any personal information here. 4. Everything you just finished could be for nothing if a thief has your existing passwords, so you need to change them for every service you use. What you’ve heard is true: Passwords should use a variety of special characters, numbers, letters, and cases when possible. 5., and there should be a different one for each website you use. Doing this or keeping track of it all is pain, which is why people don’t do it and wind up with stolen identities. Try it, and there’s no need to worry about all those problems. A.Dig deep with your passwords B.They should be close to random C.Use the passwords in the same way D.In fact, you can easily do it all in a weekend E. However, it is a challenge to set up a defense F. Make sure your devices are as spotless as possible G. That’s why you want to be careful when using public Wi-Fi 【文章大意】本文是一篇说明文。文章讲述了怎样避免个人信息在网上被泄露。 1. D 根据上文“It’s a lot easier than you might think to set up proper defenses”(建立适当的防御比你想象的要容易得 多。)同时根据下文提的方法,可知空白处与上文为顺承关系,讲述防御的方法很简单。选项 D.“In fact, you can easily do it all in a weekend”(事实上,你可以很容易地在一个周末做到这一切),说明做好防御是不需要花费太 多时间的,即方法很容易。故选 D。 2. F 根据下文“This means fixing a good anti-virus program and taking the time to clear out any spyware that may have already infected your system.”(这意味着修复一个好的反病毒程序,并花时间清除任何可能已经感染你的系统的 间谍软件。)说明通过反病毒程序和清理已经感染你的系统的间谍软件,就可以使自己的信息得到保护,而不泄 露,所以前文描述的是在你采取新的安全措施之前,要确保你的设备尽可能的干净。选项 F.“Make sure your devices are as spotless as possible”( 确保你的设备尽可能的干净)。故选 F。 3. G 根据本段标题“Ensure your Wi-Fi safety”(确保你的无线网络安全)及设空前“It’s fairly easy for potential criminals to gain access to your information if they’re able to share your connection.”(如果潜在的罪犯能够分享你的 连接,他们很容易获取你的信息。)可知,当你的连接被罪犯轻易获得后,他们就可以获得你的信息。所以设空 处要表明的是在使用公共无线网时要小心。选项 G.“That’s why you want to be careful when using public Wi-Fi” (这就是为什么你在使用公共无线网时要小心),选项中“Wi-Fi”和标题关键词一致。故选 G。 4. A 本句处于标题位置,结合前文标题句式特点,可知句式要用祈使句。根据下文“Everything you just finished could be for nothing if a thief has your existing passwords, so you need to change them for every service you use. ”(如 果一个小偷有你现有的密码,你刚刚完成的一切可能都是徒劳,所以你需要为你使用的每个服务更改密码。)可 知,要对自己用的密码进行修改,选项 A.“Dig deep with your passwords”(深入挖掘你的密码)。故选 A。 5. B 根据上文“ Passwords should use a variety of special characters, numbers, letters, and cases when possible.”(密码 应尽可能使用各种特殊字符、数字、字母和大小写。)可知,密码的设置形式要多样化,所以下文应表述密码设 置不要有规律,即设置要近乎于随意。选项 B.“They should be close to random.”(它们应该是随机的。)与题意 相符,故选 B。

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