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7B Unit 1 Revision 1.______________________________ Would you like to live in a______________(宫殿)? 一・ Yes,____________________________ . 2. He lives__________ (紧靠)the_________ (最大的)restaurant_____________ (在#成里). 3. Which is_____________________________ (法国首都)? 4. 我住在离伦敦 15 英里的镇上。[_____________________________ 15_____________________ London. 5. 我经常在我的花园里玩的很开心。I often________________________ /______________________ ______in my garden. 6. 我住在莫斯科市中心的一套公寓的九楼。I live___________________________floor_______ a flat ________________________________Moscow. 7. 谁和你合用书房? Who____________ the study___________________? 8. Mike 喜欢身術床上听音乐。 Mike likes_____________________________________________ . 9. 我拥冇自己的卧室。1 have________________________________ /________________________ 1(). 看窗外的沙滩! Look___________________ the window___________________________ ! 11 .花园是种花的最好地方 o The garden__________________________________________________ flowers. 12. The CN Tower is 1、815 (英尺)tall.(提问) 13. 我们学校占地 5 万平方米。Our school__________________________________ 50,000 _______ 14. There are more than 8() families__________ (live) in our village. 15. Lucy is always the first one__________ (get) to school in our class. 16. Today is my_______________ (四十)birthday. 17. He lives on the___________ (十一)floor while I live on the_____________ (四)floo 匚 He lives ________(上面)me. 18. Thanks for___________ (help) me___________ (in/on/at/with) my study. 19. His shirt isn't the same as my shirt. (|呵义句)His shirt___________________________________ 20. 你的花园里全是花。我也想有一个满是鲜花的花园。Your garden___________________________ _________ flowers. I hope__________________(have) a garden____________________________. 21. Could you ask him________________(not call) me again at night? 22.1 want to buy a__________(wash)________ (机器)_____________ (wash) my clothes. 23. My dream home__________________________________________ a hill(在山狀卩下). 24. Thanks for__________(邀请)me____________ (watch) the film with you. 25. It's good___________ (live) in a place like that. 26. Can I____________________ (稍个口 信)? 27. It's helpful to learn English by watching_____________ (视频). 28. 加拿大_______________ 29.百________________________ 30.千___________________ 31.刀(pl) _______________ 32.书房(pl.) ________________ 33. Ill_________________ 7B U2 Revision 1. ______ you afraid he won't welcome________________________ (像他们那样的拜访者)? 2. 你的邻居们都是什么样的? _____________your_______________________ ? 3. My friends are friendly and helpful.___________________________ your friends? = ___________ _______ your friends__________ ? 4. This desk is Lucy and Mary^. = Lucy________ the desk__________ Mary. 5. Can you help_______ my homework? I have problems___________ it.(介词填空) 6. 我的电脑出故障了,我需要一个工程师帮我检测并修一下。 ________________________________ my computer. = My computer_____________________ . I need________________________ help me__________ and___________it. 7. Many____________ (大学)students arc volunteers and they arc ready______________(help) others any time ・ & Would you like____________ (shop) with me this weekend? 9.1 am__________________________________________(等他完成)his work. ]0 ・ It's so__________ (cloud). I think it__________________(rain). 11 ・ He ________________(pay) a visit to Suzhou next weekend, isnX he? 12. -一_______Simon____________ (play) football with his friend tomorrow? -一 Yes, he will. 13. Amy with her mother________________________________________(正在计划一天的出游). 14. Mike is Wendy5s_________ (old) brother. 15._________________________ His uncle is a (经理). (提问) _____________ his uncle__________ ? /_____________________ his uncle's_________ ? _______his uncle? 16. ( ) He often goes to work________bus and I often go to work_______ underground. A. by, on B. on, by C. on a, on a D. by, on an 17. What has happened to those____________ (生病的)people? 18. ( )______the afternoon of 1() April, we had a match against Class 5 ・ A. At B. On C. In D. By 19. Can you read the________________________ (以 卜的信息)for me? 20. Are you not___________________ (感觉舒服)these days? 21. Fm___________(worry) about not___________ (have) enough food to eat tonight. 22. __________________________________ (我们所冇的组员)_____________________ _________ (了解很多关于……的知识)styles and colours. 23. He may___________ (help) you when you are in trouble. 24.社区:__________________________ 26.损坏的:_______________________ 28.____________________________人 :________________________________ 30.____________________________ 布 告/通知:__________________________ 25.技能:__________________________ 27.办公室:________________________ 29.____________________________ 艺 术家:______________________________ 31.____________________________ 任 何事:_____________________________ 7B Unit 3 Revision L An old friend of____________ (I) wants to visit me this weekend. = One of my old___________ would like to visit me this weekend ・ 2. We may order a pizza ・(同义句) _________ we_________ order a pizza. 