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2021 年 新 高 考 模 拟 考 试 卷 (二 ) 英语试题 注意事项: 1.本试卷由四个部分组成。其中,第一、二部分和第三部分的第一节为选择题。第三部分 的第二节和第四部分为非选择题。 2.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。 3.回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用 2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑; 回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。 4.考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 第一部分 阅读理解 (共两节, 满分 50 分) 第一节 (共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分, 满分 37.5 分) 阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中, 选出最佳选项。 A In the icy Himalayas, user kebi057 on TikTok, a video sharing platform, shows people around the world about everyday life in Tibet. And people are definitely taking a look. He has over 236,000 followers and nearly 4 million likes for his videos-clips of himself pulling his sled with his dog, preparing food and, in his most popular video, building a "natural refrigerator" out of ice blocks—to the amazement of people in the comments, who were amazed at his ice box. When lockdown went into effect earlier this year, many people turned to TikTok to pass the time. The short-video platform has now hit over 2. 6 billion downloads globally and was the most downloaded app of 2020, according to mobile app analytics firm App Annie. The pandemic is part of the reason for surging TikTok popularity. "It's been a bleak year for many people. Much of the content you see on TikTok is fun, upbeat and a welcome break from the day-to-day realities of the COVID crisis," says Damian Radcliffe, a professor at the University of Oregon who researches digital trends. With TikTok's growing popularity, digital researcher Damian Radcliffe says one of the biggest issues the app is facing globally is the spread of misinformation on its platform. "We've already seen the app like many other platforms—filled with conspiracy(阴谋)theories, misinformation around elections and misinformation related to the COVID vaccine and the wider health crisis," he explains. In India, TikTok launched a campaign called MatKarForward to tackle the issue of misinformation. The topic, which has received over 3. 7 billion views, encourages users to stop and think before forwarding videos that promote fake news, such as COVID-19 "homemade" remedies and various conspiracies. 1.What's the author's purpose of writing paragraph 1? A.To introduce the topic of the text. B.To arouse the interest of the readers. C.To present how enjoyable life is in Tibet. D.To describe the popularity of a particular user. 2.What does the underlined word in paragraph 3 mean? A.Pleasant. B.Confusing C.Depressing D.Meaningful 3.What's the author's attitude towards Tiktok's dealing with misinformation? A.Negative. B.Objective. C.Optimistic. D.Ambiguous. B If you visit Uluwatu temple in Bali, be cautious. The long-tailed temple monkeys there are well-known thieves. Since a long time ago, they have made a living by robbing visitors of their possessions and then holding those objects until a ransom in the form of food is paid. But Jean-Baptiste Leca of the University of Lethbridge, in Canada, wondered whether these monkeys are cleverer still. Sometimes, they do not accept the first offer and hold out for more. He therefore asked himself whether they are able to assess how valuable an object is to its owner, and factor that into their negotiations. Dr. Leca and his colleagues conducted their experiment by wandering around the temple with video cameras, recording the activities of the monkeys. Every time they saw a monkey show interest in a particular tourist? they recorded the interaction. To work out what was going on, they had first to establish the relative values of food rewards to monkeys, and of stealable objects to people. To confirm which stealable objects are most valued by people, they divided them into six classes: empty containers, such as phone cases and plastic bottles; accessories (搭配物) such as hairpins and key rings; hats and shoes; spectacles and sunglasses; and electronics and wallets. They then observed how often victims bothered to bargain with the thief for the return of property belonging to different classes, and thus classified objects into low value, medium value and high value. They found that monkeys do, indeed, have a complicated sense of what they are doing — at least, adults and sub-adults do. These animals have a preference for stealing high-value items, and will often hold out either for more rewards, or for better ones, if they are in possession of such items. But this is something that they have to learn how to do as they grow up. Young monkeys make no such distinctions, and sub-adults are less good at doing so than adults. 4.What is the purpose of Leca's research? A.To prove monkeys are cleverer than men. B.To find out what is valuable for monkeys. C.To record the negotiations between monkeys. D.To make sure monkeys can judge item values. 5.What does the underlined word "ransom" in Paragraph 1 mean? A.Bilk. B.Reward. C.Tax. D.Rent. 6.How are the values of objects classified in Paragraph 3? A.By the material of objects. B.By the preference of victims. C.By the buying price of objects, D.By the frequency of bargaining. 