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八年级英语下册期中考试复习资料 (2016.04) --Ms.Sun 以下是本学期前五个单元的一些重点知识和大家在平时做题时容易出错的环节,现整理出 来, 希望引起大家的足够重视,提前预祝你们在期中考试中取得优异成绩。 一、易错知识点汇总 K too many> too much 和 much too 的区另 U 【练习】: Wc have _________________ (too much/too many) work to do. 【练习】: There are_________________ (too much/too many) students in our class. 【练习】: The box is___________________ (too much/ much too) heavy, so I can't carry it. 2、某人说他生病了,你该如何安慰别人? _____________________________________________ 3、 关于 enough 的用法还记得吗? 【练习 1: I have__________________( enough time/time enough ) to do the work. 【练习 1: The boy isn't______________________ (enough old/old enough) to go to school. 4、 区分 take after 与 lookafter,并且能说出它们各自的同义短语。 【练习】:take after=_______________________ look after=_______________________________ 5、 牢牢记住:tell 与 ask 的句型用法。__________________________________________________ 【练习】: The teacher asks the children__________ (not play) on the street. 6、 see 后面跟动词的哪两种形式?各自表达什么意思。 7.注意这个句型:It is +adj.+for sb.+to do sth. 【练习]:Going for a walk is a good way after supper.(同义句) __________a good way_________________ for a walk after supper. borrow 与 lend 如何使用?写出它们各自对应的句型。 【练习 1: Could I_________(borrow /lcnd)tcn yuan from you ? 9、再复习一遍过去进行时的结构:"主语+was/were+v-ing+其他”形式。 【练习】:翻译:昨天上午九点 她正在睡觉。 10、____________________________________________ why not 后跟动词的哪种形式? 。 它的同义句是什么? _______________________ o 【练习 1: Why don't you talk to your parents about this ? =Why____________ talk to your parents about this ? 11、一些动词短语的用法。 hand out=_____________ cheer (sb.) up =___________________ come up with=__________________ 它们的用 法屮最重要的 傑輸是后面跟代词时要放在这个短语的中间。(不知大家能否理解这习经典的话丿。 12、spend …doing sth•二 spend…on sth.(一定要记住)。 【练习】:翻译:今天早上她花了 3 个小时学英语。(使用两种句式) 13、遇到 could 要慎重对待。 【练习】:—Could you please take out the trash? —Yes , I_______________ (could/can)< 14> 翻译: Use to: _____________________ o be used to: ___________________________ (1) They are used to____________ (take) walks after supper every day. (2) —How does Jack usually go to work? ——He____ drive a car, but now he______ there to lose weight. A. used to; is used to walk B ・ was used to; is used to walking C ・ was used to; is used to walk D ・ used to; is used to walking (3) Her son_______ Coke(Al 你),.but now he________milk. A. used to drink ; is used to drinking B ・ used to drinking ; drinks C ・ is used to drinking ; used to drink 15> thanks for 与 thanks to 的区另!1—定要记住; 如: ____________(多亏了)Mr Wang ,the doctors saved the old man in time . 16、 问某人怎么了? 一共有四种句型: 9 ? 9 9 17、动词不定式(todo 结构)作宾语时表示目的也最爱考! (1) The boys volunteer three hours_____ up the park near their school. A. cleaning B. to clean C. cleaned D ・ with cleaning (2) She made a decision_________ for a volunteer after-school program. A. trying out B. handing out C. to try out D. to hand out 18、一定要记住 alone 与 lonely 的区别; 【练习】The old man lives_______ ,but he doesn't feel________ ・ A. alone, alone B. alone, lonely C. lonely, lonely D. lonely, alone 二、动词的适当形式填空题做题方法 我们首先要搞清楚一般会有哪些考法,才能对症下药。 考法一:介词+v ・ ing 形式。。我已经讲了几百遍了,要是再不会做,那就是造化问题了) o (1) We shouldn't give up______________(study) in any situations ・ (2) He kept on_____________ (climb)mountains after rest. (3) David left his room without__________ (say) a word ・ (4) Your daughter is badly ill now ・ She shouldn't put off____ to see the docto 匚 A. go B ・ went C ・ going D> to go (5) Give up_____ , it is bad for your health ・ A. smoke B ・ to smoke C ・ smoking D. smoked 考法二:一些特殊的动词+动词原形。例如:should> could,还有我讲的"四看” (look、see> watch> notice) “二 听” (listen to> hear), “一感觉"(feel),"三个使役动词"(have、let、make),"半个帮助"(help)。 