九年级英语上册unit 5复习

九年级英语上册unit 5复习


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九年级英语上册 Unit 5 复习 名师导引 一、重点词 actress mourn effort enter industry attract novel lead shortly lifetime well-known final environment devote president peacefully last star terrible 二、重点词组 1.one of Hollywood’s favourite actresses 好莱坞空前受欢迎的女演员之一 2. mourn the loss of a great beauty 为失去一位大美女而哀痛 3. put one’s effort into … 全神贯注于……之中 4. be made into a play 被改编成一部戏剧 5. attract one’s attention 吸引了某人的注意力 6. make her final appearance in films 在电影中最后一次亮相 7. mark the beginning of her successful career 标志着她成功事业的开端 8. play the lead of an angel 扮演一位天使的角色 9. devote much of her time to (doing) sth. 把她的许多时间奉献给…… 10. the first one to arrive at the cinema 第一个到达电影院的人 11. fall in love with 爱上…… 12. take an actor’s training course 参加演员培训班课程 13. be experienced in acting 在表演方面有经验 14. arrive out of breath 气喘吁吁地到达 三、重点句型 1. She is famous not only in the USA, but also in other parts of the world. 她不但在美国出名,而且在世界上其它地方也有名。 2. Her dream was to become a successful ballet dancer. 她的梦想是成为一名成功的芭蕾舞演员。 3. She wanted to remind us that we should protect the environment by showing us the beauty of nature. 她想通过向我们展示大自然的美来提醒我们要保护环境。 4. They have a bad effect on people, especially teenagers. 它们对人们有不良影响,尤其是青少年。 四、语法 1. 过去完成时 (1) 构成:助动词 had + 动词的过去分词 (2) 过去完成时表示在过去某时或某个动作之前发生的动作或存在的状 态。如:The film had begun when we got to the cinema. (3) 过去完成时表示过去某一时间以前开始一直持续到那个时间并可能 延续下去的动作,常和 by,since ,for 引导的表时间的从句或短语 连用。如:The train had been away for two minutes by the time they arrived. 2. 用合适的情态动词表达你的观点 我们可用“应该(should, ought to),最好(had better)”向朋友提 建议。根据具体情况也会用“必须(must),只好(have to)”向别人提 出一些事件的想法。其中,should,ought to, had better,语气较委 婉;have to 和 must 语气较强。也可用 Why not,Why don’t you, perhaps 表达建议。 如:Mum often says that I should watch less TV on weekdays. You’d better not open the window because we all feel a bit cold. Students must hand in their homework on time every day. We’ll have to revise English tonight because of the test tomorrow. 基础整合 第 I 卷 一、 听力选择(共每小题 1 分,计 (A)回答问题 听下面六个问题, 从题中所给的 A,B,C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷 相应位置。每个问题读两遍。 1. A. Hold on, please. B. I’m Mr. Smith. C. No, thanks. 2. A. Is that so? B. Good idea. C. Not at all. 3. A. The farm and the people. B. It’s about a poor, kind-hearted man. C. Boring. 4. A. You don’t want to tell me. B. I’m a stranger, too. C. Thank you all the same. 5. A.Don’t say so. B. You are right. C. You are welcome. 6. A.It was Sunday. B. It was sunny. C. It is cloudy. (B)对话理解 听下面九段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A, B, C 三个选项中选出 最佳选项,并标在试卷相应位置。每段对话读二遍。 7. What’s wrong with Dick? A. Something is wrong with his hand. B. Something is wrong with his head. C. Something is wrong with his legs. 8.What are they going to do tomorrow morning? A. They are shopping. B. They are going to work in the zoo. C. They are going to visit the wild animals zoo. 9. When will they have an English party? A. Friday. B. Thursday. C. Wednesday. 10. How many tickets have Mike and Jane got altogether? A. Fifteen. B. Thirty—two. C. Seventeen. 11.Where is Miss Zhao? A. In the reading—room. B. In the language room. C. In the computer room. 12.What does David’s father do? A. He is a doctor. B. He is a driver. C. He is a farmer. 13. What are the man and the woman talking about? A. About the food. B. About the weather. C. About the work. 14.What is the man perhaps going to do ? A. To write a letter to Mr. White. B. To see Mr. White himself. C. To call Mr. White by phone. 15. Where does the conversation probably take place? A. In a restaurant. B. In a library. C. In a bookshop. (C)短文理解 听下面的短文,短文后有五个小题,从题中所给的 A, B, C 三个选项中选出最佳选 项,并标在试卷相应位置。短文读二遍。 16. What did the Frenchman come to England to do ? A. To visit his friend. B. To study English. C. To read books. 17. Where did the Frenchman live in England? A. Near a bird cage. B. In a language school. C. In an old lady’s home. 18. What did the Frenchman often do in the morning? A. He sat in the garden. B. He saw the bird. C. He did some reading. 19. Where was the bird cage often hung in the morning? A. On the tree in the garden. B. On the window upstairs. C. Either on the tree in the garden or on the window upstairs. What happened to the old lady one morning? A. She dropped her cage. B. She fell off the window. C. Her bird flew away. 