7.What can we infer from the last paragraph? A.Young monkeys can evaluate items. B.All monkeys prefer high-value items, C.Monkeys have a simple sense of acts. D.Monkeys' stealing is an acquired skill. C A team from Northwestern University has developed a soft, skin-interfaced sensor that can analyze the molecular ( 分 子 的 ) composition of sweat for things like cortisol, blood sugar, and vitamin C, sending the data to the wearer's smartphone. This data, the researchers hope, will allow people to better control their stress levels throughout the day. Cortisol, also called the stress hormone, can be measured in a person's sweat. Released from the adrenal glands ( 肾 上 腺 ) under periods of physical and mental stress, it can be a powerful performance enhancer—increasing energy production and glucose ( 葡 萄 糖 ) availability for the muscles during a "fight or flight" situation, for instance being attacked by a lion. However, cortisol can also be released because of modern stressors such as money problems, issues at work, and other day-to-day worries that if built up over time, create the chronic anxiety and can lead to an increased risk for diabetes, depression, high blood pressure and obesity. When someone wears the chip sweats, the liquid runs through small channels into a series of chemical test sensors that look for different biological signals which could suggest a rise in cortisol. Previous attempts in years past at creating devices like this were limited by the need to take sweat samples to laboratories for analysis, removing any ability for the individual to act on the data in a way that might prevent buildup of stressful feelings, or even an anxiety attack. Such a device could be paramount in helping people relieve depressive or stressful feelings (not least because exercising hard enough to cause sweating helps with anxiety on its own). Furthermore, the percent of the population of American adults with regular feelings of worry, nervousness, or anxiety is around 11.2%, while there are nearly 60 million doctors' visits where mental or behavioral health is the chief concern. Putting power into patients' hands—in the form of a detailed diagnosis of cortisol levels, could help significantly to lower those numbers. 8.What's the function of the newly developed sensor? A.To examine the component of sweat. B.To show when one lacks vitamin. C.To connect wearable devices to smartphones. D.To control people's stress levels the whole day. 9.What is Paragraph 2 mainly about? A.What may create the profile of chronic anxiety. B.What may cause the release of the stress hormone. C.How cortisol can enhance one's energy production. D.How cortisol can be measured in a person's sweat. 10.Which of the following can replace the underlined word? A.Significant. B.Useless. C.Accessible. D.Weak. 11.Where is this text most likely from? A.A product review. B.A guidebook. C.A magazine. D.A science fiction. D Starman, the dummy(仿真人) riding a cherry-red Tesla Roadster(特斯拉敞篷车) through space, has made his closest approach ever to Mars. The electric roadster and its passenger were attached to the top of a Falcon Heavy rocket during the SpaceX rocket’s first test launch on 6 February 2018. Two years later, the Falcon Heavy rocket and the vehicle at its tip are making their second trip around the Sun. Mr. McDowell, a Harvard astrophysicist, found that Starman passed 7.4 million kilometers from Mars at 06:25 GMT 7 October, 2020. The closest recent approach between the Earth and Mars was 56 million kilometers in 2003, though the planets are often hundreds of millions of miles apart depending on where they are in their orbits. No one can see the Falcon Heavy rocket at its current distance, but orbits over periods of a few years are fairly straightforward to predict, and Mr. McDowell used data about how the rocket was moving when it left the Earth’s gravity behind to locate its recent movements exactly. Last time Starman circled the Sun, McDowell said, it crossed Mars’ orbit while the Red Planet was quite far away. But this time the crossing lined up with a fairly close approach, though still not close enough to feel a strong tug from Mars. At this point in time, if you were able to go look at the Roadster, it would probably look pretty different. The strong solar radiation environment between the planets would probably have destroyed all the exposed organic materials. Without the Earth’s atmospheric and magnetic( 磁 场 的 ) protection, even the plastics and carbon-fibre materials would start to break up. Over the course of decades or centuries, the car will end up with its aluminium(铝) frame and hard glass parts----that’s assuming that none of them get destroyed in impacts with passing space rocks. 12.What can we infer from the first two paragraphs? A.Starman is now circling around the Earth in its orbit. B.Starman has set out on its second trip around the Sun. C.Starman has traveled 7.4 million kilometers after launch. D.Starman still has a long way to go before getting to Mars. 13.How did McDowell manage to locate Starman? A.By keeping Starman under visual observation. B.By predicting its future orbit around the earth. C.By seeking professional help from SpaceX. D.By analyzing data about the rocket’s movement. 14.The underlined word “tug” in Paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to __________. A.pull B.drive C.resistance D.pressure 15.What will happen to Starman in decades or centuries? A.It is circling around Mars and will finally crash onto it. B.It will finish its mission and return to SpaceX on earth. C.Starman is likely reduced to at most its frame and glass. D.SpaceX will try to recover it during its next space mission. 