新高考英语写作训练 应用文-劳动(社会实践)、读后续写-人与动物

新高考英语写作训练 应用文-劳动(社会实践)、读后续写-人与动物


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应用文写作:劳动(社会实践) I 主题词块 1. 做兼职 2. 报名参加 3. 分组 4. 按预定时间 5. 参加社会实践活动 6. 着手做某事 7. 获得宝贵的亲手实践的经验 8. 接触校园外的真实世界 9. 将知识应用于解决实际问题 10. 有益于我们的身心健康 11. 培养竞争意识/自立意识/社会责任感 12. 成就感 Ⅱ.主题句式 1. ,you can buy you need for your study. 用赚来的钱,你可以买任何你需要的学习用品。 2. We military drills in the army, . 我们计划在军队参加军训,学习射击和行军。 3. , I realized in the fields under a burning sun. 工作时,我意识到烈日下田间劳动是多么辛苦。 4. you your study if you work several hours on the job every day. 显然,如果你每天工作数小时,你就会很难集中注意力学习。 5. The Labour Week start on June 10th, lasting for five days, . 劳动周计划从 6 月 10 号开始,为期 5 天,届时我们会开展各种各样的活动。 6. a labour knowledge competition, . 接着有一场劳动知识竞赛,报酬丰厚,你不要错过哦。 7. With the advantages and disadvantages working part-time, you your study and the job. 做兼职有利有弊,你得平衡好学习和工作的关系。 8. in an eco-friendly way, our campus cleaner and more fascinating. 将垃圾环保分类也是一个不错的主意,这会使我们的校园更加清洁、迷人。 9. we will cook and taste the vegetables picked with our own hands, An impressive experience. 最诱人的是我们会烹饪和品尝自己亲手摘的菜,这必定会是一次难忘的经历。 10. out of school and gain knowledge or obtained from books, but we can also Labour as well as learn to other people’s work. 不管怎样,只有当我们养成良好的用眼习惯,比如经常做眼保健操、在适当的灯光下看书时,我们才能真正享受 生活。 Ⅲ.应用文写作 写作类型:邀请信 假定你是李华,计划暑假期间到学校实践基地参加为期一周的劳动实践活动。请给你的留学生朋友 Frank 写封 邮件,邀请他一起参加。内容包括: 1. 活动安排和内容 2. 活动的意义。 注意:1. 词数 80 左右: 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 【参考范文】 Dear Frank, We 1. (打 算参加为期一周的劳动实践活动)in the school field base 2. (定于 8 月 1 日到 8 月 8 日). I’m writing to invite you to join us. The base offers free accommodations and various activities. Participants can learn to do outdoor work, like farming or gardening. The art of making tea, 3. (你很感兴趣的), is also taught. 4. (最吸引我的是)we’ll learn to raise animals such as goats or rabbits. In the practice, 5. (我们将体验劳动的价值,并且会接触到各种实用的技能), 6. (这些肯定对我们有益). Looking forward to your reply. Yours, Li Hua 读后续写:人与动物 I. 常见词块 1. 跳起来 2. 忙碌至极 3. 假惺惺地 4. 轻轻地摇尾巴 5. 疯狂地拍翅膀 6. 急切地寻找食物 7. 以深棕色卷毛 8. 突然落入陷阱 9. 在野外,在野生环境中 10. 与野生动物和谐相处 Ⅱ.常见句式 1. this rabbit hunting in my life. 在我的生活中,没有比这次打兔子的经历更让我难忘的了。 2. 似乎正是那条狗的陪伴才使他那孤独的灵魂告别了黑暗的寂寞。 3. , the little puppy, who was not shy and instantly got familiar with Poppy. the two played around the house, . 盒子侧翻了,出来一只小幼犬,小家伙一点不害羞,立马与 Poppy 热络了起来。不久两只狗绕着房子玩,兴奋地互 相追逐。 4. There, , was a creamy-brown creature with dark spots and a striped tail. Alan stared, and the creature stared back, . 那里有一只奶油棕色的动物嘴里叼着丢弃的骨头,身上黑斑点点,还有一条有条纹的尾巴。Alan 盯着它,它也盯着 Alan,圆耳朵直竖着,尖鼻子抽搐着。 5. their Christmas gift--- the old horse the trunk of the tree, . The old horse saw the smoke, she pushed the door and led the horses through it. 松树底下就是他们的圣诞礼物------老马靠着树干躺着,旁边是一整群小马。原来,老马一看到烟雾,就领着马群破 门而出,逃了出来。 Ⅲ.读后续写 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写的词数应为 150 左右。 One spring morning many years ago, I had been prospecting for gold along Coho Creek. As I emerged from a forest, froze in my tracks. No more than 20 paces away in the bog(泥塘)was a huge Alaskan timber wolf---caught in one of Trapper George's traps. Old George had died the previous week of a heart attack. so the wolf was lucky. Confused and frightened at my the wolf backed away, pulling hard on the trap female, and chain. Then I noticed something else: it was a female and her teats (奶头)were full of milk. Somewhere there was a den(窝)of hungry pups waiting for their mother. From her appearance, I guessed that she had been trapped only a few days. That meant her pups were probably still alive. But I suspected that if I tried to release the wolf, she would turn aggressive and try to tear me to pieces. So I decided to search for her pups instead and began to look for incoming tracks that might lead me to her den. Fortunately, there e a few remaining patches of snow. The tracks led a half mile through the forest,and I finally spotted the den. There wasn't a sound inside. Wolf pups are shy and cautious, and I didn't have much hope of tricking them outside. But I had to try. So began copying the squeak(吱吱 声)of mother wolf calling her young. No response. A few moments later,after I tried again,four tiny pups appeared. I extended my hands,and they tentatively(试探性地) suckled at my fingers. Perhaps hunger had helped overcome their natural fear. Then,one by one,I placed them in a bag and headed back. When the mother wolf spotted me,she stood straight. Possibly picking up the scent(气味)of her young,she let out a sorrow-stricken cry. I released the pups,and they raced to her. Within seconds,they were slurping(啜食) at her belly. Paragraph1: What next?I wondered. Paragraph 2: Four years later, I returned to Coho Creek. 