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可修改 1 贵州省兴仁市凤凰中学 2020-2021 学年高一英语下学期期末考试试 题 满分:150 分 测试时间:120 分钟 第Ⅰ卷 听力(每小题 1.5 分,共 30 分) 第一节 听下面 5 段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A.B.C 三个选项中选出最佳 选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和 阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. Who wants to borrow the camera? A. Jane B. Alice C. David 2. What does the man mean? A. Buy some more paint. B. Get someone to help them. C. Finish painting the rooms tomorrow. 3. Where does the conversation take place? A. In a shop B. In a supermarket C. In a restaurant 4. What does the woman want to do? A. Buy tickets. B. Exchange notes. C. Have the machine repaired. 5. What’s the regular price for the woman’s haircut? A. 20 yuan B. 40 yuan C. 60 yuan 第二节 听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A. B. C 三个 选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各 个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两 遍。 听下面一段对话,回答第 6 和第 7 两个小题。 可修改 2 6. How many people are there in Steve’s family? A. Four B. Five C. six 7. Who is an office clerk? A. Steve’s mother B. Steve’s father C. Steve’s brother 听下面一段对话,回答第 8 和第 9 两个小题。 8. Why does the man talk to the woman? A. To cancel an appointment. B. To change an appointment C. To make an appointment 9. What does Mr. Green do? A. A manager B. A dentist C. A teacher. 听下面一段对话,回答第 10 至第 12 三个小题。 10. What did the man do last night? A. He fixed his phone B. He went to a party C. He went out for dinner 11. Why did the woman call the man? A. To play games with him. B. To tell him the homework. C. To get help from him. 12. Whom will the woman call next? A. Jane B. Henry C. Lewis 听下面一段对话,回答第 13 至第 16 四个小题。 13. What are the speakers talking about? A. A plan on Friday. B. A concert. C. A dance party. 14. What day is it today? A. Saturday B. Friday C. Thursday 15. Why won’t the man go to the Cool Bar? A. He dislikes the music. B. It is always too crowded. C. The food is too expensive. 16. What is the woman’s problem? 可修改 3 A. She can’t understand Latin. B. She doesn’t like Latin music. C. She is not good at Latin dance. 听下面一段独白,回答第 17 至第 20 四个小题。 17. Why is the speaker going to Australia? A. His sister just gave birth to a baby. B. His sister will get married. C. His sister is terribly ill. 18. What will the speaker do in Sydney? A. See a show. B. Visit his friends. C. Do some scuba-diving. 19. Where will the speaker go on the 10th. A. Sydney B. Melbourne C. Canberra 20. When will the speaker arrive in London? A. On the 10th. B. on the 11th. C. on the 12th. 第 II 卷 选择题(共 70 分) 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 40 分) 第一节(共 15 小题,每小题 2 分,满分 30 分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A Michelle Obama From March 20 to 26, the US first lady was on a trip to China with her daughters and mother. She met China’s first lady Peng Liyuan in Beijing. They went to the Forbidden City and had dinner together. Then they went to Xi’an and Chengdu. Michelle gave a speech at No. 7 High School in Chengdu, talking about the importance of education. 可修改 4 Jiang Wenshan He’s a 32-year-old man who was born without his left arm. He entered a university with a high score in “Gaokao”. He often takes part in volunteer activities to help others like him. He traveled to more than 60 cities by selling his dreams online. Jiang not only sold his dreams, he also “sold” his courage. He has helped many other disabled people realize their dreams. Wang Changdian Wang, 63, is a retired(退休) policeman in Lushan, Ya’an, Sichuan. After the Lushan earthquake that killed 176 people took place on April 20, 2013, Wang volunteered to work in Qingjiang, a mountain village in Siyan to help the villagers rebuild homes. 21. What did Michelle do at No. 7 High School in Chengdu? A. She gave a speech on education. B. She had dinner with China’s first lady. C. She talked with a retired teacher. D. She wanted to visit her friend. 22. Jiang Wenshan traveled with the money he made by ______ . A. teaching in different schools B. selling his dreams online C. working in a mountain village D. taking part-time job. 23. Wang Changdian went to Qingjiang Village to ______. A. help to rebuild homes for the villagers. B. work as a volunteer teacher. C. meet his daughters and mother. D. build a house for himself. 