2022届高考英语一轮复习第二部分高考题型组合练组合练八完形填空 语法填空 写作含解析新人教版 (1)
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word 文档 - 1 - / 8 组合练(八) 完形填空+语法填空+写作 Ⅰ.完形填空 (2020·潍坊 4 月模拟)I was woken up by the dog barking in the early morning. I went outside to find a koala (考拉) at the yard gate wanting to enter. It was the first time that I had 1 a koala in my neighborhood. What a wele 2 ! I was wondering why he was here, as koalas 3 came down from the trees and didn't like walking, either. 4 , there was no eucalyptus (桉树) around. Was he hungry or lost? Or maybe the bushfire across Kangaroo Island 5 him here? He just sat there, apparently 6 , and sort of looked at me with a look, like helping me out of my suffering. At a(n) 7 look, I discovered a long cut on his back with blood, 8 of attacks or cuts of something sharp in some other way. I rushed into my room and came out with some iodophor (碘伏). It was not a 9 problem as I was a nurse. This poor soul seemed to quite 10 my kindness when I 11 the cut with the liquid. It 12 me that he came to seek my 13 ! After the treatment, I watched the koala finally 14 in the wild, hoping he was able to 15 the hard time and live his life as he should. [语篇解读] 本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲述了作者偶遇并救助一只考拉的经历。 1.A.grabbed B.encountered C.investigated D.tackled 解析:根据上文的“I went outside to find a koala at the yard gate wanting to enter.” 可知,这是作者第一次在附近见到考拉。 encounter“意外地遇见”。 答案:B 2.A.chance `B.relief C.surprise D.message 解析:根据上文的“It was the first time”可知,作者第一次在附近见到考拉,会感到很惊 讶。surprise“惊奇,惊讶”。 答案:C 3.A.frequently B.slightly word 文档 - 2 - / 8 C.mostly D.rarely 解析:根据下文的“and didn't like walking,either”可知,作者不知道它为什么来这里, 因为考拉很少从树上下来,也不喜欢走动。rarely“很少”符合语境。 答案:D 4.A.Once more B.Ever since C.Just then D.Then again 解析:空后陈述另外的情况,表示“不过这附近也没有桉树”。then again 表示“不过,另一 方面”。once more“再一次”;ever since“从此”;just then“就在那时”。 答案:D 5.A.pursued B.drove C.followed D.cast 解析:这里是作者的猜测,它是饿了还是迷路了?还是森林大火把它逼到了这里?drive“逼 迫,迫使”。 答案:B 6.A.in pain B.in order C.in fort D.in disappointment 解析:根据下文的“sort of looked at me with a look,like helping me out of my suffering”“I discovered a long cut on his back with blood”可知,考拉受了伤。显然很 痛苦。in pain“疼痛;痛苦地”;in order“就绪,妥当”;in fort“舒适地”;in disappointment “失望地”。 答案:A 7.A.quick B.close C.eager D.anxious 解析:根据下文的“I discovered a long cut on his back with...cuts of something sharp in some other way”可知,作者靠近看,发现它背上有一道长长的伤口。 答案:B 8.A.features B.symbols C.signs D.series 解析:考拉的背上有一道长长的伤口,有血迹,这是它受到攻击或者被某种锋利的东西割伤 的痕迹,故 sign“痕迹,迹象”符合语境。 word 文档 - 3 - / 8 答案:C 9.A.crucial B.small C.distinct D.tricky 解析:根据下文的“as I was a nurse”可知,作者是护士,所以处理伤口不是一件难事。tricky “棘手的,难办的”。 答案:D 10.A.ignore B.answer C.understand D.anticipate 解析:这个可怜的家伙似乎很明白作者的善意。understand“明白,理解”。 答案:C 11.A.touched B.felt C.tapped D.treated 解析:根据上文的“I rushed into...some iodophor.”可知,作者用碘伏治疗考拉的伤口。 treat“医疗,医治,治疗”。 答案:D 12.A.appealed to B.referred to C.occurred to D.addressed to 解析:结合语境可知,此处表示作者忽然想到它是来寻求帮助的。appeal to“呼吁”;refer to “参考,提及”;occur to“被想到”。 答案:C 13.A.help B.advice C.approval D.fortune 解析:参见上题解析。 答案:A 14.A.exploring B.rushing C.jogging D.disappearing 解析:此处表示治疗之后,作者看着考拉最终消失在野外。disappear“消失”。 答案:D 15.A.experience B.survive C.escape D.have word 文档 - 4 - / 8 解析:根据下文的“the hard time and live his life as he should”可知,作者希望它大难 不死,过它应该过的生活。survive 在此作及物动词,表示“艰难度过,从(困难)中挺过来”。 答案:B Ⅱ.语法填空 Leather is a hugely popular material for a range of products, but this 1. (popular) es at a price. The global leather industry kills over a billion animals every year. This 2. (cause) many to ask the question: Is it possible to meet the global demand of leather without 3. (do) any harm to animals? A process called biofabrication (生物制造) may be the answer. Biofabrication is not new; it is already monly used in medicine. Scientists have applied the technique to grow body parts like ears, skin, and bones for transplants (移植). But it can also 4. (use) to make other products, such as leather. Scientists will be able to make biofabricated leather with whatever qualities they want, such as extra softness, greater strength, or even different colors and patterns. But how 5. (exact) does biofabrication work? 6. (grow) leather, scientists begin by taking some cells from an animal, not hurting 7. animal in any way. They then set the cells apart and grow them in a lab. This process takes millions of cells and expands them into billions. Next, the scientists take the cells and spread them out to form thin sheets, 8. are then put together to bine into a little 9. (thick) sheets. Anyone can then dye and finish the leather and design it in any way they like. Andras Forgacs supports biofabrication. He says it may even be a “natural evolution of manufacturing for mankind”. We will be able to make the products we need in an efficient, responsible, 10. creative way. [语篇解读] 本文是一篇说明文。全球皮革工业每年会导致超过 10 亿只动物丧生。是否有可 能在不对动物造成任何伤害的情况下来满足全球对皮革的需求呢?