二、选择填空 A) 单项填空(共 15 题,每小题 1 分,计 15 分) 21. Last weekend, I went to see a film _______Gong Li with my parents. A. stars B. starred C. starring D. is starring 22. Paul didn’t listen as __________ as Jimmy in class, so he made more mistakes in his exercises. A. more careful B. more carefully C. carefully D. careful 23. The film, Tales of Old Beijing, shows us _______ Beijing looked like many years ago. A. what B. how C. that D. which 24. Chen Kun’s first album (唱片)will _________ in November. A. get out B. give out C. put out D. come out 25. To our surprise, the thief is a _________ boy. A. 12 year old B. 12-year-old C. 12 years old D. 12-years-old 26. My father said he _____________ for Shanghai the next day. A. was going to leave B. is going to leave C. left D. had left 27. I found him ________, for he found the answer to the question___________. A. cleverly …. easily B. clever …. easy C. clever ….. easily D. clever ….. easy 28. What he said made me ________________. A. to feel excited B. feel exciting C. feel excited D. felt excited 29. Do you know _________? A. who is he talking B. who was he talking C. who he is talking D. who he is talking to 30. The film _______ for half an hour when I got to the cinema yesterday. A. has begun B. has been on C. had begun D. had been on 31. I don’t like _______ very much. I’d rather _________ a doctor. A. teach, to be B. to teach, be C. teaching, be D. teaching , being 32. ---Don’t pick flowers in the second garden next time, Bill. --- ___________ A. Don’t worry. B. Sorry, I won’t. C. Is that so? D. I have no idea . 33.They never knew what ________ to the world in a hundred years. A. will happen B. would happen C. had happened D. have happened 34. That old man died ____________ the age of eighty. A. on B. in C. with D. at 35. The number of the workers in the factory ___________ about two hundred. A. is B. am C . are D. be (B) 完形填空(共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,计 10 分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从 36—45 各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D) 中,选出最佳选项。 Have you ever seen any films starring Zhang Ziyi? Though some people don’t like her acting, she is well-known now not only in China, but also in the West. Zhang Ziyi’s first____36____ in an American movie was Rush Hour2() , but as she__37____ speak English, Jackie Chan had to translate everything the ____38____said to her. In Rush Hour2(), she played a character called “Hu Li”---the translation of this name into Mandarin Chinese is the word “fox”, ____39___ she has been in many kung-fu movies, she is not actually very good at it, so in fact she uses a lot of dance moves in her fight. She had attended the China Central Drama College, ____40___ dance before she became an actress. She is so talented in dancing that she____41____ the Beijing Dancing College at 11 and the Beijing dancing Academy at 15. Recently she had taken some ___42___ classes to have more development in America. There are four people in her family. Her father is an economist(经济学家) and her mother is a __43__ teacher for she loves babies a lot. After Zhang Ziyi became popular, she became ____44____ for many products such as Maybelline, Pantene shampoo, and Lenovo Computers. She is thought as _ 45____ after NBA player Yao Ming in some report. 36. A. appeared B. to appear C. appearance D. appearing 37. A. wouldn’t B. couldn’t C. didn’t D. mustn’t 38. A. filmmaker B. actor C. photographer D. director 39. A. Even though B. Even if C. However D. Because 40. A. studied B. studies C. studying D. study 41.A joined B. came C. arrived D. returned 42. A. Kung-fu B. dance C. English D. sing 43. A. college B. middle school A. primary school D. kindergarten (幼儿园) 44. A. model B. speaker C. seller D. producer 45. A. the most popular B. the second most popular C. as popular as D. less popular 三、 阅读理解(共 10 题,每小题 2 分,计 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A, B, C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项。 A Linda and David have traveled by air from London to Sydney, Australia. Linda has promised (答应)her mother that she will ring her to let her know that they have arrived safely. This is something she has done ever since she was a child. David thinks it is not a good idea to ring so far, to spend too much, and to say so little. “ If there was an accident,” he says, “they’d know soon enough. Bad news travels fast.” But Linda has promised that she would ring. “However,” she says, “it doesn’t cost much when you just think that it’s the other side of the world. It’s only six pence per second.” “If you talk on that telephone for less than a minute, I’ll eat my hat.” David says. “And one minute’s nearly four pounds.” “That’s no more than you’d pay for a new hat.” Linda answered. She asked the man at the hotel desk to get her the number. The telephone rings. Linda picks it up. “Hello, Mum. Is that you?” she says. “Six pence per second.” David