人教PEP版五年级英语上册Unit6Inanaturepark第1课时 x

人教PEP版五年级英语上册Unit6Inanaturepark第1课时 x


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Unit 6 In a nature park Introduce Are there any trees? Words boating [ˈbəʊtɪŋ] 作动词,意为“划船” eg:go boating去划船 Let’s go boating. 让我们去划船。 小练习: Let’s___________(去划船)in the park.go boating Words nature park 作名词,意为“自然公园” 常用例句: There is a lake in the nature park. 在自然公园里有一个湖。 小练习:Is village in there the park near nature a There is a village near the nature park. Words forest [ˈfɒrɪst] 作名词,意为“森林,丛林” 常用例句: Tracks lead off into black forest. 车道开始走进黑漆漆的森林。 小练习: There is a _________(森林)near the river.forest Translations Miss White: Children, let’s go to the forest! 孩子们,让我们到森林里去。 Children: Yeah! 耶! Zhang Peng: Is there a river in the forest, Miss White? 森林里面有河吗,怀特小姐? Miss White: No, there isn’t. 没有。 Translations Zhang Peng: Is there a lake, Miss White? 那有湖吗,怀特小姐? Miss White: Yes, there is and there are some small boats. 是的,并且湖里还有许多小船。 Zhang Peng: Cool! Let’s go boating. 太酷了!让我们去划船吧! Expressions 小练习:________there a boy in the room? A.Is B. Are Is there a river in the park? 在这个公园里有一条河吗? 这是“there be”句型的一般疑问句,“is there”是对单数进行提问。 回答时一般用“Yes, there is.”或“No, there isn’t.” eg:Is there a lake in the forest? 在森林里有一个湖吗? A Expand 经典寓言故事 Giving the Seeding a Hand Long long ago, in ancient China, there lived a farmer.He was worried about his seeding growing too slowly. One day, he went to the farmland and pulled up the seeding one by one .When he returned home, he was very exhausted.” I am tired out today, ”he said to his family ,"I helped the seeding to grow.” His son was surprised. He hurried to the fields to see what had happened .It turned out that all the seeding had shriveled up. Expand 拔苗助长 从前,有一个农民总是担心自己种的秧苗长得 太慢。 一天,他到田里把秧苗一个一个地拔了起来, 当他回到家时,十分兴奋,“我今天很累,”他对 家人说到,“我再帮秧苗长大。” 他的儿子很奇怪就跑去田里看到地发生了什么 ,一看所有的秧苗都枯萎了 Summary Words: boating;nature park; forest Sentences: is there...? Exercise 根据下面的对话判断正误,正确的打“√”,错误的打“ⅹ”。 John: Let’s go to the park. Oliver: Is there a river in the park? John: No, there isn’t. Mike: Is there a lake in the park? John: Yes, there is. Liu Tao: Is there a forest? John: Oh, Yes, there is. It’s a nature park. Exercise 根据下面的对话判断正误,正确的打“√”,错误的打“ⅹ”。 1、They will go to the nature park. (   ) 2、There is a river in the park. (   ) 3、 There is a lake in the park. (   ) 4、There is a forest in the park. (   ) √ x √ √ Exercise 根据中文选择正确的单词。 (  )1、小山 A. hill B. mountain (  )2、高山 A. hill B. mountain (  )3、森林 A. forest B. tree (  )4、河流 A. river B. lake (  )5、湖泊 A. river B. lake A B A A B Exercise 在方框内找出下列问句的适当答语。 ( )1、What can you do? ( )2、Is she clever? ( )3、What would you like to eat? ( )4、Is there a dog in the room? ( )5、What’s he like? ( )6、Do you often play football? A、Yes, I do. B、No, there isn’t. C、I can swim. D、Yes, she is. E、I’d like a sandwich. F、He’s helpful. C D E B F A Exercise 判断下面每组单词中画线部分的发音是否一样,同√,不同ⅹ。 1、house mouse(   ) 2、sound count (   ) 3、flower wow (   ) 4、around cow (   ) 5、count down (   ) 6、snow now (   ) 7、yellow flower (   ) √ √ √ √ √ ⅹ ⅹ Homework Describe a park near your home.

资料: 1.5万


