上海市部分区2021届高考英语二模试题分类汇编:概要写作专题 含答案

上海市部分区2021届高考英语二模试题分类汇编:概要写作专题 含答案


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上海市部分区 2021 年高考英语二模试题分类汇编 概要写作专题 上海市崇明区 2021 届高三下学期调研考试英语二模试卷 IV. Summary Writing Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible. Robotic Exoskeletons Thanks to robotic exoskeletons, victims of spinal cord (脊椎) injury have a new reason to hope. Robotic exoskeletons, consisting of metal legs, motors, batteries, wiring, a controller and a set of strips, work together like the user’s bones, muscles and nerves — outside the body. Fastened into an exoskeleton and supported by sticks, users can direct the machinery to take them where they want to go. In addition to partly restoring mobility, robotic exoskeletons offer the significant mental and physical health benefits of standing up and moving. Just being able to get up from a wheelchair gives patients a more natural, positive view of the world. It also helps relieve pressure on patients’ skin and reduces the danger of pressure sores. Standing upright strengthens a disabled person’s muscles and bones, improves heart health, and reduces certain other health complications (并发症). And it may actually result in partial nerve repair, something that can only happen when a patient is able to move. As promising as this technology is, however, it is no simple cure-all for paralysis (瘫痪) or its complications. The motion is not accurate compared with natural walking, and exoskeletons are not easy to use, especially on surfaces that are not smooth. They are very expensive, costing about US$100,000. Health insurance plans and government programs may not cover the cost of buying one. Nevertheless, robotic exoskeletons, and access to them, will continue to improve. As with much modem technology, robotic exoskeletons will likely become more capable and easy to use, even as their cost goes down. Governments and insurers may increasingly see that the health benefits of these walking machines outweigh the costs, making it easier to fund them. Perhaps the day will come when nearly everyone paralyzed by spinal cord injury will be able to “walk” again. Robotic exoskeletons, a kind of machinery working outside the body, give paralyzed patients new hope to stand or walk again. They benefit patients a lot both physically and mentally. But currently, they’re hard to use for lack of accurate motion and difficult to access for high costs. But the situation is improving with modern technology. 上海市奉贤区 2021 届高三下学期调研考试英语二模试卷 IV. Summary Writing Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible. What You Will Need to Live to 100 A new approach to retirement preparation known as “longevity planning” has been on the rise for years, with the global population of centenarians (百岁老人) steadily growing. In about 40 years, the number of people 100 and older will be six times as high as it is now. What, as you may wonder, enhances longevity? While a previous study underlined the link between longevity and higher education, having a degree doesn’t necessarily guarantee you a longer life. Actually, the growth in the 100-plus age group are more likely to result from a combination of improved lifestyle factors. Genetic, as new research has revealed, is a force that cannot go ignored. Dr. Peris of medicine and geriatrics at Boston University points out that longevity is not distributed equally. Being blessed with the certain genetic component that extend your life span is like winning the lottery. Only one in 5000 is lucky enough to possess the magical power that help make it to the century mark. Rare as it may appear, the genetic component is a factor in 40 percent to 50 percent of people who make it to 100 and 70 percent for those reaching 106. Deliberate mental, social and physical activities during retirement also matter. That means continuing to learn new things, staying involved in the community and working to some degree. Activity is critically important, said Mitch Anthony, a consultant in Rochester, who trains financial planners in life planning. People tend to do best when they remain socially and mentally vibrant The research continues to uncover that despite their struggle to identify how they improve longevity, most of the researchers agree that purpose and meaning throughout life provide people with better chances to live longer. These factors may offer a mental and possibly physical shelter from stressful events hi life. Having purpose in life may motivate reframing stressful situations to deal with them more productively, thereby facilitating recovery from stress and disorder. Besides genetic, a significant yet uncontrollable contributor, lifestyle factors also improve longevity. First, retirees’ active participation in activities prolongs their lives as they benefit socially and mentally. Meanwhile, people who live a meaningful and purposeful life also live longer because they usually recover more quickly from stress and disorder. (49) There are a few factors that may improve one’s longevity. First, genetic is a significant yet uncontrollable contributor. Then retirees’ active participation in activities also prolongs their lives as they benefit socially and mentally. Meanwhile, people who live a meaningful and purposeful life also live longer because they usually recover more quickly from stress and disorder. (56) 上海市松江区 2021 届高三下学期调研考试英语二模试卷 IV. Summary Writing Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible. Wildlife Protection, Anything Wrong? Some of the Earth’s creatures die mainly because of humans’ choices. These choices have nothing to do with food or shelter or anything else that helps humans survive. What kills millions of animals all over the world is that humans want to make money by doing so. People use parts of animals for everything from hats to handbags, from jewelry to ashtrays and to make powders that supposedly improve a person’s life. It is comforting to note that in the past decades, saving endangered animals has become a popular cause. Let’s take saving elephants as an example. For a long while in the late 1980s, wildlife protection groups made sure everyone saw pictures or films of elephants with their faces cut off for their ivory. These groups also proved that certain populations of elephants are decreasing. As a result, most people stopped