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九年级英语上册期末复习综合练习 一、选择填空。选择最佳答案完成每题。(20 分) 1. Is there _____ you'd like to say to our leader? A. anything else B. something else C. everything else D. nothing else 2.1 learned______ the city for a long time. A. she has been to B. she has gone to C. she had been in D ・ she had gone to 3. By the end of last year we______each other for ten years . A. have known B. knew C ・ were knowing D. had known 4. Which language is spoken by___________people in the world? A. a large number B. the large number C. the large number of D. the largest number of 5. We call this dog Eddie . The sentence type is________• A. S+V+P B. S +V+DO+OC C. S+V+IO+DO D. S+V+DO 6.1 would rather___________the chance than____________her. A. not to take; to hurt B. not taking; hurting C. not take; hurt D ・ dorft take; to hurt 7. What you said just now_________ me of that American professor. A. informed B ・ reminded C. memorized D> mentioned 8 ・ They______learned about_______ French songs before they came here. A. had; three hundreds B. have; three hundreds C. had; three hundred D. have; three hundred 9.1 can hardly know________so complex a matter in such a case. A. how to do with B. what to do with C. what to deal with D. how dealing with 10. —I turned on the TV too late and missed the football match. A. Good luck B ・ Come on C. What a pity D. Never mind 11. A lot of people can't realize the importance of time______ they are too old. A. after B. when C. until D. as than we need to finish the work. C ・ very much 17. It's very nice________me the newspapers and magazines. A. of you to bring B. for you to bring C. for you bringing D. of you bringing 12. Pm not sure if he the match. If he 13. B. will win; wins of us has visited China Dinosaur Park. A. has won; win ____ , please call me at once. C. wins; wins D ・ wins; will win A. Every one B. Every one 14. How much did you______ the computer? A. pay B. pay for 15. He's already well again,______ he? A. is B. has C.A11 D. Every C. spend for C. isrf t D cost D. hasn't 16. Three weeks is quite long, but it9s_ A ・ far more B ・ far lessD. very little 18. 一 Km too busy. Could you do_______ to help me? 一 Of course. I can do________for you if you want me to. A. any thing; something B. something; nny thing C. anything; anything D. something; something 19. When I came here just now, I saw your son______with a black and white dog in the garden. A. play B. to play C. played D. playing 20-——You look rather tired,______ stop to have a rest? A .Don't you; much more B. Why not; a few more C. Why not to; a little more D. What about; a few many 二、完形填空。(10 分) One day when Jamie came home after school, his mother had on her "wo 门 y" face. He knew she was thinking of_1 — “It's bad out there. Black clouds are coming from the sea: Jamie said. “Yes. IF thinking of those fishing boats at sea/' she said. At that moment. _____ 2—went out. Jamie and his mother were in the dark. “The coastline(海岸)will be in the dark T Jamie's mother said. She got more worried•“—3 always come in threes. I broke my best glasses this morning, and my sister has the cold: "Now, don't worry, mum. They're —4 to come through this all right: But Jamie really worried about those fishing boats himself. The fishing boats would 5 the cove (用来停船的小海湾)in the dark. Jamie took flares (火焰信号弹)and rushed into the wind • There was a cliff (山肖壁)by the sea • He started to climb. He —6— himself up hand over hand ・ At last he reached the top. He —7 three times. On the fourth try he fired off(发射)one of bright light. Then he saw an answering flare up at sea. Jamie fired off two more. He saw “nother answering flare up, then anothe 匚 The answering flares from the fishing boats showed they —8 the entrance to the cove but then changed course (路线) and were —9 sailing into the cove ・ They were almost home. Janiie helped —10____ the fishermen of the village. ( )L A. the wind B ・ the clouds C ・ the rain D. the weather ( )2. A. Jamie B. his mother C. the fire D. the lights ( )3. A. Messages B. Accidents C. Troubles D. Questions ( )4. A. sure B. lucky C. safe D. ready ( )5. A lose B. miss C. leave D. forget ( )6. A. pushed B. pulled C ・ earned D. climbed ( )7. A. made B. tried C. failed D. finished ( )& A. were at B. had found C. had passed by D. were going into ( )9. A. now B. then C. once D. again ( )10. A. answer B.save C. find out D. look for 三、阅读理解。(20 分) A Is it difficult for you to get up in the morning ? Hiroyuki's bed will solve your problem ! Here is how it works • The bed is connected to an alarm clock • First, the alarm clock rings • You have a few minutes to wake up • Next, a tape recorder in the bed plays soft music . The tape recorder in Hiroyuki's bed plays a recording of his girlfriend . She whispered in a soft voice , "Wake up、darling , please : After minutes later, Hiroyuki hears a recording of his boss • His boss shouts , "Wake up at once, or you,Il be late !,' If you don" get up after the second recording , a mechanical “fboL in the bed will kick you in the head • The bed waits a few more minutes • What ! Yoifre still in bed ! Slowly the top of the bed rises higher and higher . The foot of the bed goes lower and lower . Finally you slide off the bed “nd onto the floor. You are out of bed awake ! Hiroyuki5s bed is not in stores • There is only one bed— the bed Hiroyuki made for a contest (竞赛)・ Maybe someday a company will make Hiroyukfs bed and sell it in stores • Maybe people will buy millions of beds • Then Hiroyuki will be rich . If the bed makes Hiroyuki rich , he worf t need to work , and he won't need to get up early ! 