人教版七年级英语上册教学课件Starter Unit 1

人教版七年级英语上册教学课件Starter Unit 1


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教学课件 英语 七年级上册 人教版 Starter Unit 1 Good morning! 1a~2e Teaching aims: 1.学会正确朗读和书写 Aa-Hh八个字母。 2.了解一些常用缩略字的含义。 3.巩固所学的八个人名。 4.记住自己和同伴的英文名字。 Alice Cindy Helen Bob Frank Dale GraceEric Let’s meet some new friends! Boys’ names: ___________ ___________ Bob Dale Eric Frank Write down the names in the picture. Girls’ names: ___________ ___________ Alice Cindy Helen Grace 1a 9:00 Good morning! Good morning!Good morning, Dale! Good morning, Miss Chen! morning指的是早晨 6:00—中午12:00。 Listen and repeat. Good morning, Helen! Hi, Bob! Good morning, Alice! Good morning, Cindy! Hello, Frank! Hello, Eric! Good morning, Dale! 1b 。。。 Ø Hello! Ø Hi! Ø Good morning! Practice the conversations in the picture. Then greet your partner. ... ... 1c Listen and repeat. Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee F Gg Hh 2a Listen and number the letters you hear [1-8]. h a e g d b c f 8 1 5 7 4 2 3 6 2b Look and copy.2c Writ the missing big letter or small letter for each pair. a b c d e f A g h B E F G D E C F F G H 2d HGDGC FAEBcgfb Talk about what these letters mean. HB CD BBC Hard Black Compact Disc British Broadcasting Corporation 2e Exercise 一、把单词与汉语连线。 1.good       A.嗨 2.morning B.好的,令人满意的 3.hi C.早晨,上午 4.hello D.早上好 5.good morning E.你好 1. 下列大写字母是由两笔写成的选项 ___。 A. B B. H C. A 2. 下列的缩略词中,表示“光盘”意思的是____。 A. HB B. BBC C. CD 二、选择填空。 F H 三、看图片,在四线三格中写出所给字母的左邻右 舍。 A C D F B D E G 1.Make a name card by yourselves and learn how to read your own names . (自己制作一张名字卡片并学会读 ) 2. Find out these letters in your daily life. (找出日常生活中所碰到的字母) Starter Unit 1 Good morning! 3a-4d Revise the English letters. A a B b C c D d E e F f G g H h Good afternoon, Frank! Good afternoon, Eric! 3a Listen and number the pictures [1-3]. Good morning, Helen! Good morning, Dale! Good evening, Bob! Good evening , Alice! Practice the conversations in 3a with your partner. Good morning, Helen! Good morning, Dale! Good afternoon, Eric! Good afternoon, Frank! Good evening, Bob! Good evening, Alice! 3b Good afternoon! Good afternoon! 下午4:00 要点提示1 1.Good afternoon, Eric! afternoon指午后至傍晚这段时间, 大约是12:00—18:00之间。 人们在这段时间见面时,一般问候 说:“Good afternoon.”回答语也 是一样,翻译成汉语就是“下午 好”。 Good evening, Jerry! Good evening , Tom! 要点提示2 Good evening, Bob! evening指傍晚、晚上这段时间,是 夜的前部分时间。 在这段时间内,人们一般没有睡觉, 见面时,一般问候说:“Good evening.”回答语也是一样,翻译成 汉语就是“晚上好”。 Listen to the conversation. Then practice it with your partner. Good afternoon, Dale! Hi, Cindy! How are you? I’m fine, thanks. How are you? I’m OK. How are you? 你好吗? I’m fine. 我很好。 Thanks. 谢谢。 I’m OK. 我很好。 3c ☆要点提炼☆ How are you? 是熟人之间见面的问候语,意思是 “你(身体)好吗?”回答时,一般先说: I’m fine. Thanks.(我很好。谢谢。) 或简单地说:Fine, thanks.(好,谢谢。), 然后再问候对方:How are you?或简 单地说:And you?意思是“你好 吗?”“你呢?” How are you? I’m fine, thanks. Very well, thank you. I’m OK. Not bad. Just so-so. Choose an English name for yourself. Then greet each other. 3d Hi, Eric! I’m fine, thanks. Hi, Helen! How are you? Cindy Bob Helen Eric Frank Dale Alice Grace 你 还 记 得 他 们 吗 ? _____ ______ ______ ______ _____ ______ ______ ______ Cindy Bob Helen Eric Dale Frank Grace Write the names of the children on page S1. Then write the names in alphabetical order. Alice 4a Cindy Bob Helen Eric Frank Dale Alice Grace a b c d e f g h A A H Dale Grace Frank thanks E B C D E G evening F Helen Listen and repeat. A E 4b 1 2 A A H Dale Grace age Frank thanks hand E B C D E G evening he F Helen bed A E Read the letters and words in column 1. Then try to read the new words in column 2. 开音节 闭音节 开音节 闭音节 4c Listen and sing the song. 4d Good morning! Good morning! How are you? I’m fine, thanks. How are you? I’m OK. Good afternoon! Good afternoon! How are you? I’m fine, thanks. How are you? I’m OK. Good evening! Good evening! How are you? I’m fine, thanks. How are you? I’m OK. 一、将方框中的单词归入字典A-H栏中。 1.a: __________ 2. b: ___________ 3. c: ___________ 4. d: ___________ 5. e: ___________ 6. f: ____________ 7. g: ___________ 8. h: ____________ Alice are Bob bye CD Cindy Dale do evening Eric five father Helen, green, Alice, five, Bob, CD, evening, bye, are, Dale, English, father, do, good, hello, Cindy, Eric green good Helen hello 2. — Good evening, Mr Chen. — ________, Alice. A. Good evening B. Good morning C. Good afternoon 5. — ________? — I’m OK, thank you. A. How are you B. How do you do C. Are you Alice 二、选择填空。 1. 含有相同元音音素的选项是 ________。 A. A, G B. B, C C. E, H Homework 1.Practice the greetings. 2. Make conversations with your partners. 3. Copy the new words and sentences and try to remember them.

资料: 8611