reminds her. “Hello, love.” It is Mrs Lee, Linda’s mother, speaking from London. “I can hear you clearly just as if you were in the next room. It’s a better line when you called me from your office. Do you remember? I shouted at that time, and still you couldn’t hear me sometimes.” “ Yes, Mum.” Linda puts in. “I just want to ring to…” “I remember how you rang when you went to Betty’s house to eat, when you were a little girl. And then when you…” Mrs. Lee is a great talker. “Nearly four pounds,” says David. Linda tries to tell her mother that it’s time to say goodbye. “Yes, all right,” says Mrs. Lee. “But you’ll write , won’t you, as you did when you were at work…” Once again, Mrs. Lee talks about the past, and there is no stopping her. “Four pounds fifty,” says David. At last, Linda cuts her mother short, promises to write, and rings off. “There ! That wasn’t long, was it?” “ Four pounds, ninety pence.” David answers. “And you didn’t even say that we’ve arrived.” 46. Linda is telephoning home to____________. A. tell her mother some bad news B. say that she and David have arrived safely C. report an accident to her mother D. say that she and David have left London 47. Linda does not think it expensive to ring , because ___________. A. it only costs four pounds and ninety pence B. it is even more expensive to buy a new hat C. she has telephoned home since she was a child D. she will speak from one side of the world to the other 48. Linda tries to stop her mother by____________. A. telling her how much the call is costing B. writing a letter as she has promised to do C. telling her that they have arrived safely D. promising to write, and ringing off B Many children use the Internet to get useful knowledge and information, and to relax in their free time. But some of them are not using it in a good way. Here are some rules to make sure you are safe and have fun on the Internet. Make rules for Internet use with your parents. For example, when you can go online, for how long and what activities you can do online. Don’t give your password(密码) to anyone else, and never give out the following information: your real name, home address, age, school, phone number or other personal information. Check with your parents before giving out a credit(信用) card number. Never send a photo of yourself to someone in e-mail useless your parents say it’s OK. Check with your parents before going into a chat room. Different chat rooms have different rules and attract different kinds of people. You and your parents will want to make sure it’s a right place for you. Never agree to meet someone you met on the Internet without your parents’ permission. Never meet anyone you met online alone. Always remember that people online may not be who they say they are. Treat everyone online as if they are strangers. If something you see or read online makes you uncomfortable, leave the site. Tell your parents or a teacher right away. Treat other people as you’d like to be treated. Never use bad language. Remember—not everything you read on the Internet is true. 49. The writer tells children to____________. A. send their own photos to him B. make rules for Internet use with parents C. believe everything they read on the Internet D. give out their personal information 50. It’s good for children to _________ on the Internet. A. give password to others B. get useful knowledge and information C. give out a credit card number D. go into a chat room as they’d like to 51. If your parents don’t agree, never__________. A. read anything on the Internet B. relax in your free time C. have a face-to-face meeting with anyone you met online D. treat other people as you’d like to be treated C I felt very sad not to be able to get the ticket for the film Titanic last Friday. I learned in the newspaper that tickets could be bought at the cinema box office in Richland Hills any day between 10:00 and 4:00. Since I work from 9:00 to 5:30 the only time I could go to the cinema was during my 45-minute lunch time. It is a pity that the cinema is on the other side of the town, and the bus service between my office and Richland Hills is not very good. But if you are lucky, you can make the round trip in 45 minutes. Last Monday I stood at the bus stop for fifteen minutes, waiting for a bus. By the time I saw one come around the corner, there was not enough time left to make the trip—so I had to go back to the office. The same thing happened on Tuesday, and again on Wednesday. On Thursday my luck changed. I got on a bus right away and arrived at the cinema in twenty minutes. But when I got there, I found a long line of people at the box office. I heard one man say he had been waiting for over an hour. I found that I would not have enough time to wait in line. I caught the next bus and went back across the town. By Friday I understood my only hope was to make the trip by car. It was expensive, but I felt it would be worth it to see the film. The trip by car only took 10 minutes. When I reached the cinema, I was delighted to see that nobody was waiting in line. But I quickly found out that it was because they had already sold all the tickets. 