1. The bed is useful to the people________ • A. who can't sleep well B. who can't get up early C ・ who go to bed early D. who go to bed late 2. The bed is not connected to • A. an alarm clock B ・ a tape recorder C ・ a TV D ・ a mechanical "foot" 3. What will finally happen to Hiroyuki if he doesn't get up ? A. He will slide onto the floor. B ・ A tape recorder will play a recording of his boss. C. A mechanical "fooi will kick him in the head ・ D. The bed will rise higher and higher 4. Which is TRUE of the following sentences? A. Hiroyuki's company has made many such beds . B. Hiroyuki's bed is the only one made for a contest. C. Hiroyuki has made a lot of money • D. Hiroyuki needn't get up early now • 5. The word "whispei,in the second paragraph means “_______ M • A. speak loudly B. speak sadly C. speak angrily D ・ speak quietly B A man went to a fast-food restaurant to buy his lunch「Hi', an assistant(服务员)said . 'May I help you T Td like a hamburger , large chips , and a coke ,' the man said . 'Anything else T the assistant asked • "No/ the man answered . 'That is it / "Is that for here or to go T the assistant asked • "To go / the man said • The assistant put the man's lunch in a bag • The man took out his money and paid forhis lunch • "Thank you / the assistant said . 'Have a nice day/ The man took the bag and walked to a park . He sat down and opened the bag • He was amazed • There was no hamburger in the bag • There were no chips • There was no coke • There was only money in the bag ― a lot of money ! The man counted the money . Two thousand dollars ! Why was the money in the bag ? Where was the man's lunch ? The manager of the fast-food restaurant needed to go to the bank • He put two thousand dollars in an envelope (信封)• He put the envelope in a bag and put the bag down • The worker gave the manager's bag to the man by mistake • So the mnnager had a hamburger、chips and a coke, and the man had two thousand dollars ・ What should the man do ? 6. The man went to a restaurant to________ • A. buy his lunch B ・ have a rest C. sell drinks D ・ cook food 1. The man wanted to have his lunch_________ • A. in a hotel B. in a shop C ・ in a restaurant D. in a park 8. When the man opened the bag , he found__________ in it. A. food B. drink C ・ money C ・ nothing 9. How many people are mentioned (IS 至 U) in this story ? A. one B. two C. three D. four 10. How many kinds of food did the man ask for ? A. one B. two C. three D. four 四、词汇 A)根据句子的意思,用培号内所给词的适当形式填空,每空填一词 l.We will have a football match on the______________ Monday, (come) 2 ・ He has been_________ (success) in life and was a rich man. 3. Audrey's____________ (achieve) went beyond the film industry. 4 ・ Nanfang Weekend is a__________ (week) newspape 匚 5. Green represents____________(grow) and yellow can bring you______________ (warm) 6. He was____________ (吸弓 I) by her charm. 7. Mr. Li is one of the_________ (受害者)in the robbery. 8.1fs silly of you not to_____________ (原谅)forgive others for their faults. 9. You love peace and do not like to____________ (争论)with others. 10. Spending some time on our hobbies can help us________________(放松')・ B)用所给动词的适当形式填空 1. The woman who you_____________(talk) with yesterday will come here the day after tomorrow. 2. The football match between Chinese Team and Korean Team___________________ (cover) live on CCTV-5 at 9:00 next Sunday- 3- Shakespeare devoted his lifetime to________________ (write) plays • 4. Mrs. Li told me that she_______________ (finish) the work already. 5. She likes talking to others while_______________(wait) for the bus- 6.1 prefer_____________ at home to going shopping, (stay) 7. You'd better__________ (not go) out because if s snowing heavily. 8. Dorf t give up_________ (run). The fishing line is only 100 metres ahead 9. When you have difficulty_____________ (clo) your homework, you can call me. 10. Can you tell me how____________ (solve) the problem ? 五、 首字母填空。(10 分) Two years ago an important man came to visit us. He is Russian President Vladimir Putin(普京).Putin was b—1_______ in St. Peterburg, Russia's second largest city, in 1952. He came to office in 2000. Four years later, he was again the P 2 . Putin does a g—3 job making Russia great. People say that he is serious and capable (有能力的)• But young Putin wasn't a t—4________________student at all. His student's book and diary from 40 years ago show this. At a time when the top mark was five, Putin g____ 5— three for maths and science ・ His art was even w_____ 6___, only two. He sometimes forgot to finish his maths h_7______ • Once he forgot to wear school uniform. His teacher had to ask him get o_______ 8_____of the classroom. But Putin dicl very w_9________ in the moral class(品德课).He always got full marks. He also showed a s 10— love of Russia at an early age. 1._________ 2.__________3.____________ 4.___________5.____________ 6. ________ 7.__________8.____________ 9.___________10.___________ 六、 汉译英。(10 分) 1. 我们英语老师是个谦虚的人,从不炫耀自己。 Our English teacher________________________________________________________ . 2. 我们应该在作业和兴趣爱好之间得到平衡。 We should_______________________________________________ homework and hobbies • 3. 董洁想在这部戏中担任主角。 Dong Jie_______________________________________________________ in this play. 4. 在 Millie 去英国之前,已经学了十年英语。 Millie______________________________________________ before she went to England ・ 5. 穿红色衣服使你更容易采取行动。 red makes it •

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