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2021 届高考高三英语​晨读晚背素材积累话题二十:历史与地理(含 词块、佳句、范文、词汇) 01 背话题词块—有话可说 1.turn against 背叛 2.serve in the army 服役 3.defend...against ... 防御…… 4.pass down 传递下去 5.in the shape of ... 呈……形状 6.break out 爆发 7.in the name of 以……的名义 8.have a history of ... 有……的历史 9.declare war on ... 对……宣战 10.vote for/against 投票支持/反对 11.on behalf of 代表 12.come to power 上台执政 13.in the long run 从长远来看 14.Long March 长征 15.the May 4th Movement 五四运动 16.in peace 和平 17.at war 交战 18.have a population of 有……人口 19.take on a new look 呈现新面貌 20.be located in/liein 坐落于/位于 21.be surrounded by 被……包围/环绕着 22.advanced civilization 先进文明 02 背话题佳句—有话会说 1.This building which has a long history can date back to the Ming Dynasty.这座 有着悠久历史的建筑可以追溯到明朝。 2.In ancient times, the fast way to travel was to ride a horse or carriage.在古代, 最快的旅行方式是骑马或坐马车。 3 . At the beginning of the Tang Dynasty in the seventh century, the lantern displays would last three days.在七世纪的唐朝初期,彩灯的展示会一直持续三天。 4.Standing on the top of the hill is a monument, dating back to hundreds of years ago.矗立在山顶上的是一座纪念碑,它可以追溯到几百年前。 5 . Only when the system has been abolished will it be possible to abolish poverty,unemployment and war.只有废除了这种制度才有可能消除贫困、失业和战争。 6.Highly respected by his people, he was elected the first black president of South Africa.由于受到人们的极大尊敬,他当选为南非第一位黑人总统。 7.Nelson Mandela, who played an important role in the antiracial discrimination struggle in South Africa, made great contributions to the development of South Africa.纳尔逊·曼德拉对南非的发展做出了巨大贡献,他在南非的反种族歧视斗争中扮演着 重要的角色。 8.As the United States of America is an immigrant country, people often call it a “Melting Pot”.由于美国是一个移民国家,人们常把它称为“大熔炉”。 03 背话题范文—有“模”可套 假设你是李华,你校外教 David 对中国长城很感兴趣。本周六你们学校邀请清华大学的王教 授到校进行有关长城的讲座。请你给 David 发一封电子邮件,邀请他来参加讲座并向他介绍 讲座的有关事宜。 1.讲座内容:长城修建原因及其建筑特点; 2.讲座的时间:5 月 7 日(星期六)上午 8:00---11:00; 3.讲座地点:3 号教学楼一楼 102 室; 4.讲座后还将有提问环节。 注意: 1.词数 100 左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3.开头和结尾已为 你写好,不计入总词数。 参考词汇: 清华大学 Tsinghua University 【必背范文】 Dear David, I’m writing to invite you to the lecture on the Great Wall, which will be made by Professor Wang from Tsinghua University.The lecture will focus on the reasons why the Great Wall was built and the construction features as well. It will be held in Room 102 on the first floor of No.3 Teaching Building on May 7th this Saturday. As far as I know, you like the traditional construction of China, so I think you will enjoy it.The lecture will last three hours from 8 to 11 am. Questions are welcome after the lecture is given. I will be glad if you come.Looking forward to your reply. Yours, Li Hua 04 记阅读障碍词汇—文意理解无偏差 1.campaign n.运动,战役 2.ancient adj. 古代的 3.contemporary adj. 属同时期的,同一时代的 4.monument n. 纪念碑,纪念物 5.struggle n. 斗争,挣扎 v. 斗争;奋斗;挣扎 6.evidence n. 证据;证明;迹象 7.occupy vt. 占领;占据;使忙碌 8.occupation n. 占领;职业 9.invade vt. 侵入,侵略 10.collision n. 碰撞;冲突,抵触 11.coincidence n. 巧合;巧事 12.rough adj. 艰苦的;粗糙的;粗略的 13.bound adj. 一定的,必定的;被束缚的 14.declare vt. 宣布,宣告;声明;断言 vi. 声明;(公开)表明 15.geographical adj. 地理的;地理学的

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