可修改 5 B I’m sitting in class and Miss White says, “Get a “My hero is” book, everyone.” That’s when I start thinking about my hero and how she has overcome so many difficulties like they were never happened. My mom lived in North Carolina and a couple of months before she found out she was pregnant with me, she moved to Utah. She said she didn’t know what to do because she was a single mother with hope of giving her daughter a better future. She didn’t know who she could leave me with and they could look after me when she worked, either. I still remember walking in whatever weather with my mom to Burger King and I sat in one of tables waiting for her to get out of work. She tried to keep an eye on me from whatever station she was in and came out once in a while to bring me some food. I would just have to wait, then we walked back home and went to sleep, which was everyday routine. One day we were eating lunch and one of the workers came up to her and said, “You’re a beautiful strong woman”. He brought me a toy and told me I was cute. Since then he drove mom to work every day and we no longer had to walk in the snowy, rainy, or hot weather. On July 24, 2012, they got married. I was very happy that my mom finally found her happiness. My mom was strong enough to overcome everything that tried to stop her from becoming who she is now. I thank my mom so much for loving me and always taking care of me. I also thank my step dad for accepting my mom for who she was and making her happy. Mom is a warrior for jumping through so many obstacles and for being as strong as a rock. Then I snap back to reality. That book makes me see how many heroes there are in this world and how special each one of them is. One day we will find all the heroes who make us become better persons. 24. Who does “my hero” in Paragraph 1 refer to? A. Miss White. B. The author. C. The author’s mom. D. The author’s step dad. 可修改 6 25. What can we learn about the author’s mother from the passage? A. She never gets married again because of me. B. She is such a young mother that she lacks responsibility. C. She always leaves me alone in Burger King while working. D. She has overcome many difficulties while bringing me up. 26. What did the author think of her mother? A. Kind and diligent. B. Strong and great. C. Strong and friendly. D. Special and beautiful. 27. What is the main idea of this passage? A. It is a story of a young single mother. B. It is about the author’s unhappy childhood. C. It is about the difficulties the author’s mother met. D. It is about the hero in author’s heart — her mother. C If you wish to become a better reader, here are four important things to remember about reading rate: ● Knowing why you are reading or what you are reading to find out will often help you to know whether to read rapidly or slowly. ● Some things should be read slowly throughout. Examples are directions for making or doing something, arithmetic problems, science and history books, which are full of important information. You must read such things slowly to remember each important step and understand each important ideas. ● Some things should be read rapidly throughout. Examples are simple stories meant for enjoyment, news letters from friends, pieces of news from local, or home-town, papers, telling what is happening to friends and neighbors. ● In some of your reading, you must change your speed from fast to slow and slow to fast, as you go along. You will need to read certain pages rapidly and then slow down and do more careful reading when you come to important ideas which must be remembered. 28. The underlined word "rate" in the first sentence means _______. 可修改 7 A. fast B. slow C. speed D. skill 29. Which should be read slowly according to the passage? A. Stories for enjoyment B. Arithmetic problems C. Letters from friends D. News from hometown newspapers 30. How fast should we read? A. The faster, the better. B. The more slowly, the better. C. Neither too fast nor too slow. D. It depends on what we are reading. 