52. He tried to go the cinema every day but really got there_________________. A. five times B. four times C. three times D. twice 53. What does the writer really want to tell us in this passage? A. It’s not convenient to live far away from the cinema. B. Unlucky things always happen in our life. C. It’s hard to buy tickets for popular films. D. We should take cars instead of buses because buses will take a lot of time. 54 Which of the following is TRUE according to the story? A. The writer was too busy to have time for a rest during the day. B. The buses running between his office and Richland Hills were always on time on Thursday. C. He couldn’t buy the tickets any day both before and after work hours. D. It always took him about twenty minutes to get to the cinema by bus. 55. Choose the best title for the story. A. Advice on Buying Tickets B. Tickets Sold Out C. A wonderful Film D. A difficult Problem 第 II 卷 四、单词拼写(共 10 题,每小题 1 分,计 10 分) 56. It’s our duty to protect the ________________(环境). 57. You should put your ________________( 努力 ) into your study. 58. The wonderful film ___________________( 吸引 ) their attention. 59. Do you like reading______________( 小说 ) in your free time? 60. Audrey passed away _______________( 平静地 ) in her sleep. 61. I like to go Beijing i_______________ of going to Shanghai. 62. Jack e___________ a lot of money last year. He is very rich now. 63. Audrey is well k__________ for her beauty. 64. Dong Cunrui was a hero. He d___________ his life to our country. 65.Gong Li is very e_______________ in acting. 五、词形变换( 共 10 个空格,每个空格 1 分,计 10 分;字数不限 ) 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。 66. Kitty was the first one _______________(arrive) at the cinema. 67. Daniel arrived out of __________ (breathe) at last. 68. Audrey Hepburn gave up __________(dance) fifteen years ago. 69. I heard many _____________(advertise) for UNICEF on the radio. 70. She is one of the most popular ___________( write) in the world. 71. She put all her effort into ballet ___________(train) before she entered the 72. Please remind us __________(close) the windows when we leave. 73. Do you think Gong Li is a great ___________(beautiful) ? 74. I like this job because I want to work ____________(close) with children. 75. Eating too much can make you ______________(health). 六、句子翻译 (共 5 小题,每小题 3 分,满分 15 分) 将下列句子译成英语。 76. 不但他,而且他的学生对这门课感兴趣。 _________________________________________________________________ 77. 这药对那位老人几乎没有作用。 _________________________________________________________________ 78. 她提醒我还没给我父母亲写信。 _________________________________________________________________ 79. 如果你想成为一名成功的芭蕾舞演员,为什么不全身心投入芭蕾舞训练呢? __________________________________________________________________ 80. 大多数成年人认为恐怖片不适合青少年。 __________________________________________________________________ 拓展提高 一、阅读理解: Aristotle lived in Greece over years ago. He was very interested in plants and animals and in how the human body works. The Greeks weren’t the only people interested in how body worked. Old drawings and texts from China and the Middle East also showed human organs(器官). Some even showed plant organ. At first, information about organs came from operations and from cutting up dead bodies. Now we can look at X-rays and body scans, too. In the late 1700s, a French doctor called Xavier Bichat did hundreds of post-mortems. Post-mortems are operations carried out on dead bodies, to find out what killed them. Bichat found that each human organ contains more than one kind of material. He listed 21 different kinds. Today , we call these materials tissues. Bichat wasn’t able to see the detailed structure of these tissues (组织), because he didn’t have a microscope. 1. What do we know about Aristotle? A. He is a Greek teacher. B. He loved to find out how human body worked. C. He shows great interest in art. D. He is good at drawing. 2. Who were interested in how the body worked? A. The Greeks and the French. B. The Greeks, the Chinese and people from the Middle East. C. The French and the Chinese. D. The Chinese and the Middle East. 3. In the old times, how could people learn the information about the organs? A. By reading books. B. By going to classes. C. By cutting up dead bodies. D. By using the microscope. 