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Continuation Writing 苏北七市二模 01. Reading 02. Plotting 03. Writing How to deal with it? 1. To get the general idea 2. To analyse the main characters Who Where What When Why How Kate Henry Father Mother • 1. What was Kate’s attitude towards her family? • 2. Where were “we” when “I” was going to sing the song? General idea • Kate was in a blended family(重组家庭) and _______(态度)her stepbrother, ______. She even ignored her brother’s book which fell in the bathtub. When Kate and Henry were sing a song _____________ (地点)with their father, Kate’s string knot on her skirt came to ______. disliked Henry on the stage untied 1. Read it within a limited time 2. Grasp key information 3. Analyse the text in a deep level Para one •I felt extremely embarrassed and tense. At the helpless point, it was Henry who helped me out of trouble. Para two • After the show I reflected on what I had done to him. I expressed my thanks to him and at the same time I made an apology to him. His kindness melted my heart and changed my prejudice to him and I finally accepted him genuinely. 1. Find out the key words of the first two senteces. 2. Make the connections. 3. Find a proper theme for your story • And then, suddenly, the string knot on my skirt came untied. Extremely worried that I'd lose face in front of all the audience, I could feel my heart pounding. With both my hands holding the song book, I was at a loss what to do, when Henry, who noticed my embarrassment, came to my aid. He stepped forward secretly, swiftly worked the untied string together, just as he always did and whispered, ‘Now, done!’ by my ear. • I shot Henry a grateful glance. And he responded with a reassuring(令人放心的) smile. Shortly afterwards (没过多久), our performance was extremely successful and the audience responded with several rounds of thunderous applause. In the backstage, I thanked Henry genuinely and apologized for my not saving his book in the bathtub. Shrugging(耸肩) his shoulder, Henry mumbled(喃喃自语), "We are family, aren't we?" I nodded firmly, knowing a flower of kindness and friendship began to blossom in both of our hearts. 1. Have a good narrative flow 2. Various sentence patterns 3. Vivid description of emotion, action, psychological activity, and environment Thanks • Before long, it was my turn. I went onstage, song book in hand. As we kids lined up before Henry's dad, who was playing the part of our father, I realized how poorly I'd tied the string on my skirt which was over leggings(打底裤). I should have asked my mom for help.(para 11) • I shot Henry a grateful glance. • The community theater was busy when we got there. Theater used to be what my mom and I did together—one play a year for our special thing. With Henry involved, it didn't seem so special anymore. (para 8) • Before long, it was my turn. I went onstage, song book in hand. As we kids lined up before Henry's dad, who was playing the part of our father, (para 11)

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