第二节 (共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分, 满分 12.5 分) 根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选 项。 The New Year is always a time of new beginnings, a time for a change, and a time to set goals.16. Here are some tips for setting career goals in a new year: Reflect on Your Year Take some time to consider your career in the year that just ended. If you dislike your job, try to figure out why. Is it due to the work itself, or something about the workplace? If you like what you do, and it’s outside factors that you find limiting, it might make sense to make your goal to find a new position. 17. Engage in Career Research 18.Start to read about careers of interest by browsing websites or publications at your local bookstore or library. Identify two new careers to research each week, and keep a diary of your interest in each. For those fields with a genuine appeal, make a list of questions to research so that you can fully evaluate the suitability of that career for you. Check Out What Your Friends Do 19. Think about the roles of colleagues, suppliers, or clients that might be a good fit for you, and interview them about the nature of their work. Share your skills list with them, and ask for help brainstorming career options that might be worth considering within their sections. Gain New Skills If you want to take up a new career, consider volunteering to gain additional experience, or taking classes to learn new skills.20. A.Always be ready to learn and aim to be better. B.Activate your curiosity about the work lives of people in your social network. C.If you are totally in love with what you do, aim higher, and strive to be better. D.Spend some time assessing what you like and dislike about your current situation. E.Many people look forward to changing career paths and aiming for bigger dreams. F.The more you research, the easier it will be to make decisions and set goals for yourself. G.The same holds true if you feel positive about your field, but are ready for more significant responsibilities. 第二部分 语言运用 (共两节, 满分 30 分) 第一节 (共 15 小题;每小题 1 分, 满分 15 分) For centuries, people have had a strong sense that it is absolutely beneficial to read fairy tales to children. However, the benefits might have been 21 . Some researchers are reassessing this long-established belief and after years of surveys and observations, they are sending out the message: reading too much Cinderella to your daughter may 22 damage her in later life. A paper to be developed at the international congress of cognitive psychotherapy (认知心理疗法) suggests a link between the 23 of women abused (虐待) by their partners and early exposure to the wrong sort of fairy tales. It says girls who 24 Cinderella, Rapunzel and Beauty in Beauty and the Beast were more likely to stay in 25 relationships as adults. The theory was developed by Susan Darker Smith, a psychotherapist at the University of Derby. She interviewed sixty-seven female abuse survivors and found that sixty-one 26 severe abuse because they believed they could change their partners with patience and love. The same view was 27 by male survivors who had been abused as children. Hardly any of the women and men in a control group, who had not 28 abuse, thought they could change their partners in this way. These women and men said they would 29 a relationship rather than suffer the abuse from a partner. Ms. Darker Smith found that these abused women were much more likely to sympathize with Cinderella and other female characters who tended to obey instead of 30 . Although most girls heard the stories, damage appeared to be done to those who 31 the characters as role models. “They believe if their love is strong enough they can change their partners’ 32 ,” she said. “ 33 in children to stories that emphasize the transformational qualities of love may make women believe they can change their partners.” For example, they might never have understood the obvious 34 in the story of Rapunzel, who remained locked in a high tower until rescued by a knight on a white horse, who broke the door down. “The question,” said Ms. Darker Smith, “is why she did not break the door by herself? After all, being 35 is a desirable characteristic that children should learn to possess from the early age and prevail in the life time. ” 21.A.enhanced B.overestimated C.highlighted D.justified 22.A.physically B.intellectually C.academically D.emotionally 23.A.attitude B.conflict C.uncertainty D.coincidence 24.A.acted as B.identified with C.turned to D.accounted for 25.A.imaginary B.deceiving C.destructive D.mysterious 26.A.made up for B.had control over C.fell off into D.put up with 27.A.shared B.disclosed C.contrasted D.argued 28.A.exploded B.challenged C.undergone D.blamed 29.A.restore B.leave C.restrict D.survive 30.A.resisting B.enduring C.concealing D.adapting 31.A.excluded B.revealed C.imposed D.adopted 32.A.prejudice B.fate C.behavior D.ignorance 33.A.Overexposure B.Contribution C.Access D.Commitment 34.A.plot B.conclusion C.moral D.weakness 35.A.confident B.independent C.innocent D.optimistic 第二节 (共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分, 满分 15 分) 阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 The current COVID-19 pandemic 36.