4. What does the word “post-mortems” mean? A. It is a kind of operation in order to save people’s lives. B. It is an examination carried out on the brain. C. It is a kind of examination which shows the reason why people are killed. D. It is a kind of body scan in order to find out the structure of the tissues. 5. What did the French doctor discover? A. Post-mortems. B. X-rays. C. Tissues. D. Microscope. 二、书面表达 假如你是王平,你将给你的笔友 Jack 写一封 e-mail,介绍你最喜欢的影星成龙 Jacky Chan。请根据下表所给的信息,写一段约 60 字的信。 Date of birth 1966 Star sign Aries Place of birth Hong Kong, China Appearance strong with a big nose Talents good at Chinese Kung-fu Other achievements devote his time to charity __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 9A Unit5 听力材料及答案 一 听力选择 (A). 回答问题 1.Hello. May I speak to Mr. Smith? 2.Why not come in and have a cup of tea? 3.What do you think about this novel? 4.Sorry, I’m a stranger here. I can’t tell you the way. 5.Thank you for helping me with my Chinese. 6.what was the weather like yesterday? (B). 对话理解 7. W:Are you feeling better today? M: Yes, a little better, thanks. But I still can’t walk. Q: What’s wrong with Dick? 8. W: We must be at school by 8 o’clock tomorrow morning. M: Why so early? W: We are going to visit the wild animals zoo. Q: What are they going to do tomorrow morning? 9. W: Is it Wednesday today? M: No, it’s Thursday. W: Oh, we’ll have an English party tomorrow, won’t we? M: Yes. Q: When will they have an English party? 10. W: Hello, Mike. Have you got any tickets? M: Yes. I’ve got fifteen tickets. How about you, Jane? W: Two more than you. Q: How many tickets have Mike and Jane got altogether? 11. W:Are your classmates in the classroom or in the language room? M: Neither. W: Where are they then? M: Some are in the reading room and the others are in the computer room with Miss Zhao. Q: Where is Miss Zhao? 12. W: David, can you tell us something about your father? M: Sure. My father works hard every day. So he is very busy. He plants rice, vegetables and apples. He often has a good harvest in autumn. Q: What does David’s father do? 13. M: How do you like this , Helen? W: It’s very nice. Of all the food, I like the cakes best. Q: What are the man and the woman talking about? 14. M: Do you know Mr. White’s telephone number? W: Sorry, I don’t know. Q: Where does the conversation probably take place? 15. W: Can I help you? M: Yes, please. I’ve come to return this book. And I’d like to borrow a story book. Q: What is the man perhaps going to do ? ( C).短文理解 A Frenchman came to England to study English. He lived in an old lady’s home. Every morning he did some reading by the window before he came to the class. The lady had a bird. Every morning the lady hung her cage on the tree in the garden or on her window upstairs. One morning when the lady took out her bird cage and tried to hang it on the window upstairs, the cage suddenly fell out of her hand. So she shouted, “Look out!” The Frenchman heard it and put his head out of the window to see what was happening. The cage was just in time to hit him on the head. 参考答案 一 听力选择 1-6 A B C C C B 7-15 C C A B C C A C B 16-B C C C A 二 选择填空 (A) 单项填空 21-35 C C A D B A C C D D C B B D A (B) 完形填空 36-45 C B D A C A C D A B 三、 阅读理解 (46-48) B D D (49-51) B B C (52-55) D B C B 四.单词拼写 56. environment 57. effort 58. attracted 59. novels 60. peacefully 61. instead 62. earned 63. known 64. devoted 65. experienced 五.词形变换 66. to arrive 67. breath 68. dancing 69. advertisements 70. writers 71. training 72. to close 73. beauty 74. closely 75. unhealthy 六.句子翻译 76. Not only he but also his students are interested in this subject. 77. The medicine has little effect on the old man. 78. She reminded me that I hadn’t written to my mother. 79. Why don’t you put all your effort into ballet training if you want to become a successful ballet dancer? 80. Most of the adults don’t think that horror films are suitable for teenagers. 拓展提高 一、 阅读理解: B B C C C 二、书面表达 Dear Jack: Do you know Jacky Chan? He is my favorite film star. He was born in 1966 in Hong Kong China. His star sign is Aries. He is not very tall but very strong. He has a big nose. He is quite good at Chinese Kung-fu, so he often plays the lead role in action films. Besides achievements in film industry, he also devotes much of his time to charities. Now, you have known much about him. Do you like him? I hope to hear from you soon! Yours sincerely, Wang Ping

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