生物制造工程可能是答 案。 1.解析:考查词性转换。分析句子结构可知,句子缺主语,故用所给词的名词形式 popularity。 答案:popularity 2.解析:考查时态和主谓一致。根据上文可知,全球皮革工业每年都会导致很多动物丧生, 此处强调这现象对现在的影响或者造成的结果,应用现在完成时,且句子的主语为单数,故 word 文档 - 5 - / 8 填 has caused。 答案:has caused 3.解析:考查非谓语动词。without 为介词,其后应该用动词-ing 形式,故填 doing。 答案:doing 4.解析:考查语态。句子的主语 it 和谓语动词 use 为被动关系。又因为 can 为情态动词, 其后用动词原形,故填 be used。 答案:be used 5.解析:考查词性转换。设空处应该用副词修饰动词 work,故填 exactly。 答案:exactly 6.解析:考查非谓语动词。根据句意可知,设空处表目的,应用不定式作状语,又因其在句 首,故首字母要大写。 答案:To grow 7.解析:考查冠词。空前已经提及 an animal,此处应为特指,故填 the。 答案:the 8.解析:考查非限制性定语从句。分析句子结构可知,空处引导非限制性定语从句,且在定 语从句中作主语,先行词是 thin sheets,指物,故填 which。 答案:which 9.解析:考查形容词比较级。根据句意以及空前的 a little 可知应用形容词比较级,故填 thicker。 答案:thicker 10.解析:考查连词。空前为两个并列的形容词,空后也是形容词,且表达的感情色彩与前 面一致,故用 and 连接。 答案:and Ⅲ.写作 应用文写作 (2020·某某质量检测)由于越来越多的中式英语(Chinese English)被收录到《牛津英语词典》 (TheOxfordEnglishDictionary)中,比如“add oil(加油)”,你校准备举办一场主题为“你如 何看待中式英语?”的英文演讲比赛。你准备参加,请写一篇演讲稿。内容包括: 1.描述“中式英语”现象; 2.表明你的看法。 word 文档 - 6 - / 8 注意:1.词数 80 左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 Dear friends, That's all. Thank you! [参考 X 文] Dear friends, It is my honor to deliver a speech to you. As we know,“add oil” was added to TheOxfordEnglishDictionary last year , which caused great attention. Some were excited while others were puzzled. Actually,I was proud at that time. It reflects that Chinese culture has been spread globally with China being stronger. This word also reminds me of other Chinese English like “paper tiger” and “lose face”. It is just part of English. If it can be accepted and understood by people, there is no need to classify which kind of English it is. No matter what Chinese word is added to English dictionary,I believe that we should learn Chinese and Chinese culture well first. Only in this way can we spread Chinese culture in English. That's all.Thank you! 读后续写 (2021·潍坊二模)阅读下面材料 ,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整 的短文。 I received an urgent call from my aunt. “Turn on the TV. Granny's on the Channel 10 news.” It turned out that Granny had made a sandwich run for her office and was stopped at a red light downtown. She had the window rolled down to enjoy the breeze when a man rushed up to the driver's side window, intending to carjack (劫车). word 文档 - 7 - / 8 Now, what the would-be carjacker couldn't have known was that this woman simply wasn't “a granny”. This was Nancy Johnson—the same woman who owned and lived on a Texas cattle farm, drove her own tractors, and dug her own post holes to lay fence. The week before, she had shot a rattlesnake and chopped off its head with a shovel. She was the proud owner of the new minivan (小型货车)she was driving. In other words, she was not your normal kind of granny. The carjacker leaned into the open window, one hand stuffed in his pocket, and said, “Get out of this car. I have a gun, and I will shoot you.” A statement like that would have terrified anyone else. Instead, Granny saw it as a challenge. “If you really had a gun in your pocket, you would have pulled it out and led with that first,” she shouted at him, apparently unworried. She was right. The criminal didn't have a gun. He instead reached into the window, grabbed her, and tried to pull her out of the van. He pulled open the door, wildly catching Granny's arm. Granny leaned her shoulder inside to press the horn (喇叭) and started yelling to make people around notice what was happening. With the door open, she held tightly the steering wheel with one arm and started kicking the man anywhere her foot could contact. This tall woman had quite a reach. 注意:续写词数应为 150 左右。 After a well-placed kick, the man was done, and attempted to release her and run. Later, we asked “Granny, don't you realize you could have got yourself killed?” [参考 X 文] After a well-placed kick, the man was done, and attempted to release her and run. word 文档 - 8 - / 8 But Granny wouldn't stand for that. It was now her turn to grab onto him, because her hands were made strong from hours and hours of farm work. That poor fool didn't have a chance. She shouted for help to bystanders, and they rushed to her aid. With Granny leading the charge, a group of strangers came together and pinned the man to the sidewalk, holding him there until the police came. A silver-haired woman had just made a citizen's arrest. Later, we asked “Granny, don't you realize you could have got yourself killed?” Granny's answer was surprisingly amazing and simple: “I wasn't scared of that little idiot. I'd had my brand - new van for less than two days and a pack of good sandwiches for my office. And there was no way he was going to get either of those!” And we all learned an important lesson from her that day—the same lesson that had been building through years. She encouraged us to push boundaries and expectations. But even more, she taught us fearlessness.

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