高三英语二轮专题---巧用代词解七选五 教案【2017(3卷)、2018(3卷)、2019(2卷)】
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七选五做题策略: 1.看标题、副标题预测文章大意 2.看选项,找出和文章相对应的关键词 3.通读全文,查看主题句,分析结构 4.看空前空后内容,分析之间的逻辑性 5. 代入答案,重点核查逻辑关系。 七选五阅读主要解题技巧: (一)信息重现:(1) 信息重现(词语复现/同畴同现);(2) 结构重现 (二)句际的逻辑关系:解释例证、转折对比、并列对比、顺序因果、概括总结、时间顺序 (三)语法提示 1、代词提示 2、标点提示 (1) Before there was the written word, there was the language of dance. Dance expresses love and hate, joy and sorrow, life and death, and everything else in between. 36 We dance from Florida to Alaska, from north to south and sea to sea. We dance at weddings, birthdays, office parties and just to fill the time. “I adore dancing,” says Lester Bridges, the owner of a dance studio in Iowa. “I can’t imagine doing anything else with my life." Bridges runs dance classes for all ages. "Teaching dance is wonderful. 37 It’s great to watch them. For many of them, it’s a way of meeting people and having a social life." 38 "I can tell you about one young couple," says Bridges. “They’re learning to do traditional dances. They arrive at the class in low spirits and they leave with a smile. 39 ” So, do we dance in order to make ourselves feel better, calmer, healthier? Andrea Hillier says, “Dance, like the pattern of a beating heart, is life. Even after all these years, I want to get better and better. 40 I find it hard to stop! Dancing reminds me I’m alive." A. So why do we dance? B. Dance in the U.S.is everywhere. C. If you like dancing outdoors, come to America. D. My older students say it makes them feel young. E. I keep practicing even when I’m extremely tired. F. Dancing seems to change their feeling completely. G. They stayed up all night long singing and dancing. (2) Imagine a child standing on a diving board four feet high and asking himself the question: "Should I jump? " This is what motivation or the lack of it can do. Motivation and goal setting are the two sides of the same coin. 36 Like the child on the diving board, you will stay undecided. 37 More than that, how should you stay motivated to achieve the goal? First, you need to evaluate yourself, your values your strengths, your weaknesses, your achievements, your desires, etc. Only then should you set your goals. You also need to judge the quality and depth of your motivation. This is quite important, because it is directly related to your commitment. There are times when your heart is not in your work. 38 So, slow down and think what you really want to do at that moment. Clarity(清晰)of thoughts can help you move forward. Another way of setting realistic goals is to analyze your short and long term objectives, keeping in mind your beliefs, values and strengths. Remember that goals are flexible. 39 They also need to be measurable. You must keep these points in mind while setting your goals. Your personal circumstances are equally important. For example, you may want to be a Pilot but can’t become one because your eyesight is not good enough. 40 You should reassess your goals, and motivate yourself to set a fresh goal. You will surely need to overcome some difficulties, some planned, but most unplanned. You cannot overcome them without ample motivation. Make sure that you plan for these difficulties at the time of setting your goals. A. This can affect your work. B. So how should you motivate yourself? C. However, this should not discourage you. D. So why should we try to set specific goals? E. They can change according to circumstances. F. Motivation is what you need most to do a good job. G. Without motivation, you can neither set a goal nor reach it. (3) Lots of people find it hard to get up in the morning, and put the blame on the alarm clock. In fact, the key to easy morning wake-up lies in resting your body clock. 36 Here’s how to make one. ● 37 In order to make a change, you need to decide why it’s important. Do you want to get up in time to have breakfast with your family, get in some exercise, or just be better prepared for your day? Once you are clear about your reasons, tell your family or roommates about the change you want to make. ● Rethink mornings. Now that you know why you want to wake up, consider re-arranging your morning activities. If you want time to have breakfast with your family, save some time the night before by setting out clothes, shoes, and bags. 38 That’s a quarter-hour more you could be sleeping if you bought a coffee maker with a timer. ● Keep your sleep/wake schedule on weekends. If you’re tired out by Friday night, sleeping in on Saturday could sound wonderful. But compensating on the weekends actually feeds into your sleepiness the following week, a recent study found. 39 ● Keep a record and evaluate it weekly. Keep track of your efforts and write down how you feel. After you’ve tried a new method for a week, take a look at your record. 40 If not, take another look at other methods you could try. A. Get a sleep specialist. B. Find the right motivation. C. A better plan for sleep can help. D. And consider setting a second alarm. E. If the steps you take are working, keep it up. F. Stick to your set bedtime and wake-up time, no matter the day. G. Reconsider the 15 minutes you spend in line at the cafe to get coffee. 课后反思总结:你认为七选五还有哪些好的方法可以使用?给出自己的例子。

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