Lesson 18: Are You Short or Tall?


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Lesson 18: Are You Short or Tall? 一﹑教学目标: 1. 知识目标 学习句型How tall are you? I’m _____ metres tall. 比较级taller, shorter 2. 能力目标 ⑴ 能够听、说、读、写句型How tall are you? I’m _____ metres tall. ⑵ 能够在真实的情境中正确使用How tall are you? I’m _____ metres tall.来描述自己和他人的身高。 ⑶ 能够通过比较身高,使用taller和 shorter来描述。 3. 过程与方法:以学生为主体,结合本课内容, 让学生用直观的方法来学习新知识, 联系学生实际情况,与学生同学同乐,使学生学到新知识又活跃了课堂气氛,提高学生的英语表达能力。 4. 情感态度与价值观:培养学生在小组合作当中能够团结协作,共同进步。 二﹑教学重难点: 教学重点:正确使用How tall are you? I’m _____ metres tall.来描述自己和他人的身高。 教学难点::通过比较,正确使用taller和 shorter来描述。 三﹑教学设计思路: 四、教学过程 教学过程 Teaching Process 教学媒体 Teaching Media 教师活动 Teacher’s Activities 学生活动 Students’ Activities 设计意图 Design Purpose 课程导入 (Warm up and lead in) 多媒体,课件 Step 1 Greeting: T:Hello,everyone. How are you? Ss: Fine, thank you. How are you? T: I’m fine,thanks. Step 2  T: Can you sing the song we heard last lesson? 教师播放歌曲:How old are you(见优秀课件)。 T: Who is birthday today? 如果有过生日的同学,教师播放歌曲:Happy birthday to you (见优秀课件)。 Ss greet with their teacher and review what they have learned last lesson. To make students be polite and review what they have learned 呈现新课 (Present the new lesson) 录音机,多媒体量身高的尺子,课件。 Step 1 T: Do you know how old I am? Can you guess? 让学生去猜测自己的年龄 T: Do you know how tall I am? 教师利用手势提示学生,使学生明白教师在说身高。 T: I’m 1.60 metres tall. 教师站在量身高的尺子旁,自问自答,呈现表达身高的新句型。 Step 2. Presentation 1. 教学小数的读法 T: I’m 1.60 metres tall. 教师边说边板书新句型。 指着1.60,教学生小数的读法,小数点读作point. 教师任意板书小数。鼓励学生去读一读。如:1.2  1.35  0.57   2.65   2. 教学句型How tall are you? I’m _____ metres tall. T: I’m 1.60 metres tall. How tall are you? 教师板书新句型,教师领读,学生跟读,操练至学生能够流利说出。 Step 3. Practice 1. 师生问答How tall are you? I’m _____ metres tall.让学生到尺子旁量身高,用新句型说说自己的身高。师生对比,用tall和short来形容。 同桌之间互相用尺子量身高,操练句型How tall are you? I’m _____ metres tall. T: Do you want to know your friends? How tall is your friend? Ask him or her“How tall are you?”教师引导生生问答,巩固操练新句型。 教师指着一名班级中比较高又比自己矮的学生说I’m 1.60 metres tall. You are ____ metres tall. I am taller. You are shorter. 通过师生之间身高的对比,呈现taller 和shorter的概念,板书taller, shorter 2. 教师播放视频:Big, short, tall, old ,young. (见视频资源)。 T: Who is he/she? How tall is he/she? Who is taller? Who is shorter? 出示更多的图片,让学生去说一______ is _____ metres tall. _____ is taller. _____ is shorter. 3. 看书,听课文。在听的过程中找到这些问题的答案。 How tall is Kim? How tall is Danny? Who is taller? Who is shorter? 4. 播放课件:Lesson18-1, Lesson18-2, 跟读课文,注意学生的语音语调。 Step 4. Consolidation 1. 教师出示自己班级的照片和几名学生的身高。 T: This is my class. Here are my students’ height.教师介绍自己班级学生的身高,为学生下面的活动作铺垫。His/her name is _____________. He is a boy. /She is a girl. He/She is ______ years old. He/She is ______ metres tall.______________ is taller.______________ is shorter. 学生以小组为单位,通过填表的形式调查小组同学的身高,并比较谁更高,谁更矮。之后找同学汇报。 Students read the text and practise the new sentence which they are learning. Step 1 To make students now what they will learn Step 2 To grasp new knowledge Step 3,4 To grasp and consolidate what they have learned from this lesson 课堂评价 Evaluate 多媒体,课件 随堂练习: Hello! My name is _____. I’m from ______ Primary School. I’m _____ years old. I’m ____ metres tall. My father is _____ metres tall. My mother is _____ metres tall. ______ (am is) taller in my family. ______ (am is) shorter. Students do exercise. To check students’ learning ability    

资料: 29.3万