31. According to the passage which of the following is NOT true? A. Read slowly when you are reading something important to you. B. Read fast when you are reading something unimportant to you. C. Read the materials that you are interested in slowly. D. Read the materials that you are interested in fast. D There was once a lonely girl who longed(渴望) desperately for love. One day while she was walking in the woods she found two starving song birds. She took them home and put them in a small golden cage. She nurtured (养育) them with love and the birds grew strong. Every morning they greeted her with a marvelous (动听的) song. The girl felt great love for the birds. She wanted their singing to last forever. One day the girl left the door to the cage open. The larger and stronger of the two birds flew from the cage. The girl watched anxiously as he circled high above her. She was so frightened that he would fly away and she would never see him again that as he flew close, she grasped(抓) at him wildly. She caught him in her fist. She seized him tightly within her hand. Her heart delighted at her success in capturing him. Suddenly she felt the bird go limp. She opened her hand stared in horror(惊恐) at the dead bird. Her desperate seizing love had killed him. She noticed the other bird swinging on the edge of the cage. She could feel his great need for freedom, his need to fly high into the clear, blue sky. She lifted him from the cage and threw him softly into the air. The bird circled once, twice, three times. The girl looked delightedly at the bird’s enjoyment. Her heart was no longer 可修改 8 concerned with her loss. She wanted the bird to be happy. Suddenly the bird flew closer and landed softly on her shoulder. It sang the sweetest melody(旋律), she had ever heard. The fastest way to lose love is to hold on too tight, the best way to keep love is to give it — WINGS! 32. Why did the girl save the two starving birds? A. To make money. B. To seek love. C. To protect other birds. D. To enjoy the songs. 33. The underlined phrase in Paragraph 2 probably means ________. A. get ill B. be tight C. turn weak D. become wild 34. What can we learn about the second bird? A. He was set free and sang songs in return. B. He pretended to stay in the cage. C. He managed to escape from the cage. D. He tried hard to help his fellow bird. 35. The main purpose of the passage is to tell us ________. A. how to protect birds B. how to nurture birds C. how to keep your love D. how to share your love 第二节(共 5 小题,每小题 2 分,满分 10 分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 How to Improve Your Conversation Skills Good conversation skills are important in any situation. You can improve your business, personal, social and dating life with these skills. ◆Smile. _____36_____ It will put the other person at ease and show that you are pleasant and friendly. ◆Their Name. Nothing impresses people more than having their name remembered and used in conversation. Make a serious effort to remember their name from the start so you don’t have to ask again. _____37_____ ◆_____38_____ Keep your conversations moving by talking about many different things, like sports, movies, weather, current(当下的) events, food and pretty much anything else. Also, ask questions to expand on what has already been talked about. Get all 可修改 9 the details about the other person’s favorite sport before going on to another topic. ◆Relate to Them. Other people will open up more once you’ve done the same about yourself. Find something in your own experiences to share on whatever topic the other person is talking about. ◆Let Them Know. If you find something interesting in their conversation, let them know. _____39_____ That will encourage them to keep going and offer more to the conversation. ◆Mirror(反映) Them. Another way to make someone else more comfortable during a conversation is to take cues from their tone and body language. By “mirroring” them, they will feel more at ease because you will seem more familiar to them. Use hand gestures if they do, sit casually if they do, and speak at the same pace as they do. _____40_____ Practice one or two of them until you are comfortable using them before trying another one. In a few months, your conversation skills will be much improved. A. Then use it occasionally(偶尔) throughout the conversation, but don’t overdo it. B. In my experience, it’s a very good idea to hold eye contact all the time. C. Tell the other person that their story was interesting or thoughtful. D. Nothing will invite more conversation than a friendly smile. E. Anybody can talk about the news or express basic opinions. F. Don’t try all these techniques at once. G. Explore(探索) Your Topics. 