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2021 预测中考英语作文 3 篇 20xx 中考英语作文篇 1 目前,有不少中学生不做家务,一些父母认为:中学生学习负担重,首要任 务是学习。再者,中学生也不知道怎样做家务。请你就此用英文给一家报社写一 篇短文,阐述你的观点和看法。 注意: 1. 词数:100 左右; 2. 可根据内容要点适当增加细节,使行文连贯。 Nowadays, some students don’t help their parents do housework at home. Some parents love their children too much and don’t let them work at home. On one hand, they think that their children are too busy with their studies and expect them to do well in their lessons only. On the other hand, they think their children don’t know how to do the housework. However, I think students should help their parents do housework at home. First, that can develop their love for work. Next, that can help them understand their parents better. Last and the most important, that can help them cultivate their ability to live. 20xx 中考英语作文篇 2 假设你叫陈泉,昨天收到了笔友 David 的 e-mail,得知他不久要到芜湖来 学习中文。他想了解如何学好中文。请你用英文给他回复一封 e-mail,介绍学 习中文的体会和方法,提出你的建议,以及表达你帮助他学好中文的愿望。关于 回复 E-Mail 的英语作文 Sample: Dear David, I'm glad you'll come to Wuhu to learn Chinese. Chinese is very useful, and many foreigners are learning it now. It's difficult for you because it's quite different from English. You have to remember as many Chinese words as possible. It's also important to do some reading and writing. You can watch TV and listen to the radio to practice your listening. Do your best to talk with people in Chinese. You can learn Chinese not only from books but also from people around you. If you have any questions, please ask me. I'm sure you'll learn Chinese well. Hope to see you soon in Wuhu. Yours, Chen Quan 20xx 中考英语作文篇 3 An Unforgotten Summer Holiday How time flies! I'm fifteen years now. During that longtime, there was one thing that I will never forget. When I was 9 years old, my family took the bus to my grandparents'. Inthe bus, I had a good seat. At 7:30, the bus came to a village. A woman got on with a baby in her arms. Atthat time, there was no seat. But she must lookafter her baby carefully. She had to stand next to me. I wanted to stand upand let her sit down, but I was afraidof hearing the other people say “That girl wants to be praised.” I looked around. Most people were looking out of the windows and some were sleeping. Suddenly, alittle boy behind me, stood up and maderoom for the woman. She said:“Thank you very much” with abig smile. The boy smiled, too. When I told my cousin about it after that,he said :“That child is a great boy.” I'mvery ashamed. Why couldn't I do the same thing as the little boy did? From that, I knew that we should doour best to help people who need help. If everyone makes a contributionto helping others, the world will become much more beautiful!

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