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九年级(全)Units 7-8 冀教版九年级英语复习课件(4) victory message check separate president provide lock situation whether chopstick pound praise guest tidy chalk beat beaten repaired disagree agreement satisfied satisfying gentlemen social Russian silence silently privacy break down jump in  provide…for… reach an agreement take…as… suffer through agree on keep silent mean to do…  hold/have a meeting the day before yesterday student council lucky money be out of service  be similar to be polite to in the end in silence thanks to…  rather than other than in common according to after all   makes  happier take  turns Tidy  up hang  up bed  and begins  with Seeing  is  Many  hands  Me neither  It doesn't matter special things I agree C C  beat won  A other A D B  mean  that deeper  meaning B fight  over  fight   against D stayed  drink spend than rather than D similar look  like take/look   after/like  is like B A There  is C B A A A A B B C  B enerally too  much B  B  D B B praises traditional noisy silence satisfied What  time what supposed I don't know what we will do with them. Could show have  you rather  than  help  laughing tidying  up louder  than whether heavily  twentieth  suffered called  instead of chosen fighting  successful agreement prevent  better  第一篇 教材系统复习  考点精练十六 九年级(全) Units 7-8 C C C C B B D C A C B C A D B C A D A D B C A B kinds useful as faster may any skills write down find out start Nobody likes to talk about death,but the reality is that everybody is going to die at one point. When you go after what you want.  想象一下如果你正过着你一直梦寐以求的生活你会有多开心。 Don't keep your dreams waiting. Four/4/There are four ways that we can do to make our dream come true.

资料: 8611