参考答案: 训练 37 应用文写作 I. 1. take part-time jobs 2. sign up for 3. be divided into groups 4. on schedule 5. take part in the social practice activities 6. get down to doing sth 7. gain valuable hands-on experience 8. contact the real world outside the school campus 9. apply knowledge to solving practical problems 10. be good for/be beneficial to/do good to our physical and mental well-being 11. develop a sense of competition/independence/social responsibility 12. a sense of achievement II 1. With the money earned; whatever 2.are scheduled to take part in; learning shooting and marching 3. While working; how hard it was to work 4. It is evident that; can hardly focus your attention on 5. is scheduled to; when we will launch various activities 6.There follows; which is so rewarding that you can't afford to miss it 7. involved in; have to strike balance between 8. It's also a wonderful idea to sort garbage; making/ which makes 9. The most appealing part is that; which is bound to be 10. Not only can we get to understand the life; which is unfamiliar to us; that is never taught in class; develop our awareness of; cherish and respect . III. 1. plan to participate in the week-long labour practice 2. scheduled from August 1st to 8th 3. which interests you very much 4. What attracts me most is that 5. we can experience the value of labour and expose ourselves to a wide range of practical skills 6. which will surely benefit us 训练 38 读后续写 I. 1. leap to one's feet 2. as busy as a bee 3. shed crocodile tears 4. wag the tail gently 5. flap the wings wildly 6. hunt for food desperately 7. be coated with brown curly hair 8. be caught in a trap all of a sudden 9. in the wild 10. live in harmony with wild animals Ⅱ.1. There was nothing more memorable than 2. It seemed that it was the company of the dog that led his lonely soul out of darkness and loneliness 3. With the box tipping over; out came; It didn't take long before, cheerfully running after each other 4. with a discarded bone in its mouth; its round ears pricked and its sharp nose twitching 5. Beneath the pine tree was;lay close to; with the entire herd As it turned out, the moment Ⅲ[分析] 前文主要讲的是多年前春天的一个早上,“我”在沿着 Coho Creek 淘金的时候,遇到了一只被困在猎人陷阱里的还在 哺乳期的母狼,于是循着踪迹找到幼崽并把幼崽送到被困的母狼身边的故事。续文第一段开头:“What next? wondered.(接下来怎么办呢?我想。)”,所以后续应该写“我”是如何救出母狼的?第二段开头:“Four years later, returned to Coho Creek.(四年后,我再次来到 Coho Creek.)”,因此接下来应该写 Coho Creek 发生了怎样的变化?“我”邂逅了 四年前解救的狼群吗?动物的灵性是怎样奇迹般地体现在“我”身上的? One possible version: What next? I wondered. So tender were the pups that it was impossible for them to resist danger without mother's protection. Hence, made up my mind to release her. But how? A good idea occurred to me. I went back to my truck and fetched an iron bar. Using a rock as the supporting point, I unlocked the chain and set the wolf free. Realizing my rescue, the wolf kept still to cooperate. After gaining freedom, she howled at me with her head low, showing her gratitude. Then, the mother wolf led her pups to go forward, disappearing in the forest. Four years later, I returned to Coho Creek. The previous gold searching spot had been transformed into a natural wildlife reserve. As I paced, the sound of my footsteps was accompanied only by the gracefully waving leaves. All of sudden, beautiful mid-sized- pool came into my sight, with a group of wolves scattered around, licking water or lying on the grass leisurely. Noticing my approaching,the wolves gathered. I was seized by a strong sense of horror, my palms sweating. Meanwhile, a leading wolf came forward, howling at me with her head low. The memory crossed my mind. It was the wolf that I saved years ago. Before long, she turned back, leading her offspring to the forest. How amazing to see them again!

资料: 1.9万