3. Is five yuan_____________ a tin of dog food ・ 4. Let's visit the park together.(同义句) _____________visit the park together? _____________visit the park together? _______________________ visit the park together? ____________________the park together? 5. There5re many books___________ (read) in Nanjing Library. 6. There arc many people__________(jog) in the park now ・ It's good for us_________ (jog). 7. Beijing______________________ (以........ 出名)Beijing duck and Beijing opera. 8. It_____(花费)an hour___________ (get) to the shopping mall on foot. 9. ( ) Dad bought a mobile_____ me_______ my birthday present. A. for, as B. for, for C. to, as D. to, for 10. Pm________________________________________(期待着见你)you. 11. Tom,_________ (not niiss) the opera shows at our_______________ (当 土也 fl 勺居 0 院). 12. People in the__________, like American people, like eating____________food, (west) 13. ______ (jog) makes me feel great, so I often_______ (jog) in the morning. 14. The__________ (明信片)on the desk arc__________(me). 15. The key ring there is___________ •(提问)_____________________the key ring? =________ ______the key ring__________________? 16. Tom, your books are_____________________________ (至 lj 处都是). 17. You can see all kinds of_________________________ (艺术晶)in the P________ Museum. 1 & There arc boys__________________ the lake (在湖面上划船)every week here. 19. Shall we meet_______________________________ (在你住的宾馆前)tomorrow mornig? 20. The park is five kilometers away. (提 I'MJ )___________________ the park? 21. It is 5 (minute) by bike.(提问)_____________________it? 22.1 want to_______ (拥有)a____________(A: four-bedrooms, B: 4 七 edroom C: 4 bedrooms) flat in the center of Nanjing. 23. There are many___________(练习)books on the desk. 24. Some families______________(利〔植刀、麦),__________________________ (―些养牛). 25.1_________________________________ would like to_______________ (带 参观)my (家 乡). 26. My dad________________________ (开车带我回家)every day. 27.1 can often hear little Tom_________ (play) the piano after suppe 匚 2& The dish__________ (闻起来)really nice. 29. You can visit ___________ (博物馆)to__________________________ (全面 了解)China's histoiy there. 30. _________(没有什么)________ (be) difficult to me. 31.___________________ 安静的___________________________ 32.很快,不久_____________ 33.友 好的____________________ 7B Unit4 Revision 1. _________________________ (另|J 害怕)of the dog. It won't hurt you. 2. Suzy_______________________(不害怕)the dog at all. 3. There is a________ (小径)_________ the hill________ the river (在.........和...........之间). 4. We will have the lesson________(between/and?) 8 o'clock to &40 a.m. 5. Maybe they will come here before the meeting starts. Fm not s__________ . 6. He______________(不得不)go 叩___________(再一次). (改否定句) He___________________go up ... 7. The park_____________________________(西北)our school. & We will____________________________________ (进行_次到……的旅游)South Hill. 9. He likes eating_________ (竹 了)and_______________________________________________ (整天躺着). 10. Lions are the_____________________________________(动物世界的王者). 11. ___________(i 己住)that you should turn off the lights before you go out.= _____________________________________the lights before_________ out. 12. The little bird_________________________________________________ (当它唱歌时发出美 妙的声音). 13. The monkey always_________________ (跳來跳去)and makes little Tom_________(大笑). 14. ____________________________ them!(绝不要走近它们) 15. ■一 Is the shop________(open) or closed now? -■■- It usually_______ (open) at 8 a.m. 16. ■一____ your best friend________ ? — He is kind and helpful. Everyone________ (like) him. 17. What can you see_________ (在另一边)the________ (桥)? 18. You should walk___________a bookshop and then you can see Sunny Garden.(在另一边) 19. Simon lives two floors___________________(在我楼 卜)and I live two floors____________ . 20. _直走到十字路口。Go_______________________ to the___________________ . 21. __________________/_________ (走过)the bridge and you'll find the______________(宝藏) under the tree. 22. Turn right at the second____________ (转弯处).(同义句) 23. The bookshop is______________________________________(在角落)the street. 24. 在红绿灯处我该走哪条路? Which_________________ I__________ the________________ ? 25. I will___________p________________ food and drinks___________ (准备大量的食物和饮料 给.........)my friends at the party. 26. Do you know how I can get to the zoo?= Do you know_________________________________ the zoo? 27. Can you tell me where the zoo is?= Can you tell me________________________ the zoo? 28. You can____________________________ (乘地铁)there. = You can get there _____________ ____________ /_____________________________. 29. There is always busy_____________ (来往车辆)览 rush hours. 30. 危险的________________ 31.长颈鹿_______________________ 32.相当的___________________ 33.树叶(pl.) ___________ 34.长椅(pl) _________________

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