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2019-2020 年高一英语暑假假期作业 11 I.单句改错 1. The physics teacher said the earth moved around the sun. ______________________________________________________________ 2. Can you tell me how can I set down what the teacher teaches in class? ______________________________________________________________ 3. Tom told his teacher that he broke the vase(花瓶)on purpose. ______________________________________________________________ 4. I can’t imagine how they were upset when they heard they couldn’t pass the driving test. ____________________________________________________________________ 5. She asked me if I was tired of the boring work or not. ____________________________________________________________________ Ⅱ. 用方框内所给词或短语的适当形式填空 entirely, suffer, settle, pack up, ignore, angry, recover, power, loneliness, get tired of 1. He ________ what the teacher said and looked out of the window. 2. Everybody knows that China is now a ________ country. 3. He doesn’t feel ________, though he lives alone. 4. He couldn’t speak out a word because of ________. 5. She was ________ from a headache. 6. They ________ in a small village last week. 7. The patient perfectly ________ from his illness. 8. He ________ listening to your criticisms (批评). 9. He ________ his things and left. 10. The ________ village was washed away in the flood. Ⅲ. 完形填空 Nick was not the kind of boy I had expected to spend my summer with. I was hoping to have a __1__ the summer before my busy senior year, but my mother asked me to do her a __2__. One of her colleagues needed a full - time __3__. “ You planned to volunteer at the local hospital; why not volunteer to __4__ Nick instead?” Then she told me that this six-year-old boy was not a __5__ child. Nick was a lovely little boy who suffered from many disorders. Normal day-care centers would not __6__ him. As a baby, he had serious ear infections which left him with equilibrium(平 衡)problems. He couldn't __7__ or run properly. I was __8__ if I was to take the job when my mother __9__, “Don't you want to be a nurse in the future? I doubt if you even have the __10__.” Then I told her I was __11__ for the job. The day started at 7:00 a.m. Nick was my wake-up call! With so much energy and very little __12__ , he was quite a mix. At the park, when he saw all the other children play on the jungle gym and swings, the boy's face __13__ up—How he wished he belonged to the group of his age! You would think it would be__14__ to get a child to go down a slide(滑梯). Believe me, it wasn't! It took time, a lot of time. But with patience and support, Nick took one step up the slide each day. We worked together to face his __15__ and gradually he got closer to taking the slide of his life. Halfway through the summer, he __16__ it to the top of the slide. With my arms holding him tightly, we flew down the slide! I waited for his __17__. After realizing that he was safe and sound, he gave me a big __18__ and asked, “May I go down again, alone?” I had never been happier in my life when I saw this little child climb the ladder and enjoy what other children __19__ for granted. This __20__ child taught me that being a nurse means respect, kindness and patience. 1.A. grade B.course C.project D.relaxation 2.A. service B.favour C.business D.trade 3.A. nurse B.waitress C.guard D.guide 4.A. protect B.assist C.attend D.fort 5.A. normal B.naughty C.clever D.happy 6.A. admit B.receive C.accept D.adopt 7.A. speak B.play C.stand D.walk 8.A. hesitating B.wondering C.questioning D.doubting 9.A. suggested B.argued C.challenged D.mented 10.A. energy B.courage C.faith D.time 11.A. eager B.sorry C.grateful D.ready 12.A. awareness B.balance C.knowledge D.control 13.A. delighted B.cheered C.lit D.shut 14.A. demanding B.simple C.interesting D.flexible 15.A. fears B.worries C.chances D.situations 16.A. climbed B.got C.managed D.made 17.A. laughter B.reaction C.answer D.greeting 18.A. kiss B.clap C.wele D.surprise 19.A. play B.do C.take D.enjoy 20.A. miserable B.smart C.brave D.special IV.