buying objects made of ivory. Laws against poaching (偷猎 ) were made stronger. Many countries made importing ivory illegal. Killing elephants for their ivory became more risky and less profitable. However, deciding that a species is endangered and protecting it by law are not always enough, as concern for certain species will become weak after a while. In the late 1970s, people protested against the killing of seal babies. Everyone was shocked to see young seals being killed in their icy habitat. The cruel activity stopped. But ten years later, the number of seal babies killed was higher than ever. Other animal protecting movements have come and gone, such as saving the whales and protecting dolphins. The whale population appears to have increased for now. And the laws are finally changed in America to protect the dolphins that swim with tuna fish in parts of the Pacific Ocean. In the years to come, people’s focus will probably turn to some other endangered species. During this time, will the elephants be forgotten? IV. Summary 71. Humans’ greed for wealth is chiefly responsible for some species’ being endangered. Luckily, people have taken steps to protect them. However, as people’s attention to endangered animals shifts, the efforts are far from enough, and it is essential to do constant work to protect them. (45 words) 上海市嘉定区 2021 届高三下学期调研考试英语二模试卷 IV. Summary Writing Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible. Whatever happened to the fight of carbon capture? Debates have been going on around the subject of carbon capture. Scientists, especially engineers and geologists, have strongly criticized green groups who claimed that carbon capture and storage (CCS) schemes are costly mistakes. The scientists insisted that such schemes are vital weapons in the battle against global heating. They also warn that failure to set up ways to trap and store carbon would make it impossible to meet the emissions target by 2050. “CCS is going to be the only effective way in the short term to prevent our steel industry, cement manufacture and many other processes from continuing to pour emissions into the atmosphere,” said Professor Stuart Haszeldine, of Edinburgh University. “If we are to have any hope of keeping global temperature increases down below 2 degrees Celsius, we desperately need to develop ways to capture and store carbon dioxide.” Green groups claimed CCS would not make “a meaningful contribution to 2050 climate targets”. They say CCS was not a reliable way to decarbonize the energy system and that CCS has a “history of over-promising and under-delivering”. Instead, they urged the construction of more renewable energy plants to be given priority. But the claims were dismissed by engineers and geologists. “These claims are quite unfair,” said Michael Stephenson, director at the British Geological Survey. “The technology behind carbon capture and storage is fully mature. It offers us a genuine solution to some of the problems we face in trying to deal with global wanning.” A government spokesman for the Department of Energy and Climate Change said, “We are committed to meeting our climate change targets in a way that is affordable and provides secure energy to families and businesses. We are considering the role that CCS could play in decarbonization of the UK. But we also need to take government spending into account. CCS had better come down in cost.” There are debates around carbon capture and storage (CCS) schemes. Scientists believe CCS plans are necessary in fighting global warming and meeting the emissions target. However, green groups claim CCS has not achieved desired effects and advocated renewable energy, which scientists criticized because they think CCS technology is mature. The government hopes CCS can be less expensive. 上海市宝山区 2021 届高三下学期调研考试英语二模试卷 II. Summary Writing 71. Directions: Read the following three passages. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far aspossible. What Makes an Ideal Friend? To say what an ideal friend is is not the easiest thing to do. Each person has his or her own opinion of what one would be. However, speaking generally, these are certain features that most people consider characteristic of an ideal friend. Loyal, trustworthy, and open to show weakness are common qualities that the majority of people attach to ideal friends. Loyalty is a usual quality given to ideal friends. According to Psychology Today, “Loyalty is valued early on in all of our relationships, from the time we make our first friendships. We need friends who won’t spill our secrets to others, gossip about us, or allow others to criticize us”. The worst action between friends is not keeping one’s word. Ideal friends are also usually referred as being trustworthy. In a statement by Psychology Today, they say that, “Trustworthiness is often the “make or break” element in any interpersonal relationship. Any unfaithful action, regardless of recognized degree, can destroy a relationship. Trustworthiness consists of several elements, including honesty, dependability, and loyalty, and while each is important to successful relationships, honesty and dependability have been identified as the most vital in the area of friendships”. In light of this, a universal complaint of friends is a lack of honesty, and this is at the heart of being trustworthy. In line with being honest is also the ability to show one’s weaknesses. According to the Book of Life, “The ideal friend doesn’t try to prove how powerful and successful they are; on the contrary, quite often they let us know awkward and potentially embarrassing things about themselves. They show how much they trust us by confessing failings and sorrows which would open them up to possible disgrace from the world beyond. They offer us the gift of their defenselessness.” That openness is treasured, as to be close to an individual, one must be willing to share his or her true feelings and states. Summary One possible version Being loyal, trustworthy, and opent o show weakness are generally considered as shared qualities of an ideal friend. Exactly speaking, an ideal friend should remain faithful first. Second, honest and dependable. Finally, she/he is open to share unpleasant and tricky things with friends.

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