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情境对话 购物 入门衔接知识 小学知识回顾 典型例题剖析与引路 小学知识回顾 一 售货员常用这样的句型: 1 What can I do for you? 我能为您做些什么? 2 Can May I help you? 需要我的帮助吗? 3 How many much do you want? 你要买多少? 4 What colour size kind do you want? 你想要什么颜色的? 二 顾客常用的语句 1 I want--- 我想买--- 2 I'm looking for--- 我想买--- 3 I'd like--- 我想买 4 How much is it? 多少钱? 5 It's too expensive, I'm afraid. 恐怕太贵了 6 That's fine. I'll take it.好的,我买了 7 Do you have any other coloursize, kind? 你还有别的颜色/尺码/种类 吗? Do you have any larger ones? 你有更大的吗? Do you have anything better/smaller/cheaper? 你有更好的/小的/便宜的 吗? 入门知识衔接 1 I want / I'd like a pair of sports shoes for my son. 我要为我的儿子买双运动鞋。 2 I bought this blouse here last week, 我上周在这儿买的衬衫, but there seems to be something wrong with it. 好像出了问题了。 Can you change it? 你能换一下吗? I insist that you give me my money back. 我坚持要求退钱。 典型例题剖析与引路 1 ---____? ---Yes, I'd like to buy a pair of shoes for my son. A What do you like B Can I help you C What do you want to buy 2---Have you got red T-shirt? ---Yes,___. A what sizes would you like? B how much is it? C what colour is it? D how much do you want? 3 ---It's just the one I want.____ ---There hundred and eighty yuan. A Can I take it? B How much is it? C What's its size D Is that expensive 4 ---How much___to post this letter to America? ---Aout___. A is it cost, 3 dollar B does it take, 3 dollars B do you spend, 3 dollar D is it take, 3 dollars 二. 用how many 和how much 填空。 1. _____ _____ is the red sweater? 2._____ _____ apples are there (有) on the desk? 3.____ _____ are the pants? Thirty dollars. 4._____ _____ girls are there in our classroom?32. 5.____ _____ are the shoes? Five dollars. 6._____ ____ milk(牛奶)do you want? How much How many How much How much How much How many 三. 用be 动词填空。 1.How much ___ the T-shirt? 2.How much ___ the blue sweater? 3. How much ___ these shoes? 4.How much ____ the pants? 5.How much ____ the shorts? is is are are are 四、按要求变换句式 1. The price of these shoes is 180 yuan. (改为同意句) _______________________ 180 yuan. 2. Can I help you? (改为同意句) _____ I ____ you? 3. An orange is orange. (对划线部分提 问) __________ is an orange? These shoes are on sale for helpMay What color 4. Those T- shirts are black. (改为单 数句子) ______________black. 5. Look at the blackboard. (改为以 Let’s开头的句子) _________ at the blackboard. That T-shirt is Let’s look 五、根据汉语提示完成对话 Jack: May I _____ ___? Rose: Yes, please. I’d like some football socks. Jack: _____ _____do you want? Rose: White. How much ________? Jack: Ten yuan. Rose: I’ll take ____. Jack: ___ ___ ___ Rose: Thank you very much. Jack: You’re welcome. are they What color Here you are them help you homework: 完成课后衔接练习

资料: 4439