(make) many normal parts of life scary for us so far. One of those things is using a public restroom. You may have heard that the virus can 37. (spread) in dirty bathrooms. This is partially true, 38.there's no need to panic if you're care fill. As long as you follow 39 . (base) guidelines and leave the restroom as soon as you're finished, you can protect yourself and should be at a low risk for catching COVID-19. A restroom is a 40. (close) space where a lot of people come and go, so there’s a chance that virus droplets could be in the air. 41.(protect) yourself you might as well put on your mask before entering the restroom. Leave it 42.until you leave the restroom and get back to a non-public area. In general, the less time you spend in the restroom, the43. (good). This reduces your chances of coming in close contact with anyone and 44.(infect). Don't spend more time in the restroom 45.you have to, and leave as soon as you're done. 第三部分 写作 (共两节, 满分 40 分) 第一节 (满分 15 分) 假定你是李华, 你校将举办“我的祖国和我”英语演讲比赛。请给你校外籍教师 Mr. Smith 写一 封电子邮件, 告知他演讲比赛的有关内容, 并邀请他当评委。 要点包括: 1. 比赛的时间和地点; 2. 举办此活动的目的和意义; 3. 诚挚邀请他担任评委。 注意: 1. 词数 100 左右; 2. 可以适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯。 Dear Mr. Smith, ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ______________ With best wishes, Li Hua 第二节 (满分 25 分) 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。续 写的词数应为 150 左右。 “A guide dog could be your eyes,” a friend said to me. Was he joking? Over several years, family and friends watched while an eye disease robbed me of my sight. My blindness added to the problem of not wanting a dog near me. “Dogs scare me,” I told my friend. My hands turned to ice if a dog ran over to greet me. But as my world shrank, I sought a solution. Staying active ranked high on my list. So that suggestion from my friend came into my soul. I applied to the guide dog school. When I arrived at the school, I was greeted by several staff members. One of them was the dog trainer. “Call me Mr. O,” he said. Sitting across the table from Mr. O, I said without a second thought, “I’m afraid of dogs.” He was silent for a moment, but then found a way to work with my problem. “You don’t have to bond with every dog you meet, just one,” he advised. Day two of the training, the trainer pushed a leather chain into my hand. “Meet Misty. She’s a fifty-pound female German Shepherd (牧羊犬).” My weak knees betrayed (背叛) my smile. Her large size probably guaranteed that she had large teeth to match. “Don’t you want to look her over?” All I knew was that I didn’t want to touch her mouth. Misty sniffed me, so she surely picked up on my fear. Then, Mr. O smiled and suggested, “Go back to your room and get to know her.” The first night Misty slept in my school room, I had a small victory but not the way I’d hoped. I was so exhausted that I stretched out on the bed, fully dressed. Rolling over on my left side, I felt Misty’s warm breath on my face. She must have looked like a defender, standing guard over me. Covering my head with a pillow, I made a barrier. My blindness kept me from seeing those sharp, pointed teeth. The next morning, as I stepped out of the room, I just wanted this severe experience to be over. 注意: 1.所续写短文的词数应为 150 左右; 2.至少使用 5 个短文中标有下划线的关键词语; 3.续写部分分为两段,每段的开头已为你写好; 4.续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。 Several days later, it was my turn to take first walk. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________ Then, as weeks became months, Misty became a member of my family. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________ 英语试题参考答案 第二部分 阅读 (共两节, 每小题 2.5 分,满分 50 分) 1-15:ACB DBDD ABAC BDAC 16-20:EGFBA 第三部分 语言运用 (共两节, 满分 30 分) 第一节 (共 15 小题;每小题 1 分, 满分 15 分) 21-35:BDABC DACBA DCADB 第二节 (共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分, 满分 15 分) 36.has been making 37.be spread 38.but 39.basic 40.closed 41.To protect 42.on 43.better 44.being infected 45.than 第四部分 写作 (共两节, 满分 40 分) 第一节 Dear Mr. Smith, I'm Li Hua, chairman of Student Union. I’m writing to inform you that an English speech contest will be held in the lecture hall next Friday and we would like to invite you to be one of the judges of the contest. The speech contest, whose theme is “My Motherland and I”, is intended to arouse students' patriotic enthusiasm and a sense of responsibility. What’s more, inspired by the activity, students will be motivated to express their love for the country as well as determination to study hard and make contributions to the motherland. We will greatly appreciate it if you could accept our invitation. Looking forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Li Hua 第二节 One possible version: Several days later, it was my turn to take first walk. I took a deep breath, and gave the command, “forward.” The energy in my voice surprised me, but not as much as the power of Misty’s pull. We struggled forward. Dropping the handle, I let out a big breath before beginning again. We moved ahead with more confidence, and then fell into step like dancers. Her paws and my sneakers patted on the concrete. Misty led, setting a rhythmic pace. Mr. O, following a couple of paces behind, said, “That’s good.” A smile lit up my face. Then, as weeks became months, Misty became a member of my family. I was just getting used to having her around. Going to the corner store seemed easy with Misty by my side. Crossing busy streets to meet friends at a local restaurant became routine. Since I wasn’t alone, I didn’t feel unprotected. I learned from my new best friend, Misty, that with her by my side, I had the courage to walk on—through the fear, and her loyalty allowed me to find a trust like I had never known.

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