第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节) 第一节 完形填空(共 20 小题,每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出可以填入空白处 的最佳选项。 I used to be a very self-centered person, but in the past two years I have really changed. I have started to think about other people 41 I think about myself. I am happy that I am becoming a 42 person. I think my 43 started when I was at Palomar College. At first, I just wanted to get my 44 and be left alone. I thought I was smarter than everyone 可修改 10 else, so I hardly ever 45 to anyone in my classes. By the end of my first semester, I was really 46 . It seemed as if everyone but me had made friends and was having fun. So I tried a(n) 47 . I started asking people around me how they were doing, and if they were having trouble I 48 to help. That was really a big 49 for me. By the end of the year, I had several new friends, and two of 50 are still my best friends today. A bigger cause of my new 51 , however, came when I took a part-time job at a Vista Nursing Home. One old lady there who had Alzheimer’s disease became my 52 . Every time I came into her room, she was so 53 because she thought I was her daughter. Her real daughter never 54 her, so I took her place. She let me 55 that making others feel good made me feel good, too. When she died, I was 56 , but I was very grateful to her. I think I am a much 57 person today than I used to be, and I hope I will not 58 these experiences. They have 59 me to care about other people more than about myself. I 60 who I am today, and I could not say that a few years ago. 41. A. since B. before C. or D. unless 42. A. famous B. simple C. different D. skilled 43. A. education B. career C. tour D. change 44. A. balance B. homework C. degree D. interest 45. A. talked B. wrote C. lied D. reported 46. A. careful B. lonely C. curious D. guilty 47. A. argument B. game C. experiment D. defence 48. A. dared B. offered C. hesitated D. happened 49. A. dream B. problem C. duty D. step 50. A. us B. which C. them D. whom 51. A. attitude B. hobby C. hope D. luck 52. A. friend B. partner C. guide D. guest 53. A. polite B. happy C. strange D. confident 54. A. bothered B. answered C. visited D. trusted 可修改 11 55. A. explain B. guess C. declare D. see 56. A. homeless B. heartbroken C. bad-tempered D. hopeless 57. A. quieter B. busier C. better D. richer 58. A. forget B. face C. improve D. analyze 59. A. forced B. preferred C. ordered D. taught 60. A. miss B. like C. wonder D. expect 第III卷 非选择题(共 50 分) 第二节 语法填空(共 10 小题,每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分) 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容或括号内单词的正确形式。 My friend had a chance to make a trip to Hong Kong 61 August 15, 2015. He had dreamed about 62 (visit) it since his boyhood and it was the first time that he had been there. The following was what he had seen. Arriving there, he 63 (impress) by its beautiful scenery and tall buildings. 64 we all know, Hong Kong has the 65 (many) skyscrapers(摩 天大楼) in the world. Wherever he went, he saw many smiling faces. People in Hong Kong were kind, generous, easygoing(随和的) and ready to help 66 (other). Much to his surprise, he saw that people there always kept order in public 67 (place).Though a great number of people were waiting for the next train at the subway station, they were talking in such a low voice as not to disturb others. Chinese and English 68 (be) the official languages of Hong Kong. English is 69 (wide) used in governments, markets, service centers and other fields. Staying there for a week was 70 good experience for him, which he would never forget. 