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Continuation Writing 读后续写 Last Saturday, Li Hua went to a party by bus, but it was not smooth. What happened on his way to the party? Last Saturday, Li Hua went to a party by bus. He ______ a little late and after breakfast, he _____ to the bus stop near his home. However, he ________more than 15 minutes in a(n) _______ mood. To his ______, the bus came. He _______ the bus with other passengers. A few minutes later, halfway, the bus suddenly ___________,which made him very_____. All the passengers were told to wait for ______ bus which would go to pick them up. Finally, he was _____ to ______ the party at the lunch time, almost an hour later than expected. got up came waited for anxious delight got on broke down upset reachlucky another 1. The Meredith family lived in a small community. As the economy was in decline, some people in the town had lost their jobs. ... 2. Mrs.Meredith was a most kind and thoughtful woman. ... 3. One morning she told her children about a family she had visited the day before. ... 4. “I wish you could see him, ” she said to her own children, John, Harry, and Clara. ... 5. After their mother left the room, the children sat thinking about Bernard. ... 6. “So do I, ” said Harry. “We really should do something to assist them.”... 7. For some moments, John said nothing, but, suddenly, he sprang to his feet and cried, “I have a great idea! I have a solution that we can all help accomplish(完成).” ... 8. The other children also jumped up all attention. ... Task1 Read for the main idea Who → When → Where → What → Why → How → Mrs. Meredith, John, Harry, Clara, Bernard One morning / The economy was in decline A small community Help Bernard earn some money His father was sick;his mother took care of him and couldn’t go to work Make popcorn and sell it Task1 Read for the main idea Main idea: Mrs. Meredith and her children wanted to help Bernard to earn money by making popcorn and selling it. Para.1 When Mrs. Meredith heard of John’s idea, she thought it was a good one, too. Para.2 With everything ready, Bernard went out on his new business. ➽Mrs. Meredith would encourage the children. ➽Bernard started to sell the popcorn. ➽The children would get everything ready for making popcorn. Task2 Predict the possible plots in each paragraph. ➽The popcorn sold out. Para.1 When Mrs. Meredith heard of John’s idea, she thought it was a good one, too. ➽Mrs. Meredith would encourage the children. ➽The children would get everything ready for making popcorn. Mrs. Meredith supported advised the children Clara: John: Harry: prepared the oven bought paperbags packed the popcorn 1. What would Mrs. Meredith say? 2. What did the children doto get everything ready? 3. How was the popcorn they made? Para.2 With everything ready, Bernard went out on his new business. ➽Bernard started to sell the popcorn. ➽The popcorn sold out. Bernard How: Result: sold by yelling people bought;sold out; earned some money Add some details reasonably Thinking: How to make your story vivid(生动)? 1 2 3 at present, and then, after a while, at the same time, in addition, moreover, immediately, ... actions: get close to, reply, achieve, burst into laughter feelings: delighted,disappointed, depressed, feel regretful... surroundings: rainy, cloudy, freezing cold, the extreme weather, the beautiful sky with复合结构,V-ing做状语/定语,强调句,it的 句式... Use different sentence structures Use linking words effectively Let’s start to write Para.1. When Mrs. Meredith heard of John’s idea, she thought it was a good one, too. _________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ Exchange your writing with your deskmate. Appreciate your classmates’ articles , learn from each other and polish your writing. 1. The content should be coherent. 2. The story content must be positive. 3. You should be imaginative. 4. Add more details. 5. Use vivid and proper words and sentence patterns. Self-evaluation Para.1 When Mrs. Meredith heard of John’s idea, she thought it was a good one, too. She nodded with a smile and encouraged the children, “Let’s get started!” Immediately, Clara volunteered to get the big box of corn(玉米) and prepared the oven to make popcorn. At the same time, John, the smart boy, went to purchase some paper bags . Harry ran to Bernard’s home to invite him. Not surpringly, Bernard was amazed at this great project and couldn’t wait to come.To their delight, the popcorn they made looked great and tasted delicious. Finally, They packed the sweet popcorns in the paperbags together. Laughter and happiness filled this house. Para.1 When Mrs. Meredith heard of John’s idea, she thought it was a good one, too. She nodded with a smile and encouraged the children, “Let’s get started!” Immediately, Clara volunteered to get the big box of corn(玉米) and prepared the oven to make popcorn. At the same time, John, the smart boy, went to purchase some paper bags . Harry ran to Bernard’s home to invite him. Not surpringly, Bernard was amazed at this great project and couldn’t wait to come.To their delight, the popcorn they made looked great and tasted delicious. Finally, They packed the sweet popcorns in the paperbags together. Laughter and happiness filled this house. Para.1 smile, encourage, corn, prepare, oven, make, popcorn, purchase, paperbags, run, invite, amazed, delight, delicious, pack, laughter, happiness 1. The steps for writing a continuation. Step1 Read→ Step2 Predict→ Step3 Write 2. How to read for the main idea. 3. How to predict the possible plots. 4. How to write vividly. Summary Finish the second part of the writing after class. Homework Thank you

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