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1 七年级英语上册总复习(一) 一、把下列汉语翻译成英文。 1. 姓氏 ______________________________ 2. 名字 ______________________________ 3. 电话号码 __________________________ 4. 请原谅 ____________________________ 5. 用英语表达 ________________________ 6. 电脑游戏 __________________________ 7. 一串钥匙 __________________________ 8. 失物招领 __________________________ 9. 我们的女儿 ________________________ 10. 他们的儿子 ________________________ 11. 她的父母亲 ________________________ 12. 他的祖父母亲 ______________________ 13. 为...而感谢 _______________________ 14. 在椅子上面 ________________________ 15. 在桌子下面 ________________________ 16. 在抽屉里面 ________________________ 17. 在教室外面 ________________________ 18. 在床底下 __________________________ 19. 我不知道 __________________________ 20. 打网球 ____________________________ 21. 参加体育运动 ______________________ 22. 看电视 ____________________________ 23. 每天 ______________________________ 24. 吃得好 ____________________________ 25. 许多、大量 ________________________ 26. 跑步明星 __________________________ 27. 健康的食物 ________________________ 28. 吃早餐 ____________________________ 29. 吃中餐 _____________________________ 30. 吃晚餐 _____________________________ 31. 多少钱 _____________________________ 32. 给你 _______________________________ 33. 不客气 _____________________________ 34. 看一看 _____________________________ 35. 廉价出售 ___________________________ 36. 把...卖给... _______________________ 37. 从...买... _________________________ 38. 生日快乐 ___________________________ 39. 出生日期 ___________________________ 40. 多大年纪 ___________________________ 41. 演讲比赛 ___________________________ 42. 排球赛 _____________________________ 43. 学校庆祝日 _________________________ 44. 音乐节 _____________________________ 45. ...岁(年龄) ______________________ 46. 去看电影 ___________________________ 47. 京剧 _______________________________ 48. 最喜爱的影星 _______________________ 49. 非常成功 ___________________________ 50. 在周末 _____________________________ 51. 弹钢琴 _____________________________ 52. 吹喇叭 _____________________________ 53. 下国际象棋 _________________________ 54. 去游泳 _____________________________ 55. 去购物 _____________________________ 56. 少许、少量 _________________________ 2 57. 说英语 ____________________________ 58. 参加艺术社团 ______________________ 59. 多谢 ______________________________ 60. 几点 ______________________________ 61. 去上学 ____________________________ 62. 起床 ______________________________ 63. 洗澡 ______________________________ 64. ...点钟 ___________________________ 65. 去上班 ____________________________ 66. 到达 ______________________________ 67. 睡觉 ________________________________ 68. 一整夜 ______________________________ 69. 一整天 ______________________________ 70. 做作业 ______________________________ 71. 回家 ________________________________ 72. 上数学课 ____________________________ 73. 午饭以后 ____________________________ 74. 下课后 ______________________________ 75. 和...玩 _____________________________ 76. 最喜爱的科目 ________________________ 二、连词成句。 1. What’s mane your? ____________________________________________________________________________________ 2. What name her is? ____________________________________________________________________________________ 3. name is fist Nick His. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 4. Smith Her name is last. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 5. Nice you to meet ! ____________________________________________________________________________________ 6. telephone your number What’s? ____________________________________________________________________________________ 7. this Is your book ? ____________________________________________________________________________________ 8. Is our teacher that? ____________________________________________________________________________________ 9. Please Marry at 123456 call . ____________________________________________________________________________________ 10. my is This ID card . ____________________________________________________________________________________ 11. brothers are These my . ____________________________________________________________________________________ 12. That is friend her. 3 ____________________________________________________________________________________ 13. are his Those parents . ____________________________________________________________________________________ 14. your Is she grandmather ? ____________________________________________________________________________________ 15. Is uncle he your ? ____________________________________________________________________________________ 16. Thanks your photo for the of family . ____________________________________________________________________________________ 17. is my Here photo family . ____________________________________________________________________________________ 18. is my Where backpack ? ____________________________________________________________________________________ 19. under is It the table . ____________________________________________________________________________________ 20. Where books are my ? ____________________________________________________________________________________ 21. are They bookcase on the. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 22. Are the in baseball your bag ? ____________________________________________________________________________________ 23. pen Is drawer my in your ? ____________________________________________________________________________________ 24. Please sister take things to your these. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 25. things Can bring some to you school ? ____________________________________________________________________________________ 26. volleyball Do you have a ? ____________________________________________________________________________________ 27. have Does he a tennis ? ____________________________________________________________________________________ 28. they Do a ping-pong have ball ? ____________________________________________________________________________________ 29. don’t I have a basketball . 4 ____________________________________________________________________________________ 30. racket She tennis doesn’t have a . ____________________________________________________________________________________ 31. Mr. Smith cellection has a sports great. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 32. plays Sonia sports every day . ____________________________________________________________________________________ 33. bananas Do like you ? ____________________________________________________________________________________ 34. like Does your father broccoli ? ____________________________________________________________________________________ 35. very much They like strawberries . ____________________________________________________________________________________ 36. She like pears doesn’t. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 37. you What do like ? ____________________________________________________________________________________ 38. food She a lot of eats healthy every day . ____________________________________________________________________________________ 39. I have bread breakfast and milk for . ____________________________________________________________________________________ 40. My family have , and rice vegetables , for lunch chichen. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 41. for dinner Helen fish, eggs and rice has . ____________________________________________________________________________________ 42. dinner have What does he for ? ____________________________________________________________________________________ 43. How much hat isthis ? ____________________________________________________________________________________ 44. How much are the pants ? ____________________________________________________________________________________ 45. How many want apples do you ? ____________________________________________________________________________________ 七年级英语上册总复习(二) 5 46. Haw much do you bread need ? ____________________________________________________________________________________ 47. Can you me with help my math ? ____________________________________________________________________________________ 48. help Can you his him to do homework ? ____________________________________________________________________________________ 49. Her history mather help study her. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 50. We have dollars great for only 12 bags. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 51. your When is birthday ? ____________________________________________________________________________________ 52. My is Septenmber 10th birthday . ____________________________________________________________________________________ 53. Tom’s When is birthday ? ____________________________________________________________________________________ 54. May 23rd His birthday is. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 55. old She 13 years is. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 56. go to a movie Do want to you? ____________________________________________________________________________________ 57. but I like comedies I don’t like action movies . ____________________________________________________________________________________ 58. and Tom kongfu he likes Beijing Opera likes. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 59. with I often friend go to movies my . ____________________________________________________________________________________ 60. is a very seccessful This thriller . ____________________________________________________________________________________ 61. like I also cartoon. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 62. likes She too math, . 6 ____________________________________________________________________________________ 63. I think this thriller don't is scary . ____________________________________________________________________________________ 64. really like June action movies . ____________________________________________________________________________________ 65. Can violin you play the ? ____________________________________________________________________________________ 66. speak She can English very well . ____________________________________________________________________________________ 67. He draw can a little . ____________________________________________________________________________________ 68. want to What club do you jion ? ____________________________________________________________________________________ 69. I know your name May ? ____________________________________________________________________________________ 70. What go to school time do you? ____________________________________________________________________________________ 71. get up I usually at 6:00 o’clock . ____________________________________________________________________________________ 72. Tony takes a shower usually a 7:30p.m. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 73. me Listen to, please ! ____________________________________________________________________________________ 74. people When do usually eat dinner ? ____________________________________________________________________________________ 75. favorite What’s your subjet ? ____________________________________________________________________________________ 76. science My favorite subject is . ____________________________________________________________________________________ 77. favorite Her subject biologe is . ____________________________________________________________________________________ 78. 4 English classes We have in a week . ____________________________________________________________________________________ 三、用所给词的适当形式填空。 7 A) 1. Jenny _______ a girl. She_______. 2. How _______ you teacher? 3. My father’s name_______ Tom. 4. _______ Mr. Owen have a daughter? 5. What kind of movies _______ your aunt like? 6. What _______ they want to do? 7. _______ you help me? 8. What _______ she do for us? 9. I can play the guitar but I _______ play the piano. B) 用所给的代词的适当形式填空填空(参考课本 95 和 96 页表格) 1. Can you help _______( I ) with _______( I ) English? 2. Come and buy for _______. ( you ) 3. I need _______ ( you )help. 4. _______ (they) teacher is also _______ ( we ) teacher. 5. Lily has a cat. _______ ( it ) name is Mimi. 6. Helen is a beautiful girl. Everybody likes _______. ( she ) 7. Jackie Chan is my favorite movie star. Do you know _______? ( he ) 8. Their mother wants _______ (they) to buy some apples. C)1. We have lots of _______ (sock) in all _______. (color ) 2. My sister buys many _______( tomato ) for dinner. 3. This is her _______ ( nine ) birthday. 4. My brother is the _______ ( one ) son of my parents. 5. I have _______ (fifteen) dollars. 6. How many _______ ( stawberry) do you want? 7. How much _______ ( fruit ) does he need? 8. There are a lot of _______ ( milk ) at home. D) 1. _______ she _______ ( have )a new friend? 2. Let’s _______ ( have ) a birthday party for our mother. 3. Jim and his brother _______ ( play ) tennis. 4. Mike plays football _______. ( good ) 5. John ______________ ( do not ) want to go swimming. 6. Jane _______ ( like ) thrillers. 7. The shop only _______ ( sell ) girls’ clothes. 8. I want _______ ( see ) a comedy with you. 9. She wants her son _______ ( be ) a doctor. 10.He ______________ ( not think) the house is big. 11.I______________ ( not think ) it is funny. 12.Jack likes _________ ( China ) history. 13. Shaolin Temple is a very _________ ( success ) action movie. 14.That sounds _________. ( relax ) 四、句型转换。 be be do can 8 1. She is Lucy. ( 改为同义句 ) _________ _________ is Lucy. 2. His name is Tony. ( 就划线部分提问 ) _________ _________ name? 3. That’s an English book. ( 改为否定句 ) _________ _________ an English book. 4. This is an apple. ( 改为选择疑问句 ) _________ _________ an apple _________ an egg? 5. Mr. Green is Jim’s fther. ( 就划线部分提问 ) _________ _________ Mr. Green? 6. Jane’s grandfather is sixty years old now. ( 就划线部分提问 ) _________ _________ is Jane’s grandfather? 7. The baseball is in the backpack. ( 改为否定句 ) The baseball _________ in the backpack 8. I know that old teacher. ( 改为否定句 ) I _________ know that old teacher. 9. The pencilcases are under the bed. ( 就划线部分提问 ) _________ _________ the pencilcases? 10. I have ten pens. ( 就划线部分提问 ) _________ _________ pens _________ you have? 11.Can I help you? _________ can I _________ for you? ( 改为同义句 ) 12.The skirt is 25 dollas. ( 就划线部分提问 ) _________ _________ is the skirt? 13.She has two black sweaters. ( 就划线部分提问 ) _________ she _________ two black sweaters? 14.She like comedies and action movies.( 就划线部分提问 ) _________ _________ of movies _________ she _________? 15.Marry can play the violin very well. ( 改为否定句 ) Marry _________ _________ play the violin very well. 16. John usually get up at 6:00 o’clock. ( 就划线部分提问 ) _________ _________ _________ John usually get up?

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