考法三:动词+todo 结构:这个有很多,重在平吋积累。本学期前半学期的这类动词有:Tell, want, wish, hope, decide, learn, agree, expect, ask, offer, plan, happen, would like to, 考法四 :动词+doing 结构: 这些动词有:avoid, dislike, enjoy, like, finish, forgive, keep, mind, miss, practice, suggest 考法五:固定时态:可以从我们学过的时态小任意考察。 【练习】:一般现在时:He always__________ (go) to school by bike. 【练习】:一般过去时:They_______ (sweep) the floor yesterday. 【练习 1: 一般将来时:The children_______________(help) to clean the city park. 【练习]:现在进行时:Tom_____________ (not do) his homework now. 【练习 1:过去进行时:My mother______________ (cook) when I got home. 孝注片;给词语变化形式:如果给 LB important > difficult> train > argue > deci de satisfy 等可以考虑变成它 的 名词形式。(当然还要根据句意,不能死搬硬套)。 1. Can you tell me the___________ (important) of studying English? 2. Making a good___________decide) is very important before the trouble.. 3.If you meet some_____________ (difficult),come on ,don't give up! 4. After six months of___________ (train) with the dog J could bring him home . 考法七:濟类: 1•祈使句的考法:_________________ (not forget) to clean the classroom ・ 2•三单的考法:His brother________________ (not like) playing the guitar. 3 •根据句意要使用哪种时态: 【练习】He______________(set up) a school for the poor children. 【练习】The thecher______________ (gave out) the apples for every boy. 4•动词放在句首(祈使句除外)不能直接做主语。 女口:_______ (be) a volunteer is very great. 三、句型转化经典题 1 .He has a fever.(划线部分提问)_______________________ with you ? 2.Can you came up with a better plan? (同义句)can you____________________ a better plan? 3. Jim looks sad. Let's make him happy•(同义句)Jim looks sad. Let's_____ him____________ . 4. 句型转化屮注意 because 和 because of 的互相转化。 5. 彳 J 型转化屮注意 so that 与 so...that 的互相转化。 6. 对于划线部分提问这类题,要把握住原则(划的什么就用什么特殊疑问词来提问)。 7.1 think he needs help.(否定句)I________think he__________help. 8 ・ You'd better take out the rubbish•(否定彳 U) Yoifd better___________ out the rubbish. 9. Could you lend me your book? (同义句)Could you________ your book________me. 10. Why don't you talk about these things with your family?(同义句) ________________________ about these things with your family? 11. He got up after his mother came back. (I 呵义句)___________ He____________ got up his mother came back. 12 ・ She should drink some water.(改为否定句).She_____ drink_________ water. 13. He fell down when playing soccer.(改为一般疑问句)_____ he_____ down when playing soccer? 14. When he crossed the street ,he saw an old man__________ (lie ) on the side of the street ・ 15 .上周 我感 冒了。_______________________________ last week. 四、做题易错点总结 易错一:否定句 some 不变成 any。(希望得到对方肯定回答时 some 不用变 any) 【练习】:Tom should eat something.(改为否定句) 【练习】:would you like_____ to eat ? A.something B.anything C.nothing D.everything 易错二:第三人称单数动词不加 So 1、Tom's family_____________ (watch) TV every night. 2^ It_________(take) me two hours to finish my homework every night. 3、He________ (get) up early every day. 易错三:用了助动词 do、does 和 did,后面的动词没有还原。 易錯四.•搞不清时态,所以动词就容易用错。Last week 与 next week 的意思理解反。 易错五:Z 首人写经常忘记。 易错六:thanks to 与 thanks for 容易混淆。 易錯七•• “just now”是“刚才”的意思,所以用于一般过去时,而不是现在进行时。 易错八••一些不规则动词的过去时不会写。 例如: begin ( )、buy ( )> catch ( )、drive ( )、fall ( )、think ( ) eat ( )、lie ( )、leave ( )、keep ( )、 give ( )、find ( )、 make ( )、put ( )、set ( )、see ( )、 spend ( )、take ( ) tell ( )、 write ( )、 易错九:&动词与行为动词一起用。 易错十:although 与 but 在一起用。 易错—:分不清 six years old 与 six-year - old 的区别 【练习】She is a____ girl with two big eyes. A.six-years- old B. six-year - old C. Six years old 易错十二:分不清形容词的用法 【练习】We all feel____ after hearing of the_______news. A. excited, excited B. exciting, exciting C. excited, exciting D. exciting, excited 易错十三:过去进行时 和一般过去吋混淆。 易管個••句首大写莫忘记!

资料: 1207


