江苏省扬州2021届高三模拟考试卷十读后续写讲解(上错酒) 课件 21张

江苏省扬州2021届高三模拟考试卷十读后续写讲解(上错酒) 课件 21张


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模拟考试卷十 扬州卷 假定你是李华,在寒假结束同学们返校之际,新冠病毒防疫形势仍很严峻。请你代表 学生给全体同学用英文写一封预防病毒传播、加强自我保护的倡议书,内容包括: 1.倡议的目的; 2. 倡议的内容; 3.呼吁利希望。 Dear fellow students, It’s back-to-school time. In order to contain the spread of COVID-19 and better protect ourselves, I make this proposal on behalf of the Students’ Union. First, wearing masks is a must at school. Then it is advisable to wash hands with soap before touching face. Don’t forget to have temperature taken every day. It is an unusual time when everybody has to be more responsible for their behavior not only for their own health but for the whole school. Dear fellow students, Winter holiday is over and it is time to return to school. Having fought against the epidemic for more than one years, we should never slack off our guard in case of the resurgence of the novel coronavirus. Hence, I appeal to all the students to reduce gatherings and choose off-peak travel if necessary to curb the spread of the virus. We are still advised to wear masks in public to better protect ourselves and others. What's more, hand washing and social distancing are still highly recommendable. As long as these epidemic containment measures are strictly implemented, we will finally win the battle against COVID-19 and return to our normal school life. Continuation writing 服务员上错酒 Balthazar is my pride. It is a French brasserie in New York City. I have run it for twenty years. Though it is intended to attract people from all walks of life, most of its regular customers are those who work in the companies alongside Wall Street. One night at Balthazar, four Wall Street businessmen ordered the restaurant's most expensive red wine: a $2,000 bottle of Chateau Mouton Rothschild, the most famous brand of Bordeaux. One of the two waiters transferred the Bordeaux into a fancy glass container at the waiter's counter. Meanwhile, a young couple ordered the restaurants cheapest red wine, an $1 8 pinot noir. Usually, people who ordered pinot noir poured the wine directly into their glasses, but this couple insisted the wine be poured into a fancy glass container before they drank. These two very different wines were now in the same containers. Mistaking the $ 18, wine for the $2,000 Rothschild, the first waiter poured the cheap wine for the businessmen. The businessman hosting the other three considered himself a wine expert. He took a taste of the cheap wine in the first place, and showing off, he burst into delight about its purity. “Fantastic!" he claimed. The young couple, who ordered the $18 pinot noir, were then unintentionally served the $2,000 Rothschild by the second waiter. On taking their first drink of what they believed was cheap wine, they jokingly pretended to be drinking an expensive wine and copied all the behaviors of a wine expert, shaking the wine glasses, observing the liquid inside and tasting it slowly, totally fascinated. Five minutes later, the two waiters discovered their error, and horrified, phoned me at home. Para 1: I rushed into my restaurant. Para 2: After comforting the waiters, I walked directly towards the businessmen with a $2,000 Rothschild. 重点情节: 把昂贵的酒给商人, 1. 承认错误 2. 不直接说,店庆/抽奖/买一送一,前面的酒是送的,后面这个才是你们的酒 常见错误: 第一段,商人和夫妇就知道了真相,开始争吵 第一人称视角,“我”是商家,目的是解决问题,不是嘲讽/教育/… 告诉商人,现在这瓶Rothschild才是赠送的 情节: Para 1 1. 看到两桌人开心地喝酒 1. 看到服务员焦虑,害怕 2. 我安慰他们(以后要仔细,罚款,轻微批评) Para 2 1. 走到商人那一桌,说实话/不说实话 2. 商人原谅了服务员的失误/生气地走了/开心地喝酒/尴尬地喝酒 3. 年轻夫妇不知道实情/知道实情 句子/情节欣赏 Peer review 1. 第一段人物描写 1) What I could see were a group of enjoyable businessmen, the happy couple and two anxious waiters. 2) I saw the businessmen and the couple at first sight. They were all very satisfied and enjoyed their wine. The two waiters, however, seemed like the ants in the hot water. 2. 情节 1) “…But you must be careful next time and pay a little money to make up for your error.”… “Thanks for ordering the $2000 Rothschild. As a reward, we send you $18 pinot noir. This is our Rothschild. Plead try them and give us some advice.” In order to reduce the businessman’s embarrassment, I made up a lie. He must have realized it and replied to me, “Both of them are good, but Rothschild is better. What made me most surprised is that pinot noir is well too. Thank you!” 2) “As you ordered Rothschild, the most famous brand of Bordeaux, we prepared Noir first as a special gift for you.” I poured Rothschild to their bottles, saying, “Please taste it. You will feel a bit different.”.. 3. Theme (show or tell?) 1) There is no denying that happiness doesn’t depend on your income, but your heart. That day was unforgettable in my life. Possible version 1: I rushed into my restaurant. Except for the horrified waiters, everything was bathed in merry music and soft lights. From a quiet corner, I could see the businessmen and young couple. Obviously, they were totally ignorant of the mistake, relishing their respective shares of wine and chatting joyfully. “What should we do? Boss!” one of the waiters, with worry in every line of his face/eyes widened with horror, poked my arm, anxiously reminding me to remedy the situation. After comforting the waiters, I walked directly towards the businessmen with a $2,000 Rothschild. “I am sorry, sir. But we made a mistake. The wine in your glass is not Rothschild, but $18 pinot noir. This is our compensation for you.” I apologized sincerely to the host businessman and handed him the real Rothschild. As the truth struck the businessmen group dumb, the air surrounding them fell into an awkward silence. The previous boasting and loud host now sank into an embarrassing state of silence. Sometimes, experts do not usually say what they are talking about. Possible version 2: I rushed into my restaurant. The two parties were apparently enjoying their dinner time. The young couple were having so much fun pretending to be drinking an expensive wine, while the businessmen were also in a celebratory mood, mistakenly assuming they were tasting the most famous Bordeaux. Behind the counter stood two waiters, close to tears. They felt guilty, wondering how they should smooth over their fault. Walking up to them, I patted their shoulders and said, “Take it easy, guys. I happens sometimes. But do remember this lesson.” After comforting the waiters, I walked directly towards the businessmen with a $2,000 Rothschild. I explained the whole thing and handed over the bottle to the businessmen with a sincerely apologetic smile. “I’m terribly sorry, Sir. I wish our mistake hadn’t ruined your night.” They looked astonished first, but then burst into laughter. After wards, I turned to the young couple and decided to tell the truth, but I hesitated, just smiling, “Have a good evening!” The couple felt amazed but good enough. Yes, when facing trouble, I believe honesty is always the best solution, which is the recipe for my successful management in the past twenty years. Possible version 3: Upon seeing me, two waiters stammered to explain the whole thing again, with sheer panic and fear in their voice. “I would make up for the loss. Sorry, Sir.” One of them broke down and sobbed. I patted their shoulders, saying, “…” “Congratulations, gentlemen. You’re chosen to be our honored guests today. The wine served previously was a small gift. Here is your Rothschild. Enjoy yourselves!” It was hard to ignore a flash of embarrassment across their face. But apparently they were much flattered when regarded as honored guests. At the corner of my eyes I could see that young couple enjoying their “cheap” wine, unaware of the mess.

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