主语从句在写作中的运用19张 -2021届高三英语二轮复习课件

主语从句在写作中的运用19张 -2021届高三英语二轮复习课件


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主语从句在写作中的运用 1.Grasp the drills: ① It 带出的主语从句 It+be+adj.+that从句 (如obvious,true,clear…) It+be+n词组+that从句 (如no wonder, an honor, a pity, …) It+be+P.P +that从句 (如said, reported, thought, acknowledged, considered…) ② 主从+ 表从 What ...... is that.... 2.Try to use these drills in writing correctly. It's well known that ... It's well acknowledged that... It's a fact that ... It's likely that... It's an honor that... It is no denying that... 众所周知 公认 事实是... 很可能... ...很荣幸 ....不可否认 你需要知道的是 你需要注意的是 我将要告诉你的是 我在课堂上所学到的知识 令我印象深刻的是 令我激动的是 what you need to know what you should pay attention to what I'm going to tell you what I learned in class what impressed me most what's really exciting 描述大家都知道的事情 It’s known to us all that/ What we all know is that It is acknowledged that It is a fact that It is no denying that 描述可能的事情 It's very likely that 告知某人要做的 /注意的事情 what you need to know is that what you should pay attention to is that what I'm going to tell you is that 某人的收获 what I learned in class is that 描述活动带来 的感受 what impressed me most was that What was really exciting was that It is an honor that ① As is known to us all that smiling is a way of communication. ② What we all know is smiling is a way of communication. ③ That he told you is really funny. ④ It is suggested that every drop of water needs making good use of carefully. that It What ∧ (should) need ① 大家都公认, 树木对于环境保护很有必要。It is universally acknowledged trees are necessary to environmental protection. ② 众所周知,词汇是语言很重要的一部 分,正如一栋大楼里的砖一样。 an important part of language _____________________________________ _____________________________________, just like the bricks of a building. It's well known that vocabulary is ③ 我能被邀请来做关于英语学习的演讲, 真的很荣幸。 It's an honor that I could be invited to give a speech on English study _______________________________________________ ____________________________and that she brings me a lot of happiness and courage. ① 我从她身上学到的是她非常乐观、 有活力而且给我带来了许多快乐和勇气。 What I learn from her is that she is quite optimistic and energetic _____________________________ in the first place ________________________________________________ children’s physical and mental health. ② 我想要说的第一点是家长要多关注 孩子们的身心健康。 What I want to say parents should pay more attention to _________________________________________________ _____________________ recently that he can speak English fluently now. ③ 令我们最兴奋的是最近David英语进 步如此之快,他现在能流利地说英语了。 What is most exciting is that David has made so great progress 你作为高二年级的优秀学生代表,在上周参加了学校 的百年校庆活动。请你用英文写一篇演讲稿,谈一谈你 对学校百年变化的感受以及对未来高三学习生活的展望。 字数在80词左右。(请运用至少两个本课所复习的主语 从句)参考词汇:周年庆典(anniversary) On behalf of Senior Two, it was an honor that I attended the 100th anniversary of our school, which made a deep impression on me. It is known that the days during high school are the best time in our life. It is a fact that it provides a good environment for us to study. We not only have learnt useful knowledge, but what is the most important is that we know how to be a useful person. So what I am thinking is that in this year,we must do whatever we can to make our dream come true. As we see, great changes have taken place in our school. It is no longer what it used to be 100 years ago. It is our school that creates wonders one by one. Today, I am proud of my school and it will be proud of me tomorrow. Use subject clause in writing ① It 带出的主语从句 It+be+adj.+that从句 (如obvious,true,clear…) It+be+n词组+that从句 (如no wonder, an honor, a pity, …) It+be+P.P +that从句 (如said, reported, thought, acknowledged, considered…) ② 主从+ 表从 What ...... is that.... Thanks

资料: 1.9万