第四部分写作(共两节,满分 35 分) 第一节短文改错(共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 10 分) 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中有 10 处语言错误,每句中最多有三处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、修改或删除。 增加:在缺字处加一个漏字符号(^),并在其下面写出该加的词。 可修改 12 删除:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉。 删除:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2.只允许修改 10 处,多者(从第 11 处起)不计分。 Dear Mary, Last month my brother and I visited Nanjing and we stay at the Central Hotel for a week. It is in the center of the city, but it is easy to go anywhere from the hotel by the bus. We lived in comfortable double-room with a big bath. That I liked best was the free high-speed Internet connection in the room. I checked many email message every day. I also shared for my friends many photos taking in Nanjing. The food was wonderfully with reasonable prices and we enjoyed several local dishes. It is such a great hotel that I’ll recommend it to any friend of me who is going to Nanjing. I wish you success and fulfillment in the future. Yours, Li Hua 第二节 书面表达(满分 25 分) 假定你是李华,你的留学生朋友 Steven 打算在你市找一家中国餐馆庆祝生日。为此, 他发邮件向你打听相关事宜。请你用英语给他回封邮件,内容包括: 1, 表达祝愿 2, 推荐餐馆(地址,价格,菜肴等) 3, 建议预定 预定:make a reservation 菜肴:dish 推荐:recommend 4, 词数 100 词左右注意:1.词数:100 词左右; Dear Steven, 可修改 13 Yours, Li Hua 可修改 14 高一下期末考试答案 第Ⅰ卷 听力(共 30 分) 每小题 1.5 1-5 BBCAC 6-7 BB 8-9 CB 10-12 CCA 13-16 ACAC 17--20 AABC 第 II 卷 选择题(共 70 分) 每小题 2 分 21-23 ABA 24-27 CDBD 28-31 CBDD 32-35 BCAC 36-40 DAGCF 每小题 1.5 分 41-45 BCDCA 46-50 BCBDC 51-55 AABCD 56-60 BCADB 第III卷 非选择题(共 50 分) 61-70 填空题(每小 1.5 分题) 61. on 62.visiting 63.was impressed 64.As 65.most 66. others 67.places 68.are 69. widely 70.a 71 在答题卡上的原文答题(共 10 小题,每小题 1 分) 每小题 1 分 Dear Mary, Last month my brother and I visited Nanjing and we stay(改为 stayed) at the Central Hotel for a week. It is in the center of the city, but(改为 and/so) it is easy to go anywhere from the hotel by the(去掉 the) bus. We lived in (添加 a) comfortable double-room with a big bath. That(改为 What) I liked best was the free high-speed Internet connection in the room. I checked many email message(改为 messages) every day. I also shared for(改为 with) my friends many photos taking(改为 taken) in Nanjing. The food was wonderfully(改为 wonderful) with reasonable prices and we enjoyed several local dishes. It is such a great hotel that I’ll recommend it to any friend of me(改为 mine) who is going to Nanjing. I wish you success and fulfillment in the future. Yours, Li Hua 可修改 15 第二节 书面表达(满分 25 分) 范文 Dear Steven, I am very happy to hear from you. How is everything going on with you? To my great delight, you said you will hold your birthday party in our city. I am writing to you to help you choose the best restaurant so that you will enjoy yourselves that day. There is a red brick restaurant called “Happy House For Eating” on street5. The reason why I recommend it to you is that there are various dishes, including Chinese food and western food. Moreover, all the food is delicious and has reasonable prices. Most importantly, people here are so friendly that they always make you feel at home. For these reasons, I strongly suggest you to make an early reservation of it. I hope that my suggestions are helpful for you. Meanwhile, I sincerely wish “happy birthday to you”, and please don’t forget to invite me to your party as well. 作文评分标准: 不得分(O 分): 未能传达给读者仟何有效信息:内容太少,无法评判;写的内容均与所要求内容无关或所 写内容无法看清。 第一档(1-5 分): 未完成试题规定的任务,信息未能传达给读者。明显遗漏主要内容,写了一些无关内容, 原因可能是未理解试题要求。语法结构单调、词汇项目有限。较多语法结构或词汇方面的错 误,影响对写作内容的理解。缺乏语句间的连接成分,内容不连贯。 第二档(6-10 分); 未恰当完成试题规定的任务,信息未能清楚地传达给读者。漏掉或未描述清楚一-些主 要内容,写了一些无关内容。语法结构单调、词汇项目有限。有一些语法结构或词汇方面的 错误,影响了对写作内容的理解。--较少使用语句间的连接成分,内容缺少连贯性。 第三档(11-15 分): 可修改 16 基本完成了试题规定的任务,整体而言,基本达到了预期的写作目的。虽漏掉一些内容, 但覆盖所有主要内容。应用的语法结构和词汇能满足任务的要求。有一些语法结构或词汇方 面的错误,但不影响理解。应用简单的语句间的连接成分,使全文内容连贯。 第四档(16-20 分): 完全完成了试题规定的任务,达到了预期的写作目的。虽漏掉工、2 个次重点,但覆盖 所有主要内容。应用的语法结构和词汇能满足任务的要求。语法结构或词汇方面应用基本准 确,些许错误主要是因尝试较复杂语法结构或词汇所致。应用简单的语句间的连接成分,使 全文结构紧凑。 第五档(21-25 分): 完全完成了试题规定的任务,完全达到了预期的写作目的--覆盖所有内容要点。应用了 较多的语法结构和词汇。语法结构或词汇方面有些许错误,但为尽力使用较复杂结构或较高 级词汇所致;具备较强的语言运用能力。有效地使用了语句间的连接成分,使全文结构紧凑。

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