阅读理解 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 This short story on friendship is very inspiring(鼓舞人心的) and tells you about true friendship. It teaches a valuable lesson about friendship and how friends should be. Click here to check out this short story about friends. Long time ago in ancient Greece, there was a man named Socrates who was knowledgeable. A person came to Socrates and told Socrates that he has some information to tell him about his friend. Before he could even start talking about his friend, Socrates told him to take a test known as the TripleFilter Test. The first test was the filter(滤波器) of truth. Socrates asked him if the information he had was the truth. The person said that he had just heard it on the way and was not sure if it was the truth. The second filter was that of goodness(好处). He asked if the information was anything good about his friend. The man said it wasn’t. The third filter was that of usefulness. Socrates asked if the information was useful to him in any way. The man replied “no”. Socrates then answered that when the information about a friend is not true, good or useful, then why it should be conveyed(传达) at all. The moral(寓意) of the story is that you may always join in the gossip(传闻), but when it es to your friends it is just not worth it. You know your friends better than others. So you must avoid talking behind the back of your dearest friends. It only leads to bad relations and shows that you are not reliable(值得信任的) as a friend. 21. The text is taken from ________. A. a story book B. a magazine C. the Internet D. the newspaper 22. From the text we can infer the underlined word “triple” means“ ________ ”. A. one B. two C. three D. four 23. What was the purpose of Socrates telling the person to take a test? A. Socrates wanted to tell if the person was honest. B. Socrates wanted to know some true information about his friend. C. Socrates wanted to give the man a lesson. D. Socrates wanted to show off his rich knowledge. 24. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the text? A. The person was sure what he had heard was true. B. Socrates believed that what the person said was true. C. The man answered the second question “yes”. D. If you are reliable as a friend, don’t believe gossip. V. 语法填空 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词。 Anne was __1__ on June 12, 1929 into a Jewish and German family. She had an elder sister __2__(who) name was Margot. Anne’s father __3__(run) his own family bank and her mother was a housewife. In 1942, __4__ the Second World War __5__ (break) out, a secret __6__(hide) place was built for Anne’s family. Anne brought with her a __7__ which was given by her father on her 13th birthday to the hiding place. During the time in the hiding place, they had to be very __8__(care) in order not to be found by the Nazis. __9__, one day on August 4, 1944, the secret place was __10__(discover) and the people in the hiding place were arrested (逮捕). Anne and her sister died of typhus (斑疹伤 寒)at last. 假期作业 11 答案 Ⅰ.单句改错 答案 1. moved→moves 2. can I→I can 3. broke→had broken 4. how they were upset→ how upset they were 5. if→whether Ⅱ.用方框内所给词或短语的适当形式填空 答案 1. ignored 2. powerful 3. lonely 4. anger 5. suffering 6. settled 7. recovered 8. gets tired of 9. packed up 10. entire Ⅲ .完形填空 答案及解析: 1. D。由空格后的 busy 可知作者想在繁忙的高中开始前度过一个放松的假期,所以用 relaxation,与 busy 形成对比。 2. B。句意为:“母亲请求我给她帮一个忙”,固定短语:do sb. a favour “帮某人一个忙”。 3. A。结合下文作者照料那个小孩可知,作者母亲的同事需要一个专职的保姆。 4. C。句意为:“既然你选择了在医院里做志愿者,那么为什么你不可以去照料 Nick 呢?”attend 意为”照料”,符合句意。 5. A。 句意为:“然后母亲告诉我那个六岁的男孩不是一个正常人。”normal 正常的。 6. C。句意为:“Nick 是一个可爱的小男孩,但是他患了很多疾病,以至于日常护理中心不愿 意接受小 Nick。” 7. D。因为有平衡问题,所以小 Nick 在走路或者跑步上都有麻烦,也就是说他不能像正常人 一样去活动。 8. A。 句意为:我正在犹豫着是否要接受这个工作时,母亲说道:“难道你将来不想成为一 名护士吗?我想你根本就没有勇气。”hesitate 犹豫。 9. C。为了让作者接受这个工作,母亲采用了激将法,所以用 challenge 来表示“挑战性地说”。 10. B。 作者的犹豫让母亲知道了作者最初不接受这个工作的原因,那即是作者被小孩子的 状况吓坏了,没有了勇气,所以该空用 courage. 11. D。 在母亲的挑战下,我说我准备好了,愿意接受。be ready for sth.准备好了去做某事。 12. B。 该句讲述 Nick 的状况:精力多但是又不能自己保持平衡。 13. C。 小 Nick 看到别的孩子在玩耍,自己的脸上也放出了光,变得兴奋了。light up 发光, 变兴奋;cheer up 高兴起来(尤指从悲伤中变得高兴)。 14. B。 一般人会认为让一个孩子从滑梯上滑下来是一件极其简单的事情,但是对小 Nick 而 言,却绝非简单。 15. A。句意为:“我们一起来面对 Nick 感到害怕的东西以及担心的东西。” 16. D。 考查短语:make it to sp.成功到达某个地方。 17. B。 18. A。孩子表示爱意的一种方法是用嘴去亲吻大人的面颊。 19. C。考查短语 take sth. for granted 视某事为理所当然。 20. D。经过一段时间的接触, Nick 这个特殊的孩子让作者明白了“作为一名护士需要尊重、 耐心和友善。” IV.阅读理解 答案与解析 21. 答案 C 解析 细节理解题。根据文章第一段的最后一句 So click here to check out this short story about friends.可知,这篇文章应是从网上摘录的。 22. 答案 C 解析 词义猜测题。根据文章第三段的 The first test was the filter of truth ... The second filter was that of goodness ... The third filter was that of usefulness 可知,这个试验分为三个步骤, 因此,可以推断 triple 是“三个”的意思。 23. 答案 C 解析 细节理解题。根据文章最后一段的理解可知,苏格拉底让这个人做这个测试是让他明 白:当谈论到你的朋友时,不要相信别人的道听途说,因为你应该更了解你的朋友,所以是 为了给他一个教训。 24. 答案 D 解析 推理判断题。根据文章第三段的第三句可知 A 项错误。根据第二段的最后一句可知, 苏格拉底并没有听他说,所以可知 B 项错误。由第三段的最后一句可知他的回答是否定的, C 项错误。由最后一段可知 D 项对。 V. 语法填空 答案 1. born 2. whose 3. ran 4. when 5. broke 6. hiding 7. diary 8. careful 9. However 10. discovered

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